James Madison - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Giants of America

The Founding Fathers

James Madision


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The Home of James Madison










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JAMES MADISON Frontispiece

From the painting by Sully in the Corcoran Galleryof Art,

Washington, D. C.

Autograph from a MS. in the New York PublicLibrary, Lenox


The vignette of "Montpelier," Madison's home atMontpelier, Va.,

is from a photograph.



From the original painting by Gilbert Stuart in thepossession of

Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, D. D., LL. D.,Charleston, S. C.

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Autograph from a MS. in the New York PublicLibrary, Lenox


FISHER AMES facing 162

From the miniature painted by John Trumbull in1792, now in the

Art Gallery of Yale University.

Autograph from the Chamberlain Collection, BostonPublic Library.

DOLLY P. MADISON facing 222

From a miniature in the possession of Dr. H. M.Cutts,

Brookline, Mass.

Autograph from a letter kindly loaned by Dr. Cutts.


From the painting by W. H. Powell in the Capitol atWashington.




James Madison was born on March 16, 1751, at Port Conway, Virginia; hedied at Montpellier, in that State, on June 28, 1836. Mr. John Quincy Adams,recalling, perhaps, the death of his own father and of Jefferson on the sameFourth of July, and that of Monroe on a subsequent anniversary of that day,may possibly have seen a generous propriety in finding some equallyappropriate commemoration for the death of another Virginian President.For it was quite possible that Virginia might think him capable of an attemptto conceal, what to her mind would seem to be an obvious intention ofProvidence: that all the children of the "Mother of Presidents" should be no


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less distinguished in their deaths than in their lives—that the "otherdynasty," which John Randolph was wont to talk about, should no longerpretend to an equality with them, not merely in this world, but in the mannerof going out of it. At any rate, he notes the date of Madison's death, thetwenty-eighth day of June, as "the anniversary of the day on which theratification of the Convention of Virginia in 1788 had affixed the seal ofJames Madison as the father of the Constitution of the United States, whenhis earthly part sank without a struggle into the grave, and a spirit, bright asthe seraphim that surround the throne of Omnipotence, ascended to thebosom of his God." There can be no doubt of the deep sincerity of thistribute, whatever question there may be of its grammatical construction andits rhetoric, and although the date is erroneous. The ratification of theConstitution of the United States by the Virginia Convention was on June 25,not on June 28. It is the misfortune of our time that we have no living greatmen held in such universal veneration that their dying on common days likecommon mortals seems quite impossible. Half a century ago, however, thepropriety of such providential arrangements appears to have been recognizedalmost as one of the "institutions." It was the newspaper gossip of that timethat a "distinguished physician" declared that he would have kept a fourthex-President alive to die on a Fourth of July, had the illustrious sick manbeen under his treatment. The patient himself, had he been consulted, might,in that case, possibly have declined to have a fatal illness prolonged a weekto gratify the public fondness for patriotic coincidence. But Mr. Adams'sappropriation of another anniversary answered all the purpose, for that hemade a mistake as to the date does not seem to have been discovered.

It was accidental that Port Conway was the birthplace of Madison. Hismaternal grandfather, whose name was Conway, had a plantation at thatplace, and young Mrs. Madison happened to be there on a visit to her motherwhen her first child, James, was born. In the stately—not to say stilted—biography of him by William C. Rives, the christened name of this lady isgiven as Eleanor. Mr. Rives may have thought it not in accordance withancestral dignity that the mother of so distinguished a son should have beenburdened with so commonplace and homely a name as Nelly. But we areafraid it is true that Nelly was her name. No other biographer than Mr.Rives, that we know of, calls her Eleanor. Even Madison himself permits"Nelly" to pass under his eyes and from his hands as his mother's name.

In 1833-34 there was some correspondence between him and Lyman C.Draper, the historian, which includes some notes upon the Madisongenealogy. These, the ex-President writes, were "made out by a member ofthe family," and they may be considered, therefore, as having his sanction.The first record is, that "James Madison was the son of James Madison andNelly Conway." On such authority Nelly, and not Eleanor, must be acceptedas the mother's name. This, of course, is to be regretted from the Rives pointof view; but perhaps the name had a less familiar sound a century and a half




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ago; and no doubt it was chosen by her parents without a thought that theirdaughter might go into history as the mother of a President, or that anyhigher fortune could befall her than to be the respectable head of a tobaccoplanter's family on the banks of the Rappahannock.

This genealogical record further says that "his [Madison's] ancestors, onboth sides, were not among the most wealthy of the country, but inindependent and comfortable circ*mstances." If this comment was added atthe ex-President's own dictation, it was quite in accordance with hisunpretentious character.[1] One might venture to say as much of a Northernor a Western farmer. But they did not farm in Virginia; they planted. Mr.Rives says that the elder James was "a large landed proprietor;" and headds, "a large landed estate in Virginia ... was a mimic commonwealth, withits foreign and domestic relations, and its regular administrative hierarchy."The "foreign relations" were the shipping, once a year, a few hogsheads oftobacco to a London factor; the "mimic commonwealths" were clusters ofnegro huts; and the "administrative hierarchy" was the priest, who was moreat home at the tavern or a horse-race than in the discharge of his clericalduties.

As Mr. Madison had only to say of his immediate ancestors—which seemsto be all he knew about them—that they were in "independent andcomfortable circ*mstances," so he was, apparently, as little inclined to talkabout himself; even at that age when it is supposed that men who haveenjoyed celebrity find their own lives the most agreeable of subjects. Inanswer to Dr. Draper's inquiries he wrote this modest letter, now for the firsttime published:—

MONTPELLIER, August 9, 1833.

DEAR SIR,—Since your letter of the 3d of June came to hand, my increasingage and continued maladies, with the many attentions due from me, hadcaused a delay in acknowledging it, for which these circ*mstances must be anapology, in your case, as I have been obliged to make them in others.

You wish me to refer you to sources of printed information on my career inlife, and it would afford me pleasure to do so; but my recollection on thesubject is very defective. It occurs [to me] that there was a biographicalvolume in an enlarged edition compiled by General or Judge Rodgers ofPennsylvania, and which may perhaps have included my name, among others.When or where it was published I cannot say. To this reference I can onlyadd generally the newspapers at the seat of government and elsewhere duringthe electioneering periods, when I was one of the objects under review. Ineed scarcely remark that a life, which has been so much a public life, mustof course be traced in the public transactions in which it was involved, andthat the most important of them are to be found in documents already inprint, or soon to be so.



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With friendly respects, JAMES MADISON.

LYMAN C. DRAPER, Lockport, N. Y.

The genealogical statement, it will be observed, does not go farther backthan Mr. Madison's great-grandfather, John. Mr. Rives supposes that thisJohn was the son of another John who, as "the pious researches of kindredhave ascertained," took out a patent for land about 1653 between the Northand York rivers on the shores of Chesapeake Bay. The same writer furtherassumes that this John was descended from Captain Isaac Madison, whosename appears "in a document in the State Paper Office at London containinga list of the Colonists in 1623." From Sainsbury's Calendar[2] we learnsomething more of this Captain Isaac than this mere mention. Under date ofJanuary 24, 1623, there is this record: "Captain Powell, gunner, of JamesCity, is dead; Capt. Nuce (?), Capt. Maddison, Lieut. Craddock's brother,and divers more of the chief men reported dead." But either the report wasnot altogether true or there was another Isaac Maddison, for the nameappears among the signatures to a letter dated about a month later—February20—from the governor, council, and Assembly of Virginia to the king. It isof record, also, that four months later still, on June 4, "Capt. Isaac and MaryMaddison" were before the governor and council as witnesses in the case ofGreville Pooley and Cicely Jordan, between whom there was a "supposedcontract of marriage," made "three or four days after her husband's death."But the lively widow, it seems, afterward "contracted herself to Will Ferrarbefore the governor and council, and disavowed the former contract," andthe case therefore became so complicated that the court was "not able todecide so nice a difference." What Captain Isaac and Mary Maddison knewabout the matter the record does not tell us; but the evidence is conclusivethat if there was but one Isaac Maddison in Virginia in 1623 he did not die inJanuary of that year. Probably there was but one, and he, as Rives assumes,was the Captain Madyson of whose "achievement," as Rives calls it, there isa brief narrative in John Smith's "General History of Virginia."

Besides the record in Sainsbury's Calendar of the rumor of the death of thisIsaac in Virginia, in January, 1623, his signature to a letter to the king inFebruary, and his appearance as a witness before the council in the case ofthe widow Jordan, in June, it appears by Hotten's Lists of colonists, takenfrom the Records in the English State Paper Department, that Captain IsackeMaddeson and Mary Maddeson were living in 1624 at West and SherlowHundred Island. The next year, at the same place, he is on the list of dead;and there is given under the same date "The muster of Mrs. Mary Maddison,widow, aged 30 years." Her family consisted of "Katherin Layden, child,aged 7 years," and two servants. Katherine, it may be assumed, was thedaughter of the widow Mary and Captain Isaac, and their only child. These"musters," it should be said, appear always to have been made with greatcare, and there is therefore hardly a possibility that a son, if there were one,was omitted in the numeration of the widow's family, while the name and age




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of the little girl, and the names and ages of the two servants, the date of theirarrival in Virginia, and the name of the ship that each came in, are allcarefully given. The conclusion is inevitable: Isaac Maddison left no maledescendants, and President Madison's earliest ancestor in Virginia, if it wasnot his great-grandfather John, must be looked for somewhere else.

Mr. Rives knew nothing of these Records. His first volume was publishedbefore either Sainsbury's Calendar or Hotten's Lists; and the researches onwhich he relied, "conducted by a distinguished member of the HistoricalSociety of Virginia" in the English State Paper Office, were, so far as theyrelated to the Madisons, incomplete and worthless. The family was not,apparently, "coeval with the foundation of the Colony," and did not arrive"among the earliest of the emigrants in the New World." That distinctioncannot be claimed for James Madison, nor is there any reason for supposingthat he believed it could be. He seemed quite content with the knowledgethat so far back as his great-grandfather his ancestors had been respectablepeople, "in independent and comfortable circ*mstances."

Of his own generation there were seven children, of whom James was theeldest, and alone became of any note, except that the rest were reputable andcontented people in their stations of life. A hundred years ago the ArcadianVirginia, for which Governor Berkeley had thanked God so devoutly,—whenthere was not a free school nor a press in the province,—had passed away.The elder Madison resolved, so Mr. Rives tells us, that his children shouldhave advantages of education which had not been within his own reach, andthat they should all enjoy them equally. James was sent to a school where hecould at least begin the studies which should fit him to enter college. Of themaster of that school we know nothing except that he was a Scotchman, ofthe name of Donald Robertson, and that many years afterward, when his sonwas an applicant for office to Madison, then secretary of state, the pupilgratefully remembered his old master, and indorsed upon the application that"the writer is son of Donald Robertson, the learned Teacher in King andQueen County, Virginia."

The preparatory studies for college were finished at home under theclergyman of the parish, the Rev. Thomas Martin, who was a member of Mr.Madison's family, perhaps as a private tutor, perhaps as a boarder. It is quitelikely that it was by the advice of this gentleman—who was from New Jersey—that the lad was sent to Princeton instead of to William and Mary Collegein Virginia. At Princeton, at any rate, he entered at the age of eighteen, in1769; or, to borrow Mr. Rives's eloquent statement of the fact, "the youngVirginian, invested with the toga virilis of anticipated manhood, we now seelaunched on that disciplinary career which is to form him for the futurestruggles of life."

