The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)

HANco*ck Tel. 942-4881, Bangor Daily News, Friday, August 28, 1964. 17 STATE AND COUNTY NEWS AutoJHits Woman On Sidewalk Rev. Joseph W. Bradley Ordained At Machias crnvnr cvTTTir A i MACHIAS The service of or- SOMESVTLLE A 26-year dination to the Christian mtois- old New York City woman was try was held Wednesday eve-rushed to a Bar Harbor hos- ntog at the Centre Street Con-pital Thursday afternoon after I gregational Church here for the she was.

struck by a car as she Hey- JsPh W- Bradley, pastor 'of the church. Rotary Club Hears Talk At Meeting pushed a pram containing her The Rev. Joseph L. Hedrick, Testament language and literature, Bangor Theological Seminary, read the scripture lesson. The sermon was given by the Rev.

Boynton Merrill, minister emeritus, First Congregational Church, Columbus, Ohio. The prayer of ordinaUon was Bowman, professor-elect of Theological Street under Hollis gave rie Rev, EASTPORT Eastport two year old 8on alon8 ide' minister of the First Congrega-Rotary Club held their weekly walk- tional Chiirch, Dover-Foxcroft, supper meeting on Tuesday at Mount Desert Police i gave the vows of ordination, the V.F.W. Hall. The guest Donald Chambers said Mrs The cadi to worship was pre- i vi Joyce H. Margolis of 625 West sented by the Rev.

James Word, speaker for the evening was 164th Street, sustained a con- minister of the Maine Sea Coast Miss Sonja Hicks, who has Just jciission nnd bruises when she Mission, West Lubec and Cutler completed her second year of was struck by a car operated Methodist Churches, graduate work at Indiana Uni- by Miss Mildred McCormick, 75 Rollto J. McCrory, associate versity and she now is doing of Highbrook Road, Bar Har-1 manager, mechanical engineer-research work in the field of bor- ling department of Battelle Me- Fatty Acid Biosynthesis, at The officer said the car oper- i a 1 Institute, Columbus, the laboratory at the universi- ated by Miss McCormick went Ohio, led the responsive read ty. I to the right of the roadway and ling. She is working on her Ph.D. then onto the sidewalk where it The report of the examining Sonja is a graduate of Shead struck the New York woman comcii was presented by the Memorial High School, as vale- who was walking north in town.

Rev. Kenneth R. Teed, associate dictorian of her class, in 1958. He said Mrs. Margolis told him minister (N.E.) Congregational She received the Harry S.

Mat- the vehicle struck her from the Christian Conference of Maine ten four year scholarship of rear and pitched her over the The Rev. Burton H. Throck $2,000 and the opportunity to carriage containing her son, morton, Hayes professor of New work in the laboratory at the John Scott. I jijjl 7" 7 7 Mearl Corporation at Eastport The child also sustained ft mil IXoiat I AQPnPPfi AHriPrl during summer vacations while bruises but was not hospitaliz- UaLllCl 71UUCU attending the University of ed, the officer 'said. I nn TVT 11 1 1 1 11 Maine.

She graduated from the Mrs. Margolis was treated at J. OOCllclIlCi kCllOOl ulRII university with dis-l the scene by Richard Field Unction. Several fellowships of Southwest Harbor and un- WOODLAND There will be were granted to her because rf derwent further treatment at four new teachers in the Wood-her outstanding marks in bio- Bar Harbor by Dr. S.

A. Cof-I. chemistry, and bacteriology, land Schools this school year of given by the Rev. Clarice Jonathan Fisher of Christian education, Bangor Theological Seminary. The charge to the candidate was given by the Rev.

Mervin M. Deems, dean, Fogg professor of sacred rhetoric, professor Christian history, Bangor Seminary. The choir at the Centre Congregational Church was the direction of Mrs. Ingalls of Machias. Earle D.

Merrill of Machias was the organist. The Rev. Mr. Bradley the benediction. Following the service, a ception was held for the Mr.

Bradley in the vestry. Rosalie Kinney will grade six. Mrs. Kinney is graduate of the University Maine. This is an additional IN RESEARCH Edward Ba-bino Mt.

