Rainbooms and Royalty (New) - FiMFetch.net (2024)

The morning sun found Rainbow Dash in the middle of the palace labyrinth. It wasn’t the first time she’d snuck out to spend the night by herself, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. She shivered as she stirred, wishing she’d had the presence of mind to grab a cloud to sleep on last night. She took a moment to stretch, working out the little kinks and aches, then let out her remaining tiredness in one massive yawn. Her rumbling stomach alerted her to her first priority. Time to sneak into the kitchen and grab something to eat.

However, as soon as she flew out of the garden she encountered a patrol of royal pegasus guards, no doubt with orders to keep an eye out for her. “Hey Steelwing!” She waved to the leader. “What’s up?”

“Rainbow Dash!” Steelwing said in his best ‘I am serious and you will obey’ Royal Guard voice. She heard that one a lot. “You need to return to Canterlot Castle immediately!”

“Sure!” Rainbow grinned after she pretended to think about it. “But you know the rules: you have to catch me first!”

“Get back here!” The familiar cry was music to her ears. Apparently she’d be getting in her morning exercise in before breakfast. She flew between the towers of Canterlot Castle as the squad of guards pursued.

“Sorry guys, you gotta earn it!” Rainbow performed a aileron roll and ended doing a slow backstroke in the sky, taunting the guards. She let them get so close that the tip of her tail tickled their snouts, only to then put on a sudden burst of speed that left them all blinded by her rainbow trail. By the time they finished blinking and rubbing their eyes, Rainbow was out of sight.

She leaned against a tall, twisty-looking statue in the garden and watched them disperse in confusion. She headed back into the sky, considering how to continue their little game but then she spotted a familiar lone figure in the castle courtyard. He had been there for sometime apparently, just watching the scene. She grinned and sped over to her personal trainer and gently rapped the back of his helmet. To her disappointment, he wasn’t even startled.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey Shiny!” She gave a wave and a grin. “What’s up, other than the most amazing flyer the world has ever known?”

“Rainbow.” Shining Armor's voice trailed off as he groaned. The corners of his mouth peaked, unable to completely hide his knowing smile. “What is this, the third time this month? Give the poor guards a break. I’m sure they have better things to do than to chase you around Canterlot.”

“Eh, not much of a chase. Chase implies that they had a chance of catching me, which they didn’t.” She buffed her hoof on her chest.

Shining Armor chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes, I know. You’re awesome.”

“Darn right!” Rainbow flexed. “So what’s going on?”

“Just doing my job and checking up on my favorite flyer.” He put his hoof on her shoulder, easing her to the ground. “What’s going on with you?”

Rainbow Dash colored a bit as Shining Armor guided her down. “Who said anything was going on?” She gave him the widest, most confident looking smile that utterly failed to convince anypony.

“Are you sure?” Shining tilted his head. “As much as you like leading the guards on a merry chase around the city, you usually don’t do it more than twice a month. So what’s up? Another fight with Queen Celestia?”

Rainbow looked down, scuffing at the pavement. “Yeah…”

Shining Armor sighed. “You know, Dashie...” Rainbow blushed at the childish nickname, “...being her personal protégé is a huge honor. My little sister Twiley would give her right hoof for that sort of opportunity.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah, the famous sister you’re always talking about but isn’t ever around to actually meet me. I’m starting to wonder if she even exists.”

“I haven’t invented any imaginary fillies since my junior prom,” Shining deadpanned. He shook his head, getting back on track. “Look, I know you’re frustrated at the social obligations that come with being her student, but Celestia’s actually sheltered you from the worst of it for a good while now. And she’s pretty reasonable about the rest, so I’m thinking there’s got to be more to what’s bothering you than some pampered snobs, right?”

“I guess,” Rainbow sighed. “It wouldn’t be so bad if I was able to show everypony what I was really capable of—why Celestia chose me in the first place—but instead I’m dragged to stuff like last night.” She looked up at him, almost begging him to understand. “What’s the point in having wings if you never get to stretch them?”

It didn’t take Shining long to realize what lay at the heart of matter. “This is about the Sonic Rainboom, isn’t it?” Rainbow lowered her head and looked away. He sighed. “I’m sorry. I know how hard you’ve been trying to do it again. But these things take time—”

“Time?” Rainbow Dash’s head snapped up, tears of anger and frustration building in her eyes. “It’s been ages! I haven’t been able to even come close to pulling of a Sonic Rainboom since the first time! How is it that I’m a worse flyer now than I was when I was a filly?!”

Shining Armor snorted. “Oh that’s just nonsense!” He pointed to her swiftly disappearing pursuers. “All the guards in Canterlot know you’re something special, even when you drive us up the wall chasing you.”

“You guys might, but the Wonderbolts don’t. Especially since I still can’t perform the Sonic Rainboom again.” She crossed her legs across her chest in a pout. “Last time I went back to Cloudsdale, none of the other pegasi believed that I ever did it. They called it an old mare’s tale I didn’t have the skill to do, writing the whole thing off as some freak accident at the weather factory.”

He gently draped a hoof over her back. “That’s why you’re Queen Celestia’s student and they’re not. You never do anything small. Just like the old pegasus saying: aim for the heavens…”

“Because even if you miss you'll land among the stars,” Rainbow finished. “I know.” She looked up, any stars in the sky being blocked out by the sun. “They just seem so far away, and I’m not getting any closer. And if I can’t even do the Rainboom...”

Shining quirked an eyebrow at her. “Hm. I never took you for a quitter, Rainbow.”

She flinched as if stung. “I’m no quitter! I’m Rainbow Dash, and I can do anything!”

“Well all this moping about and complaining makes you seem kinda…” Shining gave a small cherubic grin calculated to drive anypony nuts. The fact that she was glaring at him spoke volumes about its effectiveness.