One of his biographers says that he shortened his collegiate term by takingin one year the studies of the junior and senior years, but that he remained



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another twelve-month at Princeton for the sake of acquiring Hebrew. On hisreturn home he undertook the instruction of his younger brothers and sisters,while pursuing his own studies. Still another biographer asserts that hebegan immediately to read law, but Rives gives some evidence that hedevoted himself to theology. This and his giving himself to Hebrew for ayear point to the ministry as his chosen profession. But if we rightlyinterpret his own words, he had little strength or spirit for a pursuit of anysort. His first "struggle of life" was apparently with ill-health, and thecareer he looked forward to was a speedy journey to another world. In aletter to a friend (November, 1772) he writes: "I am too dull and infirm nowto look out for extraordinary things in this world, for I think my sensationsfor many months have intimated to me not to expect a long or healthy life;though it may be better with me after some time; but I hardly dare expect it,and therefore have little spirit or elasticity to set about anything that isdifficult in acquiring, and useless in possessing after one has exchanged timefor eternity." In the same letter he assures his friend that he approves of hischoice of history and morals as the subjects of his winter studies; but, headds, "I doubt not but you design to season them with a little divinity nowand then, which, like the philosopher's stone in the hands of a good man, willturn them and every lawful acquirement into the nature of itself, and makethem more precious than fine gold."

The bent of his mind at this time seems to have been decidedly religious. Hewas a diligent student of the Bible, and, Mr. Rives says, "he explored thewhole history and evidences of Christianity on every side, through clouds ofwitnesses and champions for and against, from the fathers and schoolmendown to the infidel philosophers of the eighteenth century." So wide a rangeof theological study is remarkable in a youth of only two or three and twentyyears of age; but, remembering that he was at this time living at home, it iseven more remarkable that in the house of an ordinary planter in Virginia ahundred and twenty years ago could be found a library so rich in theology asto admit of study so exhaustive. But in Virginia history nothing isimpossible.

His studies on this subject, however, whether wide or limited, bore goodfruit. Religious intolerance was at that time common in his immediateneighborhood, and it aroused him to earnest and open opposition; nor didthat opposition cease till years afterward, when freedom of conscience wasestablished by law in Virginia, largely by his labors and influence. Even in1774, when all the colonies were girding themselves for the comingrevolutionary conflict, he turned aside from a discussion of the momentousquestion of the hour, in a letter to his friend[3] in Philadelphia, andexclaimed with unwonted heat:—

"But away with politics!... That diabolical, hell-conceivedprinciple of persecution rages among some; and, to their eternalinfamy, the clergy can furnish their quota of imps for such



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purposes. There are at this time in the adjacent country not lessthan five or six well-meaning men in close jail for publishingtheir religious sentiments, which in the main are very orthodox. Ihave neither patience to hear, talk, or think of anything relativeto this matter; for I have squabbled and scolded, abused andridiculed so long about it to little purpose that I am withoutcommon patience."

These are stronger terms than the mild-tempered Madison often indulged in.But he felt strongly. Probably he, no more than many other wiser and oldermen, understood what was to be the end of the political struggle which wasgetting so earnest; but evidently in his mind it was religious rather than civilliberty which was to be guarded. "If the Church of England," he says in thesame letter, "had been the established and general religion in all theNorthern colonies, as it has been among us here, and uninterrupted harmonyhad prevailed throughout the continent, it is clear to me that slavery andsubjection might and would have been gradually insinuated among us."

He congratulated his friend that they had not permitted the tea-ships tobreak cargo in Philadelphia; and Boston, he hoped, would "conduct matterswith as much discretion as they seem to do with boldness." These thingswere interesting and important; but "away with politics! Let me address youas a student and philosopher, and not as a patriot." Shut off from any contactwith the stirring incidents of that year in the towns of the coast, he lostsomething of the sense of proportion. To a young student, solitary, ill inbody, perhaps a trifle morbid in mind, a little discontented that all thelearning gained at Princeton could find no better use than to save schoolingfor the six youngsters at home,—to him it may have seemed that liberty wasmore seriously threatened by that outrage, under his own eyes, of "five or sixwell-meaning men in close jail for publishing their religious sentiments,"than by any tax which Parliament could contrive. Not that he overestimatedthe importance of this wrong, but that he underestimated the importance ofthat. He was not long, however, in getting the true perspective.



Madison's place, both from temperament and from want of physical vigor,was in the council, not in the field. One of his early biographers says that hejoined a military company, raised in his own county, in preparation for war;but this, there can hardly be a doubt, is an error. He speaks with enthusiasmof the "high-spirited" volunteers, who came forward to defend "the honor



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and safety of their country;" but there is no intimation that he chose forhimself that way of showing his patriotism. But of the Committee of Safety,appointed in his county in 1774, he was made a member,—perhaps theyoungest, for he was then only twenty-three years old.

Eighteen months afterward he was elected a delegate to the VirginiaConvention of 1776, and this he calls "my first entrance into public life." Itgave him also an opportunity for some distinction, which, whatever may havebeen his earlier plans, opened public life to him as a career. The first workof the convention was to consider and adopt a series of resolutionsinstructing the Virginian delegates in the Continental Congress, then insession at Philadelphia, to urge an immediate declaration of independence.The next matter was to frame a Bill of Rights and a Constitution ofgovernment for the province. Madison was made a member of the committeeto which this latter subject was referred. One question necessarily came upfor consideration which had for him a peculiar interest, and in any discussionof which he, no doubt, felt quite at ease. This was concerning religiousfreedom. An article in the proposed Declaration of Rights provided that "allmen should enjoy the fullest toleration in the exercise of religion, accordingto the dictates of conscience, unpunished and unrestrained by the magistrate,unless, under color of religion, any man disturb the peace, happiness, orsafety of society." It does not appear that Mr. Madison offered anyobjection to the article in the committee; but when the report was made tothe convention he moved an amendment. He pointed out the distinctionbetween the recognition of an absolute right and the toleration of itsexercise; for toleration implies the power of jurisdiction. He proposed,therefore, instead of providing that "all men should enjoy the fullesttoleration in the exercise of religion," to declare that "all men are equallyentitled to the full and free exercise of it according to the dictates ofconscience;" and that "no man or class of men ought, on account of religion,to be invested with peculiar emoluments or privileges, nor subjected to anypenalties or disabilities, unless, under color of religion, the preservation ofequal liberty and the existence of the state be manifestly endangered." Thisdistinction between the assertion of a right and the promise to grant aprivilege only needed to be pointed out. But Mr. Madison evidently meantmore; he meant not only that religious freedom should be assured, but that anEstablished Church, which, as we have already seen, he believed to bedangerous to liberty, should be prohibited. Possibly the convention was notquite ready for this latter step; or possibly its members thought that, as thegreater includes the less, should freedom of conscience be established astate church would be impossible, and the article might therefore be strippedof supererogation and verbiage. At any rate, it was reduced one half, andfinally adopted in this simpler form: "That religion, or the duty we owe toour Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reasonand conviction, not by force or violence; and, therefore, all men are equallyentitled to the free exercise of religion according to the dictates of



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conscience." Thus it stands to this day in the Bill of Rights of Virginia, andof other States which subsequently made it their own, possessing for us thepersonal interest of being the first public work of the coming statesman.

Madison was thenceforth for the next forty years a public man. Of the firstAssembly under the new Constitution he was elected a member. For the nextsession also he was a candidate, but failed to be returned for a reason ascreditable to him as it was uncommon then, whatever it may be now, inVirginia. "The sentiments and manners of the parent nation," Mr. Rives says,still prevailed in Virginia, "and the modes of canvassing for popular votes inthat country were generally practiced. The people not only tolerated, butexpected and even required, to be courted and treated. No candidate whoneglected those attentions could be elected." But the times, Mr. Madisonthought, seemed "to favor a more chaste mode of conducting elections," andhe "determined to attempt, by an example, to introduce it." He failedsignally; "the sentiments and manners of the parent nation" were too muchfor him. He solicited no votes; nobody got drunk at his expense; and he lostthe election. An attempt was made to contest the return of his opponent onthe ground of corrupt influence, but, adds Mr. Rives, in his sesquipedalianmeasure, "for the want of adequate proof to sustain the allegations of thepetition which in such cases it is extremely difficult to obtain with therequisite precision, the proceeding was unavailing except as a perpetualprotest, upon the legislative records of the country, against a dangerousabuse, of which one of her sons, so qualified to serve her, and destined to beone of her chief ornaments, was the early though temporary victim." Mr.Rives does not mean that Mr. Madison was for a little while in early life thevictim of a vicious habit, but that he lost votes because he would do nothingto encourage it in others.

The country lost a good representative, but their loss was his gain. TheAssembly immediately elected him a member of the governor's council, andin this position he so grew in public favor that, two years afterward (1780),he was chosen as a delegate to the Continental Congress. He was still underthirty, and had he been even a more brilliant young man than he really was, itwould not have been to his discredit had he only been seen for the next yearor two, if seen at all, in the background. He had taken his seat among men,every one of whom, probably, was his senior, and among whom were many ofthe wisest men in the country, not "older" merely, but "better soldiers."

If not the darkest, at least there was no darker year in the Revolution thanthat of 1780. Within a few days of his arrival at Philadelphia, Madisonwrote to Jefferson—then governor of Virginia—his opinion of the state ofthe country. It was gloomy but not exaggerated. The only bright spot he couldsee was the chance that Clinton's expedition to South Carolina might be afailure; but within little more than a month from the date of his letter,Lincoln was compelled to surrender Charleston, and the whole country southof Virginia seemed about to fall into the hands of the enemy. Could he have



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foreseen that calamity, his apprehensions might have been changed todespair; for he writes:—

"Our army threatened with an immediate alternative ofdisbanding or living on free quarter; the public treasury empty;public credit exhausted, nay, the private credit of purchasingagents employed, I am told, as far as it will bear; Congresscomplaining of the extortion of the people, the people of theimprovidence of Congress, and the army of both; our affairsrequiring the most mature and systematic measures, and theurgency of occasions admitting only of temporary expedients, andthese expedients generating new difficulties; Congressrecommending plans to the several States for execution, and theStates separately rejudging the expediency of such plans,whereby the same distrust of concurrent exertions that haddamped the ardor of patriotic individuals must produce the sameeffect among the States themselves; an old system of financediscarded as incompetent to our necessities, an untried andprecarious one substituted, and a total stagnation in prospectbetween the end of the former and the operation of the latter.These are the outlines of the picture of our public situation. Ileave it to your own imagination to fill them up."

He saw more clearly, perhaps, after the experience of one session ofCongress, the true cause of all these troubles; at any rate, he was able, in aletter written in November of that year (1780), to state it tersely andexplicitly. The want of money, he wrote to a friend, "is the source of all ourpublic difficulties and misfortunes. One or two millions of guineas properlyapplied would diffuse vigor and satisfaction throughout the whole militarydepartment, and would expel the enemy from every part of the UnitedStates."

But nobody knew better than he the difficulty of raising funds except byborrowing abroad, and that this was a precarious reliance. There must besome sort of substitute for money. In specific taxation he had no faith. Suchtaxes, if paid at all, would be paid, virtually, in the paper currency orcertificates of the States, and these had already fallen to the ratio of onehundred to one; they kept on falling till they reached the rate of a thousandto one, and then soon became altogether worthless. When the estimate forthe coming year was under consideration, he proposed to Congress that theStates should be advised to abandon the issue of this paper currency. "Itmet," he says, "with so cool a reception that I did not much urge it." Thesufficient answer to the proposition was, that "the practice was manifestlyrepugnant to the Acts of Congress," and as these were disregarded and couldnot be enforced, a mere remonstrance would be quite useless. The Union waslittle more than a name under the feeble bonds of the Confederation, andeach State was a law unto itself. Not that in this case there was much



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reasonable ground for complaint; for what else could the States do? Wherethere was no money there must be something to take its place; a promise topay must be accepted instead of payment. The paper answered a temporarypurpose, though it was plain that in the end it would be good for nothing.

