Over the hills and far away (2024)

It had been a long war, but the last groups of ponies were finally returning from hospitals, debriefing, the front line or in some cases all three. Ponyville had sent its fair share of stallions off to fight, and many had already returned over the past few weeks. Of course some were not going to return, and the town flag had been flowing at half mast for far too long…

But today was a day for smiles and happiness, its final five heroes, among the most honoured in the entire kingdom, were returning home at last. The town had put on a big display and had done up the town ready for a big party, both in celebration of the end of the war, and the sacrifices everypony had made

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stood amongst the rest of the school class, lapping up the sense of national pride the like of which had never been felt before. For months after the start of the war they wanted to prove themselves big ponies and join in the war effort, but the stories from returning injured stallions had changed their minds. Besides, war had been tough enough in the town for the youngsters, with celebrations, sweets and parties replaced by hard work, simple food and memorial wakes.

“They are here!” Scootaloo shouted out to the group of gathered ponies, all casting their eyes to where the filly was pointing into the distance. Four ponies come down the main path into town, to cheers from the whole town. Four fillies that had left the safety of Equestria to fight for her freedom. Four fillies that despite saving the country a few times already felt that they had to step up one more time…

Pinkie looked physically the worst out of the four ponies, even from a distance – she had a long ugly scar down one side, many more across her entire body, half her mane was missing, and one hoof was clearly bent out of shape. That didn’t stop the pony from bouncing as she always had, albeit with a slight limp, but the party pony’s demeanour seemed unchanged.

Rainbow dash was also in a bad shape, not that she would have let on. The Pegasus was flying along fine, but on closer look her right hind leg was missing, and when she landed she stood just on the three remaining legs. Apart from that, she seemed in good form and was clearly enjoying the attention of the welcoming committee.

Fluttershy’s looked physically fine, and strangely she didn’t back away as she would have done in the past from the attention they were attracting. But her eyes told a story all by themselves, the kindness that was always in them seemed to have dulled a little. Her animal friends had met her at the edge of the Everfree forest and whilst they had followed their friend into town, none of them had actually approached the filly.

But Twilights demeanour seemed to be the most changed. Despite being the guest of honour, she wasn’t looking towards anypony and instead seemed to be looking at a non specific point far away. She had a few burns across her body, but apart from that appeared to be unhurt. Spike also looked fine, riding on his guardians back just as he always had done, although his face had lost its youthful grin replaced by a more mature smile.

Applejack and Rarity watched from the front of the congregation as their friends approached, both of them excited at having their friends back, but worried about what they saw…

Act1.Ch1 - The path to war

*** 18 months previously ***

Everypony was on edge, for this was no normal meeting called by the Royals. It was not being held in the palace halls, or even in the large Canterlot Gardens, but on the fields’ outside of the city. And it wasn't just a group of royals, the elite of society or diplomats. Everypony in Canterlot was invited, and all civil servants and figures of authority across Equestria were mandated to attend.

The bearers of the elements of harmony were given special seats at the front, mixed in with some of the most important ponies in the kingdom. Whilst some of the dignitaries were surprised to see what they saw as commoners amongst them, their faces changed when somepony explained who they were, and how many times they had saved the kingdom. Plus it was soon discovered that one of the unicorns was the sibling of the Crystal Prince, and protege to the Princesses themselves! Suddenly the six ponies found themselves being met with smiles rather than frowns.

Ponies from all over Equestria had answered the Royal call, and fields upon fields were lined up with nervous poniesawaiting the meeting, or in reality a rally, to start. They all had some idea what was going on, you would have to be a foal not to, and the rumours were floating around the fields like wildfire.

Princess Celestia took the stage dressed unlike any living pony had ever seen her, her immortal sisters excluded. Rather than her usual crown, she wore a gemstone encrusted helm. The ornamental breastplate she normally wore was replaced by the Princesses being covered from neck to hoof in golden armour, shining not just in her sunlight but from a magic so powerful not many ponies would even dream such charms existed. Twilight of course recognized the spell immediately.

“My loyal subjects, these are dark days indeed. As many of you know since the Changeling invasion at the royal wedding, the enemy has been unrelenting in their attacks on our boarders and towns”

Celestia then gestured toward the couple next to her, where Princess Cadence and Shining Armour were standing. Shining had an outfit similar to the average royal guard, but slightly more ornate given his dual stature. Cadence, being the princess of love itself, had always refused to wear any aggressive armour but instead wore a formal dress, elegant manestyle and a determined regal face.

Celestia continued “The Royal guard have been busy keeping the enemy at bay, and with the Crystal Prince leading them, they have defended this great kingdom from countless attacks. We all owe them our highest thanks!”

The crowd whooped and cheered at this, the ground too soft for the usual hoof-clopping.

Princess Luna then took the stage, looking very similar to Nightmare Moon. Her armour was similar shape to her sisters, but was deep purple and black and rather than glisten it seemed to absorb light. Both of the battle outfits had actually not been seen since the great war between the sisters, the mere presence of the armour reminding the sisters of other dark times they had faced.

“My sisters and I have discussed this at great length, and it is felt that this can't be allowed to continue” A hush fell over the crowd, for this is not what they expected to hear. “And so, it sadly falls on me to announce that for the first time in our great nation’s history, we have to react against one of our neighbours. Of course we have one simple rule in Equestria, that no pony will kill except in self-defence."

There was a big cheer from the crowd, pleased to hear that despite the dangers the kingdom would not be compromising on its morals.

“However” Princess Cadence interrupted the cheer “The guards cannot prevent invasion by just responding to each attack. We cannot risk missing some intelligence and some innocent ponies getting hurt”

Celestia took the front of the stage, spreading her armoured tipped wings in a show of power “We have therefore decided that we will invade the Changeling Empire and stop the attacks at their source – Equestria is at War!”

Another hush descended around the ponies gathered, and the three immortal princesses looked at each other. In the past ponies always cheered during any such speech, and they were concerned that during such a long period of peace that their little ponies had gone soft. They did realise it was the first time they started a war themselves, rather than react to another declaration, so they didn’t know fully what to expect,

Luna took focus again “We are after volunteers for the war effort, and you will have to organise your towns and regions accordingly. I will be organising the front line of the Equestria army, the crystal Prince and Princess will be looking after the diplomacy with our other neighbours, and Celestia will be in charge of the home effort”

Celestia took her cue “Every town will need to do its part, both at home and the front line. The kingdom will need to gear up production of all supplies, and every able bodied pony, of all ages, would be expected to help in the farms, production or supply lines”

Luna than took a deep breath “And of course we need an army. There will be no conscription; each pony can choose whether to help at home…or the fighting. The royal guards will lead the units, but we need Stallions for all aspects of war. We need fighters, mages, scouts, experts, medics – whoever you are you will be invaluable to the effort.”

An overall silence fell over the crowd, with lots of mumbling amongst the gathered ponies. This had not gone as well as the Royal Quintet had hoped, and wondered if infact the kingdom was ready to fight. The Princesses thought deeply on how they could try to turn this around, whilst Shining wondered if all the ponies ready to fight were already in his Royal Guard.

Just when the Princesses had started to lose hope, a purple flash was seen at the front of the stage, and the microphone floated down to a filly…

“Hello everypony” A nervous voice boomed out magically “My name is Twilight Sparkle” The crowd started whispering “The Element of Magic” “Saved us from discord” “The Royal Protégé” “Destroyed Nightmare Moon” and hearing that everypony knew who she was made the filly even more nervous.

Looking to the sides at her mentor, her brother, her sister-in-law and even Luna (who had grown attached to Twilight as her first real friend), their faces of confusion didn’t help her nerves.

“You all seem to know who I am, and therefore you know what my friends and I have done. We have saved this great nation from threats four times, together, as citizens…of Equestria!”

She finished with an upward tone and the crowd erupted into the biggest cheer of the rally so far. Boosted by the noise, she took a deep breath, swept her hoof away from her to clear the stress and continued.

“You all seem to know that the bearers of the elements of Harmony released Princess Luna from Nightmare Moon”

The crowd cheered again, boosting Twilights feeling that she could do this.

“We defeated the spirit of chaos itself, Discord”

Another cheer erupted, the young filly playing the gathered masses like an expert orator.

“We reunited Princess Cadence and Shining Armour on their wedding day, allowing them to defeat the changelings major invasion”

Another cheer erupted,and Celestia looked over with so much pride towards her prize pupil, who had worked a crowd like nopony since Starswirl the Bearded himself had done just after the sisters war.

“We have served our beloved leaders in times of need, and saved this great kingdom from many threats. Everypony has to do their part, and that includes myself. I therefore wish to be the first volunteer in the Great Ponies Army of EQUESTRIA!” And with that she turned to Luna, and gave a salute to her new commander and chief.

