The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Governor Asks Ban On All Outdoor Fires SEVEN CENTS EVERYWHERE VOL. 100, NO. 89 THE Second-class Postage Paid At Springfield, Mass. Help Open Season at Fenway Park (Associated Press Wirephoto) out the first to open the baseball season at Fenway Park in Boston Ready to "throw Tuesday are, left to: right, Red Sox manager Johnny Pesky, Governor Endicott Peabody, Senate President John Powers, Congressman John McCormack and Baltimore The governor actually threw out the first ball and the Massachusetts Oriole manager Billy Hitchco*ck. Red Sox went on to win 6-1.

(See story on Page 33) Motorist Saves Young Boy From Burning Home Here 600 ON SUBWAY IN N. Y. FORCED TO SIT OUT FIRE Nearly 200 Overcome, 79 In Hospitals as Blaze Traps 2 Trains NEW YORK (P--Fire erupted O11 a stalled subway work train Tuesday. spewing dense smoke along miles of underground tracks and trapping 600 persons on two trains. Over 100 Overcome More than 100 passengers, overcome by smoke, were treated at the scene.

Some 79 othCI'S were sent to hospitals for treatment of smoke inhalation and other injuries. The subway station. in the Ridgewood section of Brooklyn, rapidly filled with smoke which funneled through the tunnels for miles on both sides of the stafion. Hours later. the stalled work train was still SO hot that engineers could not enter it.

The train had stalled near the station Monday. Thousands of commuters were stranded when the transit authority shut off the power at 3.05 D. n1. The fire was declared under control after 112 hours and service was restored at 6.41 p. m.

Ralph Parness. 34. of Brooklyn, gave this account of what happened as he drew breaths of fresh air near the subway station: "We were in there at least 20 See 600 ON SURWAY Page Four Pro Scoreboard. NBA Playoffs Boston 113, Los Angeles 106 NHL Playoffs Toronto 1, Detroit 2 Baseball Results AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston 6, Baltimore. Detroit 7.

New York 2 Minnesota 11, Los Angeles 10 (13) Kansas City 7. Chicago Cleveland 3. Washington 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE Milwaukee 8, Philadelphia 0 San Francisco 1. Houston, 0 Cincinnati 7. York 4 St.

Louis Pittsburgh 3 Chicago 2, Los Angeles 1 (N) DENNIS THE MENACE "His! name is Alfred. I think he came over to hare breakfast with Ruff." SPRINGFIELD WEDNESDAY UNION 342 PAGES BIG STEEL, 3 OTHERS JOIN IN PRICE HIKES Hub Garage Defendants Guilty in Kickback Case Judge Gordon, Simmers, Kiernan Convicted On All Counts; Sentencing Set for Monday BOSTON -A jury in Suffolk Superior Court Tuesday night convicted all three defendants on all counts in the Boston Common underground garage trial. The jury deliberated slightly less than four hours with time out for dinner. $130,000 Kickback The court set Monday for sentencing. The defendants.

Judge Richard K. Gordon of Ipswich District his North Andover law partner, Richard C. Simmers, and Francis W. Kiernan, consult-: ing engineer, were charged with larceny and conspiracy in connection with an alleged $150,000 "kickback" from the garage contractor. The prosecution charged the near half -million dollars phoned out of the $9.6 million cost of the three-level parking The contractor was Foundation Co.

of New York. Phony Fros The state charged that 000 of MPA funds were givenl to the company March 2, 1960. the day the construction contract was signed, that the money dribbled back to four men indicted in the form of phony finder's and legal fees, and subcontracts with a corporation that existed only on paper for work that never was done. The fourth defendant ruled physically unfit to stand trial at See HUB GARAGE Page Five JUDGE DEFIES ROCKEFELLER'S ORDER TO QUIT N. Y.

Governor Moves for Osterman Ouster; Liquor Scandal Spreads NEW YORK (P) -Judge Melvin H. Osterman, involved in a grand jury probe of state liquor scandals, defiantly refused Tuesday to resign from the Court of Alims. He accused Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of prejudging his case.

Appointed in 1961 Rockefeller, who appointed Osterman to the $26,000 a year judgeship in 1961, immediately moved for his ouster through the Court of the Judiciary, a tribunal of top state jurists who are empowered 10 remove a judge for misconduct. Rockefeller had ordered Osterman to resign, or face sible ouster, for his refusal 10 fully waive immunity and to testify freely before the Manhattan Grand Jury. Both men are Republicans. In reply, Osierman said through his attorney, Harris B. Steinberg, that he preferred to take his chances with the than Court of Judiciary, rather "be See JUDGE DEFIES Page Four Cape Innkeeper Fined for Bias Cod resort owner was ordered Tuesday to pay $125 in damages for refusing accommodations to a Negro assistant New York district attorney and his wife last summer.