The evil, however, was manifestly so great that there was only the morereason for trying to mitigate it, if it could not be cured. Madison, like therest, had his remedy. He proposed, in a letter to one of his colleagues, thatthe demand for army supplies should be duly apportioned among the people,their collection rigorously enforced, and payment made in interest-bearingcertificates, not transferable, but to be redeemed at a specified time after thewar was over. The plan would undoubtedly have put a stop to the circulationof a vast volume of paper money if the producers would have exchanged theproducts of their labor for certificates, useless at the time of exchange, andhaving only a possible prospective value in case of the successfultermination of an uncertain war. Patriotic as the people were, they neitherwould nor could have submitted to such a law, nor had Congress the power toenforce it. But Mr. Madison did not venture apparently to urge his planbeyond its suggestion to his colleague.

Why the Assembly of Virginia should have proposed to elect an extradelegate to Congress, early in 1781, is not clear, unless it be that one of thenumber, Joseph Jones, being also a member of the Assembly, passed much ofhis time in Richmond. It does not appear, however, that the delegateextraordinary was ever sent, perhaps because it was known to Mr. Madison'sfriends that it would be a mortification to him. There was certainly no goodreason for any distrust of either his ability or his industry. One could hardlybe otherwise than industrious who had it in him—if the story be true—totake but three hours out of the twenty-four for sleep during the last year ofhis college course, that he might crowd the studies of two years into one. Heseemed to love work for its own sake, and he was a striking example of howmuch virtue there is in steadiness of pursuit. Not that he had at this time anyspecial goal for his ambition. His aim seemed to be simply to do the best hecould wherever he might be placed; to discharge faithfully, and to the bestof such ability as he had, whatever duty was intrusted to him. His report ofthe proceedings in the congressional session of 1782-83, and the letterswritten during those years and the year before, show that he was not merelydiligent but absorbed in the duties of his office.

He was more faithful to his constituents than his constituents sometimeswere to him. Anything that might happen at that period for want of moneycan hardly be a matter of surprise; but Virginia, even then, should have beenable, it would seem, to find enough to enable its members of Congress to paytheir board-bills. He complains gently in his Addisonian way of theinconvenience to which he was put for want of funds. "I cannot," he writes toEdmund Randolph, "in any way make you more sensible of the importance ofyour kind attention to pecuniary remittances for me, than by informing you



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that I have for some time past been a pensioner on the favor of HayneSolomon, a Jew broker." A month later he writes, that to draw bills onVirginia has been tried, "but in vain;" nobody would buy them; and he adds,"I am relapsing fast into distress. The case of my brethren is equallyalarming." Within a week he again writes: "I am almost ashamed to reiteratemy wants so incessantly to you, but they begin to be so urgent that it isimpossible to suppress them." But the Good Samaritan, Solomon, is still anunfailing reliance. "The kindness of our little friend in Front Street, near thecoffee house, is a fund which will preserve me from extremities; but I neverresort to it without great mortification, as he obstinately rejects allrecompense. The price of money is so usurious that he thinks it ought to beextorted from none but those who aim at profitable speculations. To anecessitous delegate he gratuitously spares a supply out of his privatestock." It is a pretty picture of the simplicity of the early days of theRepublic. Between the average modern member and the money-broker, undersuch circ*mstances, there would lurk, probably, a contract for carrying themails or for Indian supplies.

Relief, however, came at last. An appeal was made in a letter to the governorof Virginia, which was so far public that anybody about the executive officemight read it. The answer to this letter, says Mr. Madison, "seems to chideour urgency." But there soon came a bill for two hundred dollars, which, headds, "very seasonably enabled me to replace a loan by which I hadanticipated it. About three hundred and fifty more (not less) would redeemme completely from the class of debtors." It is to be hoped it came withoutfurther chiding.[4]

The young member was not less attentive to his congressional duties becauseof these little difficulties in the personal ways and means. Militarymovements seem, without altogether escaping his attention, to haveinterested him the least. In his letters to the public men at home, which weremeant in some degree to give such information as in later times thenewspapers supplied, questions relating to army affairs, even news directlyfrom the army, occupy the least space. They are not always, for that reason,altogether entertaining reading. One would be glad, occasionally, toexchange their sonorous and rounded periods for any expression of quick,impulsive feeling. "I return you," he writes to Pendleton, "my ferventcongratulations on the glorious success of the combined armies at York andGloucester. We have had from the Commander-in-Chief an official report ofthe fact,"—and so forth and so forth; and then for a page or more is adiscussion of the condition of British possessions in the East Indies, that"rich source of their commerce and credit, severed from them, perhapsforever;" of "the predatory conquest of Eustatia;" and of the "relief ofGibraltar, which was merely a negative advantage;"—all to show that "itseems scarcely possible for them much longer to shut their ears against thevoice of peace." There is not a word in all this that is not quite true,




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pertinent, reflective, and becoming a statesman; but neither is there a wordof sympathetic warmth and patriotic fervor which at that moment made theheart of a whole people beat quicker at the news of a great victory, and inthe hope that the cause was gained at last.

All the letters have this preternatural solemnity, as if each was a study instyle after the favorite Addisonian model. One wonders if he did not, in theprivacy of his own room and with the door locked, venture to throw his hatto the ceiling and give one hurrah under his breath at the discomfiture of thevain and self-sufficient Cornwallis. But he seems never to have been a youngman. At one and twenty he gravely warned his friend Bradford not "to sufferthose impertinent fops that abound in every city to divert you from yourbusiness and philosophical amusem*nts.... You will make them respect andadmire you more by showing your indignation at their follies, and by keepingthem at a becoming distance." It was his loss, however, and our gain. He wasone of the men the times demanded, and without whom they would have beenquite different times and followed by quite different results. The sombre hueof his life was due partly, no doubt, to natural temperament; partly to thewant of health in his earlier manhood, which led him to believe that his dayswere numbered; but quite as much, if not more than either, to a keen sense ofthe responsibility resting upon those to whom had fallen the conduct ofpublic affairs.



Madison had grown steadily in the estimation of his colleagues, as is shown,especially in 1783, by the frequency of his appointment upon importantcommittees. He was a member of that one to which was intrusted thequestion of national finances, and it is plain, even in his own modest reportof the debates of that session, that he took an important part in the longdiscussions of the subject, and exercised a marked influence upon the result.The position of the government was one of extreme difficulty. To tide overan immediate necessity, a further loan had been asked of France in 1782, andbills were drawn against it without waiting for acceptance. It was not verylikely, but it was not impossible, that the bills might go to protest; but evenshould they be honored, so irregular a proceeding was a humiliatingacknowledgment of poverty and weakness, to which some of the delegates,Mr. Madison among them, were extremely sensitive.

The national debt altogether was not less than forty million dollars. Toprovide for the interest on this debt, and a fund for expenses, it was




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necessary to raise about three million dollars annually. But the sum actuallycontributed for the support of the confederate government in 1782 was onlyhalf a million dollars. This was not from any absolute inability on the part ofthe people to pay more; for the taxes before the war were more than doublethat sum, and for the first three or four years of the war it was computedthat, with the depreciation of paper money, the people submitted to anannual tax of about twenty million dollars. The real difficulty lay in thecharacter of the Confederation. Congress might contrive but it could notcommand. The States might agree, or they might disagree, or any two ormore of them might only agree to disagree; and they were more likely to doeither of the last two than the first. There was no power of coercionanywhere. All that Congress could do was to try to frame laws that wouldreconcile differences, and bring thirteen supreme governments upon somecommon ground of agreement. To distract and perplex it still more, it stoodface to face with a well-disciplined and veteran army which might at anymoment, could it find a leader to its mind, march upon Philadelphia and dealwith Congress as Cromwell dealt with the Long Parliament. There were somemen, probably, in that body, who would not have been sorry to see thatprecedent followed. Washington might have done it if he would. Gatesprobably would have done it if he could.

To avert this threatened danger; to contrive taxation that should so farplease the taxed that they would refrain from using the power in their handsto escape altogether any taxation for general purposes,—was the knottyproblem this Congress had to solve in order to save the Confederacy fromdissolution. There was no want of plans and expedients; neither were therewanting men in that body who clearly understood the conditions of theproblem, and how it might be solved, and whose aim was direct andunfaltering. Chief among them were Hamilton, Wilson, Ellsworth, andMadison. However wrong-headed, or weak, or intemperate others may havebeen, these men were usually found together on important questions;differing sometimes in details, but unmoved by passion or prejudice, andstrong from reserved force, they overwhelmed their opponents at the rightmoment with irresistible argument and by weight of character.

In the discussion of the more important questions Mr. Madison isconspicuous—conspicuous without being obtrusive. A reader of the debatescan hardly fail to be struck with his familiarity with English constitutionallaw, and its application to the necessities of this offshoot of the Englishpeople in setting up a government for themselves. The stores of knowledgehe drew upon must needs have been laid up in the years of quiet study athome before he entered upon public life. For there was no congressionallibrary then where a member could "cram" for debate; and—thoughPhiladelphia already had a fair public library—the member who was armedat all points must have equipped himself before entering Congress. In thisrespect Madison probably had no equal, except Hamilton, and possibly



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Ellsworth. To the need of such a library, however, he and others were notinsensible. As chairman of a committee he reported a list of books "properfor the use of Congress," and advised their purchase. The report declaredthat certain authorities upon international law, treaties, negotiations, andother questions of legislation were absolutely indispensable, and that thewant of them "was manifest in several Acts of Congress." But the Congresswas not to be moved by a little thing of that sort.

The attitude of his own State sometimes embarrassed him in the satisfactorydischarge of his duty as a legislator. The earliest distinction he won afterentering Congress was as chairman of a committee to enforce upon Mr. Jay,then minister to Spain, the instructions to adhere tenaciously to the right ofnavigation on the Mississippi in his negotiations for an alliance with thatpower. Mr. Madison, in his dispatch, maintained the American side of thequestion with a force and clearness to which no subsequent discussion of thesubject ever added anything. He left nothing unsaid that could be said tosustain the right either on the ground of expediency, of national comity, or ofinternational law; and his arguments were not only in accordance with hisown convictions, but with the instructions of the Assembly of his own State.It was a question of deep interest to Virginia, whose western boundary at thattime was the Mississippi. But Virginia soon afterward shifted her position.The course of the war in the Southern States in the winter of 1780-81aroused in Georgia and the Carolinas renewed anxiety for an alliance withSpain. The fear of their people was that, in case of the necessity for asudden peace while the British troops were in possession of those States orparts of them, they might be compelled to remain as British territory underthe application of the rule of uti possidetis. It was urged, therefore, that theright to the Mississippi should be surrendered to Spain, if it were made thecondition of an alliance. In deference to her neighbors, Virginia proposedthat Mr. Jay should be reinstructed accordingly.

Mr. Madison was not in the least shaken in his conviction. With him, thequestion was one of right rather than of expediency. But not many at thattime ventured to doubt that representatives must implicitly obey theinstructions of their constituents. He yielded; but not till he had appealed tothe Assembly to reconsider their decision. The scale was turned; indeference to the wishes of the Southern States new orders were sent to Mr.Jay. Mr. Madison, however, had not long to wait for his justification. Whenthe immediate danger, which had so alarmed the South, had passed away,Virginia returned to her original position. New instructions were again sentto her representatives, and Mr. Jay was once more advised by Congress thaton the Mississippi question his government would yield nothing.