Desert High Schools chemistry, physics and mathematics teacher, has spent the- summer in research at the Jackson Laboratory, Bar Har-bor. He has been attempting to devise a test to detect early incidence of an eye disease in rabbits which resembles glaucoma in humans. After nine weeks of study and experimentation, he is preparing to submit a report on his findings. PLAN CAMPAIGN Meetings are under way to make plans for the fall campaign for funds to carry on the work of scouting in Hanco*ck County. Left to right are Wayne Joy of Ellsworth, financial chairman; Maurice Googlns Lamoine chairman; Charles Sargent of Ellsworth, area chairman; and Ken-neth Liberty of Ellsworth, Scout Executive.

John A. Davies has been named Hanco*ck County Chairman of the Boy Scouts. Eastport Girl Scouts Add Beauty To City EASTPORT Members of the. Eastport Girl Scouts, Cad-ette Troop, have volunteered thus enabling her to study at I li Chl chamberi 1964 Two of these are re-Indiana University. MrsMarBolis was to the a a Pements for those who have -rSi two band, Frank is doing re- f1 rcV work at the Jackson! At Woodland High School, the courses required? her M'morlal UhoT: time from now on will be strict- Passengers with Miss McCor mauicIliailto.

ly confined to Research to the Jere Miss Jidia B- Whti-I 0f Boston University and very 'MM talk and explained some of the The case is still under toves important experiments being tigation. carried out in the field of re- There was no damage to the search at the Indiana Univer-i96o model car sity Laboratory. Sonja is the daughter of Mrs. Alfred Hicks of Maine at Portland. This is an additional teaching position.

At the St. Croix School, Mrs. Church Plans Group Elects New Slate SALISBURY COVE The following slate of officers have been elected at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Salisbury Cove, according to an announcement Thursday. Director, Dr. William L.

Boyle of the University of Chicago, Department of Anatomy, who replaces Dr. Alvin Rieck of Marquette University, Milwaukee, who continues research work at the laboratory; president, Dr. R. P. Forster of Dartmouth College; vice president, Dr.

J. W. Burger of Trinity College, Hartford, secretary, Dr. David P. Rail, National Institution of Health, Washington, D.C.; and Albert H.

Cunningham of Bar Harbor, treasurer. The Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory will close for the summer season on September 6. There have been 26 students and 36 scientists at the laboratory this summer. teach of position. At the Barker School, Mrs Joan Ketchen will teach grade three.

Mrs. Ketchen is a grad uate of the University of Cali fornia at Santa Barbara and has studied at the University of Maine. She has had three years of teaching experience and replaces Mrs. Hazel Knight who retired. Mrs.

Kathleen Delaney Schenck will teach grade 1 at the Barker School. Mrs, Schenck is a graduate of Les ley College and has had one year of teaching Experience at Woburn, Mass. She replaces Miss Lillian Hulbert, who re tired. Following is the teaching staff of the Woodland School System for the year 1964 65 school year: Woodland High School, Ken neth Kinney, principal; Daisy Annis, school nurse and health Louis Audet, French, Latin and athletic coach; Philip Camp bell, mathematics, science and coaching; Asa Daggett, guid ance counselor; George Dwel ley, social studies, English, librarian; Gilbert Esty, mathe matics, and science; Paul Phe lan, music; Kenneth Snowman, commercial, yearbook a Anniversary Observance During the meeting a report Hospital Lists was given on the swimming pro- Jr gram, which the club sponsors Pot pnfs At annually. Kendrick Mitchell, A1 who serves as director of the PT11 cwrsrtti program states that this years ill program was very successful, ELLSWORTH- Patients at. r0 and about 100 boys and girls Le Maine Coast Memorial Hos- mcmbers of were enrolled. I pital during the past week in- gregation going to church clad Dr. James Ct Bates, presi-1 ciude the following: in period clothing of the 1890s dent of the club announced that Admissions include Mrs. Mar- Victorian period, the South District Governor 1 garet Kidder, South Addison; Urooksville Methodist Church Hantd Grh7.eS vUit to Mrs- Hubene Boutilier, Jones- wiB 0bser its 71st anniversary Rotarv af the nert P0111 Mrs- L011 Stanley, Ma- the churchs founding Sun-Eastport Rotary, at the next chiaj; Miw Pinkharnt La- day 11:15 a.m. in a special dayev? ntog'Bates 'so stream moine; Arthur Mitchell, Cherry- anniversary service at which a in the club.

Gerald Murphy of Chicago, 111. was the guest of Ralph Ray at Tuesday's meeting. Addison; Mrs. Dorothy Magoon, ke the featured guest vocalist. Ellsworth Falls; George Alley, Miss Beth Condon of South Jonesport; Michael Ashmore, Rrooksville is heading a com Brewer; Herman Holbrook, mittee to arrange for the cos, Hilda this summer to undertake two community projects.