Another cheer erupted, along with chants of “Equestria, Equestria, Equestria” Shining looked over the crowd whooping and hollering at his sister, and he had to admit he had never even been able to get his guards, or the crystal ponies, so excited. This completely distracted him from the fact his sister had just volunteered to go to war.

Twilight noticed a Pegasus landing next to her. Ah, Rainbow Dash, element of Loyalty, I thought you would follow in my hoofsteps the unicorn thought to herself, as she passed the magically enhanced microphone over.

“And I wish to be the second pony to volunteer” a soft voice boomed out, amplified by magic. Twilight turned shocked to see Fluttershy standing on stage, her determination clearly overcoming the nerves of being the focus of attention for tens of thousands of ponies.

The crowd started whispering again “That’s Fluttershy”, “Element of kindness”, “Such a gentle pony”, “Never harms a fly…literally”

“As our beloved Princesses said, everypony has a part to play. I’m no farmer pony who can work the land or pull supplies; I’m no strong Earth, powerful unicorn or fast Pegasus who can fight.” She turned, faced the scary dark Alicorn in front of her, and managed to stay upright despite the fear she was feeling as she saluted “But I am a pony of this great nation, and I will do my part as a medic in your great army to see us victorious!”

The crowd went absolutely mad at this point, seeing such a young and timid filly ready to take part was the final straw that was needed to galvanise all of them into the war effort. The four royals looked shocked at the second young pony to have out orated them all, but were glad that they had invited the bearers of the elements to the rally.

But they all thought to themselves as to Twilight or her friends actually going to war, absolutely not!

Celestia took front of stage again, with Twilight and Fluttershy bowing and backing out of the way. The Princess of the Day explained to the gathered crowed that they should all go back to their towns and villages, and start organising which ponies were to fight, and which were to stay. Luna and Celestia would be in touch with each mayor to help organise the effort.

“We are a loving and peaceful nation, built on freedom. But when that freedom is threatened, we must act to protect it, not just for us, but our foals, and our foals foals…”

The crowd went wild again and the three Princesses and Prince made their leave, beckoning for Twilight and her friends to follow them

***later that evening, back in Canterlot castle***

The arguments had started not long after they had reached the privacy of the royal quarter of the castle, and were getting more heated.

“There is no way my sister is taking part in a war” Prince Shining yelled at his little sister, a little too close to her face

“Shining, I’m a big pony now, I can make my own decisions! Besides, I’ve fought as many enemies as you…no offence Luna”

Luna rolled her eyes, used to being considered one of the high points of both her sister and the bearers of the elements victories.

“But Twilight” Cadence softly spoke “This is not like the other times. Your friends and you helped save this nation through friendship and the elements, magic only the six of you could weld. But this time other ponies can help for a change”

“I’m with Twilight on this one” Rainbow spoke up, nervous to argue with the royal ponies but loyal to her friend arguing against them “We all have to do our part, and you saw how the other ponies reacted when they saw Twilight and Fluttershy volunteer”

“Then how come you didn’t volunteer?” Shining snarled

Rainbow flew over and hovered right in front of the face of the Prince, all protocol gone out of the window “You know I did as soon as we got off the stage. I was about to fly up next to Twilight, but then I saw Fluttershy start to move. The look in her eyes told me what she planned to do”

The rainbow mane filly looked over at her best Pegasus friend, who she considered almost as a sister, and gave her the biggest smile she could “And I knew that Fluttershy speaking would do more to spread the message than me. Afterall, I’m known to be awesome and daring, and Twilight powerful, and that may have gave the wrong impression. But for somepony such as Fluttershy to go onstage and commit to the war helped spread the message that we are all in this together!”

Rainbow flew back next to Twilight and Fluttershy, and gave both her friends sly hoofbumps Ha, got you there! Rainbow inwardly gloated.

“Dearest Twilight, my faithful student. I know you want to help in this fight, but there was a reason we asked for Stallions. War is not an adventure that will be over quickly, it’s a long, hard, evil affair. And…it changes ponies”

“Princess Celestia, I am expecting this, as I’m sure my friends are as well. But we will not sit back in the safety of Equestria whilst fellow ponies put life and limb for risk. We have fought for you and your sister before, and will do so again” Twilight stood defiantly in front of her mentor.

Celestia knew it was hard arguing against the keen mind of Twilight “The elements of harmony will not help you in this. They are defensive magic only, helping only to protect this great land when there is a threat within its borders. Whilst you are out of the kingdom, you would lose their power”

This made the bearers of the elements a little nervous – they had not thought of this and started to wonder if they had acted too hastily.

Luna looked over to her sister “Dearest Tia, I know you care for these ponies…but you should not lie” Celestia shot her younger sibling an evil glare, but Luna ignored it “Twilight and friends, should you leave the kingdom you will temporarily lose the ability to use the elements, and their control will pass back to Cadence, Celestia and I.”

Celestia face fell, knowing that Luna had destroyed what she hoped was her trump card at protecting Twilight. Fluttershy flew up and stroked her wing down Celestia’s cheek, wiping away a tear, the other ponies in the room watching in shock at the informality shown by the shyest filly “Princess, I know you care about all of us, especially Twilight, but you can’t wrap us up in cotton wall. Even the most timid of creatures have to leave the nest sometime…”

The grand leader looked the yellow filly “Oh Fluttershy, kindness is just such a big part of you isn't it?” Celestia turned and faced the other ponies “Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash…if you want to be part of Luna’s army, I cannot forbid it. I may not like it, I urge you to reconsider, but I will not stop you”

She then stared at her younger sister “But if anything happens to you, I will hold Luna personally responsible”!

“Oh, aunty Celestia, don’t be so silly. Luna will be seeking to ensure the safety of all the ponies of her army” Cadence reminded the eldest sister.

Luna looked in deep thought “Twilight, I accept you into my Army, as a mage for an infantry unit. At the back of any battle, you will be safest there."

The alicorn then turned to the pegasi next to each other "Rainbow Dash, I accept your request as well. You seem best suited as a scout. It’s a little more dangerous, but with your speed I doubt you will be in much trouble”

She then looked at Fluttershy, her eyes turning a little softer “Dearest Fluttershy. You are kind, and brave, but I don’t think you would be suited for a life in the Army. You are not strong enough to act as a front line medic…”

Fluttershy put her hoof up to stop the Princess “With all due respect Luna, I wasn’t asking to be a first responder, but work in one of the hospitals. I am an expert surgeon and intensive care doctor”

“You are?” The three Princesses, five friends, a colt and a dragon all exclaimed in surprise

“Oh, my…well yes. Having tended to so many animals I became a self taught expert. Ponyville Hospital then helped train me and have actually asked me to help in emergencies. As Rarity can confirm, I am also good with needles and having the hoof on approach is better then magic for emergency medicine. And living on the edge of the Everfree forest, I probably do more emergency medical work than most pony doctors!”

Luna nodded at the timid pony with a smile “Doctor Fluttershy, I apologise. I am honoured if you will join my Army in the medical core.”

Spike then stepped forwards to the front of the group “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, I wish to volunteer my services for communication. I know I am the only dragon, but hopefully I can provide some messaging between the front line and Equestria."

“Oh Spike, you are still a baby dragon, nopony expects you to help” Twilight went to hug her adopted son, but he shrugged her off

“If you are allowed to join, why can’t I?” the young drake protested with cross arms.

Princess Luna laughed “Spike, you are indeed correct. I accept you as a messenger between myself and my sister”

Shining Armor stood forwards to protest – not only is his sister going to war, but their adopted dragon sibling as well? But before he could start, his wife put her wing round him “My dearest husband, I know this is upsetting. But you cannot expect the other ponies, who are the loved ones of their own families, to put themselves in danger and not allow the ones you love ”

“Ya highness” Applejack approached Luna “I presume you need us strong earth pony types for fighting, and as sure as sugar I’m one of the strongest and fastest in the land! I therefore wish to fight.”

“Applejack, whilst this may be true, I think Celestia will need you more and I must refuse!”

Applejack looked shocked, and turned to her friends in confusion. Twilight nodded in agreement “Applejack, you may be fast and strong, but your skills are not best served in fighting but in farming”

Celestia approached the farmer and knelt down a little "Look Applejack, in this regards I do agree with my student. We need the best farmers in Equestria herself, helping grow, build and manage all the supplies that will be required. The whole of the Apple family, from coast to coast, are going to be needed on the home front. Ponyville has some of the most fertile land and I need you to head up the entire county's resources. That’s a vital job you understand!”

