Sparkle and Flame - (2024)

by TeddieAtWork

First published

Sparkle and Flame - (1)
Sunset Shimmer finds a new friend despite the Anon-A-Miss scandal that plagues her in a time that is supposed to be filled with joy and laughter.

Edit- 10/29/19: Wowza! This fic made it to the top of the popular section!

Rated T for Profanity

(Yes, I know. Another Anon-A-Miss fanfic, you thought. Well, it's just my take on the Christmas special, inspired by the other Anon-A-Miss fanfics so please bear with me if you find this boring or cringey. Feedback is encouraged though!)

With the embarrassing secrets being leaked in MyStable by a user known as Anon-A-Miss, everyone believed that it is Sunset who's behind the secret stealing and leaks that led to their humiliation. Sunset tried everything to prove her innocence, even going as far revealing her browser history but to no avail. No one believed her, not even her friends.

Now Sunset is all alone and has no one to talk to, no one to hang out with, no one to believe that she is innocent.

Sunset thought she is all alone until she met a very familiar face and friend that will turn things around for her.

Christmas. That time of the year is here once again.

A time where families from parts of the country and the world gather around in one place to celebrate the festivities. A time where friends hang out and exchange wonderful memories from exchanging gifts to playing games, exchanging stories and laughter around the warm fireplace.

It is truly the best time for the bonds of friends and families to grow and make new memories to cherish for years to come.

Everyone, except for one.

Amidst the busy small town decorated with Christmas decor, Sunset Shimmer walked alone on her way to school. It's been a week ever since the user known as Anon-A-Miss has been leaking personal secrets of her friends and the students of CHS.

Her heart ached the more she thought about the accusations made against her, pinpointing Sunset as Anon-A-Miss. Her friends did not give her the benefit of the doubt, nor did they make sure if their accusations are correct.

"Merry Christmas, Sunset..." She uttered under her breath.

Making a right turn, she bumped into someone as the book-carrying person fell on her back to the floor, dropping the books she carried. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying any attention! Here, let me help!"

One by one, Sunset stacked the books neatly before taking a glance at the person. Sunset stopped at the moment her eyes met the other.

In front of her is a young girl in a Crystal Prep uniform, wearing thick black glasses, her hair tied up into a bun, and the pink highlight in her hair is wider than the pink highlight in pony Twilight's mane.

The girl stood up and dusted herself off, with Sunset standing up after with the books in hand. "I'm sorry, miss. I didn't see you walking this way because of the books I was carrying.

Sunset let out a nervous chuckle, carefully handing over the books to Twilight, "It's no problem, I'm the one who should apologize. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings."

"Well, thank you, miss...?"

"Sunset. Sunset Shimmer." She then shook Twilight's right hand all the while keeping the books in balance.

"Thank you, Sunset. I appreciate the help." She then laid the books down to the outside table of the cafe, "My name is Twilight Sparkle, I study at Crystal Prep! What about you?"

"O-oh, me? I, uh, study at Canterlot High!"

"Canterlot High? Huh, that's neat!"

"It's nothing special, really. Do you need help in carrying those books?" Sunset asked.

"I'd love to, they're heavy so I don't mind the extra help!" Twilight happily accepted Sunset's offer.

As the two girls walked to Crystal Prep, Sunset and Twilight exchanged bits of information with each other, with Sunset leaving out the fact that she is a unicorn from another world. The worries in Sunset's mind seemed to fade away during their walk and talk. The fiery-haired girl feels happy to have met this world's Twilight Sparkle. Once they arrive at Crystal Prep, Sunset and Twilight exchanged numbers and bid farewell to each other, leaving Sunset alone once more.

The worry and heartache returned to her the moment Twilight left, and she fears it will get worse the moment she sets foot in CHS.

Sunset endured the harsh words that lingered in her thoughts as she walked down the school hallway past her friend's lockers and to hers, only to see various notes with mean words written on it. Ignoring the notes, she opened her locker and took the treasured photo of her and the others.

She smiled, remembering the time they took the photo of her first time hanging out with the friends who cared for her. Then the smile disappeared. The thought of those times and looking back at her current situation melted the smile that developed in her face.

Sighing, Sunset took and hid the photo in her pocket, closing her locker door.

Trudging through the wave of angry students, Sunset eagerly but slowly took her lunch tray and headed to the one empty table in the farthest corner of the cafeteria. A small tear escaped her eye as she glanced at the table where she and her friends sat on every break time, memories of the past filling her thoughts that seem to mock her current situation.

“Way to go, Anon-A-Miss!” One student snarled.

“You’re a no-good secret stealer, you should just go away!”

“Sunset Shimmer’s a blackmailer!”

The stinging words were enough to make Sunset’s eyes stream with tears as she sat down, placing her palm on her head to conceal her tears but to no avail.

Why me? I would never do such a thing! Sure, I blackmailed people when I was a bully, but this!? I’d never share secrets to hurt people, even if it’s my friends! Sunset thought to herself as she began to eat her salad slowly, sniffling in between. If only-


“Hey, Anon-A-Miss! Remember me!?” Gilda angrily asked while she swatted Sunset’s spoon away.

“I-I’m not Anon-A-Miss… I swear! It’s not me!” Sunset exclaimed in her defense.

Gilda then pulled Sunset away from her table, ignoring her pleas to let go. The students noticed this as they started cheering for Gilda. “I’m not just gonna let you go, no. Not after you posted my personal secrets for all of CHS to see!”

“Ow! Please, I swear it’s not me Gilda! I’m not-” Sunset is interrupted as Gilda’s fist connected with Sunset’s stomach, with Gilda pulling her up and shoving Sunset to the wall. Sunset held her stomach as she groaned in pain.

“Oh, I swear it’s not me Gilda, oh poor me I’m innocent!” Gilda mocked Sunset’s own words with a sarcastic tone. “Lies, lies, lies!” Another punch connected on her stomach, with a second punch striking her left cheek. The fiery-haired girl is defenseless as she raised her arms to protect her face from Gilda’s attacks, only to be punched on her stomach, causing Sunset to wince in pain.

The students continued to cheer for Gilda, that is until Sunset slapped Gilda in self-defense. “Why, you!” She grabbed Sunset and lifted her up, throwing her down on the table. Sunset looked over to her friends, hopeful that they will come to her rescue. Only disbelief replaced the hope she felt just now as they all turned a blind eye. “That’s enough!”

Silence filled the room as Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna entered the cafeteria. “All of you, vacate the area except Sunset!” The younger sister sternly said, giving the students a deathly glare that is sure enough to send chills down their spines.

“As for you, Gilda. My office.”


“Now,” Luna said as she gave Gilda a stern look, leading her away from Sunset. Celestia helped Sunset get up on her feet, carrying her left arm by her shoulder. “Are you all right, Sunset?”

The unicorn turned human shook her head.

“I’m sorry I didn’t arrive sooner, Sunset. Do not worry, I will take you to Nurse Redheart. She’ll get you patched up and let you stay at the Clinic while I deal with the students who stood by and let Gilda hurt you.” Celestia said as she looked at Sunset with worry.

“Is she all right, Nurse Redheart?” Celestia inquired as she entered the Clinic Room.

“Other than bruises on her stomach and cheek, she’ll be fine. Sunset is very lucky. I gave her painkillers for the pain and ace wrap to control the swelling. Sunset can go home today with no complications.”

“I see. Thank you again, Nurse Redheart.” Celestia then walked to where Sunset is sitting, as she sat down next to the fiery-haired student and placed an arm on her shoulder.

“Feeling better now, Sunset?”

“I…” Sunset paused for a moment before gaining the courage to speak again, “no, I’m not Principal Celestia. I don’t feel safe anymore.” She began to sob once more, this time on Celestia’s shoulder, embracing her as if she was the Princess she knew.

“It will be all right, Sunset.” Celestia patted Sunset’s back to comfort her, “just let it all out. They won’t hurt you again. Gilda is indefinitely expelled from CHS and the students who stood by and did nothing received three-month-long detention.”

“B-b-b-but they’ll still hurt me, Principal Celestia. I-I-I don’t know if I can come back, I-”

“Shh. It’s all right, Sunset. That’s exactly why I came here. I suggest that you stay at home for a few days, at least until this whole debacle has died down. Luna and I will put an end to this school gossip as best as we can.”

“T-Thank you…” Sunset weakly said as she slowly calmed down, wiping away the tears with the tissue Celestia gave to her. “Thank you for believing in me.”

“Now, I want you to head on home. The students have left while you were recovering, so you need not worry about them. If you need anything, you can always come to me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, Principal Celestia. Thank you, once more.” She embraced Celestia once again, this time with Celestia giving Sunset a comforting embrace.

Unknown to Celestia, Sunset was a homeless girl. The cold winter did nothing to make her feel any better as Sunset trudged through the snow until she arrived at the abandoned building, sitting down on the cold floor while she took out a box of matches. Taking out a match, she lit the match before using the flames to light the stack of newspapers surrounding the pieces of wood Sunset collected before sundown.

The abandoned house has little to no roof which exposed Sunset to the snowfall, and it stood alone afar from the developed houses. Sunset scooted closer to the metal barrel for the comfort and warmth that the crackling fire offered, extending her arms over the barrel to make herself warm. “Merry Christmas, Sunset…” she uttered quietly as her eyes leak with tears once more down on her cheeks.

After settling in by the makeshift fireplace, she took out her journal and pen and began to write to Twilight.

Dear Twilight,

Today is probably the worst day of my life as a human. Not only did my friends spat hurtful words at me, but they also left me to eat all alone. I sobbed so many times today, I even cried during lunchtime. Then Gilda showed up and beat me to a bloody pulp. She punched my stomach and face several times while she pulled me up and pushed me back against the wall. I tried my best to defend myself and block the punches, but she punched my stomach when I did. That’s when I slapped her in self-defense and made things worse. She lifted and threw me down on the table, I was at the mercy of Gilda at that point.

I looked over to my friends hoping they’ll intervene, but they turned a blind eye instead! That’s when Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna stepped in before Gilda could seriously injure me. I’m sorry if I failed you, Twilight. Friendship may not suit me best and the girls. They still believe that I’m Anon-A-Miss, they still believe that I’m not innocent and that I have returned to my old ways!

Forgive me, but I don’t think I’ll come back to CHS soon. I don’t know if I can continue trudging through the things they put me through, especially now that I’m all alone in this world with no one to call as my friend… well, anyone except you. I’m still thankful that you believe that I am innocent and didn’t cut me off from your friendship. If you have time, please come over. I don’t want to be alone again…

Your troubled friend,

While engrossed in writing to her closest friend, the human Twilight drove down the empty street. She bought presents for her family, and her new friend, Sunset Shimmer. The presents are nearly stacked at the backseat, each adorning unique gift wrappings. Twilight thought about her first meeting with Sunset as she drove down the street until she came across an abandoned house with a lit fire in a metal barrel. Stopping slowly, she looked to her right side to see Sunset Shimmer writing on a book.

Closing the journal, she prepared to sleep on her messy futon until a voice made her stop. “Sunset?”

She turned around to see Twilight Sparkle on her winter clothes staring at her. Behind her is a purple sedan. “T-Twilight! This is not what it looks like!