The fine was levied against Mrs. Marie Kiley of Pembroke, owner and operator of the Dennis Pine Village on Holiday Lane here. It followed a hearing March 8 by the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination on A petition filed by Vincent L. Johnson Brooklyn, Y. Mrs.

Kiley also was ordered to comply with Massachusetts antibias accommodations laws in the future and to make several changes in her advertising. 2 THE WEATHER By U. S. Weather Bureau Cloudy. Warm Today, Tomorrow.

MORNING, APRIL 17, 1963 Ban On All Outdoor Fires Asked by Gov. Peabody Gov. Endicott Peabody and local fire chiefs, throughout permits the for state outdoor to fires Tuesday because of the continued high danger of blazes spreading in the dry' woods and fields. May Close Woods The with governor Natural acted after Resourc- al meeting es Commissioner Charles H. Foster.

The next development, if the forest fire threat per- PACKAGE STORE WINS PLEA FOR GATEWAY SHIFT License Board Approves Toomey Cody Transfer, 2 to In a split vote Tuesday the Board of License Commis-4 sinners approved the transfer of the Toomey Cody package store license from the edge of the North Main St. urban renewal demolition area into Gateway Shopping Center at 461 Breckwood Blvd. Same Vote The 2 10 1 split, with Chair-! man William J. Marasi and Commissioner Harold Chernock! in favor and Commissioner Wayne II. Latham against, was the same as the vote on two previous applications by Joseph's Package Store for a transfer into the shopping conter.

Final action on the Toomey Cody transfer application is up to the state Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission. The Jo soph's applications did not get ABCC approval. Marasi, repeating comments he made when favor of the Joseph's applications, said! the increased population in shopping center area makes the center a logical spot" for a package store. Latham, repeating the objecSee PACKAGE STORE Pago King Saud's Kin Is Slain in Paris PARIS (P)-A cousin of King Saud of Saudi Arabia was shot to death Tuesday bar Police of a Champs Elysce Hotel. identified his assailant as his Algerian bodyguard and secretary.

Police could give no motive but A hotel employee said he heard the assailant shout "He cursed me! He insulted my honor!" The victim WAS Prince Adbul Ariz. Ben Saud Ben Djallali. 35. lle was part of the entourage of King Saud, who has been undergoing medical treatment in Paris. The bodyguard was identified as Mansour Ali Ami.

37. held in a district police station, Coast Guard Ships Check Red Vessels Sighted Off Florida Page Four PALM BEACH, Fla. (P---A Soviet trawler carrying A lot antennas and other signs of electronic gear cruised down the Florida coast Tuesday within sight of President Kennedy's seaside holiday home. It remained just out. side U.

S. territorial waters. A U. S. Coast Guard patrol boat raced out and circled the Russian but had no exchange of communications with it.

Officials at the ('past Guard's Peanut Island station, just north of Palm Beach, conSee COAST GUARD Page Four $21.00 Year SPRINGFIELD, SEARS MAKES BIG CHANGE IN SALES METHOD West Side Store Modernization Reflects New Approach Sears. Roebuck Co. has completely, remodeled West and Springfield modstore. reflecting a marked, change in the company's merchandising approach. Sale Begins Today A Grand Reopening Sale will begin today to celebrate completion of the 14-month refurbishing project, Manager Francis J.

Leahy announced Tuesday. Some of the sale items are included in seven full pages of advertisem*nts in today's Union. The big change in Sears merchandising. Leahy said. is its emphasis on style, color and fashion in wearing apparel.

home furnishings and other merchandise. "We are trying 10 display merchandise in its end use so our customers can see what will look like when they wear it or use it in their homes, Leahy said. For example. he said, all the home furnishings departments have been consolidated on the second floor permit easy shopping. Expansion, Relocation Many departments at the store have been expanded and relocated.

Innovations include "area cashier's booths' distributed throughout the store to See SEARS MAKES Page Thirty-one NASHVILLE, Tenn. (P) Sgt. Alvin York w'As suddenly returned to the critical list Tuesday night. A hospital spokesman said, "He just took a turn for the When the 75-year-old hero of World War I was taken off the critical list carlier in the day, it was noted that he remained in serious condition with A threat of possible pneumonia. The have spokesman a blood clot in one of his had said York may lungs.