On another question, two years afterward, Mr. Madison refused to accept aposition of inconsistency in obedience to instructions which his Stateattempted to force upon him. No one saw more clearly than he howabsolutely necessary to the preservation of the Confederacy was the



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settlement of its financial affairs on some sound and just basis; and no onelabored more earnestly and more intelligently than he to bring about such asettlement. Congress had proposed in 1781 a tax upon imports, each State toappoint its own collectors, but the revenue to be paid over to the federalgovernment to meet the expenses of the war. Rhode Island alone, at first,refused her assent to this scheme. An impost law of five per cent. uponcertain imports and a specific duty upon others for twenty-five years were anessential part of the plan of 1783 to provide a revenue to meet the interest onthe public debt and for other general purposes. That Rhode Island wouldcontinue obstinate on this point was more than probable; and the only hopeof moving her was that she should be shamed or persuaded into complianceby the combined influence of all the other States.

Mr. Madison was as bitter as he could ever be in his reflections upon thatState, whose course, he thought, showed a want of any sense of honor or ofpatriotism. Virginia, he argued, should rebuke her by making her owncompliance with the law the more emphatic, as an example for all the rest.But Virginia did exactly the other thing. At the moment when debate uponthe revenue law was the most earnest, and the prospect of carrying it themost hopeful; when a committee appointed by Congress had already startedon their journey northward to expostulate with, and if possible conciliate,Rhode Island,—at that critical moment came news from Virginia that shehad revoked her assent of a previous session to the impost law. This wasequivalent to instructing her delegates in Congress to oppose any suchmeasure. The situation was an awkward one for a representative who had puthimself among the foremost of those who were pushing this policy, and whohad been making invidious reflections upon a State which opposed it. Therule that the will of the constituents should govern the representative, he nowdeclared, had its exceptions, and here was a case in point. He continued toenforce the necessity of a general law to provide a revenue, though hisarguments were no longer pointed with the selfishness and want of patriotismshown by the people of Rhode Island. In the end his firmness was justifiedby Virginia, who again shifted her position when the new act was submittedto her.

The operation of the law was limited to five and twenty years. This Hamiltonopposed and Madison supported; and in this difference some of thebiographers of both see the foreshadowing of future parties. But it is morelikely that neither of those statesmen thought of their difference of opinionas difference of principle. The question was, whether anything could begained by a deference to that party which, both felt at that time, threatenedto throw away, in adhering to the state-rights doctrine, all that was gained bythe Revolution. They were agreed upon the necessity of a general law,supreme in all the States, to meet the obligation of a debt contracted for thegeneral good. Unless—wrote Madison in February—"unless some amicableand adequate arrangements be speedily taken for adjusting all the subsisting



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accounts and discharging the public engagements, a dissolution of the Unionwill be inevitable." He was willing, therefore, to temporize, that thenecessary assent of the State to such a law might be gained. Nobody hopedthat the public debt would be paid off in twenty-five years; but to assume tolevy a federal tax in the States for a longer period, or till the debt should bedischarged, might so arouse state jealousy that it would be impossible to getan assent to the law anywhere. If the law for twenty-five years should beaccepted, the threatened destruction of the government would be escaped forthe present, and it might, at the end of a quarter of a century, be easy toreënact the law. At any rate, the evil day would be put off. This wasMadison's reasoning.

But Hamilton did not believe in putting off a crisis. He had no faith in thepermanency of the government as then organized. If he were right, what wasthe use or the wisdom of postponing a catastrophe till to-morrow? Apossible escape from it might be even more difficult to-morrow than to-day.The essential difference between the two men was, that Madison only fearedwhat Hamilton positively knew, or thought he knew. It was a difference offaith. Madison hoped something would turn up in the course of twenty-fiveyears. Hamilton did not believe that anything good could turn up under thefeeble rule of the Confederation. He would have presented to the States,then and there, the question, Would they surrender to the confederategovernment the right of taxation so long as that government thought itnecessary? If not, then the Confederation was a rope of sand, and the Stateshad resolved themselves into thirteen separate and independent governments.Therefore he opposed the condition of twenty-five years, and voted againstthe bill.

Nevertheless, when it became the law he gave it his heartiest support, andwas appointed one of a committee of three to prepare an address, whichMadison wrote, to commend it to the acceptance of the States. Indeed, thelast serious effort made on behalf of the measure was made by Hamilton,who used all his eloquence and influence to induce the legislature of his ownState to ratify it. It was the law against his better judgment; but being thelaw, he did his best to secure its recognition. But it failed of hearty supportin most of the States, while in New York and Pennsylvania compliance withit was absolutely refused. Nothing, therefore, would have been lost hadHamilton's firmness prevailed in Congress; and nothing was gained byMadison's deference to the doctrine of state rights, unless it was that thequestion of a "more perfect Union" was put off to a more propitious time,when a reconstruction of the government under a new federal Constitutionwas possible. Meanwhile Congress borrowed the money to pay the intereston money already borrowed; the confederate government floundered deeperand deeper into inextricable difficulties; the thirteen ships of state driftedfarther and farther apart, with a fair promise of a general wreck.

But the bill contained another compromise which was not temporary, and



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once made could not be easily unmade. Agreed to now, it became a conditionof the adoption of the federal Constitution four years later; and there, asnobody now is so blind as not to see, it was the source of infinite mischieffor nearly a century, till a third reconstruction of the Union was broughtabout by the war of 1861-65. The Articles of Confederation required that"all charges of war and all other expenses that shall be incurred for thecommon defense or general welfare" should be borne by the States inproportion to the value of their lands. It was proposed to amend thisprovision of the Constitution, and for lands substitute population, exclusiveof Indians not taxed, as the basis for taxation. But here arose at once a newand perplexing question. There were, chiefly in one portion of the country,about 750,000 "persons held to service or labor,"—the euphuism for negroslaves which, evolved from some tender and sentimental conscience, cameinto use at this period. Should these, recognized only as property by statelaw, be counted as 750,000 persons by the laws of the United States?[5] Orshould they, in the enumeration of population, be reckoned, in accordancewith the civil law, as pro nullis, pro mortuis, pro quadrupedibus, andtherefore not to be counted at all? Or should they, as those who owned theminsisted, be counted, if included in the basis of taxation, as fractions ofpersons only?

The South contended that black slaves were not equal to white men asproducers of wealth, and that, by counting them as such, taxation would beunequal and unjust. But whether counted as units or as fractions of units, theslaveholders insisted that representation should be according to thatenumeration. The Northern reply was that, if representation was to beaccording to population, the slaves being included, then the slave Stateswould have a representation of property, for which there would be noequivalent in States where there were no slaves; but if slaves wereenumerated as a basis of representation, then that enumeration should alsobe taken to fix the rate of taxation.

Here, at any rate, was a basis for an interesting deadlock. One simple wayout of it would have been to insist upon the doctrine of the civil law; to countthe slaves only as pro quadrupedibus, to be left out of the enumeration ofpopulation as being no part of the State, as horses and cattle were left out.But the bonds of union hung loosely upon the sisters a hundred years ago;there was not one of them who did not think she was able to set up forherself and take her place among the nations as an independent sovereign;and it is more than likely that half of them would have refused to wear thosebonds any longer on such a condition. There was no apprehension then thatslavery was to become a power for evil in the State; but there was intenseanxiety lest the States should fly asunder, form partial and local unionsamong neighbors, or become entangled in alliances with foreign nations, atthe sacrifice of all, or much, that was gained by the Revolution. To make anyconcession, therefore, to slavery for the sake of the Union was hardly held to



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be a concession.

The curious student of history, however, who loves to study those problemsof what might have happened if events that did not happen had come to pass,will find ample room for speculation in the possibilities of this one. Hadthere been no compromise, it is as easy to see now, as it was easy to foreseethen, how quickly the feeble bond of union would have snapped asunder. Butnevertheless, if the North had insisted that the slaves should neither becounted nor represented at all, or else should be reckoned in full and taxeslevied accordingly, the consequent dissolution of the Confederacy mighthave had consequences which then nobody dreamed of. For it is notimpossible, it is not even improbable, that, in that event, the year 1800would have seen slavery in the process of rapid extinction everywhereexcept in South Carolina and Georgia. Had the event been postponed inthose States to a later period, it would only have been because they hadalready found in the cultivation of indigo and rice a profitable use for slave-labor, which did not exist in the other slave States, where the supply ofslaves was rapidly exceeding the demand. There can hardly be a doubt that,in case of the dissolution of the Confederacy, the Northern free-labor Stateswould soon have consolidated into a strong union of their own. There wasevery reason for hastening it, and none so strong for hindering it as thosewhich were overborne in the union which was actually formed soonafterward between the free-labor and slave-labor States. To such a Northernunion the border States, as they sloughed off the old system, would havebeen naturally attracted; nor can there be a doubt that a federal union soformed would ultimately have proved quite as strong, quite as prosperous,quite as happy, and quite as respectable among the nations, as one purchasedby compromises with slavery, followed, as those compromises were, by threequarters of a century of bitter political strife ending in a civil war.

But the Northern members were no less ready to make compromises thanSouthern members were to insist upon them, these no more understandingwhat they conceded than those understood what they gained; for the futurewas equally concealed from both. A committee reported that two blacksshould be rated as one free man. This was unsatisfactory. To some it seemedtoo large, to others too small. Other ratios, therefore, were proposed,—threeto one, three to two, four to one, and four to three. Mr. Madison at last, "inorder," as he said, "to give a proof of the sincerity of his professions ofliberality,"—and doubtless he meant to be liberal,—proposed "that slavesshould be rated as five to three." His motion was adopted, but afterwardreconsidered. Four days later—April 1st—Mr. Hamilton renewed theproposition, and it was carried, Madison says, "without opposition."[6] Thelaw on this point was the precedent for the mischievous three fifths rule ofthe Constitution adopted four years later.

Youth finally overtook the young man during the last winter of his term inCongress, for he fell in love. But it was an unfortunate experience, and the




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outcome of it doubtless gave a more sombre hue than ever to his life. Hischoice was not a wise one. Probably Mr. Madison seemed a much older manthan he really was at that period of his life, and to a young girl may haveappeared really advanced in years. At any rate, it was his unhappy fate to beattached to a young lady of more than usual beauty and of irrepressiblevivacity,—Miss Catherine Floyd, a daughter of General William Floyd ofLong Island, N. Y., who was one of the signers of the Declaration ofIndependence, and who was a delegate to Congress from 1774 to 1783. MissCatherine's sixteenth birthday was in April of the latter year; Madison wasdouble her age, as his thirty-second birthday was a month earlier. His suit,however, was accepted, and they became engaged. But it was the fatherrather than the daughter who admired the suitor; for the older statesmanbetter understood the character, and better appreciated the abilities, of hisyoung colleague, and predicted a brilliant career for him. The girl's wisdomwas of another kind. The future career which she foresaw and wanted toshare belonged to a young clergyman, who—according to the reminiscencesof an aged relative of hers—"hung round her at the harpsichord," and madelove in quite another fashion than that of the solemn statesman whom the oldgeneral so approved of. It is altogether a pretty love story, and one'ssympathy goes out to the lively young beauty, who was thinking of love andnot of ambition, as she turned from the old young gentleman, discussing, withher wise father, the public debt and the necessity of an impost, to that reallyyoung young gentleman who knew how to hang over the harpsichord, andtalked more to the purpose with his eyes than ever the other could with hislips. There is a tradition that she was encouraged to be thus on with the newlove before she was off with the old, by a friend somewhat older thanherself; and possibly this maturer lady may have thought that Madison wouldbe better mated with one nearer his own age. At any rate, the engagement wasbroken off before long by the dismissal of the older lover, much to thefather's disappointment, and in due time the young lady married the othersuitor. There is no reason that I know of for supposing that she ever regrettedthat her more humble home was in a rectory, when it might have been, in duetime, had she chosen differently, in the White House at Washington, and thatafterward she might have lived, the remaining sixteen years of her life, thehonored wife of a revered ex-President. Perhaps, however, she smiled inthose later years at the recollection of having laughed in her gay andthoughtless youth at her solemn lover, and that, when at last she dismissedhim, she sealed her letter—conveying to him alone, it may be, some merrybut mischievous meaning—with a bit of rye-dough.[7]

Mr. Rives gives a letter from Jefferson to Madison at this time, which showsthat he stood in need of consolation from his friends. "I sincerely lament,"Mr. Jefferson wrote in his philosophical way, "the misadventure which hashappened, from whatever cause it may have happened. Should it be final,however, the world presents the same and many other resources ofhappiness, and you possess many within yourself. Firmness of mind and



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unintermitting occupation will not long leave you in pain. No event has beenmore contrary to my expectations, and these were founded on what I thoughta good knowledge of the ground. But of all machines ours is the mostcomplicated and inexplicable." It was Solomon who said, "there be threethings which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not." Thisfourth was, "the way of a man with a maid." He might have added a fifth,—the way of a maid with a man, which, evidently, is what Jefferson meant.