At the site of the first Meeting House, built on Moose Island in 1794, and at the oval at the entrance to the Eastport breakwater, the girls planted flowers. Under the supervision of Mrs. Edward Bartlett, the girls began their work at the marker at Smiths Corner in the spring. The city crew brought in several loads of loam and the girls purchased seedlings and other necessities for a flower plot from their treasury. They also received donations of seedlings and money from several local people.

The group also bought low white picket fence to enclose the plot. The Border Historical Society was Instrumental in securing a flag pole and a replica of the U. S. official flag designated by Congress on May 1, 1795 flies from the pole, being raised and lowered daily by Mr. and Mrs.

Michael Smith. The pole was given by Leslie Grant and members of the highway crew painted, rigged and erected it. The macadam at the oval was broken up by the city crew, who also brought in several loads of loam and fertilizer. The city furnished seedlings, which the girls planted and, again courtesy of Grant, two flag poles were erected, from which the American and Canadian flags fly. Signs for both projects, in the shape of the Girl Scout Trifoil and in green and white, were made by James Verge.

Michael Browo and his father Alexander Brown have taken care of the watering of the plot at the breakwater. Girls taking part in these pro-ects are Marie Call, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Call, chairman; Sharon Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Lee; Jo Ann Ray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ray; Becky Chapais, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapais; Bonnie Clement, daughter, of Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Clement. From the Junior Troop also giving a hand were Aileen Dougherty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dougherty; and Sheila Berman, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. 'Morton Berman. Milbridge MILBRIDGE Mrs. Alvin Stanley had a family dinner party at her home Wednesday evening honoring the 17th birthday of her daughter, Linda. Guests were her grandmother, Mrs.

Lucy Birdsall, nude and aunt, SSgt. and Mrs. Alfred Sudsbury and sons, John and David of Brewer. Mrs'. Carroll Mullen and Mrs.

Frances Nickerson were guests Tuesday afternon of Mrs. Chelsea Bailey and Mrs. John Locke of Ohio, who are spending their vacation at the Wood Homestead to Gouldsboro. The afternoon was spent playing contract. Eastport EASPORT Miss Eleanor Jackson of Stoneham, Mass, and the Misses Margery and Doroth Bacheller of Vt.

are the house guests of Miss Lucy Kilby at her summer home at Perry. Clifton G. Grover of Glendale, left on Wednesday for his home after spending the past month here with his cousin, Mrs. Eva Toole at. Quoddy Village.

Mrs. Stanwood I. Mower of Freeport and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Waterhouse, their son, Stanwood and daughter Jane of East Millinocket came earlier in the week and are visiting Mr.

an Mrs. William C. Beale. Albion Huntley, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Vance. Huntley left on Sunday by car for Prince Edward Island, where he is visiting his sister and brother-in-law. Miss Karen McCannell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCannell of Bangor is visiting her grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Lowe. Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Bassett and their daughter, Sharon, of Taunton, Mass, came during the weekend to visit Mrs.

Bas-etts grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Aker at her cottage at Estes Mr. and Mrs. Willard Jacobsen and their daughters, Wendy and Cindy of Bethel, Conn, left on Thursday after spending a week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Palmeter, at their cottage at Boyden's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A. MacNichol Jr.

and their sen, John of Springvale, arrived here on Wednesday to spend a week with his parents, Col. and Mrs. Alexander A. MacNichol. Miss Sonja Hicks of Indianapolis, arrived during the weekend to spend two weeks here with her parents; Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred Hicks. Vinalhaven; Mrs. Le- turning of various meinbem school treasurer; Virgin! Blanc, Castine. the resort area congregation to 1 Patients discharged during celebrate this anniversary by the same period include Mrs.

wearing suits and dresses of the vr Jnes Sullivan; Wayne types popular with church lead- WOODLAND Mr. and Mrs. xuell, East Machias; Mrs. Lula er9 jn 1893. Frank Harrison have returned Witham, West Gouldsboro; Mrs.