Applejack nodded, releasing that everypony was right. Besides, with Applebloom, Big Mac and her having lost their own parents, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to put her siblings through that again. “Understood yaw highness, I will ensure we produce the most out of all the land. I guarantee it!”

“I’m sure you will” Celestia smiled.

Pinkie then started bouncing round the room singing “My turn, My turn. Luna, please accept me into your army!”

Everypony looked at each other, not wanting to hurt the party pony's feelings “Erm, Pinkie” Rarity spoke “What part of the army do you think you suited for?”

“Well dur, isn’t it obvious?” Blank faces full of concern met her “I’m clearly suited for an engineering and munitions role, I’m awesome!”

Rainbow floated over to her friend, not wanting to hurt the filly but make her see sense “Engineering? Munitions? That’s an expert field, not something you can throw together like a party! You don’t know anything about it!”

“Oh really? Pinkie snapped “What about the party cannon, the body fireworks, the pumpkin catapults? Who designed and built them? Me!” and with that she caused a puff of smoke, and seemed to disappear.

“I am also a master of stealth, being able to hide almost anywhere” the pony called out, only being spotted when revealing herself from behind a statue.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other, knowing that any logical arguments were useless against Pinkie, as even the most skilled debaters in the kingdom are unable to argue against insanity. Luna approached the pink pony “Pinkie Pie, I would be honoured if you would join my army. I’m not sure what sort of role is best, but I suspect you will prove to be a valuable asset”

Pinkie started springing round the room, and humming a tune “Just working on some lyrics you guys, carry on”

Rarity released that she was the only one left “Well, I think we can safely say I will be no good on the front line. I mean, I don’t have the strength, speed or magic power to fight, and I’m no medic or delivery pony” Fluttershy put her wing round her friend to comfort her, but Rarity brushed it aside and stood proudly “But I am a hard worker, who knows how to work with all types of materials, so I will gladly take my role here in equestria wherever I am required”

“Rarity, I am sure that your skills and dedication will help massively on the home front, and I will want you to assist in the production of army and other war supplies” Celestia spoke to the white unicorn.

Twilight looked over her friends, realising how far they had come from that first day together at the Summer Sun Celebration. “Well girls, it looks like we’re going to be away from each other for a while. Since arriving in Ponyville I’ve never thought I could stand to be away from you for any length of time…” Twilight trotted over to the window showing them defeating Nightmare Moon “…but Equestria needs us and we have to answer the call...”

Pinkie then butted in “Songs ready!” and drew a big breath…

*** Two weeks later, back in Ponyville ***

The Royal Guard had arrived to collect and take the Ponyville volunteers to the front line. The whole town had turned out, as everypony had at least one family member or friend going off to the war. Six young ponies and a dragon were sat around, their hearts extra heavy.

The town clock rung midday, the scheduled departure time. All the Stallions gave their last goodbyes, grabbing their kit and forming a long marching column. The bearers of the elements gave each other a final last hug, and the four sole fillies leaving town took position somewhere in the middle of the column.

A few minutes passed awkwardly without moment, and they saw the company leader come trotting down the line, looking around. “Ah, Private Sparkle, there you are” the guard exclaimed as he saw the unicorn.

“Captain, why are we not moving, is everything okay?”

“Yes, except you are back here rather than the front! The guard is waiting for you, and your friends, to lead them away”

“Me, why me? Why us?” the filly responded in shock.

“Because you are Twilight Sparkle, student of the Princess. You are Twilight Sparkle, who organises her town whenever it’s required. And you four are parts of the elements of harmony, saviour of Equestria on no less than three occasions” the captain explained “We need you to lead”

“Oh, that!” Twilight rolled her eyes, and beckoned to her three other travelling friends. With Spike on her back, she walked to the front of column. Every stallion in line saluted them as they walked past and they had never felt so nervous having all thetownsponies they knew waving or saluting them as well. Twilight took her position at the very front and started the long march south…

Rarity, Applejack and the Cutie Mark Crusaders waved off their friends “I sure hope that we see them again” Applebloom wept

“You, me, and everypony else” Rarity replied, leading all five into a deep group hug.

Act1.Ch2 - The Journey Begins

The weather was perfect for walking, and having three of her friends by her side, and a baby dragon along for the ride, almost made Twilight, Futtershy, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash think that there were just going for a stroll through the countryside.

Despite being in a part of the land where the weather Pegasi didn’t micro manage the clouds, it turned out to be a glorious day. They passed fields filled with beautiful flowers, the cows in others bid them a pleasant day, and the birds and other animals frolicked in celestia’s glorious sun. Yes, life was good in the land of Equestria, and nothing was better than enjoying it with good friends.

Of course the sound of hundreds of ponies marching right behind them was always a constant reminder as at what was actually going on…and what lay ahead at their final destination.

It had been a long walk already, and there were still many miles to cover before setting up camp for the night. As Twilight was carrying Spike as usual on her back, she had been allowed to give some of her belongings to other ponies to carry. And luckily for Fluttershy she was only carrying a minimal amount of equipment, as being in the medical core she had no weapons or such to carry.

But Pinkie Pie and even Rainbow Dash were both starting to get a little tired. They had to carry a full set of body armour and a helm, as well as all their other supplies. They may be stronger and fitter than most ponies their ages, but they were still fillies and had some more growing to do before they became physically fully grown mares.

Of course they had travelled many miles by hoof before, from the first day (and unplanned long night) they met and travelled together through the Everfree Forest, to travelling long distances to persuade a dragon to move on. Even Rarity had joined Twilight and Rainbow Dash on an epic journey to look after Spike, so they were all used to hoofing it. But they usually travelled light, needing only each other, friendship and some food to survive.

Twilight noticed her friends starting to struggle under the weight of their packs, and wondered why they hadn’t asked for help. Of course it wasn’t Rainbows style to let on when she was tired or hurt, and asking some of the stronger stallions (or mares if any had been around) to help would not have been an option for the brash pony. And Twilight mused that Pinkie always looked up to Rainbow Dash, as was evident from the Gilda incident, and so would struggle on like her friend rather then admit she was weaker.

Whilst this made their unofficial leader proud, Twilight had a cool calculating brain on her shoulders, and knew it was a bit of a folly. Afterall, they were now at war and whilst everypony had to do their share and had a part to play, the most important thing was they were an army. And an army played to it’s strengths - having two physically weaker, but no doubt important, members struggling for no good reason was foalish.

Twilight decided that she should to help out, but first she levitated the map out of her pack and checked on their progress. Whilst normally the Captain would have been at the front, it was left up to Twilight and her friends to navigate having been asked to lead the way. Whilst they were in the safety of the heart of Equestria there would also be no scouts ahead to act as a guide so Twilights map skills were being put to the test.

Satisfied that they were on the right path, and the journey was going exactly by the book, Twilight placed the map back in her bag. She then reached out with her magic and took the armour and the helms off her friends backs to lighten the load, proceeding to carry the items above them.

“Hey, gave that back” Pinkie yelled, jumping up to try to reach her armour, but Twilight had it just out of the earth pony’s reach.

“I think what pinkie is trying to say” Rainbow snorted “is that we don’t need your help Twilight”

“Look, I’m only going to carry them for a while. I haven’t used any magic so far today, and it’s good to exercise it a little”

“You may not be Applejack, but you’re also an awful liar” Pinkie laughed, and the three friends all looked at Twilight

“Sorry girls, I shouldn’t lie to you” Twilight quickly apologised, looking a bit sheepish “But it’s a long journey and you’re clearly starting to get a bit tired…”

“Me, tired?” Rainbow laughed “I travel much further distances than this every day in training!”

“But normally by flying, and without much weight to carry” Fluttershy quietly interjected, before hiding back behind her mane “And it’s less tiring to fly a distance than walk it”

“Why are you walking anyway Dashie?” Pinkie asked turning to her friend who had walked the whole distance

“I just thought I’d keep you guys company, plus none of the other Peagsi are flying”

“Now you are being the terrible liar!” Twilight smiled “Clearly whilst you can carry four ponies at sonic Rainboom speed, as you did at the young fliers competition, that’s not the same as carrying a weight for a long distance. You’re built, and trained hard for years, for speed and intense activity Rainbow, not endurance.”

The blue pegasus looked at her friends “You’re right…egghead.”

“Levitating these for a while isn’t going to be too tiring but as soon as I feel tired I’ll give it back to you both, agreed?”

“Do you Pinkie Promise?”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye” Twilight solemnly vowed, without the actions that couldn’t be done whilst walking, before everypony burst into laughter. With her weight considerable lightened, Rainbow decided to float along for a bit, with Fluttershy joining in, whilst Pinkies gait became a bit more bouncy.

The Captain in charge then approached and trotted beside them “Private Sparkle, why are you carrying the other Privates belongings?”