As the election of the same delegate to Congress for consecutive sessionswas then forbidden by the law of Virginia, Mr. Madison was not returned tothat body in 1784. For a brief interval of three months he made good use ofhis time, we are told, by continuing his law studies, till in the spring of thatyear he was chosen to represent his county in the Virginia Assembly. It maybe that "the sentiments and manners of the parent nation," which he lamentedseven years before, had passed away, and nobody now insisted upon theprivilege of getting drunk at the candidate's expense before voting for him.But it is more likely that the electors had not changed. The difference was inthe candidate; they did not need to be allured to give their votes to a manwhom they were proud to call upon to represent the county. Mr. Madison'sreputation was already made by his three years in Congress, and he noweasily took a place among the political leaders of his own State.

The position was hardly less conspicuous or less influential than that whichhe had held in the national Congress. What each State might do was of quiteas much importance as anything the federal government might or could do.Congress could neither open nor close a single port in Virginia to commerce,whether domestic or foreign, without the consent of the State; it could notlevy a tax of a penny on anything, whether goods coming in or products goingout, if the State objected. As a member of Congress, Mr. Madison mightpropose or oppose any of these things; as a member of the Virginia House ofDelegates, he might, if his influence was strong enough, carry or forbid anyor all of them, whatever might be the wishes of Congress. It was in the powerof Virginia to influence largely the welfare of her neighbors, so far as itdepended upon commerce, and indirectly that of every State in the Union.

In the Assembly, as in Congress, Mr. Madison's aim was to increase thepowers of the federal government, for want of which it was rapidly sinkinginto imbecility and contempt. "I acceded," he says, "to the desire of myfellow-citizens of the county that I should be one of its representatives in the



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legislature," to bring about "a rescue of the Union and the blessings ofliberty staked on it from an impending catastrophe." Early in the session theAssembly assented to the amendment to the Articles of Confederationproposed at the late session of Congress, which substituted population for aland valuation as the basis of representation and of taxation. The Assemblyalso asserted that all requisitions upon the States for the support of thegeneral government and to provide for the public debt should be compliedwith, and payment of balances on old accounts should be enforced; and itassented to the recommendation of Congress that that body should havepower for a limited period to control the trade with foreign nations having notreaty with the United States, in order that it might retaliate upon GreatBritain for excluding American ships from her West India colonies. Allthese measures were designed for "the rescue of the Union," and they had, ofcourse, Madison's hearty support. For it was absolutely essential, as hebelieved, that something should be done if the Union was to be saved, or tobe made worth saving. But there were obstacles on all sides. The commercialStates were reluctant to surrender the control over trade to Congress; in theplanting States there was hardly any trade that could be surrendered. InVirginia the tobacco planter still clung to the old ways. He liked to have theEnglish ship take his tobacco from the river bank of his own plantation, andto receive from the same vessel such coarse goods as were needed to clothehis slaves, with the more expensive luxuries for his own family,—dry goodsfor his wife and daughter; the pipe of madeira, the coats and breeches, thehats, boots, and saddles for himself and his sons. He knew that this year'scrop went to pay—if it did pay—for last year's goods, and that he wasalways in debt. But the debt was on running account, and did not matter. TheLondon factor was skillful in charges for interest and commissions, and theaccount for this year was always a lien on next year's crop. He knew, and theplanter knew, that the tobacco could be sold at a higher price in New Yorkor Philadelphia than the factor got, or seemed to get, for it in London; thatthe goods sent out in exchange were charged at a higher price than theycould be bought for in the Northern towns. Nevertheless, the planter liked tosee his own hogsheads rolled on board ship by his own negroes at his ownwharf, and receive in return his own boxes and bales shipped direct fromLondon at his own order, let it cost what it might. It was a shiftless andruinous system; but the average Virginia planter was not over-quick atfigures, nor even at reading and writing. He was proud of being lord of athousand or two acres, and one or two hundred negroes, and fancied that thiswas to rule over, as Mr. Rives called it, "a mimic commonwealth, with itsforeign and domestic relations, and its regular administrative hierarchy." Hedid not comprehend that the isolated life of a slave plantation was ordinarilyonly a kind of perpetual barbecue, with its rough sports and vacuous leisure,where the roasted ox was largely wasted and not always pleasant to look at.There was a rude hospitality, where food, provided by unpaid labor, wascheap and abundant, and where the host was always glad to welcome anyguest who would relieve him of his own tediousness; but there was little



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luxury and no refinement where there was almost no culture. Of course therewere a few homes and families of another order, where the women wererefined and the men educated; but these were the exceptions. Societygenerally, with its bluff, loud, self-confident but ignorant planters, itsnumerous poor whites destitute of lands and of slaves, and its mass of slaveswhose aim in life was to avoid work and escape the whip, was necessarilyonly one remove from semi-civilization.

It was not easy to indoctrinate such a people, more arrogant than intelligent,with new ideas. By the same token it might be possible to lead them into newways before they would find out whither they were going. Mr. Madisonhoped to change the wretched system of plantation commerce by a port bill,which he brought into the Assembly. Imposts require custom-houses, andobviously there could not be custom-houses nor even custom-officers onevery plantation in the State. The bill proposed to leave open two ports ofentry for all foreign ships. It would greatly simplify matters if all the foreigntrade of the State could be limited to these two ports only. It would then beeasy enough to enforce imposts, and the State would have something tosurrender to the federal government to help it to a revenue, if, happily, thetime should ever come when all the States should assent to that measure ofsalvation for the Union. Not that this was the primary object of those whofavored this port law; but the question of commerce was the question onwhich everything hinged, and its regulation in each State must needs have aninfluence, one way or the other, upon the possibility of strengthening, even ofpreserving, the Union. Everything depended upon reconciling these stateinterests by mutual concessions. The South was jealous of the North,because trade flourished at the North and did not flourish at the South. Itseemed as if this was at the expense of the South, and so, in a certain sense,it was. The problem was to find where the difficulty lay, and to apply theremedy.

If commerce flourished at the North, where each of the States had one ortwo ports of entry only, why should it not flourish in Virginia if regulated inthe same way? If those centres of trade bred a race of merchants, who builttheir own ships, bought and sold, did their own carrying, competed with andstimulated each other, and encroached upon the trade of the South, whyshould not similar results follow in Virginia if she should confine her tradeto two or three ports? If the buyer and the seller, the importer and theconsumer, went to a common place of exchange in Philadelphia, New York,and Boston, and prosperity followed as a consequence, why should they notdo the same thing at Norfolk? This was what Madison aimed to bring aboutby the port bill. But it was impossible to get it through the legislature tillthree more ports were added to the two which the bill at first proposed.When the planters came to understand that such a law would take away theircherished privilege of trade along the banks of the rivers, wherever anybodychose to run out a little jetty, the opposition was persistent. At every




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succeeding session, till the new federal Constitution was adopted, an attemptwas made to repeal the act; and though that was not successful, each yearnew ports of entry were added. It did not, indeed, matter much whether theopen ports of Virginia were two or whether they were twenty. There was afactor in the problem which neither Mr. Madison nor anybody else wouldtake into the account. It was possible, of course, if force enough were used,to break up the traffic with English ships on the banks of the rivers; butwhen that was done, commerce would follow its own laws, in spite of theacts of the legislature, and flow into channels of its own choosing. It was notpossible to transmute a planting State, where labor was enslaved, into acommercial State, where labor must be free.

However desirous Mr. Madison might be to transfer the power overcommerce to the federal government, he was compelled, as a member of theVirginia legislature, to care first for the trade of his own State. No Statecould afford to neglect its own commercial interests so long as the thirteenStates remained thirteen commercial rivals. It was becoming plainer andplainer every day that, while that relation continued, the less chance therewas that thirteen petty, independent States could unite into one great nation.No foreign power would make a treaty with a government which could notenforce that treaty among its own people. Neither could any separate portionof that people make a treaty, as any other portion, the other side of animaginary line, need not hold it in respect. What good was there in revenuelaws, or, indeed, in any other laws in Massachusetts which Connecticut andRhode Island disregarded? or in New York, if New Jersey and Pennsylvanialaughed at them? or in Virginia, if Maryland held them in contempt?

But Mr. Madison felt that, if he could bring about a healthful state of thingsin the trade of his own State, there was at least so much done towardsbringing about a healthful state of things in the commerce of the wholecountry. There came up a practical, local question which, when the timecame, he was quick to see had a logical bearing upon the general question.The Potomac was the boundary line between Virginia and Maryland; butLord Baltimore's charter gave to Maryland jurisdiction over the river to theVirginia bank; and this right Virginia had recognized, claiming only forherself the free navigation of the Potomac and the Pocomoke. Of course thelaws of neither State were regarded when it was worth while to evade them;and nothing was easier than to evade them, since to the average human mindthere is no privilege so precious as a facility for smuggling. Nobody, at anyrate, seems to have thought anything about the matter till it came underMadison's observation after his return home from Congress. To him it meantsomething more than mere evasion of state laws and frauds on the staterevenue. The subject fell into line with his reflections upon the looseness ofthe bonds that held the States together, and how unlikely it was that theywould ever grow into a respectable or prosperous nation while their presentrelations continued. Virtually there was no maritime law on the Potomac, and



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hardly even the pretense of any. What could be more absurd than to provideports of entry on one bank of a river, while on the other bank, from thesource to the sea, the whole country was free to all comers? If the laws ofeither State were to be regarded on the opposite bank, a treaty was asnecessary between them as between any two contiguous states in Europe.

Madison wrote to Jefferson, who was now a delegate in Congress, pointingout this anomalous condition of things on the Potomac, and suggesting thathe should confer with the Maryland delegates upon the subject. Theproposal met with Jefferson's approbation; he sought an interview with Mr.Stone, a delegate from Maryland, and, as he wrote to Madison, "finding himof the same opinion, [I] have told him I would, by letters, bring the subjectforward on our part. They will consider it, therefore, as originated by thisconversation." Why "they" should not have been permitted to "consider it asoriginated" from Madison's suggestion that Jefferson should have such aconversation is not quite plain; for it was Madison, not Jefferson, who haddiscovered that here was a wrong that ought to be righted, and who hadproposed that each State should appoint commissioners to look into thematter and apply a remedy. So, also, so far as subsequent negotiation on thissubject had any influence in bringing about the Constitutional Convention of1787, it was only because Mr. Madison, having suggested the first practicalstep in the one case, seized an opportune moment in that negotiation tosuggest a similar practical step in the other case. As it is so often said thatthe Annapolis Convention of 1786 was the direct result of the discussion ofthe Potomac question, it is worth while to explain what they really had to dowith each other.

