The War for Equestria - (2024)

by TeddieAtWork

Chapter 1: Saved from a Grim Fate

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Berlin, April 25, 1945.

The war for the Germans is clear. Victory is hopeless, defeat is inevitable. These are the words stuck in the minds of the defenders hopelessly trying to repel the invading Soviets to the east and expecting the coalition of US, French and British soldiers marching from the west. It did not help when the Soviets have completely surrounded Berlin in their march for revenge, their determination in defending the fatherland faltering inch by inch as they slowly lose ground from the invaders.

Hauptmann Ernst Gruebel, one of the defenders, knows that surrender is death. The Russians would not give an inch or a shred of mercy had he done this himself, they’d be glad to put a bullet in his forehead instead. He shuddered at the thought of merciless Russians and hope that the western forces would take Berlin instead, seeing that the Americans have bigger chances of showing them mercy. Gripping tightly on his MP40, he awaits the invading Russians as he and the rest of his small squad anxiously dart their eyes on their surroundings, the sounds of screaming, gunfire and explosions draining their confidence.

“So Hans, you think we’ll get out of here in one piece? I heard that the others are making a run for it to the west. Don’t you think we should join them?” Ernst asked.

“I don’t know, Ernst. We started off as a 50 man squad, now we’re down to 15, including our Panzer team.” The Leutnant stopped for a moment, lighting up his cigarette. “I don’t think 25 of us veterans can hold off 100 or more Russians storming through this section of the defense.” He huffed out a puff of smoke, savoring the momentary peace with his cigarette.

Ernst looked over at the Cigarette, as he takes one out from his pocket and gestured to Hans for a light. Doing so after, he joined his comrade in smoking together, as if it was their last. “So this is it for us then,” Ernst said.

“It definitely is,” Hans replied.

“I just pray to the gods that they give us a favor and let us win this one.”

Both men kept smoking their death sticks, savoring the peace that seemed to have lasted for hours.

Not too long, the sounds of gunfire drew closer forcing the two men to drop their cigarettes and co*ck their guns. “Alright men, eyes open! The enemy draws near!” Ernst ordered, anticipating their revenge-driven enemies.

Both sides exchange gunfire as the defenders try their best to repel the squad of Russian conscripts backed by battle-hardened veterans from behind, with the Panzer III making quick work of the conscripts. The clouds above them darkened as if a raging storm is about to introduce itself, making both sides fear that the rain will affect their fighting capabilities should a storm indeed hamper them down.

“Man down!” Ernst yelled as he dragged the two wounded riflemen off of harm's way, “Sanitater! We have wounded!”

Thunderstorm rocked the area as bolts of lightning struck the charging conscripts, engulfing them in flames. Ernst thanked the gods for their favor, as he keeps up the pressure by firing multiple rounds at the closest enemy troops. “Keep firing, men! The gods favor us this day!” He exclaimed.

The Panzer took a hit, but it did little to damage the hunk of metal as it kept on firing on the conscripts with its explosive rounds, cutting the attackers in half with their ordinances. With the thunderstorm getting increasingly dangerous, the Russians halted their advance and fell back to where they came from, hiding in buildings to avoid getting struck by a bolt.

The battle was short-lived, with the victory to the defenders’ favor.

“Hah, Hahahahahaha! We did it, men! We pushed them back!” Ernst cheered. Yet that cheer turned sour as he looked up at the clouds. The stormy clouds let out one final thunderous bolt, with the men find themselves surrounded by a sudden bright flash of light, making them cover their eyes from the blinding light.

“Ack! What in the hell!?” Ernst exclaimed as he covered his eyes.

Their ears hear muffled blinding noises as the light slowly receded, with Hans lowering his hands and slowly opening his eyes to see if everyone is okay. What he saw instead made his jaw drop.

“Hauptmann Ernst! It’s safe to open your eyes now!” Hans said.

Trusting his Leutnant’s words, he followed suit as well. He is relieved to see that his squadron is okay and accounted for, yet he wasn’t prepared to see what was in front of them. Two buildings, one castle made out of crystals and the other adjacent to the crystal castle what seemed to be like a school made their jaws drop.

“Sir Hauptmann, what the hell happened!? Where are we!? This is not Berlin!” One of the riflemen asked frantically.