“Sir, I needed something to burn a bit of my magic off on, just for a while Sir”

The unicorn Captain looked at her with a bit of scepticism “Private, I have never heard such gibberish in all my life!”

“With all due respect, Sir” Twilight responded “My magic is different from the average unicorns. If I don’t use enough I end up with too much and can’t sleep. Sir”

“So, you think you have more magic, or are more powerful then the rest of us, do you Private?” the Stallion barked back, with some of the other ponies at the front listening in.

“Sir, No Sir! Not more, or more powerful, it’s just different. It’s never been the same since I had my power surge that hatched and then aged Spike, Sir” Spike gave a salute from the back of his carriages back “And when I combined the Elements of Harmony, it changed again…sir!”

The captain looked at Twilight, who had used her trump cards quickly. He wasn’t sure if the filly was lying to him regarding the excuse, if it was true, or even if she did have more magic then him. But he was grateful that she had given him an easy out in front of the other soldiers listening in She is quick witted this one, the mages are sure going to be lucky to have her!

“Okay Private, fair enough, I’m sure the Royal Protégé knows her own aura. But why not carry your own stuff Private? Why make other pony’s work for you whilst your friend’s burdens are lightened?”

“Sir, I knew it would be very disrupting to the whole company trying to get my own stuff back, and given it’s only going to be a short time it wasn’t worthwhile.”

“Hmmm, good thinking Private. But next time, get clearance from me, do you understand?”

“Sir Yes Sir” Twilight enthusiastically responded. The Captain nodded in response, and dropped back to be alongside some of the other officers.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Rainbow declared “Wow Twilight, that was Awesome!”

“Yeah Twilight, you showed that Mr Grumpy Pants who’s the boss around here. Like he knows anything about magic like you.”

“I don’t know, he seemed…nice?” Fluttershy added

“Girls, I am used to dealing with the Royal Guards. He was just doing his job, and actually was pretty fair about it. I mean, I may have a lot of magic for somebody my age, and compared to Ponyville, but some of these other unicorns are going to be more powerful then me. Remember that my BBBFF cast a shield round the whole of Canterlot, whilst my BPFSSILF cast a shield round the whole Crystal Empire!”

“What’s a BPFSASSS…whatever that was?” Rainbow asked

“Best Princess Foal Sitter Sister in Law Forever – okay, it’s not as catchy but it’s true!”

The four fillies giggled whilst Spike just rolled his eyes. They carried on marching and flying for a while, until Twilight eventually gave back the items she was carrying. The rest had done her two friends good, and had made Twilight happy without being too much of a strain on her. Besides, she would move heaven and earth to help her friends…although what she really wanted to do is move the sun and hoped one-day Celestia would let her try.


As the evening started to draw in, the Ponyville Company reached the planned camp site. It was a large flat area, still well inside Equestria. Despite Ponyville being almost in the centre of the country, the four fillies had hardly ventured directly south before as most of the main cities and adventures had been in all other directions. Of course they had been to Appleloosa which was down this way, and the countryside looked familiar from that trip.

As the ponies all arrived at camp, Twilight took her possessions from the Stallions who had carried them for her and being too tired to think properly thanked them with a hug. As she trotted away she cringed as she realised what she had done and the Stallions blushed profusely whilst their friends teased them. The Captain had seen this happen and let out a sigh Fillies should not be at war…she’s going to get herself in all sorts of situations this one!

Clearing his throat, the Captain started “Listen up everypony. Tonight will be the first night you will make camp, and will be the last night we camp as a company alone. Whilst regulations would normally suggest that we should already start camping in mixed units, I think you can spend one last night in friends and family groups. So pitch your tents and make yourself something to eat. Lights out will be at twenty one hundred, and we will be up early to make rendezvous with other companies to form the South Equus Regiment”.

As he trotted away to his tent already set up for him, he went close enough to the four fillies and dragon who had been given a spot near the centre of the camp, unbeknownst to them for their own protection. When he was close enough he spoke just loud enough so only they could hear him

“Make the most of it girls, for this will be the last night you will spend together for while!”


Unsurprising given the group of four fillies had both the fastest pegasus and the most powerful unicorn in Ponyville in it, they had set up camp quickest, and thanks to Spikes fire breath, their dinner was ready in a flash. Spike had then gone around the rest of the camp helping set up fires for group of Earth and Pegasi ponies. Everypony of course knew who the baby dragon was, and was thankful for their help. Whilst fire is easy for unicorns, it was a pain to set one up the old fashioned way.

Night drew in, and the five young friends retired to the tent to sleep. Twilight extinguished the fire and lights, and also helped some of the other nearby camps do the same. It was because of the advantages of having a unicorn around that the army usually mixed up the sleeping arrangements between the three pony types. Equally, the earth ponies could then carry the more weight, whilst the pegasi could help with the collecting of supplies. The three tribes were always strongest when working together, as the elements proved.

As the four ponies climbed into their sleeping bags, they all let out a weary groan as their tired bodies came to rest.

“What do you think the others are doing right now?” Rainbow asked settling herself in

“I don’t know, but I’m sure they miss us as much as we miss them” Twilight sighed

“I think Applejack would quiet like all this camping and working” Fluttershy half yawned

“Yeah, but I think she’ll miss her family too much to be here” the unicorn responded, looking over her dragon brother already curled up asleep “Afterall, we all know her cutie mark story”

“Can you imagine what Rarity would make of all this?” Pinkie giggled, lightening the mood

“Oh, you didn’t see her on the camping trip…she brought as much stuff as about half of this company combined. How Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo moved it I’ll never know”

“Talking of Scootaloo…where is she staying whilst you’re away?” Twilight asked

“The Apples and Belles are going to alternate weeks in looking after her to give her parents the space they need. It’ll also keep Applebloom and Sweetie happy”

“That’s nice” fluttershy softly yawned and a silence fell over the tent as they thought back to the friends and family, official or otherwise, they had left behind.


In the depths of the night, with Luna’s moon still high in the sky, suddenly an alarm was heard from the sentries at the edge of camp. The camp quickly woke up and started arming itself. They had thought this would still be a safe place to camp, well inside Equestria’s boarders, and had not expected to be attacked by changelings yet. But luckily the guard always posted some sentries.

There was a lot of shouting at the edge of camp and the ground was rumbling. Everypony made their way over to where the commotion was coming from, no sense of order due to the lack of training. Twilight ordered Spike to stay behind and the four ponies rushed along with the rest of the ponies. The four fillies were at the back of the group, but could hear a very heated argument going on. They couldn't hear the words, but recognised all the voices. Being so far back, there was no way to get word to the front.

Twilight looked at her friends, and prepared herself “I’m going to teleport us, be ready” In a blinding flash of lavender they found themselves in the middle of two forces ready to fight each other. One side was armed with spares and swords, the other with horns.

“Wow, this is the second most number of weapons ever pointed at me” Twilight laughed.

“Chief Thunderhooves, Little Strongheart!” Pinkie and Rainbow Dash called out and rushed over to the pair, giving a formal nod to the chief and a friendly hug to the calf..

All the ponies seemed visibly stunned at what they saw. The buffalo chief raised his hoof and his army relaxed their posture, allowing the ponies to lower their weapons, and sheath their swords. There was still a lot of tension in the air, but also a lot of confusion.

The captain marched forwards and looked at the two fillies chatting away casually to the young buffalo. He then turned to Twilight who was stifling a laugh, her shoulders moving involuntary “Sorry Sir, but we have met these noble Buffalo before.” she half giggled at the look on his face.

Of course they have the captain thought to himself sarcastically Why wouldn’t they already be able to defuse any situation we come across! Still, at least this may resolve the problem without a fight

Twilight approached the buffalo with Fluttershy hiding behind her, and bowed respectively “Chief Thunderhooves, it is a pleasure to see you again, although I wish it was in different circ*mstances”

“Twilight Sparkle, I am glad you are in good health. Care to explain why you have settled on our sacred land?”

“We have not come here to permanently settle, we are just passing through. Had we know this was part of your land, we would have camped elsewhere or sought your permission first”

“Ah, I see” Chief turned to his fellow buffalo and dismissed them. Seeing the other side in retreat the Pony Captain ordered his stallions to do the same and get some sleep.

Chief Thunderhooves then continued “Of course Twilight Sparkle you and your friends are welcome to visit us anytime, but why are there so many ponies with you?”