The Virginia commissioners were appointed early in the session on Mr.Madison's motion. Maryland moved more slowly, and it was not till thespring of 1785 that the commissioners met. They soon found that anyefficient jurisdiction over the Potomac involved more interests than they, orthose who appointed them, had considered. Existing difficulties might bedisposed of by agreeing upon uniform duties in the two States, and this thecommissioners recommended. But when the subject came before theMaryland legislature it took a wider range.

The Potomac Company, of which Washington was president, had beenchartered only a few months before. The work it proposed to do was to makethe upper Potomac navigable, and to connect it by a good road with the OhioRiver. This was to encourage the settlement of Western lands. Anothercompany was chartered about the same time to connect the Potomac andDelaware by a canal, where interstate traffic would be more immediate.Pennsylvania and Delaware must necessarily have a deep interest in boththese projects, and the Maryland legislature proposed that those States beinvited to appoint commissioners to act with those whom Maryland andVirginia had already appointed to settle the conflict between them upon thequestion of jurisdiction on the Potomac. Then it occurred to somebody: if



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four States can confer, why should not thirteen? The Maryland legislaturethereupon suggested that all the States be invited to send delegates to aconvention to take up the whole question of American commerce.

While this was going on in Maryland, the Virginia legislature wasconsidering petitions from the principal ports of the State praying that someremedy might be devised for the commercial evils from which they were allsuffering. The port bill had manifestly proved a failure. It was only a fewweeks before that Madison had complained, in a letter to a friend, that "thetrade of the country is in a most deplorable condition;" that the most"shameful frauds" were committed by the English merchants upon those inVirginia, as well as upon the planters who shipped their own tobacco; thatthe difference in the price of tobacco at Philadelphia and in Virginia wasfrom eleven shillings to fourteen shillings in favor of the Northern ports; andthat "the price of merchandise here is, at least, as much above, as that oftobacco is below, the Northern standard." He was only the more confirmedin his opinion that there was no cure for these radical evils except tosurrender to the confederate government complete control over commerce.The debate upon these petitions was hot and long. It brought out thestrongest men on both sides, Madison leading those who wished to give toCongress the power to regulate trade with foreign countries when no treatyexisted; to make uniform commercial laws for all the States; and to levy animpost of five per cent. on imported merchandise, as a provision for thepublic debt and for the support of the federal government generally. Acommittee, of which he was a member, at length reported instructions to thedelegates of the State in Congress to labor for the consent of all the Statesto these propositions. But in Committee of the Whole the resolutions wereso changed and qualified—especially in limiting to thirteen years the periodfor which Congress was to be intrusted with a power so essential to theexistence of the government—that the measure was given up by its friends ashopeless.

But before the report was disposed of Mr. Madison prepared a resolution, tobe offered as a substitute, with the hope of reaching the same end in anotherway. This resolution provided for the appointment of five commissioners,—Madison to be one of them,—"who, or any three of whom, shall meet suchcommissioners as may be appointed in the other States of the Union, at atime and place to be agreed on, to take into consideration the trade of theUnited States; to examine the relative situations and trade of said States; toconsider how far a uniform system in their commercial regulations may benecessary to their common interest and their permanent harmony; and toreport to the several States such an act, relative to this great object, as, whenunanimously ratified by them, will enable the United States, in Congress,effectually to provide for the same." This he was careful not to offerhimself, but, as he says, it was "introduced by Mr. Tyler, an influentialmember, who, having never served in Congress, had more the ear of the



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House than those whose services there exposed them to an imputable bias."He adds that "it was so little acceptable that it was not then persisted in."

About the same time the action of the Maryland legislature on the Potomacquestion, and the report of the Potomac commissioners, came up forconsideration. Mr. Madison said afterward that, as Maryland thought theconcurrence of Pennsylvania and Delaware were necessary to the regulationof trade on that river, so those States would, probably, wish to ask for theconcurrence of their neighbors in any proposed arrangement. "So apt andforcible an illustration," he adds, "of the necessity of an uniformitythroughout all the States could not but favor the passage of a resolutionwhich proposed a convention having that for its object."

As one of the Potomac commissioners, he knew, of course, what was comingfrom Maryland, and "how apt and forcible an illustration" it would seem,when it did come, of that resolution which he had written and had inducedMr. Tyler to offer. It did not matter that the resolution had been at themoment "so little acceptable," and therefore "not then persisted in." It waswhere it was sure, in the political slang of our day, to do the most good. Andso it came about. All that Maryland had proposed, growing out of theconsideration of the Potomac question, the Virginia legislature acceded to.Then, on the last day of the session, the Madison-Tyler resolution was takenfrom the table, where it had lain quietly for nearly two months, and passed.If some, who had been contending all winter against any action which shouldlead to a possibility of strengthening the federal government, failed to seehow important a step they had taken to that very end; if any, who werefearful of federal usurpation and tenacious of state rights, were blind to thefact that the resolution had pushed aside the Potomac question and put theUnion question in its place, Mr. Madison, we may be sure, was not one ofthat number. He had gained that for which he had been striving for years.

The commissioners appointed by the resolution soon came together. Theyappointed Annapolis as the place, and the second Monday of the followingSeptember (1786) as the time, of the proposed national convention; and theysent to all the other States an invitation to send delegates to that convention.

On September 11 commissioners from Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania,New Jersey, and New York assembled at Annapolis. Others had beenappointed by North Carolina, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and NewHampshire, but they were not present. Georgia, South Carolina, Maryland,and Connecticut had taken no action upon the subject. As five States onlywere represented, the commissioners "did not conceive it advisable toproceed on the business of their mission," but they adopted an address,written by Alexander Hamilton, to be sent to all the States.

All the represented States, the address said, had authorized theircommissioners "to take into consideration the trade and commerce of the



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United States; to consider how far an uniform system in their commercialintercourse and regulations might be necessary to their common interest andpermanent harmony." But New Jersey had gone farther than this; herdelegates were instructed "to consider how far an uniform system in theircommercial regulations and other important matters might be necessary tothe common interest and permanent harmony of the several States." This, thecommissioners present thought, "was an improvement on the original plan,and will deserve to be incorporated into that of a future convention." Theygave their reasons at length for this opinion, and, in conclusion, urged thatcommissioners from all the States be appointed to meet in convention atPhiladelphia on the second Monday of the following May (1787), "to devisesuch further provisions as shall appear to them necessary to render theConstitution of the federal government adequate to the exigencies of theUnion."

In the course of the winter delegates to this convention were chosen by theseveral States. Virginia was the first to choose her delegates; Madison wasamong them, and at their head was George Washington.



That the Annapolis Convention ever met to make smooth the way for themore important one which came together eight months afterward and frameda permanent Constitution for the United States was unquestionably due to thepersistence and the political adroitness of Mr. Madison. But it was notexceptional work. The same diligence and devotion to public duty mark thewhole of this period of three years through which he continued a member ofthe state legislature. As chairman of the judiciary committee he reduced withmuch labor the old colonial statutes to a body of laws befitting the conditionof free citizens in an independent State. From his first to his last session hecontended, though without success, for the faith of treaties and the honestpayment of debts. The treaty with England provided that there should be "nolawful impediment on either side to the recovery of debts heretoforecontracted." The legislature notified Congress that it should disregard thisprovision, on the plea that in relation to "slaves and other property" it hadnot been observed by Great Britain. Mr. Madison did not then know that—ashe said three years later—"the infractions [of the treaty] on the part of theUnited States preceded even the violation on the other side in the instance ofthe negroes." He maintained, nevertheless, that the settlement of thedifficulty, if it had any real foundation, belonged to Congress, the party tothe treaty, and not to a State which had surrendered the treaty-making power;




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and that in common honesty one planter was not relieved from his obligationto pay a London merchant for goods and merchandise received before thewar, because other planters had not been paid for the negroes and horsesthey had lost when the British troops invaded Virginia. At each of the threesessions of the legislature, while he was a member, he tried to bring thatbody to adopt some line of conduct which should not—to use his own words—"extremely dishonor us and embarrass Congress." It was useless; therepudiators were quite deaf to any appeals either to their honor or theirpatriotism.

On another question both he and his State were more fortunate. Religiousfreedom had to be once more fought for, and he was quick to come to thedefense of a right which had first called forth his youthful enthusiasm. Twomeasures were brought forward from session to session to secure for thechurch the support of the state. The first was a bill for the incorporation ofreligious societies; but when it was pushed to its final passage it providedfor the incorporation of Episcopal churches only. For this Mr. Madisonconsented to vote, though with reluctance, in the hope that the church partywould be so far satisfied with this measure as to abstain from pushinganother which was still more objectionable.

He was disappointed. Naturally those who had carried their first point werethe more, not the less, anxious for further success. Now it was insisted thatthere should be a universal tax "for the support of teachers of the Christianreligion." The tax-payer was to be permitted to name the religious societyfor the support of which he preferred to contribute. If he declined thisvoluntary acquiescence in the law, the money would be used in aid of aschool; but from the tax itself none were to be exempt on any pretext.Madison was quick to see in such a law the possibility of religiousintolerance, of compulsory uniformity enforced by the civil power, and of thesuppression of any freedom of conscience or opinion. The act did not definewho were and who were not "teachers of the Christian religion," and thatnecessarily would be left to the courts to decide. A state church would bethe inevitable consequence; for it was not to be supposed that any dominantsect would rest till it secured the recognition by law of its own denominationas the sole representative of the Christian religion. To expect anything elsewas to ignore the teachings of all history.

The burden of opposition and debate fell, at first, almost solely uponMadison. Some of the wisest and best men of the State were slow to see, ashe saw, that religious freedom was in danger from such legislation. Therewas, it was said, a sad falling-off in public morality as indifference toreligion increased. There was no cure, it was declared, for prevalent andgrowing corruption except in the culture of the religious sentiment, and theteachers of religion, therefore, must be upheld and supported. But grantingall this, Madison saw that the proposed remedy would be to give, not breadbut a stone, and a stone that would be used in return as a weapon. It was



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impossible to regulate religious belief by act of the Assembly, and thereforeit was worse than foolish to try.

It was due to him that the question was postponed from one session to thenext. A copy of the bill was sent, meanwhile, into every county of the Statefor the consideration of the people, and that was aided by a "Memorial andRemonstrance," written by Madison, which was circulated everywhere forsignature, in readiness for presentation to the next legislature. The bill, thememorial said, would be "a dangerous abuse of power," and the signersprotested against it with unanswerable arguments, taking for a starting-pointthe assertion of the Bill of Rights, "that religion, or the duty we owe to ourCreator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason andconviction, not by force or violence." It is not at all improbable that manysigned this remonstrance, not so much because they believed it to be true asbecause it was a protest against a tax; that others were more moved byjealousy of the power of the Episcopal Church than they were by anxiety toprotect religious liberty outside of their own sects. But whatever themotives, the movement was too formidable to be disregarded. It was made atest question in the election of members for the legislature of 1785-86; atthat session the bill for the support of religious teachers was rejected, and inplace of it was passed "an act for establishing religious freedom," written byJefferson seven years before. This provided "that no man shall be compelledto frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever,nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body orgoods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions orbelief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument maintain,their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wisediminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities."[8]

In the memorial and remonstrance Madison had said: "If this freedom beabused, it is an offense against God, not against man. To God, therefore, notto man, must an account of it be rendered." If the people of Virginia did notclearly comprehend this doctrine in all its length and breadth a hundredyears ago, it is not quite easy to say who were then, or who are now, atliberty to throw stones at them. The assertion of the broadest religiousfreedom was no more new then than it is true that persecution for opinion'ssake is now only an ancient evil. It was not till fifty years after Virginia hadrefused to tax her citizens for the support of religious teachers thatMassachusetts repealed the law that had long imposed a similar burden uponher people.