“Are you… homeless?”

Sunset sighed and lowered her head in shame, “Yes I am, Twilight.”

“I see. Well, pack your things Sunset. It’s not right to just leave you here alone in an abandoned home.”

Seeing that there is no chance of talking her way out of this, she sighed and packed the things as she sat down on the passenger seat. Twilight then sat down on the driver’s seat as she drove away from the decrepit building. Sunset sat silently before Twilight broke the ice by asking her a question.

“So, Sunset. Why didn’t you told me you were homeless?”

“It’s… it’s complicated, Twilight.”

“I see. Well, seeing that you’re all alone with no family or relatives around, I’ll convince my mom to let you stay with me.”

“Thank you, Twilight. I appreciate the help.”

“You’re welcome, Sunset. Here we are.”

Twilight parked the car by the two-story house decorated in Christmas decorations, with neatly stacked ornaments and Christmas lights giving the place a cheerful vibe. Sunset smiled at the decorations as she got out of the car. “Wow, your house is beautiful.”

“Thanks. It’s not exactly a mansion, but it’s a place we get to call home.”

Twilight opened the door and led Sunset in, she stood there in amazement at the simple yet lovely atmosphere of the living room. “Mom, I’m home!”

“Good evening, Twilight!” Velvet gave Twilight a quick hug, before glancing her attention at Sunset. “And hello, Twilight’s friend!”

“Thank you for the warm greetings. My name is Sunset Shimmer, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Mom, my friend is homeless and she needs a place to stay in. Is it okay if she can stay with us?” Twilight asked.

“Of course, dear, of course! Your dad would be thrilled to meet your friend!”

“Thanks, mom.” Twilight gave her a quick hug. “Come now, Sunset. My room is big enough to fit the two of us!”

“Thank you for the hospitality, Miss Sparkle.” Sunset thanked Velvet.

“You’re welcome, Sunset, and please call me Velvet.” She smiled before heading off to the kitchen.

Perhaps all hope is not lost. Maybe this is my second chance at friendship, with the human Twilight Sparkle. Sunset thought happily, a smile forming on her face as she and Twilight made their way up to her room.

As Twilight opened the door, she is greeted by a small light mulberry dog. “Spike! Did you miss me? Who’s the good boy? You are!” Twilight tickles Spike playfully, before stopping to let Spike greet her friend.

“Sunset, this is my dog, Spike. He’s my #1 Assistant!” Sunset held Spike by her arms, petting him softly. “I think he likes you already.”

“He sure does.” She chuckled under her breath, before setting Spike down on the floor. “Wow, your room is impressive, Twilight.”

Her room is decorated in varying hues of Purple, with assorted books on the left adorning several trinkets on the shelves and an aquarium right next to the door. Various science posters adorn the ceiling, along with planets and several stars hanging from above next to the chandelier. Several trophies and medals adorn the top shelf and a picture of Spike to the far end.

“Thanks, my mom helped me decorate my room. There’s an extra bedroll to the right, you can use that.”

Sunset walked over to the right side of the window and took the bedroll from the sofa, carefully unpacking it and placing it down the floor.

“Twilight… thanks. I appreciate your hospitality. I promise I’ll explain everything to you tomorrow when we’re alone, and with full honesty. I promise.”

She then approached the nerdy girl and gave her a hug, the same hug that she gave to Princess Twilight the last time they met in person.

“You’re welcome, Sunset. Now go on and shower up, it’s getting late and we should get some proper rest.”

Sunset sniffed her shoulder before covering her nose. Twilight giggled at Sunset’s reaction, to which a sheepish smile formed on her face.

With Sunset refreshed and well dressed thanks to Twilight’s extra clothes, both girls said their goodnights and slumbered in their respective beds.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to the song's lyrics mentioned in this chapter.

Anyways, here's another chapter written by yours truly! Feedback is encouraged!

Meanwhile, in Ponyville.

Princess Twilight and her marefriend, Rainbow Dash are sitting by the top floor of the castle, accompanied by candlelights and a picnic basket. Being a Princess has strained Twilight, and serving as part of the weather team definitely takes its toll. Both ponies planned out a date to get away from their duties for a bit, not minding the snow as their love for each other is what matters to both of them.

“Thanks for taking the time to go out with me, Rainbow. It’s been a while since we got out and spent time together.” Twilight said as she nuzzled Rainbow’s cheek.

“No problemo, Twi! Anything for my love-Dovey bookworm.” Rainbow took a sip from her juice box.

“You know, Rainbow, I wonder. What would our life be like once we marry?” Twilight pondered.

“Come on, it’s the future. If anything, you shouldn’t worry too much about the future!”

Twilight chuckled, “Of course, Rainbow. Of course. It’s just that, I can’t help but wonder about what’s in store for us as a married couple.”

“Trust me, Twi. One thing I can be sure of is that I will never leave you,” Rainbow purred, giving her a quick kiss.

“Thanks, Rainbow. I needed that.” She blushed.

“Twilight! Twilight! You have a message!” Spike said as he ran up to the top floor, holding the journal.

“Ah, I see! Thanks, Spike!” She then levitated the book to her and gave spike a sandwich, turning the pages to the fresh message.

For a while, Twilight’s expression was happy. Yet as she continued to read the message, that changed to worry and then anger. “They bucking WHAT!?”

Her sudden outburst caused Rainbow to spit out her juice out of surprise, “What’s wrong, Twi!?”

Twilight stood up and closed the journal. “It’s Sunset. Something bad happened to her, she was bullied!”

“What!? By who!?”

“Their world’s Gilda. But that’s not all. Apparently, our counterparts have abandoned her as well, believing her to be a secret stealer and that she went back to her old ways. They even turned a blind eye when Sunset was beaten to a pulp!”

“That’s it! I’m going in there and I’ll kick my own flank!” Rainbow Dash stood up and prepared to storm off, that is until Twilight cast a levitation spell on her.

“Rainbow, I know you’re angry, but violence doesn’t solve anything! We’re going there and we’ll talk to the girls about their abandonment of Sunset! They don’t even know the disappointment and anger that I felt when I read that part!” Twilight fumed.

“Okay, fine, I’ll try not to kick my own flank. Could you please put me down now?”

“Of course, dear.” She gently placed Rainbow down on her four hooves, before receiving a nuzzle from her in an attempt to calm Twilight down.

“Spike, can you watch over the castle for me? Rainbow and I are going through the portal and teach those girls a thing or two about loyalty!”

Spike quickly scarfed down the sandwich before replying, “Sure thing Twilight! You can count on me!” He saluted.

“I know you will. Now, let’s pack some things and head there Rainbow.”

A warm bed, new clothes, and a friend to lean on. Sunset feels like she's been given the love and chance she worked hard for, ever since Princess Twilight saved her during the Fall Formal Ball. Sunset can't help but smile in her sleep.

The warmth of the sun shines down on her through the glass window, with soft snowfall accompanying the atmosphere. Sunset slowly woke up and yawning in the process, a gentle voice of a singer welcoming her new day.

Have yourself, a Merry, Merry Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on our troubles will be out of sight.

Waking up from the sound of the soft voice of the singer, she rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms to flex her muscles from the rigidness she received from her old futon.

“Good morning, Sunset.” Twilight greeted with a cheerful tone. She’s still wearing her PJ’s from the last night, carrying a tray of food with her.

“Good morning, Twilight.” Sunset sniffed the delicious aroma coming from the tray. “That smells delicious.”

“Just wait till you taste it, I cooked it myself!” She happily said, placing her plate down on her desk and placing the tray down next to Sunset. Judging from the smile, it seems like this is her first time cooking for a friend. Her plate contains two pancakes with a maple syrup smiley face on both surfaces, accompanied by two fluffy slices of bread and butter, fork and bread knife.

“Thanks for the food,” Sunset said as she eagerly took a slice of the pancake down to her mouth. She savored the rich flavor that the pancake holds, a mix of blueberry and strawberry filling inside. “Wow! This really is delicious, Twilight!”

Twilight can’t help but put on a big smile on her face, a swell of victory filling the bookish girl’s veins as she took out her book and pen, checking off the “Make delicious meal for a friend” checkbox. Sunset can’t help but chuckle slightly at seeing the human Twilight writing off a checkbox like her pony counterpart.


Looking at the location of the sound, Sunset notices Spike approaching her with an excited wag of his tail. Sunset knows too well what this means, so she slices two bite-sized pieces of her pancake and gave it to Spike. The fiery-haired girl can’t help but pet his head as he ate.

“He really likes me, Twilight.”

“That’s Spike for you, he likes meeting new people. He usually sleeps by my side, but sometimes when my brother is here, he’d sleep by his side as well. That’s how you’ll know that he loves you.” She smiled at the thought of embracing Spike whenever he seeks comfort in his sleep.

“And he’s cute too.” Sunset gave Spike one belly rub before he got up and jumped up at Twilight’s bed. “Thanks again for the hospitality, Twilight. I-”

“You’re welcome, Sunset.” Twi interrupted, “And please, call me Twi.”

“Okay, Twi.” Sunset smiled as she finishes the last of her pancakes, letting out a small burp. “Excuse me.”

“So, I talked to my mom and dad earlier before they left for work. They agreed to let you stay with me until you can get back on your feet. In fact, my dad was excited to hear that I made a new friend!”

“Remind me to prepare myself for a big hug from your dad, then.” Sunset chuckled. “Anyways, I’ll go on ahead and wash my dish and get dressed up.”

“Sure thing, Sunset. Just be careful with the faucet, don’t turn the knob too far.”

“I won’t, Twilight.”

After cleaning the dishes and taking a bath, Sunset dressed up with the clothes that Velvet cleaned last night using the laundry machine. She sniffs the collar of her jacket, identifying the smell as Mint. “Smells nice.”

“Hey, Sunset, I was wondering if you could help me out with something,” Twilight asked as she typed away on her keyboard.

“Sure thing. What is it?”

“Since you’re from CHS, I have to ask. Did you notice anything strange? Like a beam of Rainbow shooting up from the sky?”

Sunset gulped, she can’t tell Twilight about magic for now. “Uh, n-no, nothing strange really. I don’t recall seeing a beam of Rainbow in our school.” Sunset stammered.

“Uh-huh. Then why is my necklace detecting some sort of anomaly from you?” She said, holding up her circular necklace that is beeping at Sunset’s direction.
“A-anomaly? Gosh, Twi. I’m perfectly normal!”

“Sunset, this necklace detects anomalies that aren’t native to planet Earth, like “magic.”

“M-magic? I’m not a magician, pfft.”

“Sunset.” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

She let out a sigh and sat down on the bed to face Twilight. “Okay Twi, I’ll tell you. Yes, I do have witnessed a Rainbow beam shooting up to the sky. I know, because I was the one who summoned that.” Her heart ached as she remembered her friends from the time they defeated The Sirens during the Battle of the Bands.

“Interesting. How did you attain this magical ability?” Twilight inquired.

From there on, Sunset explained everything to the human version of Twilight about everything, Starting from her origin, she went on to explain about her life in Equestria and studies during her time as Celestia’s Protege, about how she was an arrogant unicorn who yearned for great power and rule. During this time, Twilight’s reaction is a mix of shock and excitement, writing down the important notes in her journal.