Twilight went on to explain the journey they are undertaking, but did not go into details why. The captain had remained silent throughout this, deciding the best course of action was the let the unicorn defuse the situation. As Twilight was finishing explaining, she added “There may be others that follow, and as we do not have your lands marked on our maps they may also camp. I’m not sure how quickly we can get the message to them”

“As long as they are just staying one night, we will leave them alone” the chief confirmed “But if they do not move on…we will force them”

“Understood Chief Thunderhooves” Twilight bowed again “Rest assured that we mean no disrespect to your tribe”

With that the chief and his daughter departed, and the four fillies returned to the camp with the Captain following a little bemused in tow. He ordered them to go back to their tent, but whispered so only they could hear “Good going Privates, you’ve saved us from a whole heap of bother there!”

“Don’t worry” pinkie replied “I always had my song ready, although no stockings to wear. Want to hear it? We may be divided…”

“No!” screamed her three friends, causing the Captain to cast an even more confused face

“Trust me” Twilight explained “You don’t want to know!”


After a couple of more hours sleep, the camp awoke and started packing up. As soon as the fillies were done, ahead of the rest of the company naturally, Twilight levitated out a parchment and a quill to her number one assistant.

“Spike, could you take a letter please:

Dear Princess Celestia

Apologies if this letter finds you busy, but everypony learnt something important last night. It had been a hard days trek and during the night we found ourselves in a tricky situation. However, as with most problems, it was quickly resolved by using the magic of friendship.

Friends can be the most valuable resource in the world and you should never let anything so treasured go. You never know when you will run into old friends, and how they may be able to assist you.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

PS – I know I’m a little old for friendship reports now, but what’s life without a little whimsy.

Spike, please send directly to the Princess…she will know it is personal correspondence that way” and Spike soon burnt it with his magical breath.

Back in Canterlot Castle, Celestia received and read the message without delay. She of course knew what the true meaning of the letter really was. I miss you already too, Twilight

Act1.Ch3 - First Contact

Once the camp was packed up, the Ponyville company started heading south again. The guards insisted that Twilight and the other bearers took the head of the group again, at least until they rendezvoused with the other companies. They walked through the early morning sun, but with the surrounding countryside a little less green and a little more dusty, everypony’s spirits were a little lower than the previous days.

After a couple of hours, they reached the edge of Appleloosa where a small band of ponies were waiting for them. Being a smaller town, and a farming community, most of the ponies were needed to run the towns farming and logistic activities for the home effort, but still a hoof-full of earth stallions had signed up for the front line.

None of the townponies wanted to come and wish them goodbye, as it was too painful to loose anypony from their small community, a community that had been through so much in its short history. The stallions joined in the middle of the marching pack, and the company continued on its way.

As Celestia’s sun reached the peak of its arc, Rainbow, who was flying a few feet in the air, suddenly noticed something in the distance

“Wait, are there…changelings over there?” Rainbow pointed to the distance.

One of the Royal Guards overheard this and flew up next to the filly.

“Indeed they are Private. Looks like a small scouting party which are no doubt feeding back information that Equestria is mobilising an army.”

Rainbow drifted down to the ground “Well, best we teach them not to spy on us, isn’t it?” the pegasus said with a smirk on her face.

The Captain of the Guard had come to the front “It’s only a few scouts, nothing to worry about Private” The captain explained “No point delaying everypony in dealing with them.

“There’s no need to get everypony involved, I’ll get rid of them! Er, Sir” Rainbow boasted.

“By yourself? Don’t be stupid, Private” the Captain remarked with disdain

“There’s only three of them, and they are deep in Equestria’s territory…I don’t think they’ll fight!” Rainbow started putting on her armour and took up her lance. Most of the Pegasi units would use shorter swords than a lance, but after the jousting contest in the Crystal Empire, Rainbow had become quite proficient with it. Besides, lances were much more aerodynamic for fast flying.

“It sounds foalish and illogical…and that’s why you're going to do it, isn’t it?” Fluttershy asked, knowing her friend all too well!

“Oh yeah!” Rainbow shouted with delight.

“I forbid it Private Dash” the captain ordered “It’s too risky”

“Actually, might do the company a bit of morale boost sir!” Twilight interjected, pointing back at the rest of the group who had seen the small dots of the creatures in the distance “I think it will do all us all a world of good to get an early victory. And given Rainbow can outfly anypony or changeling, I don’t see she will be in harms way”

“No, it still seems too dangerous Private Sparkle, Private Dash”

Twilight got closer to him so only he could hear “We've fought these before, and we know we can handle them. Rainbow’s going to go and do it anyway, and if she flies off, there’s nopony who could stop her. If she goes against your orders, it’ll be a disaster all round. If you let her, everpony wins”

The Captain looked at the Royal Protégé, who he had been given orders to always listen to by both Princesses “But if she’s a loose cannon, surely she cannot be here in an army?”

“I think when she joins a group it’ll be easier, like when she works the weather teams or in the Wonderbolt Academy. It’s only when she’s alone, like now, she’s like this”

“You have a mighty old head on those young shoulders Ms Sparkle”

“Please, call me Twilight…Sir” the filly giggled a little in response, causing the Captain to smile. He than stepped away “Okay Private Dash, you may chase away the enemy, but do not put yourself in any unnecessary danger. Do I make myself clear”

“Sir…yes sir!” Rainbow replied with a smile, and strapped the lance to her hoof. Given one last look, and smile, to Fluttershy looking on scared she jumped up into the air, and started zooming towards the three changelings in the distance.


The three changelings had been on a scouting mission around the south of Equestria for a while. What had started out as a mission to locate a few towns to raid for love, had soon turned into something a little out of their league. They had seen some large groups of ponies marching south, towards the Changeling Kingdom, and reported this back to the Hive.

The Queen was confused by this news, and had sent them back, along with some other scouting groups out. Sure, the Royal Guard had been a little more active in patrolling and monitoring the border, but not in massive groups. Soon she had news that a great camp had been set up not far from Changeling Territory and this greatly concerned the Queen – could it be that Celestia had lost her mind and was going to attack her Kingdom?

The three scouts had been watching this particular group for an hour, when they noticed a single pegasus flying towards them. They had previously been spotted by some of the other groups of ponies they had spied upon, but none of them had reacted to them before. The trio were currently out of range of the Hive mind, so had to decide themselves what action to take

These changelings had not seen any action before, and not taken part in the Canterlot invasion. It’s only a single pony, that’s not going to be much of a threat the trio thought collectively.

Rainbow came straight towards them, easily dodging the weak magic blasts that scouts attempted to throw at the pony. The changelings were all in flight mode, and having not absorbed any love for a week they were much weaker than usual. As the pony got closer, the Changelings saw the sharp lance, the shining armour and the determined look on the ponies face.

The trio of changelings flew off in three separate directions, and Rainbow started after the fastest of the fliers – of course tactically going after the slowest would have made more sense but Rainbow wanted the enemy to know that she was fast.

She chased after the changeling, who was changing direction and trying to shake the pony off. However, slowly but surely Rainbow was catching up to it, her armour and lance glistening in the sun ready to pierce the enemy. The two others saw the third changeling was in a bit of trouble, and headed back to help, their Hive mind working together.

As the changeling she was following banked round, even Rainbow could tell that they were trying to get her surrounded and into a trap How dumb do they think I am?

Just as the trio was about to spring their trap, Rainbow dived down meaning the magic blasts from the two changeling apporaching from an angle whistled over her head.

The one she was chasing, tired from barely keeping away from the lance, sent a weak blast towards the pony. As Rainbow wasn’t expecting this, it hit her back but the armour easily absorbed the magic so no damage was caused. However seeing one blast hit the pony gave the changelings hope, so the three of them started after her.

Rainbow now had the trio following her, and she started to climb. Flying upwards at full speed, the changelings could not keep up with one of Equestria’s finest flyers and soon stopped the chase. Once she was safely out of range, she banked round and headed back to the Pony Army. The Changelings thought they had won, and watched their enemy retreat to the safety of numbers.

As soon as Rainbow was close enough to her friends, she yelled “Twilight…catch” and threw down her lance and armour, the unicorn catching it in her aura. Rainbow then turned, and headed at speed back towards the three changelings.

“What is she up to now?” The Guard Captain asked

“Oh, you’ll see” Pinkie laughed, twiddling a moustache she had suddenly grown, making the Captain perform a classic double take.

The changelings noticed the Pegasus returning, but without her weapon this time. Feeling a little too smug at the first encounter, they flew towards her, ready to take down the pony and feast upon any emotions it had.

Rainbow judged their speed, the air temperature and humidity, and adjusted her acceleration accordingly. Timing was going to be everything, but you don’t expect to train and perform with the Wonderbolt unless you get your timings right, and the cone was forming exactly to schedule around her front hooves.

The trio Changelings saw the pegaus getting closer, and practically licked their fangs with lustful appetite . When the four combatants were just meters apart, Rainbow hit the desired speed and shot quickly upwards. The trio flew at full speed into the Sonic Rainboom’s shockwave, knocking the three of them down to the ground with an almighty force.