“Don’t. You. Dare,” she ground out, her eyes narrowing.

“…lame.” Shining Armor smirked then quickly moved to the side as Rainbow Dash came within an inch of tackling him to the ground.

“I’ll show you lame!” she snarled, turning around. “I’m gonna kick your flank so hard you’ll have to change your name to Dented Armor!”

Shining chuckled. “Like you said before: you’ll have to catch me first!” With a burst of light and a low ‘pop!’ he vanished in a magical teleport.

Dash fumed and took off, searching all over the castle grounds for the Captain of the Royal Guard.

Outside of Celestia, he was probably the coolest pony she knew in Canterlot. Well, besides the Wonderbolts. And Vinyl Scratch. She had just met Fancy Pants but he seemed pretty cool too … okay, so maybe Shining Armor wasn’t the most “traditionally” cool pony Rainbow knew.

On the one hoof, he was captain of the royal guard: a soldier, a solid spell-slinger and pretty athletic, naturally. He was also a doof, but in an endearing kinda way. He would constantly put his hoof in his mouth, get all excited about the newest edition of Ogres and Oubliettes and become every kind of awkward when a pretty mare so much as looked his way. It was funny to watch. So he was lame in a cool kind of way. Or maybe cool in a lame kind of way. She hadn’t made up her mind about that yet. But the one thing she was sure of? He was a blast to be around.

Rainbow relished the chase, with Shining Armor teleporting away just as she drew close. The feeling of wind rushing through her mane always helped her relax and think. She passed by Celestia’s balcony, noticing a covered tray left on the bannister. She knew from experience that it would be full of croissants or bagels or some other pastry, left out specially for her.

She sighed. Celestia was always doing nice little things like that while she was training. Sometimes Celestia herself would come out and fly with her. Sometimes that would be the lead in to a pranking spree, or maybe a visit to the next Wonderbolt performance. Those were some of the best memories Rainbow had of her time in Canterlot. But those moments were becoming fewer and farther between, replaced by socials and soirées.

The more Rainbow flew after Shining, who kept teleporting away, the more she thought it was a perfect symbol of her time spent in Canterlot. Even after all the time training and studying, she still couldn’t perform the Sonic Rainboom again. It was what had first attracted Celestia’s attention to her, and now she couldn’t do it at all? There was only one word to describe it, and it was the worst f-word Rainbow knew:


A sudden flash of purple shook Rainbow out of her reverie, spotting Shining Armor atop one of the spires of Canterlot Castle. “Gotcha!” she crowed as she bore down on him, confident that since he was facing away he wouldn’t have time to react and teleport away again. Her assessment left Dash with a face full of tower. “Ow.”

Rubbing her snout ruefully, she cast around to catch a glimpse of her quarry. Wherever Shining Armor was hiding, the tall spires provided a good vantage. In fact, from here, she could almost see the entirety of Equestria stretch out in all directions, beckoning her with its infinite vastness. No walls. No palace. Just endless plains beyond the valley beneath Canterlot. Even the nearest town seemed to breathe the fresh air. Nothing to obscure her vision or get in her way.

Exactly what she’d been looking for.

“Rainbow?” She started suddenly, not noticing when Shining Armor reappeared on a ledge below her. “You okay?”

“I’m … yeah. I—think I know what I have to do.” She landed next to him.

“You do?”

She nodded. “I need to leave.”

“You need to what?” Shining’s eyes bulged. “Dashie, come on—”

“I don’t mean forever!” Rainbow quickly waved him off. “You remember my old flight camp buddies?”

“Yes, I’ve met them when they visited Canterlot,” he reminded her slowly, not quite sure he liked where this was going.

Rainbow nodded eagerly. “Right! Only I kept saying I would go visit them in Ponyville, but I kept getting busy or something would come up, so I figure why not now? Plus one of them settled there a little while ago, so I’ve got the perfect housewarming present: a Rainbow Dash visit!” She gave him her biggest, brightest, and most awesomely patented Rainbow smile.

Shining Armor somehow wasn’t swayed. “That’s nice and all, but you can’t just up and leave without talking to Queen Celestia.”

Rainbow felt a twinge of guilt, but shook her head. “Look, me and Celestia could probably both use a little space right now. Hay, with the Summer Sun Celebration coming up, she’ll be so swamped that she won’t even miss me. We’ll patch things up in a few days when she’s in town for the Celebration. I'll show her my new routine when she raises the sun and everything'll be good. Pegasi’s honor.” She clasped her hooves together imploringly. “You were telling me how awesome I am, but it feels like this place is sucking all the awesome out of me. I need to stretch my wings and be with ponies like me, just for a bit! Pleeeeease?”

Shining winced. “Maybe you should hold off for a little bit. You’re the one who begged for Celestia to have the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville this year so you could show off your routine to your old friends, remember? Why not wait until then?”

She shook her head, turning away to look back at the horizon. “I’ve been holding off on this for long enough. Tell Celestia I told her not to be mad at you since you did everything you could, and say hi to Cadance for me!”

She threw herself off the tower, basking in the rush of wind as gravity pulled her down. The ground drew nearer and nearer, and her lips curved in a daredevil’s smile. With a flare of her wings, she caught air and pulled up right at the fringes of the forest in a spectacular twirl.

She looked back at Shining Armor, a small pale figure standing on the outermost battlements. Rainbow waved at him, trying to let him know that it would all be okay. Everypony needed some time to herself, after all. “It’s alright Shiny! The next time you see me, everything will be even more awesome—”

Her voice grew bolder as her flight carried her farther and farther from Canterlot. “—and nopony’s gonna bring me down!”

Next Chapter: Chapter 3Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 6 Minutes Return to Story Description

Rainbooms and Royalty (New) - FiMFetch.net (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 5724

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.