She continued on explaining the events during the Fall Formal and her redemption, and finally the events of the Battle of the Bands.

“Fascinating! To think that you came from another world filled with magic and things that are impossible to achieve on earth is a big discovery for me!”

“I’m surprised you’re taking this well. Most people would believe that I’ve gone insane if I explained this to them.” Sunset nervously chuckled. “But please, Twi. Don’t tell anyone about this. I’ll explain it to your parents at the right time. I trust that you’ll keep this between us?”

“Of course, Sunset. You can count on it! If my pony counterpart can, then I can as well!”

“Thank you. Well, is there any way I can help around the house?” Sunset eagerly asked.

“Well, we do need to refill our grocery stock and I can’t leave the house since my parents forgot to leave the keys to me. Is it alright if you can buy the groceries for me?”

Sunset nodded, “Of course, Twi! I’d love to help!”

“Thanks, Sunset. Anyways, here’s the list.

Twilight and Rainbow stepped through the portal as she orients herself again on the human body’s functions, legs, and hands. Rainbow, on the other hand, let out a terrified scream as she looked at her hands.

“TWILIGHT, WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HOOVES!?” She then looked at her back and noticed that her wings are gone. “AND MY WINGS!?”

Twilight helped Rainbow up to her feet, “Rainbow, those are hands, and humans don’t have wings or horns. Those are legs, it’s what you use to walk in this world.” Twilight pointed at her legs.

Rainbow tried to walk on two legs while Twilight helped her, it took a while until Rainbow got the gist of it and is able to adapt quickly.

“This is strange, but at the same time it feels cool,” Rainbow said.

“Trust me, Dashie, the first time I got here, my reaction is the same.” She chuckled nervously. “Brrr, it’s cold here!”

“You said it! When will they move the snowy clouds!?”

“Uh, Rainbow, humans can’t control the weather. Remember?” Twilight deadpanned.

“O-oh. Right, I forgot! Hehe, sorry.”

“It’s okay, Dashie. Now let’s go and look for Sunset’s “friends.” Remember, no punching.”

“I’ll try Twi, but no promises.”

For a while, Twilight and Rainbow searched for the five girls in CHS. Twilight can’t help but feel angry that even the rest of CHS, excluding the principals, believes that she is Anon-A-Miss! This definitely made her more disappointed with her friend’s counterparts. Eventually, they stumble upon Canterlot Mall after seeing no luck at their school.

As Twilight and Rainbow searched for their counterparts, Sunset just finished her shopping at Canterlot Mall, using a hoodie to hide her face from possible CHS students she might stumble upon. Sunset is carrying two paper bags of assorted groceries as she strolled her way down the mall’s wide area. She prepared to exit the mall until she felt a tug pulling her back.

“Remember me, dweeb!?” Gilda angrily asked, making Sunset gulp in fear.

“G-G-Gilda! Please, don’t hurt me!”

“Because of you, I got expelled and your secret stealing made me a laughing stock!” She punched Sunset by the cheek, falling down on her back as the groceries fell down to the floor accompanied by the sound of milk bottles breaking. The nearest Security guard tried to break it up, only to be punched by Gilda.

Sunset then tried to make a run for it, only to be pulled by Gilda with her leg. Sunset tried to crawl away to no avail, as Gilda pulled Sunset up and started to punch her in the face again. She landed two hits on her cheeks and kicked her leg until she was stopped by Rainbow with a punch to her face.

“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size, chump!?” Rainbow Dash angrily yelled as she stood in front of Sunset to protect her.

“Why, you!” Gilda got up and tried to punch Rainbow but to no avail. The pegasi turned human evaded the punch and landed two punches on Gilda’s face, sending her down to the ground.

“You got lucky this time, Sunset! This is not over!” Gilda exclaimed as two intercepting Security Guards carried her away from the mall. “Are you okay, Miss?” The guard asked.

“Yeah, we’re cool. Thanks for taking Gilda out of the mall.”

Rainbow then turned her attention to the fiery-haired girl, “Are you okay, Sunset?” Rainbow asked, offering a helping hand. Sunset did not reply.

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I’m the pony Rainbow Dash, in case you’re wondering.”

“Oh.” Hearing those words, she grabbed her hand as Rainbow helps Sunset get up on her feet.



Princess Twilight hugged Sunset warmly, before letting go and checking her face. “Who did this to you, Sunset!?”

Instead of replying, Sunset cried on Twilight’s shoulder instead. Rainbow picked up whatever she can salvage from the grocery bags carefully as to not get hurt from the pieces of glass.

“It’s okay, Sunset. I’m here now.” Twilight patted Sunset’s back to try and calm her down.

“I-I can’t take much more of this, Twilight! It’s just too much for me!”

“That’s why we’re here Sunset. Rainbow and I are going to teach those five girls a lesson about abandoning you.”

“You bet we will! When I get my hands on her, I swear I’ll-” Twilight silenced Rainbow’s fury as she gave shook her head.

With Gilda gone, Twilight and Rainbow Dash assisted Sunset in replacing the spilled milk and food that was ruined thanks to the bully. Twilight can’t help but feel worried for her close friend, and at the same time feeling furious at what her friends did to her.

As fate has it, they encounter the five girls in the food court, with Rainbow Dash slamming her fist down on the girl’s table.

“What the!?” The human Rainbow stammered.

“That’s my line, you idiot!” Dashie slapped her counterpart, with Fluttershy rushing to her aid.

“Dashie! What did I say!?” Twilight angrily lectured her marefriend.

“Princess Twilight? What is the meaning of this?” Rarity asked.

“And what’s that snake doing here!?” AJ pointed at Sunset.

“That “snake” is the friend you abandoned! I thought you knew better not to leave your friends, especially you, Rainbow!”

“She’s not our friend! She’s a secret stealer, that’s what she is!” AJ said in her defense.

“Oh yeah? What about the time you lot abandoned Sunset when Gilda tore her to pieces yesterday!?” Dashie angrily asked.

None of the girls responded, except with the look of guilt on their faces.

“Well!?” The silence continued, making Dashie angrier at the lack of response.

“Honestly, I thought I left Sunset in good hands! I thought you girls would teach her the magic of friendship. Apparently, you failed in doing so when you were quick to abandon her! Do you even have proof that she’s Anon-A-Miss!?” Twilight angrily said.

“S-she posted pictures of us in MyStable, pictures that Sunset took!” Pinke retorted.

“Photos that she took in our Slumber Parties!” Rarity huffed.

“That’s the thing. You’re assuming things without thinking twice! The fact that you turned a blind eye when Sunset was bullied by Gilda angers me more! How could you, girls!? I trusted you!”

“And we trusted her too, Princess! She broke it, she paid the price for it!” The human Rainbow slammed her hands down on the table out of anger.

“But she’s innocent! She wrote to me about the things that transpired! Yet here you are, accusing her of things she didn’t do! Have you really forgiven her, huh!? Did you!? You saw what Sunset did at the Battle of the Bands, she saved you all from The Sirens, and yet you do this to her!? After all that she did for the school, you easily turn your backs like it's not a big deal!? Your accusations led everyone to believe that she posted not only your secrets but theirs as well! You opened up the floodgates that ruined Sunset's chances of making new friends!"

Twilight let out an angry sigh, seeing that there’s no hope in convincing Sunset’s “friends” about her innocence. “You know what? Fine, have it your way. I’m taking Sunset away from you until you girls would see the error of your ways and apologize to her for the hurt you inflicted on Sunset’s heart.”

With that said, Twilight and Dashie escorted Sunset out of the mall leaving the five girls behind. Unknown to them, Sweetie Belle stood by and watched the commotion from afar, with guilt and worry piercing her heart.

Thanks to FeatherFury for the idea! They gave me something to write about in this chapter! Sparkle and Flame - (2)

Ever since the outburst of Princess Twilight, Applejack retreated to the farm and instead worked on the jars of their Christmas Apple Jam that she and the apple family have been selling every December. Ignoring the words that Twilight imparted to them, she inspects the jars one by one to see if there’s anything that is amiss, like a speck of dust or apple seed leftovers.

Applejack’s thoughts are filled once more with the words of Twilight.

“That “snake” is the friend you abandoned!”

“I thought you girls would teach her the friendship of magic!?”

“I trusted you!”

She sighed and pushed the thoughts away, deciding to ignore the thoughts. She continued to inspect the jars with a sharp eye.

That is until her reflection from the jar looked at her in the eyes.

“What in tarnation?” She shook her head and rubbed her eyes with the wet towel, staring back at her reflection on the jar.

The reflection opens her mouth and speaks, “Why did you do it, Sugarcube?” She asked with a sad tone.

“W-who are you!? Why are you talking to me!?” Applejack demanded.

“I’m you. I’m your real self. The Honest Applejack, not the lyin varmint Applejack.”

“Well, I’m no liar if that’s what you’re gettin at!”

“Are you sure about that?” Asked the reflection, “Because an honest friend would think twice about accusations rather than pointing fingers and accepting it to be true.”

Applejack sat there in silence, trying to come up with something to say. “Well, sugarcube? Are you sure about it?”

“I’m darn tootin right that Sunset is Anon-A-Miss! She and my friends are the only ones who know about my secret nickname!”

“Oh poor thing, you know better than this. Twilight is right, ya know? Sunset is innocent. Yet you chose to believe that she is what you think she is.”

Applejack slammed her hand on the table out of anger, “Well that’s because she is! We trusted her and she broke it!”

“Yet trust comes from Honesty, and so far, Sunset has been Honest with you and your folks ever since after the Fall Formal. Why are you doing this to yourself, Sugarcube?”

Another reflection spoke. “This isn’t you, Applejack. You know that Sunset is telling the truth.

“Then what should I do!?” Applejack asked.

“Apologize to her.”

“I won’t! She deserves it after breaking our trust!”

Her reflections from the other jars started to speak as well, repeating the last words.

“Apologize to her.”

Applejack closed her eyes and covered her ears, thinking that this is a bad dream. Despite her efforts, she can still hear the voices.




“Apologize, Sugarcube!”

The farmgirl clenched her fists, cringing at the memories of her accusing and abandoning Sunset accompanied by the chanting of her reflections. Shedding a tear, she covers her ears in an attempt to drown out the voices.

“Why did you leave me, Applejack?” Sunset’s voice rang in her head, “I thought we were friends? Family?”

“ENOUUUUUUUGH!” Applejack yelled.

“Applejack? Are you alright, sis?” Applebloom asked by the door.

Applejack sighed, “I’m alright, sis. I-I’m alright. Just… I’m just hearing things is all.”

“Oh, okay. Well, Granny Smith needs the Jams to be ready before nightfall. Do you need some help?”

She then looked back at the jars to see if the reflections and voices are still there, before looking back at Applebloom.

“Of course, sis. Of course.”

No, I’m not.

Applejack sat down underneath an Apple tree, relaxing after a long day of harvesting apples and taking care of the family chores in the barn. Next to her is a picnic basket packed with Apple treats and fizzy cider, her favorite choice of food to snack on a slow day.

She whistled along with the tunes of the bird’s chirping, something about the act of whistling with the birds gives her a calm sense in her thoughts. She smiled as the birds chirped in harmonious tune as she listened to one of nature’s song. Drinking her fizzy cider, she heard a voice.