The Singing Astbury Sis home after spending a week Lily Ohye, New Jersey; Mrs. ters," vocal trio, will offer ap-with their son and daughter-ta- John Ellsworth; propriate selections. Members Miss Lori Lenfestey, Jonesport; of the trio are Mrs. Berwyn law, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Ann Karoly wintef Har- Byard, soprano; Mrs. Richard Hamman at their residence at bor; Robert Patten Ells Merrill, contralto; and Miss East Grand Lake. w'orth; Mrs. Elizabeth Sadler, Thelma Astbury, second so Mrs. Elvira Farrar and son Swans Island; Mrs.

Patricia prano. Raymond left Tuesday to spend Oreutt, North Ellsworth; Mrs. I The Rev. Dr. John J.

Buch a few days to Calais at the Rebecca Smith and infant son, anan, minister of the South home of Mrs. Blanche Farrar. Harbor; Linwood Brooks ville. Methodist group Raymond is raking blueberries Helsn' Manset; Luther Spring-1 will preach on "I Saw The for Herb Vining. Hanco*ck; Miss Nardene Lord! as a special sermon and Mrs.

Sadie Landry left 'LuHlls? will speak to the children Sprague, home ec 1 Richard Thompson, physical education, athletic coach, am driver education; Peryl Wilbur. English and department head Colin Wilson, science; Donald Wright, English and mathemat ics; Mervin Shato, industria arts, driver education and sistant principal. St. Croix School, Ruth Denn son, principal; Vernard Crock ett, grade 7 and Henry Dowling, grade 7 and Mary Holbrook, grade 7 and Louise Moore, grade 7 and Rosalie Kinney, grade six; Lila Me Kelvey, grade six; Florence Crockett, grade Mary Gouldsboro GOULDSBORO Miss Ruth Hammond entered the Mount Desert Hospital, Bar Harbor, Wednesday, for surgery. Mrs.

Nettie Coombs of Pow-nal, her granddaughter, Roberta Coombs, of Portland, visited Mrs. Coombs' mother, Mrs. Lula Witham, and called on her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Read, at their home at Gouldsboro Point, Fri-day.

Mrs. Lula Witham and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Read took Floyd Sargent to the Veterans Hospital at Togus, Saturday, where he is a surgical patient. Mr.

and Mrs; Richard Stoeck-er, daughter Susie and son Richard, of Madison, arrived Monday night. They are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earle B. Tracy, and family at their home at South Gouldsboro.

Mahlon Sargent of Wilton arrived Sunday. He will be a guest of his grandmother, Mrs. Lula Witham, for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs.

Addison Hodgkins of Northeast Harbor called Sunday on his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright at their home on the Pond Road. Eric Carlson of Gastonbury, was guest of honor at a dinner party given for him Friday night at Chases Restaurant, Winter Harbor, by his grandmother, Mrs. Eleanor Carlson, the occasion being Eric's sixth birthday.

Others present included Erics parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nils Carlson, and brothers, Billy and Richard, of Gastonbury, Conn and Colin Summers of Summit, N. J. Mrs.

Imogene Nodler of Bos ton arrived Saturday. Mrs. Nodler is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barhydt.

Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cote sons Wilfred, III, Peter and Matthew, and daughters, Aline and Denise, who have been guests of Mrs. Cotes brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Buckley, left for their home at Syracuse, N. Tuesday morning. En route they will spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cote, at Willimantic, Conn.

Sullivan SULLIVAN Mrs. Theora Lothrop returned from Rockland Thursday where she has been visiting friends. Mrs. Alice Lawrie is a patient at the Maine Coast Memorial Hospital. Mrs.

Dorothy Crosby arrived from Woodland Tuesday, called here by the illness of Mrs. Law rie. She is at the home of her brother and his Mr. and Mrs. Galen Havey.

The Rev. Herman Gerrish of Milford, will be guest speaker at the Sullivan Harbor Baptist Church Sunday morning. Mrs, Audrey Clemons accom panied her son-in-law and daughter, Mr; and Mrs. Vincent Mclnnis of North Anson to the Lakewood Theatre, Wednes day evening. The Womans Society of Christian Service of the North Sullivan Church will meet Wed nesday evening at.

the Commu nity House. Mrs. James Taylor of Abbing ton, Mrs. Dolly Ruggles of Conway, N. and Mrs Tedford Taylor of Cape Cod, who spent several days at the Taylor' home at North Sullivan, left Wednesday for Cherryfield to visit friends be fore returning home.