It was in 1786, the last year of Madison's service in the Virginia Assemblybefore he returned to Congress, that the craze of paper money broke outagain through all the States. The measure was carried in most of them,followed in the end by the usual disastrous consequences. Madison's anxietywas great lest his own State should be carried away by this delusion, and heled the opposition against some petitions sent to the Assembly praying for an




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issue of currency. The vote against it was too large to be due altogether tohis influence; but he gave great strength and concentration to the opposition.In Virginia, tobacco certificates supplied in some measure the want of acirculating medium, and it was, therefore, easier there than in some of theother States to resist the clamor for a paper substitute for real money. Atobacco certificate at least represented something worth money. Madisonassented to a bill which authorized the use of such certificates. But his"acquiescence," he wrote to Washington, "was extorted by a fear that somegreater evil, under the name of relief to the people, would be substituted."He was "far from being sure," he added, that he "did right." But no evilswith which he had to reproach himself followed that measure.

These three years of his life were probably among the happiest, if they werenot altogether the happiest, in his long public career. There was littledisappointment or anxiety, and evidently much genuine satisfaction as he sawhow certainly he was gaining a high place in the estimation of his fellow-citizens for his devotion to the best interests of his native State. In therecesses of the legislature he had leisure for studies in which he evidentlyfound great contentment. He traveled a good deal at intervals, especially atthe North; learned much of the resources and character of the people outsideof Virginia, and became acquainted with the leading men among them.Jefferson urged him to pass a summer with him in Paris; and some foreigndiplomatic service was open to him, had he expressed a willingness toaccept it. But he preferred to know something more of his own country whilehe had the leisure; and if his life was to be passed in public service, as nowseemed probable to him, he chose, at least for the present, to serve hiscountry at home, where he thought he was more needed, rather than abroad.In his orders for books sent to Jefferson the direction of his studies isevident. He sought largely for those which treated of the science ofgovernment; but they were not confined to that subject. Natural history hadgreat charms for him. He was a diligent student of Buffon, and was anxiousto find, if possible, the plates of his thirty-one volumes, in colors, that hemight adorn the walls of his room with them. He made careful comparisonsbetween the animals of other continents, as described and portrayed by thenaturalist, and similar orders in America. All new inventions interested him."I am so pleased," he writes, "with the new invented lamp that I shall notgrudge two guineas for one of them." He had seen "a pocket compass ofsomewhat larger diameter than a watch, and which may be carried in thesame way. It has a spring for stopping the vibration of the needle when not inuse. One of these would be very convenient in case of a ramble into thewestern country." A small telescope, he suggests, might be fitted on as ahandle to a cane, which might "be a source of many little gratifications,"when "in walks for exercise or amusem*nt objects present themselves whichit might be matter of curiosity to inspect, but which it was difficult orimpossible to approach." Jefferson writes him of a new invention, apedometer; and he wants one for his own pocket. Trifles like these show the



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bent of his mind; and they show a contented mind as well.

While writing of important acts of the legislature of 1785, he is careful togive other information in a letter to Jefferson, which is not uninteresting aswritten ninety-eight years ago, and written by him.

"I. Rumsey," he says, "by a memorial to the last session,represented that he had invented a mechanism by which a boatmight be worked with little labor, at the rate of from twenty-fiveto forty miles a day, against a stream running at the rate of tenmiles an hour, and prayed that the disclosure of his inventionmight be purchased by the public. The apparent extravagance ofhis pretensions brought a ridicule upon them, and nothing wasdone. In the recess of the Assembly he exemplified hismachinery to General Washington and a few other gentlemen,who gave a certificate of the reality and importance of theinvention, which opened the ears of this Assembly to a secondmemorial. The act gives a monopoly for ten years, reserving aright to abolish it at any time by paying £10,000. The inventor issoliciting similar acts from other States, and will not, I suppose,publish the secret till he either obtains or despairs of them."

This intelligence was evidently not unheeded by Jefferson. In writing, somemonths after he received it, to a friend on the application of steam-power togrist-mills, then lately introduced in England, he adds: "I hear you areapplying the same agent in America to navigate boats, and I have little doubtbut that it will be applied generally to machines, so as to supersede the useof water-ponds, and of course to lay open all the streams for navigation."Nor does Madison seem to have been one of those who doubted if anythingwas to come of Rumsey's invention. All this was less than a hundred yearsago, and now there is a steam-ferry between New York and Europe runningabout twice a day.

In a similar letter, a year later, he is careful, among grave political matters,to remember and report to the same friend that in the sinking of a well inRichmond, on the declivity of a hill, there had been found, "about seventyfeet below the surface, several large bones, apparently belonging to a fishnot less than the shark; and, what is more singular, several fragments ofpotter's ware in the style of the Indians. Before he [the digger] reached thesecuriosities he passed through about fifty feet of soft blue clay." Mr.Madison had only just heard of this discovery, and he had not seen theunearthed fragments. But he evidently accepts the story as true in comingfrom "unexceptionable witnesses." He adds, as a corroboration, that he istold by a friend from Washington County of the finding there, in the sinkingof a salt-well, "of the hip-bone of the incognitum, the socket of which wasabout eight inches in diameter." Such things were peculiarly interesting toJefferson, and Madison was too devoted a friend to him to leave them



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unnoticed. But they were hardly less interesting to himself, though he hadnot much of Jefferson's habit of scientific investigation. That "the potter'sware in the style of the Indians" should be found so deeply buried only seemsto him "singular;" nor, indeed, is there any record, so far as we know, thatthis particular fact was any more suggestive to Jefferson, though apparentlyso likely to arouse his inquiring mind to seek for some satisfactoryexplanation. But his geological notions were too positive to admit even of adoubt as to the age of man. Supposing a Creator, he assumed that "he createdthe earth at once, nearly in the state in which we see it, fit for thepreservation of the beings he placed on it." Theorist as he was himself, hehad little patience with the other theorists who were already beginning todiscover in the structure of the earth the evidence of successive geologicaleras. The different strata of rocks and their inclination gave him no trouble.He explained them all by the assumption that "rock grows, and it seems thatit grows in layers in every direction, as the branches of trees grow in alldirections." That evidences of the existence of man should be found with asuperimposed weight of earth seventy feet in thickness would present to himno difficulty. If the fact had specially aroused his attention he would haveexplained it in some ingenious way as the result of accident.



In February, 1787, Madison again took a seat in Congress. It was an anxiousperiod. Shays's rebellion in Massachusetts had assumed rather formidablepossibilities, and seemed not unlikely to spread to other States. Till thisstorm should blow over, the important business of Congress was to raisemoney and troops; in reality, to go to the help of Massachusetts, if needshould be, though the object ostensibly was to protect a handful of people onthe frontier against the Indians. It was a striking instance of the imbecility ofthe government under the Articles of Confederation, that it could onlyundertake to suppress rebellion in a State under the pretense of doingsomething else which came within the law. Massachusetts, it is true, wasquite able to deal with her insurgents; but when Congress convened it wasnot known in New York that Lincoln had dispersed the main body of them atPetersham. Nevertheless, a like difficulty might arise at any moment in anyother of the States, where the strength to meet it might be quite inadequate.

Madison's ideal still was, the Union before the States, and for the sake ofthe States; the whole before the parts, to save the parts; the binding thefa*got together that the sticks might not be lost. "Our situation," he wrote toEdmund Randolph in February, "is becoming every day more and more




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critical. No money comes into the federal treasury; no respect is paid to thefederal authority; and people of reflection unanimously agree that theexisting Confederacy is tottering to its foundation. Many individuals ofweight, particularly in the eastern district, are suspected of leaning towardmonarchy. Other individuals predict a partition of the States into two ormore confederacies. It is pretty certain that if some radical amendment ofthe single one cannot be devised and introduced, one or the other of theserevolutions, the latter no doubt, will take place."

It is not impossible that Madison himself may have had some faith in thissuspicion that "individuals of weight in the eastern district" were inclined toa monarchy. For such suspicion, however there could be little realfoundation. There were, doubtless, men of weight who thought and said thatmonarchy was better than anarchy. There were, doubtless, impatient menthen who thought and said, as there are impatient men now who think andsay, that the rule of a king is better than the rule of the people. But there wasno disloyalty to government by the people among those who only maintainedthat the English in America must draw from the common heritage of Englishinstitutions and English law the material wherewith to build up thefoundations of a new nation. No intelligent and candid man doubts now thatthey were wise; nor would it have been long doubted then, had it not sospeedily become manifest that, if the stigma of "British" was once affixed toa political party, any appeal from popular prejudice to reason and commonsense was hopeless.

There were a few persons who would have done away with the divisions ofStates and establish in their place a central government. Those most earnestin maintaining the autonomy of States declared that such a government was,as Luther Martin of Maryland called it, of "a monarchical nature." What elsecould that be but a monarchy? An insinuation took on the form of a logicaldeduction and became a popular fallacy. Yet those most earnest for a centralgovernment only sought to establish a stable rule in place of no rule at all;or, worse still, of the tyranny of an ignorant and vicious mob under theoutraged name of democracy, into which there was danger of drifting.Whether their plan was wise or foolish, it did not mean a monarchy. Even ofShays's misguided followers Jefferson said: "I believe you may be assuredthat an idea or desire of returning to anything like their ancient governmentnever entered into their heads." As Madison knew and said, the real dangerwas that the States would divide into two confederacies, and only by a newand wiser and stronger union could that calamity be averted.

To gain the assent of most of the States to a convention was surmountingonly the least of the difficulties. Three weeks before the time of meetingMadison wrote: "The nearer the crisis approaches, the more I tremble forthe issue. The necessity of gaining the concurrence of the convention in somesystem that will answer the purpose, the subsequent approbation ofCongress, and the final sanction of the States, present a series of chances



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which would inspire despair in any case where the alternative was lessformidable." He said, in the first month of the session of that body, that "theStates were divided into different interests, not by their difference of size,but by other circ*mstances; the most material of which resulted partly fromclimate, but principally from the effects of their having or not having slaves.These two causes concurred in forming the great division of interests in theUnited States. It did not lie between the large and small States. It laybetween the Northern and Southern."

During the earlier weeks of this session of Congress, and, indeed, for somemonths before, events had made so manifest this difference of interest,coincident with the difference in latitude, that there seemed little ground forhope that any good would come out of a constitutional convention. The oldquestion of the navigation of the Mississippi was again agitated. The Southheld her right to that river to be of much more value than anything she couldgain by a closer union with the North, and she was quite ready to go to warwith Spain in defense of it. On the other hand, the Northern States werequite indifferent to the navigation of the Mississippi, and not disposedapparently to make any exertion or sacrifice to secure it. Just now they wereanxious to secure a commercial treaty with Spain; but Spain insisted, as apreliminary condition, that the United States should relinquish all claim tonavigation upon a river whose mouths were within Spanish territory. In theNorthern mind there was no doubt of the value of trade with Spain; and therewas a good deal of doubt whether there was anything worth contending for inthe right to sail upon a river running through a wilderness where, as yet,there were few inhabitants, and hardly any trade worth talking about. Morethan that, there was unquestionably a not uncommon belief at the North andEast that the settlement and prosperity of the West would be at the expenseof the Atlantic States. Perhaps that view of the matter was not loudlyinsisted upon; but many were none the less persuaded that, if population wasattracted westward by the hope of acquiring rich and cheap lands, prosperityand power would go with it. At any rate, those of this way of thinking werenot inclined to forego a certain good for that which would profit themnothing, and might do them lasting harm.