Sgt. York's Name Put Back On Critical List Rushes Into Ashley St. House to Effect Woman Carries Two Others to Safety A 35-year-old city man Tuesday, afternoon dashed into A burning. two-story building at 95 Ashley St. and rescued A three-year-old boy from a second floor room shortly before flames destroyed the home and damaged an adjacent dwelling.

Calls for Help Chesterfield Dodson of 32 Dartmouth St. told a Union reporter he was driving his carl past the house about 2.20 p. m. when he saw Geraldine Walker run front the building with two infants in her arms and heard her call for help in rescuing a third child. Dodson said he, entered the home and ran the second floor where he heard a child crying in one of the rooms.

The door to the room was locked, See MOTORIST SAVES Page Thirty one RIGHTS GROUP SEEKS ACTION IN MISSISSIPPI Board Hints President Should Use Fedcral Funds as Lever W'ASHINGTON (P--The Civil Rights Commission called on President Kennedy Tuesday for an effort--possibly includa the withholding of federal funds- the to right force of its Mississippi Negro -to pro- citizens. "Overriding Obligation" is an overriding. constitutional obligation to make certain that federal funds are eXpended in a manner which benefit all citizens without distinction," the commission in a special report to the President at his Palm Beach, vacation home. The commission has been studying the Mississippi situation closely for several weeks. Staff Director Berl J.

Bernahard flew to Jackson Tuesday for a special See RIGHTS GROUP Page Four British Begin to Wonder If Pianist Knows Score LONDON (P) Vladimir enazy, 25-year-old Soviet concert pianist acclaimed in East West, and his Iceland-born wife have been granted permission to live in Britain, the Home Office announced Tuesday night. Asylum Not Involved The Askenazys and the Home Office denied that political asylum was involved. But Askenazy told an interviewer that they had "turned to British authorities ew be11'0 did not know when the Russian permission allowing stay in England might be revoked." His wife was quoted as saying she disliked Russian life and habits and that she had "hoped More Concerns Now Expected To List Boosts N. Y. Stock Exchange Skid Indicates Buyers Think President May Intervene Again sists, could be the closing of all state woodlands.

This could mean a delaved cpening in the fishing season, which begins this Saturday for lakes and ponds and on the 27th for brooks, rivers and streams. Only heavy rainfall can case the, forests explosively and fields. dry The WeathBureau said Tuesday no substantial precipitation is in immediate sight. A four-in-10 chance of showers was predicted for late this afternoon or tonight with tional showers developing Thursday. Report 190 Fires More than 190 woods fires were reported by the state Department of Natural Resources Tuesday but none burned more than 10 acres.

Largest fires See BAN ON ALL Page Four Escort Ship Skipper Cited by Naval Court Made Party to Thresher Inquiry for Delay in Relaying Sub's Last Messages PORTSMOUTH. N.H. (UPD). The commander of the ship which accompanied the nuclear subma- last rine Thresher before her fatal plunge was named Tuesday party to the inquiry" by a Navy court investigating the dis- aster. Subject 10 Inquiry Lt.

Comdr. Stanley Hecker, 36, Brooklyn, N.Y., skipper of the the submarine escort vessel lark, was told by the his conduct in allegedly failing to inform higher authorities of IT. COMDR. HECKER Thresher's last messages, last Wednesday "appears subject to inquiry." The court emphasized, however, that Hecker's alleged failure to pass on Thresher's last messages! luted in any way to the loss of "cannot conceivably have contrib- See ESCORT SHIP Pago Five N. Ir.

LOTTERY ADVANCED CONCORD. N. 11. (A) The New Hampshire Senate voted 13-10 Tucsday in favor of a sweepstakes bill that has been by far the most controversial issue to hit the legislature this session. It calls for establishing a commission to run the twice-a-year lottery.

I GRIEVANCE UNIT OF APARTMENT OWNERS URGED Dr. Bellin Says Committee Might Help Keep Standards High A grievance committee might raise the stature of the Springfield Apartment Owners Ass ciation and at the same time keep apartment standards high. Health Commissioner Lowell Bellin said Tuesday night. Shares Platform Addressing the association at the Wayside Inn. Dr.

Bellin shared the platform with Atty. Robert Fein. assistant clerk of District Court. Dr. Bellin said doctors, lawyers and other professional groups use a grievance commit-' tee as A self mechanism to protect high professional standards.