Her eyes widened and immediately put down the bottle of fizzy cider, standing up to look at the direction of the voice. Turning back, she only saw Sunset Shimmer in a beaten state and messy hair, along with torn clothes.

“Why, Applejack?”

“Sunset? What are you- who did this to you!?”

Sunset then slowly raised a finger and pointed at Applejack, “You did, AJ. You did…”

“N-no, It wasn’t me! I wouldn’t do such a thing!”

The clouds above slowly turned grey, accompanied by thunder. “But you did, Applejack. Why…? I was telling the truth!”

“About you not being Anon-A-Miss! Hoshwag yer tellin the truth!”

Sunset then fell to the ground as a shadow pushed her down from behind before it proceeded to kick Sunset mercilessly. Four more shadows formed around Sunset, the one laughing and mocking her while the others jeered and accused her of stealing and exposing personal secrets of students.

“Stop! Please! I didn’t do it, I swear!” Sunset pleaded, all the while trying to cover her face from being stomped.

Applejack gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, unable to see the treatment of Sunset. She turned a blind eye as Sunset pleaded for mercy.

“Applejack! Help!” Sunset yelled out for help.

“Ah can’t take it anymore!” She then stomped her foot in anger, “You folks get away from her now! She’s suffered enough!”

The shadowy figure then turned to Applejack, with a mischievous smile forming on her face. “And why is that, sugar cube? She has to suffer more for all the teasing and secret stealing she’s done against us!”

“That’s…” She trailed off, knowing that her inner conscience says the same thing.

“See what I mean? You’re nothing but a traitor to your friends. Whatever happened to Honesty, Sugarcube? Didn’t your dead parents taught you that?” The alternate Applejack sneered.

“Don’t you dare drag in my parents to this issue!”

“Oh dear, I wonder… you see, even your own flesh and blood can betray you. You know this too well, Applejack. Yet you don’t seem to learn, and in doing so you betrayed her.” She pointed at Sunset, before kicking her face once more.

“T-that’s… that’s not true!”

“Oh really? Because if I remember, your parents are right there behind you with your belongings packed up.”

Applejack turned around to see that indeed, her stuff is right there along with the disappointed looks of her parents.

“We’re disappointed in you Applejack. How could you do this to your friend?” Bright Mac said with a saddened tone.

“This isn’t the way we raised you, sweetie.” Pear Butter said as she shed a tear.

“Ma, Pa! This isn’t what it looks like!”

“We taught you better than this, Applejack. But apparently, you never learn. We’re ashamed to be standing here looking at you!” Pear angrily said.

Ma, I swear! It’s not my fault, I-”

“Enough talk, Applejack. From now on, you are no longer part of the Apple family and that’s final!” Mac said with fury.

“N-no… no, no, no! Please, don’t kick me out of the family!”

“We just did. Goodbye, Applejack.” Both her parents disappear into thin air, as the shadowy figures mock and laugh at her, causing Applejack to wake up.

Her eyes wide, body sweating and looking a bit pale, Applejack let out a sigh of relief to realize that it was just a bad dream.

But something inside her seems to disagree otherwise. Something inside her is telling that she needs to recheck her virtue of Honesty and see if Sunset is indeed telling the truth.

"Ah have to dig in to this... Ah have to..."

“Are you sure you don’t want to come back to Equestria with us for now, Sunset?” Twilight asked.

“I’m sure, Twilight. Besides, I have a place where I can lay low for a while.” Sunset said.

“Well, in that case, me and Rainbow Dash will stay around and investigate this Anon-A-Miss person. We both have a good clue as to who it is, we just need to glue the clues we can find.”

“Yeah, and when we find the culprits, they’ll wish they haven’t messed with you!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“And don’t worry about us not having this world’s currency, me and Rainbow took care of that while we looked for you at the mall.” Twilight showed Sunset a few hundred dollars on hand, which caused the fiery haired girl to snicker.

“Let me guess, you pawned a few bits? Very clever, Twilight, even for me.”

Twilight and Rainbow pulled Sunset in for a group hug, before letting go and saying their goodbyes for now, with the duo staying at a nearby Hotel that will serve as their Resting Place. Sunset’s phone vibrated, checking it to see that Sci-Twi’s been calling her for the past five minutes.


“Sunset! Are you okay!? I was worried when you didn’t came back an hour earlier! Please tell me you’re not in trouble!”

“No, Twilight, I’m not. I’ll explain later, but can you pick me up? I’m at the entrance of Canterlot Mall. I got the groceries that you asked for.”

“Alright, I’ll see you in a bit.” Sci-Twi hanged up, leaving Sunset alone with her thoughts.

As she sat down by the entrance bench, Sunset thought about the misfortunes she had to endure this past week. What started as a happy Slumber Party, it all went downhill when Anon-A-Miss started to post pictures and secrets that only she and the girls shared in private. Her friends were quick to point fingers and accuse her as Anon-A-Miss, that she went back to her old ways by stealing secrets and exposing them to the internet.

Worse, she was shunned by the very same people she could count on whenever danger grabs hold of her. She felt betrayed when they didn’t lift a finger or raised their voices in protest when Gilda beat her to a bloody pulp back in the Cafeteria. Thinking about these things, Sunset can’t help but start to sob uncontrollably. “Why, why am I cursed to be shunned like this…?”

Minutes later, Sci-Twi arrived by the mall entrance, only to be introduced to a sobbing Sunset Shimmer by the bench. Quickly unbuckling her seatbelt and locking the car doors, she ran to where Sunset is and embraced her. “T-T-Twilight…? Is t-that you..?” Sunset stammered.

“It’s me, Sunset. What’s wrong?” She took a closer look at Sunset’s face and gasped at what she’s seen. “What happened to your face, Sunset!? Who did this to you!?” Twilight asked as her cheeks turned red out of anger.

“I-It’s nothing, Twi…”

“It IS something, Sunset! Please, tell me who did this to you…”

Sunset sighed, and took a deep breath. “It’s a student named Gilda. She nearly beat me to a bloody pulp if it weren’t for someone stepping in to save me…”

The name rings a bell in Twilight’s mind. If she can recall, there was a student named Gilda that got expelled from Crystal Prep because of her bullying and late remarks. Remembering this, Twilight can’t contain her anger anymore and pulled out her phone.

“What are you doing, Twi?”

“Calling my brother. He’s a policeman, I’ll be filing charges for assault against Gilda.”

“No!” That left Twilight confused. “I mean, no, you shouldn’t. I fear that Gilda would just hunt me down for it if the charges failed to see daylight.”

“Absolutely not, Sunset! I don’t want that bully to hurt you, or worse! I'm worried for what she'll do to you!” She sighed, and helped Sunset with the groceries. “I’ll have a talk with Shining later, but for now, we should get you home and have those bruises treated. I appreciate you buying groceries for me. Though, next time, I’ll come along now that I know leaving you alone wasn’t a good idea after all.”

Sunset chuckled softly, and smiled. “Thanks, Twilight, and don’t mention it. It’s what friends do for each other. I’m just glad she didn’t spoiled most of the foodstuffs I bought, except for a few bottles of milk.”

Putting in the groceries inside the car trunk, both girls left the mall. “So, Sunset… I had a talk with my dad over the phone a few hours ago. It’s about you.”

Sunset smiled nervously, “And what did he say?”

“He’s okay with you staying at our home as well. In fact, I think Cadence would’ve liked you if she were to drop by with my brother.”

“That’s… that’s great. Thanks, Twi. I really appreciate it.”

“Don’t mention it, Sunset. I wouldn’t want you to stay in that derelict house.”

Once they arrived safely at home, Twilight treated Sunset’s bruises. To the fiery haired girl, she has never felt this loved before her time with Celestia. She figures that if she can sow the trust with this world’s Twilight, then she won’t have to worry about anything else.

For Twilight, she feels the need to help the poor girl. Not only is she homeless, but bullied as well for some reason. It made her furious to find out that Gilda’s been picking on students such as herself. Nevertheless, Twilight will do her best to keep Sunset safe.

“Feeling better?”

Sunset looked up at Twilight, before taking a look at the mirror to check her face. “Yeah. I feel much better now that the bruises have been taken care of. Thanks, Twi.”

“You’re welcome. So, what do you want for dinner? Mom’s cooking Beef Lasagna tonight, which is my favorite!”

“Yeah, I’d love that very much.” For sunset, eating meat is frowned upon the lands of Equestria, only reserved to dragons. Yet when she arrived in this world, she learned to adapt to this world’s diet that consisted of vegetables and meat. At first, she was disgusted but as time goes by, she’s learned to stomach the idea of eating cooked meat.

Twilight squealed in excitement. She hasn’t shared her favorite meal in a long time, and to share it with Sunset made the bookworm express her excitement.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash have booked a 1 Queen Sized bedroom at Canterlot’s finest hotel. Rainbow took the time to rest by the bed after taking a shower, while Twilight pinned various pictures on the board.

“Twilight, are you sure that this world’s CMC’s behind Anon-A-Miss?”

“I’m not sure, Rainbow. Yet I have a suspicion that we’re dealing with a Gabby Gums situation here, only this time at a much worse scale.”

Rainbow closed the book she’s been reading and embraced Twilight from behind. “You need to chill down for a bit, Twi. You might pop a vein if you keep stressing yourself out.”

Twilight nuzzled Rainbow’s cheek, “I know you mean well Rainbow, but the sooner we get to the bottom of this, the better. Sunset’s name is in peril and I intend to prove that she is innocent. For now, we start with the bottom up to the top. Our first suspects, Trixie and Micro Chips.

“Trixie and Micro Chips? Why start with them?”

“They’re one of the students that hated Sunset’s guts when she was still a bully, and besides, it’s logical to start at the bottom of an investigation list, that way we can sweep away other suspects as we move up. Sure, the CMC’s are our biggest suspicions, but we cannot rule out the possibility that other students could be Anon-A-Miss as well.”

“Yeaaah, you have a point there. Continue.”

“From what I’ve heard, Trixie’s magical shows have been sabotaged by Sunset a few years ago, and Micro Chips have been in the bad end of Sunset’s quest for lunch money. I theorize that these two may be in cahoots as Anon-A-Miss, a form of revenge against Sunset despite her turning over a new leaf.

“Well, I don’t know about Micro Chips, but Trixie I can guess she’s bent on revenge if Sunset did do those things in the past.”

“Correct. So, we start by questioning these two students tomorrow morning. As for the honesty problem, I-” Twilight is interrupted with a few knocks on the door. She opened the door to see Applejack standing in front of them.

“Applejack, what are you doing here? How did you find us?” Twilight sternly asked.

“I followed you. Look, Twilight, Ah’m sorry about the words I said yesterday about Sunset. I’ve had… a nightmare. Perhaps a vision if you call it, telling me that Sunset’s innocent.”

“I’m listening.” Twilight gestured Applejack to come in, closing the door behind them.

“Oh, hey AJ. What are you doing here?” Rainbow glared at the human counterpart.

“Rainbow, shush. Applejack here has some explaining to do.”