The marching ponies, which had kept moving during the whole battle, saw the Sonic Rainboom. As Rainbow had never done one near Ponyville or Appleloosa, and as most weren’t at the young fliers competetion or the Royal Wedding, they were amazed at the sight in front of them. Twilight was right The captain thought to himself That sort of thing is bound to perk the soldiers up a bit. How can we lose when we have powers like this?

Two of the changeling managed to get themselves up onto their hooves, but the third was lying unconscious and injured. The duo quickly decided to leave the third behind, and rush back towards the Changeling Kingdom to report what happened. Rainbow looked down at the two in retreat, and decided to let them go. Oh yeah, that showed them who's the boss of the skies! Rainbow thought as she drifted back down to the ground.

Rainbow landed next to the unconscious changeling, who looked mostly intact but didn’t look like it would be waking up anytime soon. She kept an eye on it as the other ponies approached, Rainbow looking as casual as anypony could, and not looking like she just performed a legendary feat.

“Rainbow, I’m so glad you’re okay” Fluttershy yelled softly and ran towards her friend.

“Fluttershy, stay back” Twilight growled, stopping the pegasus in her tracks. Twilight’s horn lit up and it sent out a small purple shockwave out over Rainbow Dash and the changeling on the floor. A loud ping sounded off the changeling, but pass through Rainbow with no effect.

“Okay Fluttershy, go hug” Twilight smiled at her confused friend, who immediately dashed forwards.

“What on Equestria was that?” Rainbow asked in confusion, as she was crushed by Fluttershy’s hooves

“It’s a Changeling detection spell, had to make sure you were you” Twilight explained

“Of course I’m me, not even a Changeling can be as awesome as me!”

“Or Mare Do Well?” Twilight asked

“Okay, point made”

The captain came over and the four fillies gave a salute.

“Sir, I have captured one of the enemy and chased away two others, Sir!”

“Very good Private Dash!” The Captain acknowledge, before looking at the changeling. He hadn't seen one in real life before, and was surprised by how it looked. “Not sure if we want a prisoner as injured as this…is it going to die?”

Fluttershy lay down next to the unconscious changeling and started looking it over. Spike joined her, feeling sorry for an injured creature that was different from a pony - something that effected him deep down in a way the youngster didn't really yet appreciate.

“Really?” Rainbow looked at her friends gently stroking the enemy.

“It doesn't matter who, or what, you are, everything deserves a little kindness” Fluttershy reminded everypony within earshot.

“And with the amount of love Fluttershy is giving this changeling, I expect it to be awake in 4…3…2…1…” Twilight counted down and as she hit zero, the changeling let out a moan and slowly opened its eyes. I knew all thaat studying of Changeling physiology would pay off

“Don’t worry little one” Fluttershy cooed to the changeling larger than her “We won’t hurt you”

“But don’t even think about trying to escape!” Rainbow threatened, noticing it to be the faster of the changelings, the one that had managed to get a shot off and on her.

Fluttershy pulled a canteen out of her pack and offered it over to the changeling, who was still too weak to move. Twilight took the canteen in her aura, and gently poured some of the water into its mouth.

With the affection being shown towards it, the changeling soon found the energy to move and get to it’s hooves.

“Can you walk?” The Captain asked his prisoner

“I can, but I won’t!” The changeling replied, feeling very scarred being away from any other minds and surrounded by its enemy. It was finding a bit of comfort from the feelings coming from this yellow pony who had comforted it, as well as some other comforting feelings from the pink and purple. However, It could also feel a large number of negative feelings from the other ponies around it, especially from the blue pegasus that had almost chased it down.

“What are we going to do with it? I don’t want to have to carry a prisoner with us.” the Captain asked.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll make it walk” Rainbow threatened the changeling, thumping her front two hooves together and causing the changeling to flinch

“No!” Fluttershy yelled, practically hugged the changeling.

“Don’t worry, I know how to get it to co-operate, nicely!” Twilight cooed, whilst rolling her eyes at her friends behaviour.

“How are we going to keep it from escaping? Or shape shifting?” The captain asked Twilight, hoping the knowledgeable unicorn had some form of plan.

“Same solution I had originally. Everypony stand back”

Rainbow helped pull Fluttershy away as Twilight prepared her spell. Her horn activated and the Changling closed it's eyes in fear. When it opened it, it found itself inside a bubble that had formed round the changeling, about three times its height.

“It can walk along in this, bit like a treadwheel. And if it refuses, we’ll just push it” Twilight approached the bubble and knocked on it “Oh, and it’s magic reflective so unless you’re a really good spell caster, I wouldn't try to break it as you might hurt yourself”

The rest of the company reformed itself behind the bearers, with the changeling at the front.

“I still won’t walk” the Changeling hissed. Pinkie started rolling the ball forwards, and the changeling started to be tossed around. “Stop!” the changeling cried out and the ball was brought to a halt “I’ll walk, I’ll walk” it admitted in defeat. The changeling got to it’s hooves, and started walking forwards, propelling the ball forwards by itself. The company then followed.

“That was a bit…mean” Fluttershy turned to her friends “I mean, it’s scared and all alone”

“Fluttershy. We’re at war!” Rainbow Dash shouted at her friend in exasperation.

Twilight gave a more friendly look towards the element of kindness “Look, Flutters. You are such a sweet thing and you’ll make a wonderful doctor. And sure, you’ll be helping both ponies and changeling alike in the hospitals.”

“But leave the fighting to the rest of us okay?” Rainbow smiled and put a wing round her fellow pegasus “Afterall, we wouldn't want to have you any other way”

The rest of the walk was uneventful, and soon the sights of a small camp were visible in the distance. The rest of the South Equus Regiment had arrived and set up the new camp. Having been delayed on route, the Ponyville District company was last to arrive, so everypony got to see them come over the horizon.

At the head were by four fillies known as the bearers of the elements, but being led by a changeling prisoner in a giant hamster ball.

I wasn’t ready for this The colonel thought as he watched them arrived.

Act1.Ch4 - Making camp and crystal inclusions

Most ponies would have felt a bit nervous leading their friends and town towards an encampment of thousands preparing for war

Most ponies would have felt even more conscious if they were escorting a changeling they had captured themselves.

Most ponies would have struggled to stay composed as they felt the eyes of hundreds of ponies burning into them as they marched towards them

But then most ponies aren’t bearers of an element of harmony, young flier competition winner, generally heroic and the only Pegasus to fly four times the speed of sound.

Rainbow Dash was eating up the attention that was being thrust upon the final company to arrive into the camp, and if she hadn’t have been taught a certain lesson a number of times in her short life already, it would have easily gone to her head.

She knew that word would soon spread that she took on three changelings and defeated them without breaking into a sweat…and captured one without getting her hooves dirty. Everypony, if they already didn’t know her, soon would.

She suspected that after the war, the legendary stories of how Rainbow Dash saved the day time and time again during the war, became lead pony of the Wonderbolts and the most famous flier ever would echo down the ages.

Little did she know…


Most ponies don’t have a princess as a foalsitter, and don’t have to cope with all the attention that brings as a young foal.

Most ponies don’t have the abilities to get into Princess Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns, let alone become the personal protégé, and best friends, of the Immortal Princess of the Sun.

Most ponies don’t have to juggle learning all there is to know about magic, whilst raising the only baby dragon in the whole of the kingdom

Most ponies don’t get to be an element of harmony, and only one gets to be the most important of them…magic

So, walking into a massive crowd of ponies pushing a changeling inside a magic forcefield was nothing out of the ordinary to Private Twilight Sparkle.

She knew how to cope with the attention, and pressure, of being known in such a group. Being the element of magic, the pressure was going to be on her shoulders to excel during the war.

She knew how to handle herself in a tricky situation, having saved the day many times already. Her knowledge of when she could assist others, but also when she also needed help, was a lesson learnt the hard way a number of times already. You’ve been in tricky situations before, and you can do this Twilight thought to herself.

Little did she know…


Most ponies are either extroverts or introverts

Most ponies are either bold and brave, or shy and scared

Most ponies either love or hate attention.

The yellow Pegasus of the group definitely fell into the second categories, and Fluttershy desperately tried to hide behind her own mane as they approached camp. As far as she was concerned, they couldn't have deliberately have attracted more attention to themselves if they had arrived with Rainbow Dash performing a sonic Rainboom whilst on fire, Twilight rolled into camp on a wagon pulled by a team of Urisa Minors, and Pinkie set off hundreds of pounds of firecrackers.