I as Dro-tar, grade 5. Barker School, Ruth Goodwin grade Iona Smith, grade Ruth Dwelley, grade Joan Ketchen, grade Alice Mahar, grade Geneva Tuell, grade Charlene Myers, grade Kathleen Schenck, grade Freda Fleming, sub-primary; and Jean Gallant, secretary to the high school principal. School open Wednesday, September 9. day to swnd a few days at acLiIl1M.dbrde -rs' Csn youth to the church to a and his wife Dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.

on "The House With the Dia mond Windows! This Sunday concludes Dr. Buchanans sum mer ministry at the South Brooksville Church as he re turns to his permanent home to Maryland, The South Brooksville Methodist choir, directed by Beth VUJ1( U11CVICU ocllJ Blue Hill Frank Harriman Tuesday was Citation CivPn his sister, Mrs. Olive McNam- ara New Film On Miss Sharon Harriman has been confined to her home these HCKSOn LctD last few days. Mrs. Carmen Martell, a bill- Condon, will offer special music ing clerk in the finishing room as an anniversary feature.

at the Georgia Pacific Com- r. new informational film pany, started her weeks vaca- about be bortory, has won tv i tion Monday honorable mention in a contest rSUCKSDOrt sponsored by the Biological Pho- 1 Miss Barbara BeUande, Pam- tographlc Ass0ciation, Inc. TheL BUCKSPORT On Wednes Tii rd Miss Barbara I waa gbown this week in day at.the North Bucksport Martell were overnight guests New York to photographers and Church an enthusiastic group Tuesday Y1 cottage of Mr. I cinematographers attending the I consisting of 11 adults, made and Mrs. Pat Coulter at Pleas- associations annual convention, plans for the opening of the ant Lake.

The girls were guests I in the film a writer assigned Sunday School on September 13 of Marla Jean Coulter. I to do a story on genetics visits 10:15 a.m. Mrs. Win hit Mr. and Mrs.

Gerald Goggin The Jackson Laboratory and Brown is chairman of the Com from Poland Spring, arrived spends a day with members of mission on Christian Education Tuesday to spend a few days the scientific staff, gathering Mrs. Vergie Betts is superinten with his mother; Mrs. Doll material on the Laboratorys dent of Sunday School. A vol Goggin and his sister, Miss Dot programs to research, training, unteer is needed to teach four Goggin and nephew Richard. and animal production.

The 30- and five year old children Mr. and Mrs. Ciewsrd Camp- minute motion picture was" writ- in Kindergarten. Persons inter-bell returned to their home Wed- ten produced and filmed en- ested to filling this vacancy nesday after spending five days tirIy withln the laboratory. The should' contact Mrs.

Sherman visiting in the Lewiston-Auburn writ.r 8 Plyd. not by a pro- Brown or Mrs. Frank C. Betts, area with relatives. fessional actor, but by.

John Donald Shorey of Verona re Ronald Wallace Is a mirglrsl Hrey uPrintendent of produc- turned this week from Ports-patient to a Watervilfe Maine The fUm wa8 dlrected by mouth, N.H. after two weeks hospital. Ronnie undent '15? niInSg onMth S' Submi surgerv Tuesday morning McKay and the fine Crevable. wife, Thelma, lett this wfeklid WM wrltten by Jean Da The, Bucksport Are a His to be with him. I torical Society has received an Also narrated by Russell, the Lther donation to its steadily movie nils been shown ffpowin fund times weekly this summer as Mrg.

Walter Jordan returned part of the regular program for I tyg weeij t0 her home at Florl- uab0mt2ryi Dur: da after spending the summer the winter It will be loincd Mfifu Hpi ictp Mrs Anns HULLS COVE Miss Mary to organizations and institutions Young at North Bucksport Lee Johnson, daughter of Mrs. all over the country. Youn North Bucksport and Mr. Leigh Johnson, was Harbor guest of honor at a shower I Court Grants 5 Divorces MACHIAS Five divorces were granted by Superior Court Justice Randolph A. Weather bee July 23 at Machias.

The custody of seven minor children was awarded to the 'mothers. The divorces were awarded on grounds of cruel and abusive treatment. Carolyn M. Roberts of Wesley from Ronald M. Roberts of Wesley.

Grace E. Degruttola, also known as Grace E. Robbins of Princeton from Robert N. Degruttola, also known as Robert N. Robbins of Levittown, Pa.

William. of. Columbia Falls from Eleanor H. Dean, address unknown. John Markle of Jonesport from; Eunice A.