“Calm down,” Ernst ordered. “I do not know what that light did to us, but it is clear that we are somewhere else.”

He checked his surroundings, noting the small rustic town to their left, the crystal castle and school on their front. The cool breeze of the night time air somewhat calms down the Hauptmann.

“All right, here’s what we’re going to do. Me and Leutnant Hans will search the school to see if it’s abandoned or not, the rest of you, protect the panzer team. We can’t be sure what’s in store for us in these lands. Do not engage unless you are fired upon. Understood?” Ernst ordered.

The soldiers saluted, as they formed a circle around the panzer, with some laying down makeshift sandbags from the Panzer III’s back, while the Sanitaters focused on stabilizing the two wounded riflemen. The MG crew set up their MG34 facing the rustic town, with the second at the school in any case of an attack coming from the school.

Both Ernst and Hans quickly ran to the entrance of the school, armed with MP40’s and Luger as a sidearm, carrying two sticks of grenades for good measure. Carefully running over the rocks of the pond, they stop to observe the school’s frontal entry points.

“There are two ways we could enter the school. We could either try the obvious one and open the front doors, or use the stairs to the right and enter through that door instead.”

“I suggest we take the obvious route, it doesn’t look like it’s occupied,” Hans suggested.

“That sounds risky, but alright. I’ll lead the way.” Ernst then pushed the doors aside, leaving them in awe from the beauty of the school’s interior. From above, rows of crystals can be seen along with banners and stained glasses, along with a hallway that has various entryways leading to other hallways. Ernst gripped tightly on his MP40, not wanting to let his guard down as he walked down the beautiful corridor, turning left.

With Hans behind, they both searched for clues that the school is abandoned and if they can take shelter in it. They kept on searching only to find that the school is neat and in order, well organized and kept for. It is most definitely not abandoned. On the distance of the hallway they are in, they see a creak of light from the slightly opened door.

Walking slowly towards the door, he nudged the door open with his MP40 and anticipated the worse. Instead, he was greeted with a lit-up lamp that was left by someone. The room is adorned by various bookshelves, shelves with teacups, scrolls, a sofa and a desk on the far end. Behind the desk lies a wall with several pictures of what seemed to be horses and… a dragon?

“Looks like the owner of this school loves to read mythology books.” Hans pointed out after observing the photos. “What do you think, should we stay in here for the night, Hauptmann Ernst?”

“Well,” he paused for a moment, thinking over his options. “I suppose we can stay here for the night while the owner is away. Though we’ll have to find a bigger room and block the entrance. Tell the men to park the Panzer behind the school and have the Panzer team guard the tank, while the remaining soldiers rally along and secure the building.”

“Affirmative, Hauptmann.” Hans saluted and quickly left the room.

After a rigorous study and exam, Smolder, for the most part, has slept in her dorm room for the entirety of the day, feeling tired from all of the exams she took. Snoring loudly, the sleeping dragon was awakened by the light rumbling that seemed to have shooked her bed.

She grumbled and got up, still feeling the rumbling that has woken her up. “What in Equestria was that?” Smolder told herself as she rubbed her eyes.

As soon as she got out of the dorm room, her friends have gathered around as well, some yawning and some wide awake. “What’s going on, guys? Who’s causing that racket!?” Smolder demandingly asked.

“Yona swear she did not cause rumbling!” Yona defensively said.

“Are you sure about that yona? Last time you were sleepwalking and you were stomping loudly!”

“Smolder, calm down.” Ocellus said.

“Guys, come on. We should investigate the cause of this racket. Maybe Counselor Starlight is around, we should go look for her.” Gallus said, opening the door on his way out. The six creatures ventured out to the center of the fountain and towards the entryway that leads to Starlight’s counseling office.

Though as soon as they enter, they heard the sounds of steps that drew closer and closer, the young six hiding behind a wall as Smolder peeked over the corner to see who was inside. Her jaw dropped to see creatures that walk like dragons, yet they seem to be hairless, tan-skinned and wearing weird clothes and carrying sticks.

“What did you see, Smolder?” Silverstream asked.

“Weird creatures. They walk like dragons but… I don’t know exactly what they are. They are carrying some weird sticks, that’s for sure.”