She could never get used to the attention, and would have either frozen still or run away if not worried about being trampled by the hundreds of ponies marching behind her. It was only that, not being courageous, that keep her moving forwards.

She knew herself well enough that when the going got tough, the tough got going…whilst she would hide in a cupboard in her cottage, with either her teddy bear or an animal friend.

Little did she know…


Most ponies are not like Pinkie Pie.

In fact, luckily for her friends, family, Equestria and the whole of Time and Space, there is only one Pinkie Pie

She was in a bit of a quandary – the party pony had only once before been anywhere where so many ponies had gathered, which was the opening rally of the war, without there being a party or celebration of some sort. Even Winter Wrap Up was an all day party…well, it was if you skated around all day rather than rake the ground.

She could feel something in the air she didn’t like…negative feelings. Ponies were excited, but many were also nervous, scared, concerned, worried and afraid about themselves, friends and family.

She tried to come up with a single word to cover that, but without the invention some new vowels she couldn’t.

She wanted to make friends with everypony there, to cheer everypony up, but knew that there was no way she was to be able to unite thousands of ponies into a single celebration of friendship. For she was just one pony, and only the Princesses could ever command that sort of respect.

Little did she know…


The Ponyville Company made their way through the outskirts of the camp, being guided by a few of Luna’s own guards who were in charge of organising the camp and all security arrangements. They were all trying to work out what to do with the prisoner, but felt it best that it stayed near Twilight until another powerful unicorn could watch over the changeling.

As they were walking through camp, Fluttershy and a couple of younger colts were called to one side to leave the pony Company and join the support sections in the auxiliary camps. They were given a few minutes to say goodbye to their friends and families.

“Well girls…this is it” Twilight started, as tears formed in the four fillies eyes

“I can’t stand to be away from you guys for so long” Fluttershy wept.

“It’ll be over by Hearth Warming season” Rainbow tried to sound as confident as possible, looking at her hoof like it was more interesting.

Twilight gave Fluttershy a quick hug, and Pinkie followed. Fluttershy was about to pick up her bags when Rainbow dashed over and gave her a deep hug.

“Now you take care of yourself!” Rainbow cried into Fluttershys mane “I expect you to stay out of trouble and when all this is over, will go away together like we always planned. I know you’ve always wanted to fly some of the other kingdoms and meet the exotic animals, and I’ve been delaying it. Well, stay out of trouble, and we’ll do it, okay?”

Rainbow's three friends, but especially Fluttershy, was shocked at the display of emotion from the pegasus, and the words which would have been more appropriate coming the other way around – based on history one of them was much more likely to get herself into trouble than the others.

“Okay Rainbow, I promise” Fluttershy squeezed back, knowing that for Rainbow to be so affectionate she must be really worried. They slowly peeled away from each other, and with one final wave, Fluttershy left her three friends.

The changeling looked on during this scene, and drank deeply from the well of emotions that were flying around. It had started to recover, but knew that whilst it was being watched by this super fast peagsus, and this powerful unicorn, it was best to fake weakness.

The Ponyville company than continued its way through the camp, but the company’s mood had already fallen a little. Seeing some of it’s members leave it just brought home the stark reality that they won’t be seeing their friends, families or loved ones for weeks, if not longer.

They reached the main parade ground in the middle of camp and lined up, whilst all the other companies of ponies also started to line up. After a good while, everypony in the camp was gathered and Colonel Buttercup addressed the crowd.

“Everypony. Welcome to Camp Gamma. This will be your home for the next few weeks, until we are ready to march into the Changeling Kingdom”

“You are some of Equestria’s finest ponies, but you are not yet soldiers. Tomorrow, main orientation and training will begin, turning us from a rag-tag bunch of ponies into the finest fighting force this side of the Griffin Empire… The South Equus Regiment”

Many stallions gave a hurrah at this remark.

“Whilst training starts tomorrow, I will take this opportunity as a reminder to all soldiers that fraternisation with fillies and mares is strictly forbidden during times of mass mobilisation. The ponies of the transportation, medical and supply cores must feel free to do their duties without feeling discomfort. Anypony caught acting inappropriately with any other member of Luna’s Army will be disciplined as appropriate.”

“However, we are lucky enough to have three excellent fillies in our fine company – Royal Protégé Twilight Sparkle, Young Flier Winner of 1801 Rainbow Dash and fellow bearer of the elements Pinkamena Pie. They are the only three females in the whole of active front line duty, and we should honoured to have these fate chosen ponies in our regiment”

Most ponies gave another hurrah at this remark.

“They may be famous, but they are only Privates and you will treat them the same as any other Privates in this fine regiment. For all regulation and practical purposes they will be treated as colts…and you should do the same.”

Rainbow and Twilight started blushing at this, whilst Pinkie didn’t quiet get the implication of the addition. This was something that most of them had each individual thought about when they first signed up, but had not discussed as a group. They were the lone females in a large group of males.

In Ponyville where three of them grew up, females outnumbered males by a large percentage, so much so that most of their friends were naturally fillies. Twilight was of course a bit more used to seeing more colts and stallions in Canterlot, but except for her brother and he dragon brother, she never really socialised with males...or anypony else come for that. Her only interaction had been bossing everypony around as All Team Leader for winter wrap up. Rainbow Dash also had the same level of interactions, only talking to male pegasi when arranging the weather teams.

But now they were going to be surrounded by them all day and all night, which was a little unnerving for the young mares.

Once the welcome speech was over, the captains of each company started organising the unit arrangements. He called out the names in groups of fives to form the training and living units whilst they were at camp. The girls had expected the three of them to be placed together. But when Private Sparkles name was called out in a group along with three stallions she had never heard of, and fortunately one she had in Time Turner, they all just looked at each other dumbfounded.

“We’ll still see each other around” Twilight grinned nervously as she lifted up her belongings to walk off with her camp unit.

“Yeah, but only a little…we’re all going to be trained separately” Rainbow moped

“Still, we’ve always made time for each other before, no matter how hard we were studying, flying or…erm…baking. Why would now be any different?” Twilight cooed as she gave Rainbow and Pinkie a hug.

Not surprising that the element of Loyalty is having the hardest time of letting go Twilight thought to herself as she trudged off, still escorting the imprisoned changeling. She went over to the four ponies she was to spend the next few weeks with and shot them a nervous glace. “Don’t worry, it can’t break out of here”

Little did she know…


Meanwhile, in the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadence and Prince Shining armour were having preliminary peace summit with leaders from all their nighbours, and their neighbours’ neighbours, including the Griffin Kingdom, Saddle Arabia and the mysterious sub-continent of Zecora’s birth. Zecora herself had travelled up to the Crystal Palace to assist in the peace summit, understanding from her friendships with the bearers that this wasn’t a hostile attack on a neighbour, but a kingdom acting in self defence.

However, the dignitaries were a little less sure. They had got on fine with Equestria’s ruler Princess Celestia for over a millennium with absolutely no difficulties. However, in the past few years, a number of things had changed which caused some concerns.

Princess Luna, who most still considered to be the powerful Nightmare Moon, had returned. This coincided with the rediscovery of the most powerful magic artifacts known on the planet, the elements of harmony. The god of Chaos, Discord, had allegedly escaped and recaptured, but there were rumours that this was a smokescreen for him to be used as a weapon. And the Crystal Empire had returned out of nowhere, along with a third Alicorn Princess.

Any one of these was enough to cause concern, but having all of them in such a short space of time was highly suspicious. Then came this allegedly act of self defence against the Changelings, but could be the start of a wider campaign of aggression. Even the Changeling invasion of Canterlot was considered a possible bluff of actually being a cover for a joint war-game exercise between two new allies, and this “war” being a cover for more training. Afterall, none of the other leaders could believe that the power of two ponies love could defeat a whole army.

That was until of course until they met Princess Cadence and Shining Armour for the first time. Meeting the dignitaries in the grand throne room, even the less magical of the creatures could tell there was something special about this third Alicorn. Celestia always had a powerful presence in the room, and a poker face to beat any of the professionals. Luna equally had this presence, and being able to control the sun and the moon gave them a absolute power over their neighbours.

Princess Cadence gave off a lot of power like her Aunts, but this was a different kind of power. They could practically feel love seeping out of every strand of fur. And unlike the two Celestial Sisters, she had dressed up for the occasion with a very fancy mane do and dress, showing a much softer side then they had ever seen from Celestia. They looked into her eyes, and saw nothing but love and kindness.

And when they had all travelled up to the palace through the new crystal empire, all they saw were happy contented ponies going about their daily lives.