Markle of Jonesport. Dawn E. Scoville of Lubec from Gilford Scoville of Meriden, Conn. Cole-Terrill BUCKSPORT -Charles Linwood Cole and Mrs. Doris Lorraine Terrill, both of Bucksport, have been united in marriage by the Rev.

Dwight H. McMahon. Wi were Glenwood Bennett and Mrs. Margo S. Bennett.

-The ceremony was solemnized Tuesday evening at the Bucksport Methodist Parsonage. Coming Events AT BROOKSVILLE The North Brooksville Community will sponsor a public auction with a sale of home cooked food Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Hall, North Brooksville. Refreshments will be. available.

The proceeds will go to the Nrtb Brooksville Methodist Church. The final story hour will be held at the Brooksville Free Public Library Saturday between 10 and 11 a.m. under the supervision of the librarian, Mrs. Gertrude Dalsgard. The Brooksville Free Public Library will be open Saturday between 10 a.m.

and noon. There will be services Sunday at the Methodist Church at North Brooksville at 10 a.m., at the Methodist Church at South Brooksville at 11:15 a.m. and at the Cape Rosier Methodist Church at 7 p.m. under the direction of the Rev. John Buchanan, A worship service will be held Sunday at 7 p.m.

at the Brooksville Center Baptist Church under the supervision of George Leach of Stockton Springs. The organist will be Miss Harriet Heath. The worship service at the West Brooksville Congregational Church will be held Sunday at 10 a.m. under the direction of the pastor, Gordon Naser. AT BUCKSPORT Verona Grange will begin its regular weekly meetings Saturday after a recess during the months of July and August.

A baked bean supper will be served at the Vrona Community Hall, Saturday. A fun day on horseback will be held Saturday at the Bucksport Riding Gub ring on Hutch-ins field. There will be games and contests. This is being sponsored by the River. Ridge Riding Gub.

attremont The Rev. Stanley B. Hyde, minister of Christian Education for the Congregational Christian Conference of Main, will be guest speaker at the Tremont Congregational Church Sunday morning. Music will be Jonesport JONESPORT Guests of the patients at the Rest Haven Nursing Home for the past week have included the following: Rebecca Horton, Walley Horton, Milton Horton, Forest Horton -and Horace Horton, of Blue Hill, Mr. and Mrs.

Orel Noyes, Mrs. Oscar Look, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Oliver and daughter, Lisa, of Ellsworth, Mrs. Lillian Durgary, Mr.

and Mrs. Ro-! and Rogers and daughter, Candace of Cologne, N.J. Mrs. Alice Kimball of New Haven, Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Bradley and children New Haven, Mrs. Susie Emerson and daughter of Indian River; Mrs. Eben Alley and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton White, Millinocket; Mrs.

Geneva Huntley and Mina May, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Alley, Beals; Dorothy Wagner, South Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feeney, Mr.

and Mrs. Allan Look, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Look, Mrs. Ruth Dobbins, Mrs.

Helen Feeney, Mrs. Myra Rogers, Mrs. Bernice Wilson, Mrs. Pearl Kelley, Mr. Clifton Look, Phoebe, Avis, and Pauline Manchester, Rena Foss, Lovina Alley, Frank Sprague, Leona Clark, Nora Merchant, Joyce Smith, Robert Kyser, Mrs.

Doris Carver, Mrs. Betty Vaughn and daughter Nancy of Lombard, 111.,1 Mrs. Grace Merchant and daughter Van, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Newell, Miss 1 Sharon MacCauley, Mr.

Edgar Woodward, Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Stafford, Blue Hill, Gafy Pratt, Jim Inches, Sonya Joy, Alice Beal, Celia Dobbins, Ida Dobbins, Julia Dakin, Marion Dodge, Lloyd Cummings Mrs.

Clayton Small and daughter, Elaine BLUE HILL Mr. and Mrs Carlton Gilley, and three sons of Southwest Harbor wlre Sunday guests of Mrs. Muriel Campbell and Mrs. Florence Parker, Mrs. John Cleveland and daughters, Ann, Jane, and Su san or Ipswich, are spending three weeks with her mother, Mrs.

Nellie Gillis. Rufus Candage and Jay Saunders attended. Union Fair on Tuesday. George Stover and Darryl Gray left for Bay City, Mich, on Monday. The Rev.

and Mrs. Arthur 'White and family of Massachusetts are guests of Mrs. Frank Bates and family. Mrs. Marion Peaslee ant Mrs.