“For a good while, I’ve pondered about what Ah’ve dreamt about and to be honest, if Ma and Pa were still here and not working in the west coast, they would’ve definitely give me an earful about not using my Trait of Honesty, especially to a friend who pleaded innocence.”

Applejack wiped away a stray tear from her cheek, “What Ah’m saying is, I want to help you. I want to give Sunset a benefit of the doubt just like before. Since Ah heard much about your investigation plans, I reckoned I’d join in and help you out. Tell you if someone’s telling the truth or not.”

She then extended her right arm for Twilight to shake, “So, what do you say, Twi? Friends once more?”

Twilight stared at Applejack’s hand for a while, before pulling her for an embrace instead of shaking her hand with Rainbow joining in. “Of course, Applejack. Friends once more.”

A short chapter this time as i'm still suffering from writer's block. Regardless, Happy New Year guys! May you enjoy a fruitful new year's!

Twilight tapped on her new phone, checking to see if the aforementioned Anon-A-Miss has struck again, she can’t help but feel worried about the secrets the blogger posts on MyStable. Ironically, the one thing that can connect people can also tear each other apart.

“Why am I not surprised? This Anon-A-Miss user just won’t shut her mouth…”

Ever since Sunset stayed with her, she’s been keeping an eye on things regarding the incident in an attempt to piece the puzzles together and catch the culprit. So far, there’s no such luck.

Thinking that browsing through her profile is useless, she puts the phone down and looked over to her friend. “Sunset, can I ask you a question?” Twilight asked.

“Of course, Twilight. What is it that you want to ask?”

“Do you have any idea who this Anon-A-Miss person is? Do you know what she’s trying to gain with the thing she does?”

Sunset sighed and shook her head. “I honestly don’t know, Twilight. For all I know, it could be Trixie or the Dazzlings, but something about all of this just doesn’t make sense. I’ve changed, why ruin my reputation after all this time?”

Sunset grabbed her phone and looked at the unlit screen. “I honestly don’t know what his or her end goal is in doing this, though one thing’s for sure. My reputation is broken and I don’t know how long it’ll take for me to fix it again.”

Tears started to flow down on her cheeks, holding tight on her phone. “Funny. Who knew that a small device like this can connect people, and at the same time push each other away…”

Twilight pulled her in for a reassuring hug, gently patting her back. “Shhh, it’s okay Sunset. We’ll find a way to regain your friend’s trust. I’m here for you.”

“Thanks, Twi… I really, really appreciate it.”

As both girls let go of the hug, Twilight took out her phone and checked the time. “Say Sunset, how about we go out today? I know a place where you and I can spend some quality time together.”

“That sounds nice Twilight, but how sure are you that we won’t stumble upon angry Canterlot High Students?”

“Don’t worry, that cafe is a popular go-to place for bookworms like me. Plus, it’s on the other side of town, far from CHS.”

Sunset sighed in relief, “Alright, Twi. I’m in. I’ve been wanting to get out of the house with you anyway.”

Sunset patiently waited in her seat for Twilight with their drinks, while looking around her surroundings to see if there are any CHS students hanging around the place.

“Calm down Sunset, I’m sure Twilight picked the right place to avoid them.”

Her phone rang. “Hello, Sunset Shimmer speaking.”

“Sunset! It’s me, Applejack. Listen, I-”

“Oh. Hello, Applejack. I was wondering when you’d get the nerve to call me.”

“Sugarcube, please. Let me explain-”

“Don’t call me Sugarcube! After the things you did to me, you still have the nerve to…”

“Please, Sunset. I was wrong. I believe that you are not Anon-A-Miss!”

Those words rang in her head. Did she really believe that she’s innocent, or is she just pretending to?

“Oh yeah? What made you finally realize that I’m not the one posting the secrets of other students?”

“It’s a long story, but I’m currently working with Princess Twi’ in investigating the source of the blogger’s identity. I owe you an apology, Sunset. Please forgive me.” Applejack pleaded.

Sunset sighed, “You do owe me an apology, but right now I am not in the mood for apologies. Call me back when you finally found the culprit, then we’ll talk about your apology.”

She hung up before Applejack can say another word, before letting out another sigh.

“Who was that, Sunset?” Twilight asked as she approached the table with their order.

“One of my friends had the nerve to call me after what they did to me.” She sneered.

“I understand why you’re upset. Here, try to calm down with that Frappe you ordered.” Twilight said as she gave Sunset her Mint Chocolate Frappe.

“Thanks, Twi.” Taking a long sip, she processed the words Applejack said. If she’s really speaking the honest truth, then she can finally feel relieved that her friends are finally picking up some sense and think twice about their accusations against her. At the same time, Sunset can’t help but feel like staying away from them for some time, while letting the whole debacle blow over.

“So, this Equestria world you lived in. You said something about duplicates.”

“Yep. Like Principal Celestia, she’s a Royal Princess back in my world.”

“Soo, does that mean there’s a pony version of me in your world? If yes, what is her talents and feats? Is she a scientifical genius like me?”

Sunset smiled at her questions, seeing the other world’s Twilight ramble with questions reminded her of the Princess’s habit of rambling. Chuckling for a bit, she took a sip from her drink before answering her question.

“Well, yeah. Sadly, she’s not a scientist like you. She’s a royal princess too, just like Celestia. Her magical prowess is so powerful that it can rival mine!”

Twilight’s eyes widened at this revelation. Her pony version, living the royal life? There are so many questions running around her thoughts about that world’s counterpart of hers.

“She’s royalty!? As in like, a Princess!?”

“Yep. That’s right, though she’s a Princess of Friendship.”

“Wow! That is… amazing! I can’t believe it! Me, living a royalty’s life in the other world! You have GOT to introduce me to my counterpart!”

“Shhh, keep it down Twi.” Sunset gestured.

“Oops, sorry.” She sheepishly smiled.

“Well, it just turns out that she’s in this world right now. She’s helping me figure out who the real Anon-A-Miss is. Just a fair warning though, she might overreact on seeing you.” She snickered.

The rest of the day was spent well, with both girls sharing an interesting conversation about Princess Twilight and her achievements. So far, Sunset can't help but feel like she and this world's Twilight are meant to meet each other. The question remains in her thoughts... would Twilight be open for a romantic relationship with her?

I decided to reupload and rewrite this chapter after giving it some thought thanks to some of the encouraging comments I received, so I do apologize for not giving an answer right out of the bat after I took down the chapter, for those who liked the last chapter.

So here it is, the same chapter but with an additional rewriting added to it.

Do leave feedback if you got time!

Sunset groggily opened her eyes, only to be met by the ceiling of a hospital room with an IV Fluids needle attached to her left vein. She groaned in pain when she tried to sit up, causing her to lie back down again. "W-what happened…?"

"Careful now Ms. Shimmer, you don't want to make your injuries hurt more." The nurse said. "Your vitals are okay so far, just don't move too much and you'll be alright."

"W-what happened nurse? Where's Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"Twilight is outside, she'll be let in once I'm done assessing your overall condition."

Sunset lay in silence for a while, before the nurse broke the ice. "You're lucky, you know that? The car that almost killed you nearly ran over your head. If the driver didn't stop, who knows what might have happened to you!"

"I'm sorry, what happened exactly?"

"Someone pushed you off the street in an attempt to murder you, that's what I've been told by the first responder." The nurse said.

"Oh." Is all sunset can say. Her memories are hazy, who could have done this to her and why try to murder her?

"Anyways, you're fine now. The doctors did their best to save your life. It took them some time but they pulled through." The nurse said, giving Sunset a look with a smile on her face. "Now, I'll leave you be with your friend. She's been so uneasy ever since the incident." With that said, the nurse opened the door and gestured Twilight to come in as she walked out, with Twilight closing the door behind her and tried to carefully hug Sunset.

"Sunset, thank goodness you're awake!" Twilight said, letting out a big sigh of relief.

"Twilight… good to see you too."

After she broke away from the hug, Twilight kissed her forehead and held her hand with Sunset's. She adjusted her glasses with her free hand, a smile forming on her face. "I'm so glad you're okay, despite what happened with the car hitting you."

"Twi… I can't remember anything about what happened, but we can get to that in a bit. The big question is, how long have I been out?"

"A week." Sunset flinched at the word, has she been in a weeklong coma!?

"The doctors were worried that your coma could've been a long term one, but as it turns out, that isn't the case. I'm glad it isn't, I don't want to lose you Sunset."

Then it came to her memories. She had been dating Twilight for the past week and a half after their little alone time at the cafe.

"I remember… we dated. And our first kiss…"

"It was the best kiss you gave me, Sunset. It turns out, we were meant to be more than just friends."

Sunset chuckled. After everything with the Anon A Miss debacle, she still managed to find not only a friend, but a lover of all things. Yet, she remembered something important.

"Oh no. Princess Twilight! Where is-"

"She's back at the Hotel, piecing the final pieces together. She stood by and watched over you for a few days before I took over, seeing that she didn't get much sleep for the past days." Twilight explained, all the while adjusting her glasses.

"So, you two finally met…"

Twilight nodded and smiled. "We would have been thrilled under better circ*mstances, regardless, she sends me her best wishes for your recovery."

Twilight leaned in and gave Sunset a kiss, before laying her head down on Sunset's right shoulder. They stayed like that for a moment, not wanting to break the loving moment.

Sunset then spoke up and asked, "What happened exactly? I still can't remember what happened to me other than our date."

"Right. That. You see…"

Twilight and Sunset walked down the sidewalk, with both hands held together.

Twilight's cheeks were as red as Rudolph's nose, while Sunset can't help but put on a small smile on her face. It's been a week and a half since she and Twilight went out together, and for her to say yes to go out on a date is something Sunset would never forget.

"So, what's this surprise you have for me, Twi?" Sunset asked.

"If I told you what the surprise is, then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." Twilight responded with a smile.

"Fair point." Sunset chuckled.

Unknown to them, a familiar white haired girl with violet streaks at the end have been stalking them the entire time, with a menacing look on her face. The brown coat wearing girl slowly followed them while trying not to get caught.

"Now, I want you to close your eyes Sunset." Twilight requested.

Sunset closed her eyes, while Twilight guided Sunset as they approach an auto dealership. Twilight can't help but feel excited to see her surprise for Sunset.

"Okay. Now open your eyes." Sunset opened her eyes, only to be met by the sight of a Red German sedan with yellow tinted windows.

"Surprise!" Twilight happily exclaimed, leaving Sunset speechless.

"Twilight, is this…?"

"Yes, Sunset. This is your new car. Since you're already twenty years old and have the papers and license, I'd say you can drive now!"

No response.


Nothing but silence.

"What's wrong, Sunset…?"

Sunset turned to Twilight with tears running down her cheeks, a smile on her face visible. "I love it, Twilight!" Sunset exclaimed as she embraced her tightly.

"It's not exactly brand new, but it's a used car in excellent condition." Twilight can't help but feel proud that she found a $2,000 used car for Sunset.

"I don't care if it's used, Twilight! What matters is that you gave it to me, and I will always treasure it!" She happily exclaimed. The moment wouldn't last however as Gilda emerged from the shadows.

"Hello, Sunset."

Twilight's smile faded away, with a worried look now in its place. Sunset quickly let go and turned around, standing in front of Twilight to protect her."

"Hello, Gilda."