For the apartment owners, hel said a grievance committee could pressure errant landlords 10 correct infractions of standards and avoid pressure from the Health Department, courts and other legal bodies." "'I would much prefer that the apariment owners' association carried on their own self-policing activity." he said. Most Are Reasonable Dr. Bellin also said that the "overwhelming majority landlords" he had met were "reasonable and willing to cooperate." The commissioner said the association should explore ways that the Health Department could legally reveal code en- SeP GRIEVANCE UNIT Page Thirty one Today's Chuckle It you've given up trying to get something open. tell a 4- year -old not to touch it. 'Live' Measles Vaccine Ordered Heavily Here More than 3000 doses of the much-publicized measles vaccine have been ordered by Greater Springfield physicians since the drug first came on the market March 25, it was Tuesday.

"Conservative Estimate" figure WAS described as a "conservative estimate" by Loren Woerner, district field manager of Morck, Sharp Dohme, the only pharmaceutical house now licensed to manufacture the livevirus vaccine. By comparison, Michael Javoronok, representative of comthe Worcester area, reported that more than 1000 doses have been ordered in that city. Samuel DiMascolo, sales repre-! NEW YORK (UPI)Giant U.S. Steel, apparently seeing a go-ahead in President Kennedy's recent steel statement. joined the price scramble Tuesday and boosted the cost of the steel used to make thousands of consumer products.

3 More Join Parade Fourth-ranked Jones Laughlin Steel sixth-ranked Armco Steel and eighthranked Inland Steel Corp. joined U. S. Steel, the nation's top producer. in the pattern of selective price hikes set by smaller steel firms.

Bethlehem Steel, ranked 2 in the nation. was the only one of steel's, "'10p three" yet to make A decision. Republic announced price hikes Monday. Other steel firms which had waited for U. S.

Steel's move were expected to rapidly announce their own price adjustments upward. Inland. the eighth firm to hike prices, held the line on steel prices last year and played major role in forcing "Big to back off when Kennedy threatened antitrust action. Selective Boosts' U. S.

Steel President L. B. Worthington said his firm would make selective price increases of $4.85 per ton on flat rolled steel. This is about 29 per cent of the company's sales. Inland hiked prices from $4 to $7 on hot rolled, cold rolled, enameling and galvanized sheet steel.

U. S. Steel, usually the bellwether for any general industrywide price hike, this time left it to smaller firms to make the first move and then followed suit. Several hours after U. S.

Steel announced its decision, fell into the increase pattern set last week by Wheeling Steel Corp. Six Others became the seventh major steel firm to hike prices. It said it would put into effect at midnight price increases averaging $5 per ton on hot and cold See BIG STEEL Page Five Draft Call for June 4000, Down 6000 WASHINGTON (UPI) The Tuesday it will draft 4000 men in June, a drop of 6000 from the call. The 4000 man June draft will be the first. of that size since February.

The for March was 9000 and it 10.000 for this month and May. The new call will bring to 2,811.150 the number of men drafted into the services since the Korean War started in: 1950. The Weather lamps at 7.01. Index Amusem*nts 26 FORECAST FOR SPRINGFIELD AND VICINITY (By U. S.

Weather Eureau)Variable cloudiness and warm with A four-in-10 chance of showers developing this afternoon or tonight, high temperature on in the mid to upper 60s. Partly cloudy and mild tonight, low in the 40s. Thursday, variable cloudiness and warm with showers developing durins the day. Other forecasts on Page 4. TEMPERATURES -In the 24- hour period ending at midnight, April 16: high, 67 degrees: low, 33 degrees; mean, 51 degrees, Precipitation, none.

Precipitation this month. 0.07 inch. ALMANAC- Sun rises 5.07, sets 6.34. Light all vehicle from the beginning to be able to leave Russia, and take my husband to The impression here was that, although only residence was volved in the official procedure, Askenazy had defected. If so, he would be the major Russian artist to take refuge in the West since Premier Khrushchev ordered a crackdown this year on Soviet artists who had strayed from.

the Communist Party line and flirted with liberal influences from the West. Confusion over status was prompted by A British Press Association report that he had been granted asylum. The Home Office then denied this was the case. sentative of Pfizer Laboratories of New York City, which has been licensed to sell another type of measles vaccine. said its product will he on the market in about two weeks.

The Pfizer vaccine contains "killed," or inactivated measles virus. Conquest Seen It is expected that the vaccines eventually will conquer disease that, although often lightly regarded. can be a serious health problem. It can cause brain damage SO severe that. the victim becomes A mental defective, Woerner said.

He noted that' it is important See 'LIVE' MEASLES Page Four Business Industry 27 City 2, 3, 6, 14, 22, 23. 30. 31, 42 Classified 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 Comics 25 Dr. Brady 20 Editorial 16 Financial 23, 29, 37 Jacoby 21 Produce Market 25 Radio, TV 25 24 Sports Regional 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Roundup State House News 37 West Springfield 32 Women's News 18, 19 ty.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.