John Howard and two daughters have spent four days touring the Gaspe Peninsula in Canada this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merrill and family have moved-' to Brunswick where Merrill! will be employed. Mrs.

Howard Dodge returned home Saturday after attending the New England Lecturers' Conference held in Durham N. H. Stanley Saunders of Surry has been spending several days with his grandmother, Mrs. Jo-seohine Saunders. Mrs.

Florence McGraW re turned home Sunday after spending, a week with her daughter, Mrs. Dora- Bostwick, in Manchester, N. H. Her granddaughter, Miss Charisse Astbury, is spending a week with her Miss Meldora Sellers is on vacation at her home In Brooklin. Mr.

and Mrs. Loren Alves of Beverly, are guests of Mrs. Nellie Gillis. Mrs. Florence Cousins and three daughters, Mrs.

Muriel Campbell, and Mrs. Florence Parker were guests of Cap Albert Carter and family at the Gatherings la Surry on Tuesday night i- Lubec Thursday at the home of Miss VOrea MUs Johnson0 wmS become the LtoSfrt mf1 ntih irfd i.f i-- i oiewarij a paueni at me Mount mkr. are visitimr her mother. Vicki Smith, hostess. Miss Johnson will bride of 1st Lt.

Charles I Mas8' are vlsltin he LUBEC Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheehan and daughter, Theresa are visiting Miss Nellie Sheehan at Owls Head and Mrs. John Daley to Belmont, Mass. Miss Nancy Andrews, daugb ter of Mr.

and Mrs. Warren Andrews, returned Monday from six weeks trip across the United States. Miss Andrews leaves Saturday for Wallingford, Conn, where she will teach, in the Junior High Elner Kelley Jr. and Miss Elaine Ransbottom, R.N., of New York City are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Kelley Sr. to South Lubec. The town clerk, Mrs. Mary lyn Curtis, is having a weeks vacation from her duties in the Town Office. 8 i Rounds DeVert IstoHninlta'l "Zrl Hrb Mh.

i.0m Si After the sifts were openedJhanri biriv Uf ari4 They came here irom. pftiu refreshments were served. Harry Waseatt and son Gordon nre Md. where they had ua8t8Wr -LelghJohn-MrDonald AnderS with bisp.renU, son of Bucksport. Mrs.

Mamie Mr rhinmm Mr. and Mrs. John Field Sr. Smith, Miss Martha MVc. Srf H.Sr Mrs.

David King and children, Mr. Royce Ryan, Mrs. Lynn Mrs Harrv Waaeatt David and Dana are visiting her Mace, Miss Darlene Helper of Donald Anderson, Shirley Stew- Pan8 Connecticut, Miss Mary Brown, art and Mrs. Edgar Chlpman Dwight erMns. Mrs.

Mar orie Mrs. Lenora BickneU, both of also, visited Mrs. Philip Work-Hum Foy otWetertown, N. Orono; Miss Virginia Larrabee, man and Mre. Wasgatt and M8 al8 a house S'181- Mrs Miss Linda Lord, Miss Alice Mrs.

Anderson visited Mrs. Kto end children will leave Dyer, Miss Linda Bamsey, Miss Mazie Stewart, patlenU at the I soon to Join her husband at Judy Miss Helene hospital. Chippewa Falls, Wls. and will Smith, Miss Nellie Lindsey, Mr. gnd Mrs.

Theodore J. leave for Switzerland to the fall. Miss Joyce Bryant, Mrs. Vera Mazalka, who had Tpent a week Mr. and.

Mrs. James Henkle Gray, Clifton Look, Mr. and Hutchins," Miss Lorraine Cor- vacationing here in the village, of Detroit, Mich, were weekend Mrs. Kerney Wells, St Albans, nary. an(l Miss Hilda Carlson returned to their home at New I guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Vt, Mrs. William Keegan, of MUo. York Cito, Monday. J.

Crafts.1 ') i New Citizens AT ELL8WORTH Maine Coast Memorial Hospital To Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mac Lean of Milbridge, a son, Vin cent Floyd, Jr. To Mr. and Mrs.

John Christie of Ellsworth Falls, a son, Andrew George. To Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bou tilier of Jonesport, a daughter, Lynne Marie. To Mr.

and Mrs. David Hous ton of -Cutler, a son, Timothy Alan. To Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore Stanley of Machias, fc daughter, Deborah Ann.

and by Mrs. Lou Wentworth Mrs. Bernard Johnson. I A 4 t. i'.

The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.