"You think you'd get away that easily? I don't think so, Pal."

Sunset huffed. "Gilda, are you playing baseball? Because it looks like you're trying to score a strike three. Remember, you're out after that."

"Very funny, you bitch." Gilda snarked.

"What do you want, Gilda? I already told you I'm not Anon-A-Miss!" Sunset said angrily.

"Cut the sh*t, She-Demon. Your playing all innocent act won't work on me, especially after that embarrassing photo of me you posted for all to see!" Gilda then pulled out her butterfly knife from her pocket.

"Gilda, I don't want any violence."

"Too late." Gilda then charged with her knife, only for her to be sent flying down on the ground. Quickly getting up on her feet, she swiped her knife at Sunset in rage, of which Sunset managed to avoid getting hit from the slashes. Once an opening presented itself, she pulled a one-two punch against Gilda, with the second punch hitting her abdomen.

"Stop, Gilda! I'm warning you!" Sunset said in an attempt to reason with her. Instead, Gilda charged again, only to be met by a grab at the hand. Using her free hand, she grabbed Gilda's neck and used both arms to slam her to the ground.

"I may have held back against you when you beat me up, but I will NOT let you hurt Twilight or me anymore!" As it turns out, Sunset had been practicing some Close Quarters Combat (CQC) in her free time.

Not content in being defeated, Gilda managed to swipe her knife at Sunset's arm, of which she recoiled and stood her ground quickly. Gilda then tried to stab Sunset in the stomach, only to be met with a grab at the right arm, and a kick in the knee causing Gilda to fall down, with Sunset still grabbing hold of her right arm.

Noticing that she won't let go of the knife, Sunset is forced to do the one thing she hates to do. She forcibly twists her arm just enough to crack a few bones, forcing Gilda to let go of the knife. Sunset then kicked the knife away from Gilda. "Had enough?"

"Alright! Alright! Just let me go!" Gilda pleaded.

Sunset sighed, as she readjusts Gilda's arm back into its place.

"Last warning. Leave me and Twilight alone, or there will be Tartarus to pay!" She then turned around to face Twilight and hugged her. "Are you okay, Twilight?"

"Yes, I'm alright."

As Sunset let go of the hug, Gilda used all of her remaining strength in catching her off guard. She quickly stood up and charged, managing to push her to the street. What she didn't expect was that an oncoming car was in the way. As Sunset got pushed off, the car skidded to a halt in an attempt to avoid hitting her. But it was too late.

Sunset was sent flying a few feet away from the car, with Twilight running to Sunset's side. "Sunset!? Sunset, can you hear me!?" Twilight asked frantically.


The driver immediately got out of his car and approached the girls. "sh*t, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to…"

"Please, help us, mister! She needs medical treatment ASAP!" Twilight begged the driver as she begins to sob.

The driver nodded and helped Twilight carry Sunset into the back seat, with Twilight keeping Sunset still as the driver got in and drove them to the hospital like a bat outta hell.

... and that's what happened. The driver that accidentally hit you did his best to take us to the hospital quickly. If it wasn't for his driving, you could have... have..." Twilight's eyes began to tear up once more, her tears rolling down on her cheeks.

"It's okay, Twilight... I'm still here aren't I?" She caressed Twilight's cheek to try and calm her down, to which Twilight responded with a kiss to the cheek.

A few moments later, Shining Armor entered the room.

"Sunset, this is my brother, Shining Armor. He's a policeman." Twilight introduced.

Shining tipped his hat as a gesture and sat down next to Twilight. "It's good to meet you, Sunset."

"You too, Shining."

Shining then took out a small notepad and pencil from his jacket and cleared his throat. "I'm here to ask you a few questions regarding the incident that took place in front of Joey's Car Dealership. I am aware that you got into a car accident, but not the incident." He stated.

Sunset and Twilight nodded. Twilight explained everything to her brother, from Twilight taking Sunset to the car dealer to Sunset defending Twilight and herself from Gilda's murder attempt not once, but twice.

"I see. Well, thanks to your testimony, Gilda won't be seeing daylight for a very long time. I'll have this report to be submitted as soon as I arrive at the station." Shining said.

"Thank you so much."

Shining smiled and nodded. "You just get well soon, Sunset. Now, I have to get going. You take good care of her for me, okay Twily?"

Twilight nodded and hugged her brother before he left the room. "Your brother's nice."

"He's my BBBFF."

Sunset tilted her head. "BBBFF?"

Twilight chuckled at Sunset's confusion, "It means Big Brother Best Friend Forever. He and I are very close just like Cadence, my old Babysitter, and Dean of Crystal Prep."

She then gave Sunset a kiss on the forehead. "And you."

Her cheeks blushed in a shade of red and smiled. " I love you too."

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle fidgeted her fingers as she watched Scootaloo and Applebloom discuss about what their next move is. Ever since they started posting secrets of other CHS Students, Sweetie can't help but feel a gut-wrenching sense of guilt in her chest for her part of turning CHS into a madhouse, all because she and her friends are jealous about their sisters spending time with Sunset more than with them.


"Yeah, Sweetie?" Both girls asked.

"I think we've gone too far. Maybe we should just stop, you know? Delete the Anon-A-Miss blog page from MyStable, forget that it ever happened."

"You do have a point there, Sweets. But Ah'm not sure about that. We could get into trouble." Applebloom added.

"But we'd be in more trouble if we don't stop and admit that we're Anon-A-Miss!"

"Woah, Woah, Woah! Who said something about confessing?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's just that, Sunset's been beaten up by Gilda the last time I saw her. She beat her up because of those embarrassing photos of Gilda we uploaded in MyStable. The photos WE uploaded, girls. Don't you see? We're causing more harm to her, not just emotionally but physically now!" Sweetie said, trying to convince her friends.

"Scootaloo, Applebloom, please listen to me! We have to stop this nonsense! We've already achieved our goal, but I don't want Sunset or any other CHS students to get hurt even further because of our actions!"

"Sweetie Belle, if we confess now, we're in for a world of hurt! I say, we just keep the posts until it runs dry and then we delete the page after December. What do you say, Applebloom?"

"Ah'm up for that, all the way in." She responded.

"And you, Sweetie Belle?"

She sighed, and hesitatingly nodded her head. "Y-yeah. Let's d-do that."

The three girls bumped their fists and finished their drinks before Applebloom and Sweetie Belle left Scootaloo's home.

"Let me go, you dorks! I didn't do anything wrong!" Gilda said as she struggled to get herself free from the two police officers who apprehended her.

Shining Armor approached Gilda with an angry look. "Miss Gilda?"

"Yeah, that's me asshole! What's it to ya!?"

"Miss Gilda, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle."

"What do you mean attempted murder!? I don't even know those two!" Gilda said in her defense, but it is clear that Shining doesn't buy the bluff.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"

Gilda spat at Shining's face in response, wiping it off from his cheek after. "Get her out of my sight."

"This isn't over, you hear me!? You, your sister, that Anon-A-Miss bitch! You'll all pay!" Gilda screamed as she is taken away by the two policemen, cuffing her hands before setting her in at the back of the cruiser

Back at Canterlot High, Celestia and Luna are on complete damage control. Ever since the onslaught of Anon-A-Miss's posts, the students have been getting at each other's throats after Sunset's break. Fights have broken out to the point that the staff and teachers have to intervene, the students aren't socializing and worse of all, the secret posting has run rampant to the point of no return.

Celestia sighed as she entered her office, with her hair ruffled and her coat a bit messed up. She sits down on her chair and pinches the bridge of her nose, as she begins to suffer from another headache. "What happened, dear sister?" Vice Principal Luna asked as she exited the file room.

"I had to break up another fight in the hallway, this time they were betting on who would win. It got to the point that I threatened to suspend those involved if they didn't stop and apologized. This is getting out of hand, Luna." Celestia said, sighing sadly.

"You know Celestia, perhaps we should ask MyStable about the secret poster's identity and-"

"I tried, Luna. I tried. All I get is a response saying that they can't, because of their privacy policy. Not even a single hint on who is behind that profile."

Luna sighed and set down Celestia's cup of tea, of which she accepted and took a sip. "In all of my years as your Vice Principal, this is by far the worse incident I had to deal with. Not a day goes by without me being called by Mister Doodle or Granny Smith because of a fight breaking out. I had to suspend four students today because of that."

"I know you mean well, Luna," Celestia said as she gave Luna a sad smile.

Moments later, someone is heard knocking on the door.

"You may come in," Celestia said.

The door opened to reveal Shining Armor and a police officer next to him, "Stay out here and keep the students in line while I go talk to the Principal."

The officer nodded, as Shining walked in, closing the door behind him.

"Ah, Shining Armor. It's good to see you again." Celestia said.

"It's good to see you, too, Principal Celestia," Shining replied as he took a seat.

"No need for formalities, Shining. You know that you can call me by my name, especially since you and my niece are married." She smiled.

"But of course, Celestia."

"I assume that you didn't come here for the pleasantries and tea, Shining?" Luna asked.

He sighed, taking off his cap and fixing his hair. "Sadly, that isn't the case this time. I'm here to talk about one of your students, Celestia."

"Why, whatever happened Shining?"

"You see, it's Gilda. She's one of your students. Sadly, I have to tell that she's been arrested two days ago on charges of attempted murder."

"WHAT!?" Both sisters exclaimed in shock.

"Before you ask, yes, I have proof. She's in the station right now in custody, I personally led two of my best officers to apprehend her." Shining added.

Celestia let out a distressed sigh, as she pinched the bridge of her nose again, "I can't believe this. Gilda is a wayward student, I know that. But I didn't know she would be capable of doing these horrible things..."

"That's not all. During our interrogation, we discovered that the victim she tried to murder is also a student in CHS."

Shining then opened the folder of a familiar bacon haired girl's image, along with her records.

"Sunset Shimmer."

Celestia's eyes widened at this revelation, "Is she okay!?"

"Yes, Principal, she's safe. We're sorry we weren't able to inform you sooner than later, but she's doing okay back at the hospital. My sister is keeping an eye on her recovery as we speak." Shining said.

"She also mentioned a person that goes by the name of Anon-A-Miss, whom she said was Sunset Shimmer. Do you know anything about this Anon-A-Miss person?"

"We honestly don't know, Officer Shining." Luna responded, "In fact, we've tried to contact MyStable about the information of Anon-A-Miss. They declined, stating their privacy policy."

"Well, in that case, I'll personally make the request for investigation purposes. She confessed that the reason she tried to murder Sunset was because of the posts she allegedly made."

"Thank you, Shining. We'll relay information if anything comes up in our school, and please keep a close eye on this Anon-A-Miss user. She's the reason the entire school is a mess." Celestia asked.

"Of course, Principal Celestia. I'll take note of that. For now, I'd like you to come with me to the hospital. I'm sure your student would love to see you."

"By all means, Shining. Luna, please watch over the school while me and Shining visit Sunset Shimmer."

Princess Twilight returned empty-handed, other than bloodshot eyes, some eyebags, and messy hair. She puts down the notepad on the desk and crosses out Trixie's image on the board. "Definitely not her..." She uttered.

"Did you get anything, Twilight?" Rainbow asked as she got out of the shower room, dried up with a towel wrapped around her body and hair.