Of course for some of the more aggressive nations, this could be considered a sign of weakness, until they saw the Crystal Prince. When they looked at Shining Armour, the first impression was one of a physically powerful pony, and an extremely powerful Unicorn. But they also saw how he felt towards his wife and co-ruler, clearly a young stallion who adored his wife

Powerful, and in love with a beautiful mare, normally a very dangerous combination most of visitors thought to themselves However, it looks like there is a softer counterpoint in his wife, so perhaps it won't be too bad.

Overall they did not appear to be the figureheads of aggressive empire preparing for war, but that didn’t mean Celestia wasn’t up to something…


The day had been long, and had not been easy. Apart from the distrust of the other nations towards Equestria, there were also various old rivalries, distrusts and broken pacts between all the visitors. This was infact the biggest problem facing the whole world now.

Since the arrival for the Alicorn sisters, Equestria had always been the neutral party, a calming influence in an otherwise chaotic world. All the nations were grateful when the sisters defeated Discord, and provided regularity to the daily celestial cycles. Equestria had been able to set up trade, of goods, services and weather, with all the other countries, and every creature on the planet benefit.

But now everything was cast into doubt. Each nation knew it was no match for Equestria alone, but if they banded together there was a chance of defending themselves. Some of the nations wanted to form such an alliance, others would choose to band with Equestria, whilst most at least wanted to hear what the Crystal couple had to say.

The Griffin kingdom was the most vocal about suggesting this was an act of aggression, rather than defence. Of course, being one of the more aggressive nations themselves meant that they naturally felt this way. “How can we trust that this isn’t part of some form of grand plan to take over all of our nations and our resources?” Commander Talon demanded

“Why would Equestria even want that?” Chancellor Quartz of Saddle Arabia, Equestria’s closest ally, asked “We all know that Equestria has everything it needs within it’s borders, and being most attuned to the magical energy of the world means that they can get what they want without any violence”

“Perhaps they are just bored then and want to go and kill something?” Commander Talon replied with a smirk towards one of the other herbivore species.

Shining Armour jumped out of his seat and growled at the Griffin “My own sister, and my adopted brother, are both taking part in this war. You think we would risk them because we are bored!” the stallion shouted, shifting into an aggressive posture

The Griffon leader would usually respond with equal aggression to any shown, being part of the way they tend to see diplomacy. However, he knew better for two reasons: Firstly, Prince Shining Armour was well known for fighting abilities, as you don’t reach the top of the Royal Guard without being one of the best. Secondly, he knew the colt would do absolutely anything to protect his kingdom, and his siblings. I mean, he even threw his own wife off a balcony towards an enemy to save his adopted brother, that’s pretty hardcore!

The Griffin leader actually had a lot of respect towards Shining Armour for that second one, not that he would let on publically during the summit. During one of the private drinking sessions he wanted to have with the colt on the otherhand…

Cadence quickly stepped in between the two, physically as well as metaphorically “Dear Shining, I’m sure the esteemed Commander Talon didn't mean to suggest that we would risk anypony’s life for fun, especially not my sister-in-hoof

Despite a hard day, Cadence had always been the softly spoken one in the whole group but there was the first hint of annoyance in the Mare’s voice. It was a subtle change, the sort of reaction a mother would give should someone insult their child, but something every creature in the room picked up on.

“My apologises, Prince Armour, Princess Cadence” The griffin quickly backtracked before loosing too much face. Every creature there knew they didn’t want to start a direct fight with either of the Royal couple, both too powerful to take on themselves and therefore starting a fight he could not win would only weaken the Griffon's position.“I did not mean to suggest you would be risking your subjects for no reason. It is a phrase we have…it lost something in translation”

“Understood Commander, I think it’s been a long day and we all need some time to rest and regroup mentally. Shall we finish for the day?” Cadence asked, her voice back to it’s natural kind tone.

Everybody agreed to this, and all the dignitaries including the hosts retired to their rooms to prepare for the evenings meal. Each had a lot to think about, but one thing was clear…it was not going to be an easy period for the whole of the world.


Back in Canterlot, Princess Celestia was busy organising the kingdom. With a good portion of the country needing to be supplied, it meant the ponies left behind had to produce more, from less. But the biggest issue was simply logistics and transportation.

Whilst there was a growing train network, it was still in its infancy and did not stretch far down south, being more a cross country network linking the east and west coasts to Canterlot in the centre. Therefore, large convoys of ponies were required to move food and water down to the front line. However, there was concern that the Changelings would start to attack these convoys, so protection also had to be arranged.

Scrolls were pilled up all around her, and there were teams of ponies helping her organise the running of the country. Celestia looked over the scene around her, and a little smile crept across her face Twilight would have loved doing all of this organising, perhaps that what I should have said

Just then a scroll appeared in front of her, bursting through a green puff of smoke that only Spike could make. Celestia quickly opened it, thinking Twilight had written to her again, but her face fell when she realised it was only a status report from the Camp.

Over the hills and far away (2024)


What is the origin of the folk song "Over the Hills and Far Away"? ›

"Over the Hills and Far Away" is a traditional British song, dating back to at least the late 17th century. One version was published in Thomas D'Urfey's Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy; a very different one appeared in George Farquhar's 1706 play The Recruiting Officer.

What is the meaning of Over the Hills and Far Away john tams? ›

John Tams. Over the Hills and Far Away is an English traditional set to an even older tune. The martial lyrics of this version refer to the War of the Spanish Succession (1701--1714), the Duke of Marlborough, and Queen Anne of England (1665 --1714). Hark now the drums beat up again. For all true soldier gentlemen.

Is Over the Hills and Far Away played on a 12 string? ›

Composition and recording

Page plays a six-string acoustic guitar introduction and repeats the theme with a 12-string acoustic guitar in unison.

Who wrote Over the Hills and Far Away? ›

What is the oldest American folk song? ›

One of the earliest known ballads composed in the American colonies is "Springfield Mountain," a song about the death by snakebite of Timothy Merrick in Wilbraham, Massachusetts in 1761.

Is Over the Hills and Far Away about the Hobbit? ›

Plant was inspired by John Ronald Reuel (J.R.R.) Tolkien's 1937 novel, The Hobbit, for some of the lyrical content. Plant would return to this same well several times throughout his songwriting career. In fact, Tolkien wrote a poem in 1915 called Over the Hills and Far Away.

What is the literal meaning of over the hill? ›

Past one's prime, as in I'm a little over the hill to be playing contact sports . This term, alluding to a climber who has reached a mountaintop and is now descending, has been used figuratively for the decline caused by aging since the mid-1900s.

What is the meaning of over the hills? ›

idiom often humorous. used for describing someone who is old and no longer useful or attractive. Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples. having lived for many years.

Who sang Over the Hills and Far Away in the TV series Sharpe? ›

John Tams

How difficult is Over the Hills and Far Away? ›

This is a great tune to learn for an intermediate player. It's not too difficult but it sounds really nice when played well. The timing in this one is a little strange, but I've included a little trick that should hopefully help you to deal with it a bit easier.

What acoustic did Jimmy Page use on Over the Hills and Far Away? ›

What guitar did Jimmy Page use on “Over the Hills and Far Away?” On “Over the Hills and Far Away,” Jimmy Page played a Harmony Sovereign H1260.

How hard is it to play Over the Hills and Far Away? ›

While many Zeppelin songs would make a great GuitarSong, a final reason to pick Over the Hills and Far Away is that it is fairly easy to play on the “basic” level. It's difficult to play the entire song well note-for-note, but even guitarists of middling abilities can get the basic parts down pretty easily.

What guitar was Over the Hills and Far Away played on? ›

Who is on the cover of House of the Holy? ›

The photo shoot featured two naked child models, Stefan and Samantha Gates. It was a frustrating affair over the course of 10 days.

What is the origin of the Lonesome Valley song? ›

It was probably written around the time of the Civil War. Its first recording was in 1927 by old-time musician David Miller, and later by The Monroe Brothers, The Carter Family, The Statler Brothers, Woody Guthrie, Elvis Presley and many more.

What are the origins of the Happy Wanderer song? ›

The Happy Wanderer was written originally written by Florenz Friedrich Sigismund (1788-1857). The present tune was composed by Friedrich-Wilhelm Möller shortly after World War II. It is often mistaken for a German folk song, but it is actually an original composition.

What is the story behind the hymn farther along? ›

"Farther Along" is an American Southern gospel song of disputed authorship. The song deals with a Christian's dismay at the apparent prosperity of the wicked, when contrasted with the suffering of the righteous. The repeated theme is that, "farther along" (in Heaven, perhaps), the truth will be revealed.

What is folk song origin? ›

Its name is derived from the German volk, which means 'people. ' Folk music began as a traditional genre, associated with the folklore of the region. By the 1930s, the genre had changed, and of early contemporary folk musicians, Woody Guthrie is widely seen as the first significant contributor to the genre.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.