“Maybe they’re new teachers preparing for a camping trip?” Sandbar guessed.
“I doubt it. Headmare Twilight would have introduced them first if that were the case.” Ocellus said with a tone of suspicion.

“Then, in that case, we should confront them and kick them out of the school grounds.”

Smolder then walked out of the corner and approached the door to the counseling office. As soon as she opened the doors, she felt a sting of fear tingling down her spine as she saw the creatures aiming their sticks at them.

“What the hell!?” Ernst exclaimed, aiming his MP40 at Smolder. “What the hell are you?”

“Hey, I'm asking the questions here! Who are you and what are you doing in our school!?” Smolder defiantly asked.

“The creature can talk, Hauptmann Ernst!” One of the soldiers said.

“Yeah, what gives? Why are you trespassing in our school?” Gallus inquired.

“Lower your weapons, men! Let me handle this.” Ernst ordered as he approached Smolder.

“My name is Ernst Gruebel. I am the leader of my squad. Do not worry, we mean no harm to your people.” Ernst carefully said.

Smolder pondered for a moment, before deducing that this creature can be reasoned with. “I’m Smolder, and we mean no harm too. Yet that still doesn’t answer my question, why are you trespassing in our school?!”

“It’s hard to explain, but if I may, I want to speak to whoever is in charge of your school.” Ernst requested.

Smolder then looked over to Gallus and Silverstream. “I need you to wake Headmare Twilight up, tell her that we have guests in our school.”

“On it.” Silverstream and Gallus affirmed in unison.

Thirty minutes have passed, Ernst and the others are kept under watch by Smolder and her friends as Twilight and Starlight entered the auditorium where his men and the creatures are.

“Are those… horses?” Hans asked.

“They look like it, but they seem to be sentient,” Ernst responded.

“Hey! We’re ponies.” Starlight said, feeling offended at their comments.

“Calm down Starlight, we’re here to reason with them.” Twilight then cleared her throat, before speaking again. “Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I am the Headmare of this school, and this is Starlight Glimmer, our school counselor.”

“Greetings, Miss Twilight and Starlight. I am Ernst Gruebel, the commanding leader of my squad.” He carefully said, offering Twilight his right hand to shake.

Twilight offered her hoof in return, with Ernst gripping her hoof and shook it.

“I take it you came through a magical portal from the human world?” Twilight asked.

“No, we did not. I do not know of this magical portal you speak of. In my world, magic is non-existent.”

“Huh, I see. I need to ask Sunset about this.” Twilight said to herself, before looking back at Ernst. “In that case, how did you get here?”

“Yeah, and what’s with those sticks you’re carrying?” Starlight inquired.

“We came from a city called Berlin. My men and I are in a war when a bright light brought us here.”

“So, you’re not from Equestria?” Ocellus asked.

“I do not know what Equestria is, but no. We are not. We come from a planet called Earth.” Hans added.

“Woah. They’re interdimensional species!” Gallus exclaimed.

“Students, calm down and let us do the talking,” Starlight said, “we’ll handle this.”

“I apologize for trespassing in your school, Miss Twilight Sparkle. My men and I aren’t familiar in this strange world of yours, and we only seek shelter until we can find a way back home.” Ernst said in a genuine tone.

“It’s okay, and please call me Twilight. No need for formalities. I know what your species are, Starlight and I have seen humans with our own eyes. Yet I’m curious as to why you aren’t turned into ponies when you were transported in our world.”

“In any case, Twilight, I think we should give them a place to stay in.” Starlight added.

“Hmm, you’re right Starlight,” she paused for a moment, “Is it okay if your men would stay in my Castle? From there, you can rest and I’ll have the Princesses meet you formally.”

“Yes, it is alright with us. Thank you, Twilight.” Ernst said, tipping his helmet down before turning to face his men.

“Alright men, listen up. I know this is weird for you, and no it’s not the drugs. This is all real, and I want you to know that. We are no longer in a place riddled with war and suffering, so I want all of you to lower your weapons and only fire if needed to. Am I clear?”

The men stood up and saluted. “Sir, yes sir!”

“Good.” He then turned back to Twilight and looked down on her. “Lead the way, Twilight.”

Next Chapter: Formal MeetingEstimated time remaining: 9 Minutes
The War for Equestria - (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.