"No, Rainbow. Trixie isn't Anon-A-Miss. So is Roseluck, Micro Chips, Fleur De Lis, and so on. I've interviewed a total of six students today and neither one of them confessed nor confirmed to be Anon-A-Miss. Ugh!" She slammed her fist on the table out of stress and anger.

Rainbow then embraced Twilight from behind after dressing up and nuzzled her cheek, "Calm down Twi. No need to get angry. I'm sure we'll find the real Anon-A-Miss soon."

"Sorry, it's just... for Sunset to go through an attempted murder over something she didn't do just makes me... ugh!"

"I know, Twi. But right now, being calm and collected is what you need to be. Getting angry won't solve anything." Rainbow added.

"You're right, Dashie. Thanks for reminding me." She said as she gave Rainbow a kiss.

Moments later, a knock is heard. "Princess Twilight? It's me, Applejack!"

Twilight opened the door to let Applejack in, closing the door behind her.

"Hey, Applejack. Thanks for coming here, there's something important I need you to know.

"Is it about Anon-A-Miss? Did ya find out who the darn varmint is!?"

Twilight sighed, "No, sadly I haven't. But this is about Sunset. You see, Sunset and the... other me, were on a date when Gilda, one of your classmates, tried to..."

"Tried to what, Twi?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"Applejack... Gilda tried to murder Sunset..."


"Applejack, it's okay! Sunset is very well alive and recovering. My counterpart is watching over her as we speak."

"But what about Gilda!?" Applejack angrily asked.

"It's highly probable that the police have arrested her."

Applejack sighed and hugged Princess Twilight before sobbing on her shoulder.

After Applejack left the Hotel, she texted her friends to meet her at the Apple Farm before supper to discuss to them about Sunset's status in the hopes that they will change their minds about their accusation of Sunset as Anon-A-Miss. She nervously fidgeted her fingers by the fireplace as she waited for her friends to arrive.

Not too long, Rarity's white SUV pulled over as she and the rest of her friends entered the farm, taking off their coats and boots by the door.

"Hey, y'all. Glad you could make it." Applejack said.

"We got here as soon as we can, darling! What's the emergency about?"

"It's about Sunset, girls..." Applejack said.

"So THIS is the emergency is all about!? About that traitor!?" Rainbow angrily exclaimed.

"You better watch your mouth, Rainbow! Lest you want to lose a tooth or two!" Applejack retaliated.

"You all should watch your mouth! The reason why I called you is that Princess Twilight had informed me that Sunset had been nearly murdered! That's right, you heard me! Gilda tried to murder Sunset a week ago!"

Rarity and the others are speechless after the revelation, with Fluttershy sobbing on Pinkie's shoulder.

"Oh dear, don't tell me she's..."

"Sunset's fine if that's what you're asking, Rares. She's in the hospital right now, being watched by the human Twilight."

"Woah, you mean that this world's Twilight knows Sunset?" Rainbow asked, to which Applejack nodded in response.

"Girls, Sunset is not Anon-A-Miss. Me and Princess Twilight have been investigating and interviewing students, all of which said no nor confessed to being Anon-A-Miss."

"I checked the posts after Twilight told me about Sunset's hospitalization and all of the posts were made while she was in the hospital. Now, how could an injured person be able to post such secrets if she's in no condition to?"



"You mean..."

"Yes, Rainbow. There is no way Sunset was in any condition to post such things. We've accused her, neglected her and threw her away. We're a bunch of ruffians..." Rarity stated in a sad tone.

"And that's why we owe it to Sunset to find out who the culprits are and bring them to justice! She's our friend, and she needs us to clear her name!" Applejack said, with determination in her tone.

A few seconds later, a knock is heard on the door. "Who is it?"

"It's Officer Shining Armor. I have a couple of questions regarding Sunset Shimmer and Anon-A-Miss. May I come in...?"

Unknown to them, Applebloom has overheard their conversation and frantically texted her friends as soon as she got back to her room.


The following day, Applebloom and Sweetie Bell met up at Scootaloo's place to discuss the emergency.

"What's wrong, Applebloom?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's about Sunset! Gilda tried to murder her!"

"Oh no! Is she okay!?" Sweetie asked.

"Yes, so far Sunset's alright. But you're right, Belle. We should have stopped posting those darn secrets!"

"Serves her right..." Scootaloo said.

"SCOOTS! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!?" Applebloom, feeling enraged at the comment, slapped Scootaloo's cheek.



Scootaloo sat back down, holding her cheek. "That's because she tried to brainwash us all, remember? She's a freak! She doesn't deserve to live even!"

"But she saved us from the Sirens! Aren't you glad that she's on our side!?" Sweetie Belle argued.

"This has gone far enough, Scootaloo. I'm deleting the page." Applebloom then took out her phone and accessed MyStable.

"Don't you do it, Apple-" Before she can finish her sentence, Applbeloom has successfully taken down the Anon-A-Miss blog page.

"It's done, Scoots. No more secret stealing and posting! This has gone too far!" Applebloom said, of which Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement.

The doorbell rang. "Ugh, let me get that." Scootaloo walked down the stairs to open the door. "I wonder who that is."

Soon enough, fear and regret struck her heart as soon as she opened the door to reveal who it is.

"Hello, Ms. Scootaloo. I am Officer Shining Armor. I have a few questions regarding Anon-A-Miss. May I come in...?"

"U-Uh, of course! Sure thinge officer!" Scootaloo nervously said as she let him in, with two officers following him.

"Ms. Scootaloo, are you aware of Anon-A-Miss's posts?"

"Who, me!? Why no of course not!" Scootaloo lied.

Shining smirked. He knows when a suspect is lying, especially if he already has the evidence at hand. Not too long after his interview with Applejack and the others, MyStable responded to his request and relayed the information, log times, locations and email of Anon-A-Miss's profile.

"Because apparently, Anon-A-Miss's email is known as [emailprotected]. Do you know anything about that?"

"N-no! Why would I create such a profile!?"

"No, Ms. Scoots. You and two other persons. MyStable has given me every single information related to Anon-A-Miss, as this profile has caused an attempted murder."


"Harassment, Invasion of Privacy, and so forth. If I were you, I'd come in clean now."

She sighed and raised her hands.
"Applebloom, Sweetie Belle! You better come down now!" As soon as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle arrived at the lobby, they are quickly apprehended by the two policemen.

"Scootaloo, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, you are under arrest for Invasion of Privacy, Impersonation and various cases against you.

The three girls started to tear up as they are cuffed by the two policemen.

Shining Armor then pulled out a card from his pocket, and began to read its contents.

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

Shining Armor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Take them away."

This is going to be a long day....

Oopsie, they're in BIG trouble now!

Also, hooray! Two chapters in one day!

Meanwhile, on the same day…

"Alright, now open up Sunset. You need to eat." Twilight playfully teased.

Sunset rolled her eyes and took in a spoonful of mashed potatoes.

"There you go." She chuckled.

"Haha, very funny Twi. Though your mom's mashed potatoes are delicious. Remind me to let her teach me some of her recipes."

Twilight nodded and placed the spoon down by the plate, "of course, Sunset. I promise, we'll do lots of things once you're discharged from the hospital."

"Like driving you to school everyday. I still remember the car you gifted me, and I'm grateful for it." Sunset said, all the while nuzzling Twi's cheek.

A few moments later, the girls have arrived, with Applejack leading the charge.

"Now everyone, are you ready to see Sunset again?"

The girls nodded.

"Good, because she'll need us more than ever. Let me do the talking, and hope that she would forgive us." Applejack said, before opening the door and leading the girls in.

"Uh, hey Sunset. It's uh, been a while." Applejack sheepishly said.

Sunset's eyes widened with a mix of sadness and anger, while Twilight glared at Sunset's supposed "friends." Neither both sides responded, resulting in an awkward silence.

"So, uh… we were told about your condition and decided to pay you a visit. You know, in case you might want some company."

Sunset lay there in silence.

Rarity cleared her throat, "Darling, we were worried sick when we heard the news. It's a Christmas miracle that you're all fine."

"So uh, we decided to chip in and get you a late Christmas party present." Pinkie said with a hint of nervousness on her tone.

She then handed the small wrapped gift to Sunset, of which she glared at it for a moment before opening it.

"We figured that your old phone was faulty, so um… we thought it was best to get you a new one." Fluttershy added.

Sunset then held up the phone and stared at its screen, before tearing up and started to laugh.

"You five bitches…"

Sunset put the phone aside on the table. "You bitches!"

The girls flinched at her sudden rage.

"You threw and cast me away, didn't listen to my side and worse of all, you abandoned me when I needed you the most! Yet you have the nerve and audacity to act like nothing happened!?"

"Sugarcube, we didn't-"

"I said don't call me that!" Sunset said angrily, "you don't have the right to call me that!"

"Applejack, you're supposed to know that I was telling the truth! You're the honest one! But now I see that you are capable of turning a blind eye!"

"Rarity, you are supposed to be generous and yet, you didn't shed a tear, gave me compassion nor sympathy or even a shoulder to cry on!"

"Pinkie Pie, you were supposed to make people smile! Well guess what!? You took that away from me, along with your friends!"

Sunset then pointed at Fluttershy, "You. I can't blame you for what you did, you're timid and shy, but you could have at least showed me kindness in my time of need!

"And you, Rainbow Bitch! You're the worst out of all the group! You egoistic bitch, your head is so far up your ass that you didn't stuck up to me when I was beaten and humiliated by Gilda and the rest of the CHS Students! Some loyal bitch you are!"

Sunset's cheeks were puffed and her eyes are filled with tears.

"Look, sugar- I mean… Sunset. Ah know we messed up, but we're here to apologize."
Applejack said.

"We realized the error of our ways, darling. Regrettably it was too late."

"And we feel so guilty and sad that we took your smile away…"

"A-a-and we, we left you alone…" Fluttershy struggled to talk before breaking into tears.

"I wasn't loyal to you when you needed me the most, and were to blame for your pain that you had to endure because of our accusations." Rainbow added.

"But we want to make it right, Sunset. We want to say we're sorry and that whatever it takes, we'll do everything to make it up to you. Ah know that words don't mean much to you, but please, I hope you can forgive us…"

Sunset then looked at Twilight, then at the girls who are in tears. She pondered silently, before letting out a sigh.

"I can't… I'm sorry, but I can't just… forgive you all after what you did to me. Throwing me away after saying that I'm part of the family? After all what we've been through, you throw me aside without even thinking?! Why even bother showing your faces here!?"

The girls fell silent, they tried their best but to no avail. Sunset has had enough. Enough of the heartaches, enough of the betrayals, enough of being cast aside. Her heart belonged to no one but to Princess Twilight and the human Twilight Sparkle.

Sci-Twi glared at Applejack and the others, all the while holding Sunset's free right hand to try and comfort her.

"But Sunset, hear us out please. We know what we did was bad, and we should have asked for your side rather than assume straight on that you are Anon-A-Miss." Rarity explained.

"And we're really, REALLY, sorry for taking away your smile. We're bad friends, and you deserve to be mad at us." Pinkie added, with her hair still deflated.

All we ask is for a second chance, Sunset. Please, we want to make it up to you. Princess Twilight was right, we're no good friends for doing that to you. Yet, we can still move on and put this behind us. So what do ya say, Sunset? Friends?" Applejack asked.

Sunset closed her eyes, and let out a weary sigh. A stray tear escaped from her closed eyes, strolling down her cheeks. "No. We're not friends."

She opened her eyes and gazed at the five girls who abandoned her. "I can't. I just can't give you another chance."

All of the girls sighed sadly.

"For now."

"Darling, does that mean we can still be friends?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no. Only time will tell, Rarity. Right now, I don't want to do anything with you girls. I'm sorry, but please… give me time. I'm just not ready to let bygones be bygones. I hope you understand my wish."

"If that is what you need, then we understand Sunset. Me and the rest of the girls, we'll be in touch if you decide the time is right. Just remember Sunset, we're still your friends no matter what you think." Applejack said, all the while trying to suppress her tears.

"If it's alright, me and Sunset would appreciate it if you can give us some time alone." Twilight requested.

Applejack and the rest of the girls left, with Rainbow giving one last look at Sunset before heading out and closing the door behind her. "Thanks for getting them out, Twi." Sunset said, before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"It's alright, Sunset. I noticed that you were getting too distressed, so I had to ask them that. Besides, we need to talk." She sat down next to Sunset, still holding her hand while adjusting her glasses with her free hand.

Applejack sighed and took off her Stetson Hat, covering her face in shame and tears.

"Ah failed you girls. Ah failed you…"

The girls stood by the door in silence, before Applejack's phone rang.


"Hello, Applejack. It's me, Officer Shining."

"Oh, hello officer. What seems to be the problem?"

"I'm here to inform you that your sister, Applebloom and her friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are being held in custody at the precinct."


The girls looked at Applejack with worry.

"Invasion of Privacy, Impersonation, your sister and her friends ran the Anon-A-Miss blog page. Though since because they are teenagers, we cannot officially charge them and put them to court. Be lucky that your sister is fifteen years old, otherwise, they'd be tried to court if that wasn't the case. Come to the station to pick up your sister and her friends."

"I-I see…" Applejack said, with her voice wavering a bit, "thank you, Officer." She then ended the call.

"Was that Officer Shining, dear?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, Rares. It's about our sisters. They're in big trouble. It turns out… they were Anon-A-Miss…"

Rarity and the rest are speechless at the revelation, with Rainbow seething with anger.

"Where are they, dear?"

"At the precinct. We should go and pick them up and hear their explanation."

Applejack and the girls then left the Hospital to confront the real Anon-A-Miss, or in this case, three teenagers who are in big trouble.

Here's the chapter you've all been waiting for, the CMC getting their just desserts!

The three young girls walked in silence as Shining Armor escorted them to a holding cell that isn’t occupied by any jailed criminal. Apple Bloom has been reduced to a scared little girl, Sweetie Belle is crying and Scootaloo is focused on what to do once the lid has been taken off, considering Rainbow Dash’s temper.

As they walked along the corridor of cells, the jailed inmates noticed the three young girls. Their reactions vary from confusion to disgust, anger, and disapproval.

“Oi! Little girl! What did you do, eh!?” One of the inmates shouted.

“You girls are in big trouble! Woohoo!”

“Yeah, girls! How do you like them apples huh!? How does it feel to be with the big bad boys!?”

“We have some fresh meat on the chopping block, boys!”

Soon enough, the jailed persons are riled up and began mocking the three young girls. One of them grabbed Scootaloo by the collar and pulled her against the bars, to which Shining Armor intervened quickly by pulling Scootaloo away from the inmate.

“Don’t do that again! Last warning!” Shining warned the inmate.

Not too long, they reached the middle of the corridor, where an empty cell was waiting for the three young girls. “Get in, you’ll be staying here for now until your sisters come to pick you up.”

With no choice at hand, the three girls nodded silently and entered the cell. Shining sighed, closing the cell door behind him.

The three girls sat in silence, contemplating on their actions that led them to be taken in a jail cell. The only noise that can be heard is Sweetie Belle’s sobbing. Applebloom tried to comfort the distraught girl, to no avail.

“I’m sorry girls. This is my fault. I’m the reason why we’re in this mess.” Scootaloo apologized.

“Scootaloo, don’t blame yourself. Ah had a hand in this just as you are, I am to blame as well.”

Sweetie Belle sniffled, before speaking up. “We’re all to blame, girls. We’re all to blame…”

“We should have taken down the posts and the profile itself before it got too far! Now look at us, we’re in jail, our sisters will soon find out and worse of all, Gilda tried to hurt Sunset! This is all our fault!” Applebloom said, before finally breaking down in tears.

Shining Armor sat by his desk, looking at the photo of him, Cadence and Twilight. He smiled, knowing that this simple picture is enough to put the stress away for some time. Not wasting time, he dialed Applejack’s phone number and waited for her to answer the call.


“Hello, Applejack. It’s me, Officer Shining."

An hour has passed since Shining called Applejack, her, Rarity and Rainbow Dash are waiting in the interrogation room.

“There’s no way Scootaloo is Anon-A-Miss! She’s innocent and I can prove it!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Clearly there must have been some mistake. My dear Sweetie Belle wouldn’t do such a thing!”

“Ah don’t know girls, the Officer didn’t sound like he was lying. But I’m hoping that this is all a misunderstanding and that my little sister is innocent.”

Moments later, Shining entered the room along with the three girls. They wasted no time in pulling in the girls for a hug.

“Applebloom, Ah was worried about you!” Applebloom did not respond.

Shining Armor then placed a folder of evidence, with the information provided by MyStable. “I would like you to take a look at these photos.”

Applejack opened the folder and her eyes went wide, looking at Applebloom with disbelief as she passed the folder to Rarity.

“Applebloom… tell me the truth. Are you and your friends… Anon-A-Miss…?”

She hung her head down and let out a sad sigh, “Yes, Sis… we’re Anon-A-Miss…”

Applejack and her friends can’t believe what they’re seeing and hearing. With the folder of evidence along with the confession of Applebloom, their reactions vary. Applejack tried to hold back tears, knowing that she dumped Sunset Shimmer after accusing her of being Anon-A-Miss.

Rarity has the same reaction, while Rainbow Dash’s face turned from disbelief to anger.

“Why…?” Rainbow asked.

The three girls looked at Rainbow in fear, to which she slammed her fist on the table. “Why did you do it!? Of all the people, Scootaloo! Why!?”

“I-I-It’s because… we were jealous that you were spending so much time with Sunset Shimmer that we felt like you were abandoning us in favor of her. We just wanted to have you back, so we created the account to pose as her and share embarrassing secrets so-”

“That does not justify what you did! What you did caused pain and heartache! Not to mention, Sunset ended up in the hospital as a result of your actions!” Rarity angrily said, all the while trying to hold back tears.

“Ah can’t believe you, Applebloom! Why would you do this to us!? To me!? Your own flesh and blood! What would Ma and Pa think of this if they were still here!?”

“And as for you Scootaloo, I thought you knew better than to do something stupid like this! I can’t believe you, squirt! You betrayed not only me but your sisters, my friends, and the entire school!”

The three girls said nothing, all too ashamed to say anything.

“As for the matter of pressing charges, considering they are below 17 years old, they cannot be charged for the crimes they did. As far as I know, they’re free to go. But that doesn’t mean they’re free from consequences. Sunset Shimmer and my sister may decide to sue your family once they find out about this. I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do except to give you this advice. Get an attorney soon.”

With that, Shining Armor uncuffed the girls’ handcuffs and opened the door. “You can take your sisters home now, and Principal Celestia has been informed about this revelation. They expect you to be at her office tomorrow morning.”

The girls left the cell, with Scootaloo being chewed out by Rainbow Dash on the way out. They felt the chills as this is not the end of their problems.

The next morning, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were taken to Principal Celestia’s office. With them is Granny Smith, Rarity and Auntie Lofty.

The three girls entered the office, followed by their guardians.

“Thank you for coming. This is an important matter that I must undertake.” Celestia said, all the while pinching the bridge of her nose.

Vice Principal Luna walked out of the other room and placed down Celestia’s cup of tea on her desk. “I’m sure you’re aware of what happened in CHS.

Granny Smith and Rarity nodded, while Auntie Lofty shook her head.

“I’ll make it short for you, Ms. Lofty. Three weeks ago, a user named Anon-A-Miss began posting secrets of Applejack and her friends. Not too long, it escalated and soon the secrets of the students have become public for all to see.”

Celestia took a sip of her tea, before continuing, “All of this led to her friends and the entire student body turning against Sunset Shimmer, believing that she is Anon-A-Miss. They bullied her, made fun of her and worse, one of my students tried to kill her. Rest assured, this student has been expelled and will be facing trial.”

“After a thorough investigation by Officer Shining Armor, he discovered that Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are Anon-A-Miss. The three young girls have been posing as Anon-A-Miss.”

“This is nonsense!” Said Auntie Lofty, “What proof do you have to show that my niece is responsible for such actions?”

Celestia then showed her a copy of images sent by Shining Armor in the event that evidence is needed or asked by the concerned party. Auntie Lofty was shocked and looked at Scootaloo with disbelief. “Scootaloo… did you do this…?”

Scootaloo did not respond, she hung her head low.

Celestia then finished her tea, before continuing, “In all my years of teaching and as Principal of CHS, I have handled worse situations. But this whole Anon-A-Miss debacle has taken its toll on me. I had Granny Smith and the rest of the staff on full alert in any case of fights breaking out as a result of their actions,” she pointed at the three young girls, “Chaos ensued in my school, fights broke out, students distrusted each other because of their posts. Even the School council demanded that I expel those who started the fights.”

“I had faith in these three young girls especially, with not only their grades being a remarkable feat, but their sense of hope and friendship being the forefront of their behavior. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case this time.”

Vice Principal Luna then added, “And thanks to you three young girls, Sunset Shimmer has been admitted to the hospital because of Gilda. She attempted to kill Sunset because she thought that Sunset was Anon-A-Miss and that she is to blame for her most embarrassing secrets made known to the students. I am ashamed of you three. Out of all the misconducts I had to handle, yours is the worst.”

Celestia then let out a sad sigh and faced the three young girls, “Which is why I am here to tell you that as of today, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, you are hereby expelled from Canterlot High. Effective Immediately.”

The three young girls began to sob at the bad news, to which Auntie Lofty didn’t take the news too well, “This can’t be! There has to be another way! Like suspension or some form of punishment!”

Celestia shook her head, “I’m sorry, but this is the best course of action that me, my sister and the school board have decided on. We can’t take the risk of these three young girls being bullied or worse, beaten up by angry students because of their deeds. I’m sorry, but they are officially expelled, effective today.”

“I’ll take you to their lockers to gather their things for you, please follow me.” Vice Principal Luna said, leading the three young girls and their guardians outside.

“Granny Smith, I’m sorry. I hope you understand that I did this out for their own safety and well being.”

“Ah understand, Principal Celestia. Don’t worry, Ah’ll make sure Applebloom here will learn her lesson.” Granny Smith said before following the rest.

Celestia sighed and shed a tear. She did not want to expel the three young girls, but she had no choice.

She had to do it for their own protection.

Sparkle and Flame - (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.