For these reasons, spoken and unspoken, the Northern members of Congresswere at first quite willing, for the sake of a commercial treaty, to concede toSpain the exclusive control of the Mississippi. But to pacify the South it wasproposed that the concession to Spain should be for only five and twentyyears. If at the end of that period the navigation of the Mississippi should beworth contending for, the question could be reopened. The South was, ofcourse, rather exasperated than pacified by such a proposition. Thenavigation of the river had not only a certain value to them now, but it wastheirs by right, and that was reason enough for not parting with it even for alimited period. Concessions now would make the reassertion of the right themore difficult by and by. If it must be fought for, it would lessen the chance



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of success to put off the fighting five and twenty years. Indeed, it could notbe put off, for war was already begun in a small way. The Spaniards hadseized American boats on trading voyages down the river, and the Americanshad retaliated upon some petty Spanish settlements. Spain, moreover,seemed at first no more inclined to listen to compromise than the South was.

England watched this controversy with interest. She had no expectation ofrecovering for herself the Floridas, which she had lost in the war of theRevolution, and had finally ceded to Spain by the treaty of 1783; but she wasquite willing to see that power get into trouble on the Mississippi question,and more than willing that it should threaten the peace and union of theStates. Her own boundary line west of the Alleghanies might possibly beextended far south of the Great Lakes, if the Northern and Southern Statesshould divide into two confederacies; but, apart from any lust of territory,she rejoiced at anything that threatened to check the growth of her latecolonies.

Fortunately, however, the question was disposed of, before theConstitutional Convention met at Philadelphia, by the failure to secure atreaty. The Spanish minister, Guardoqui, consented, at length, after longresistance, to accept as a compromise the navigation of the river for five andtwenty years; but Mr. Jay, who was willing, could he have had his way, toconcede anything, found at that stage of the negotiations he could notcommand votes enough in Congress to secure a treaty even in that modifiedform. Hitherto he had relied upon a resolution passed by Congress in August,1786, by the vote of seven Northern States against five Southern. This, itwas assumed, repealed a resolution of the year before, and authorized thesecretary to make a treaty. The resolution of the year before, August, 1785,had been passed by the votes of nine States, and was in confirmation of aprovision of the Articles of Confederation declaring that "no treaties withforeign powers should be entered into but by the assent of nine States." Theminority contended that such a resolution could not be repealed by the voteof only seven States, for that would be to violate a fundamental condition ofthe Articles of Confederation. It is easy to see now that there ought not tohave been a difference among honorable men on such a point as that.Nevertheless Mr. Jay, supported by some of the strongest Northern men,held that the votes of seven States could be made, in a roundabout way, toauthorize an act which the Constitution declared should never be lawfulexcept with the assent of nine States. So the secretary went on with hisnegotiations and came to terms with the Spanish minister.

In April the secretary was called upon to report to Congress what was theposition of these negotiations. Then it first publicly appeared that a treatywas actually agreed upon which gave up the right to the Mississippi for aquarter of a century. But it was also speedily made plain by variousparliamentary motions that the seven votes, which the friends of such atreaty had relied upon, had fallen from seven—even could that number in the



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end have been of use—to, at best, four. The New Jersey delegates had beeninstructed not to consent to the surrender of the American right to the use ofthe Mississippi; a new delegate from Pennsylvania had changed the vote ofthat State; and Rhode Island had also gone over to the other side. "It wasconsidered, on the whole," wrote Madison, "that the project for shutting theMississippi was at an end."

These details are not unimportant. Forty-five years afterward Madison wrotethat "his main object, in returning to Congress at this time, was to bringabout, if possible, the canceling of Mr. Jay's project for shutting theMississippi." Probably it had occurred to nobody then that within less thantwenty years the Province of Louisiana would belong to the United States,when their right to the navigation of the river could be no longer disputed.But so long as both its banks from the thirty-first degree of latitudesouthward to the Gulf remained foreign territory, it was of the lastimportance to the Southern States, whose territory extended to theMississippi, that the right of way should not be surrendered. If a treaty withSpain could be carried that gave up this right, and the Southern States shouldbe compelled to choose between the loss of the Mississippi and the loss ofthe Union, there could be little doubt as to what their choice would be. Itwas not a question to be postponed till after the Philadelphia Conventionhad convened; if not disposed of before, the convention might as well notmeet.

Madison's letters, while the question was pending, show great anxiety. Hewas glad to know that the South was of one mind on this subject and wouldnot yield an inch. He was quite confident that his own State would take thelead, as she soon did, in the firm avowal of Southern opinion. But herejoiced that the question did not come up in the Virginia legislature tillafter the act was passed to send delegates to the Philadelphia Convention.That he looked upon as a point gained, and the delegates were presentlyappointed; but he still despaired of any good coming of the convention,unless "Mr. Jay's project for shutting the Mississippi" could be first got ridof.

In a recent work[9] Mr. Madison is represented as having "struck a bargain"with the Kentucky delegates to the Virginia Assembly, agreeing to speak onbehalf of a petition relating to the Mississippi question, provided thedelegates from Kentucky—then a part of Virginia—would vote for therepresentation of Virginia at Philadelphia. A "bargain" implies an exchangeof one thing for another, and Madison had no convictions in favor of closingthe Mississippi to exchange for a service rendered on behalf of a measurefor which he wished to secure votes. Moreover, no bargain was necessary. Itwas not easy to find anybody in Virginia who needed to be persuaded that theright to the Mississippi must not be surrendered. Madison wrote to Monroein October, 1786, that it would "be defended by the legislature with as muchzeal as could be wished. Indeed, the only danger is that too much resentment



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may be indulged by many against the federal councils." His onlyapprehension was lest the Mississippi question should come up in theAssembly before the report from the Annapolis Convention should bedisposed of, for if that were accepted the appointment of delegates toPhiladelphia was assured. "I hope," he wrote to Washington in November,"the report will be called for before the business of the Mississippi beginsto ferment." It happened as he wished. "The recommendation fromAnnapolis," he wrote again a week later, "in favor of a general revision ofthe federal system was unanimously agreed to" (the emphasis is his own).He afterward reported to Jefferson "that the project for bartering theMississippi to Spain was brought before the Assembly after the precedingmeasure had been adopted." There was neither delay nor difficulty insecuring the unanimous consent of the Assembly to resolutions instructingthe members of Congress to oppose any concession to Spain. But Madison'sanxiety was not in the least relieved by the speedy appointment of delegatesto the Philadelphia Convention; for, he wrote presently to Washington, "I amentirely convinced, from what I observe here (at Richmond), that, unless theproject of Congress can be reversed, the hopes of carrying this State into aproper federal system will be demolished." He had already said, in the sameletter, that the resolutions on the Mississippi question had been "agreed tounanimously in the House of Delegates," and three days before the letter waswritten the delegates to Philadelphia had been appointed.



Mr. Madison is called "the Father of the Constitution." A paper written byhim was laid before his colleagues of Virginia, before the meeting of theConstitutional Convention at Philadelphia, and was made the basis of the"Virginia plan," as it was called, out of which the Constitution was evolved.In another way his name is so identified with it that one cannot be forgottenso long as the other is remembered. From that full and faithful report of theproceedings of the convention, in which his own part was so active andconspicuous, we know most that we do or ever can know of the perplexitiesand trials, the concessions and triumphs, the acts of wisdom and the acts ofweakness, of that body of men whose coming together time has shown tohave been one of the important events in the history of mankind.

Then it is also true that no man had worked harder, perhaps none had workedso hard, to bring the public mind to a serious consideration of affairs and arecognition of the necessity of reorganizing the government, if the Stateswere to be held together. Never, it seemed, had men better reason to be




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satisfied with the result of their labors when, a few months later, the newConstitution was accepted by all the States. Yet the time was not far distantwhen even Madison would be in doubt as to the character of this new bondof union, and as to what sort of government had been secured by it. Nor tillhe had been dead near thirty years was it to be determined what union underthe Constitution really meant; nor till three quarters of a century after theadoption of that instrument was the more perfect union formed, justiceestablished, domestic tranquillity insured, the general welfare promoted, andthe blessings of liberty secured to all the people, which by that great charterit was intended, in 1787, to ordain and establish. All the difficulties, whichthey who framed it escaped by their work, were as nothing to those which itentailed upon their descendants.

Two parties went into the convention. On one point, of course, they wereagreed, else they would never have come together at all,—that a unitedgovernment under the Articles of Confederation was a failure, and, unlesssome remedy should be speedily devised, States with common local interestswould gravitate into separate and perhaps antagonistic nationalities. But thedifferences between these two parties were radical, and for a time seemedinsurmountable. One proposed simply to repair the Articles of Confederationas they might overhaul a machine that was out of gear; the other proposed toform an altogether new Constitution. One wanted a merely federalgovernment; not, however, meaning by that term what the other party—soon,nevertheless, to be known as Federalists—were striving for, but aconfederation of States, each independent of all the rest and supreme in itsown right, while consenting to unite with the rest in a limited government forthe administration of certain common interests.[10]

This idea of the independence of the States was a survival of the oldcolonial system, when each colony under its distinct relation to the crownhad attained a growth of its own with its separate interests. Each of thesecolonies had become a State. The Revolution had secured to each, it wasmaintained, a separate independence, achieved, it was true, by united efforts,but not therefore binding them together as a single nation. It was held as alegitimate result of that doctrine that each State, not the people of the State,whether many or few, should be represented by the same number of votes ina federal government as they were under the Articles of Confederation,because such a government was a union of States, not of a people.

All men, it was argued,—going back to a state of nature,—are equally freeand independent; and when a government is formed every man has an equalshare by natural right in its formation and in its subsequent conduct. Whilenumbers are few, every member of the State exercises his individual right inperson, and none can rightfully do more than this, however wise, or powerful,or rich he may be. But when government by the whole body of the peoplebecomes cumbersome and inconvenient through increase of numbers, theindividual citizen loses none of his rights by intrusting their exercise to



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representatives, in choosing and instructing whom all have an equal voice. Sowhen States are united in a confederacy each State has the same relation tothat government that individuals have to each other in a single State. Theyare free and equal, and none has a larger share of rights in the confederacybecause its people are more numerous, or because it is richer or morepowerful, than the rest. In such a confederacy it is not the individual citizenwho is to be represented, but the individual State. In such a confederacythere would be the same representation for a State, say of ten thousandinhabitants, as for one of fifty thousand. This, it was maintained, preservedequality of suffrage in the equality of States; while the representation of theindividual citizens of the States would be in reality inequality of suffrage,because the autonomy of the State would be lost sight of. If in such a case itwere asked what had become of the rights which the majority of fortythousand had inherited from nature, the answer was that those rights werepreserved and represented in the state government. The difficulty,nevertheless, remained: how to reconcile in practice this doctrine of theequal rights of States, where there might be a minority of persons, with theactual rights of the whole people where, according to the underlyingdemocratic doctrine, the good of the whole must be decided by the largernumber.

Those who proposed only to amend the old Articles of Confederation, andopposed a new Constitution, objected that a government formed under such aConstitution would be not a federal but a national government. Luther Martinsaid, when he returned to Maryland, that the delegates "appeared totally tohave forgot the business for which we were sent.... We had not been sent toform a government over the inhabitants of America considered asindividuals.... That the system of government we were intrusted to preparewas a government over these thirteen States, but that in our proceedings weadopted principles which would be right and proper only on the suppositionthat there were no state governments at all, but that all the inhabitants of thisextensive continent were in their individual capacity, without government,and in a state of nature." He added that "in the whole system there was butone federal feature, the appointment of the senators by the States in theirsovereign capacity, that is, by their legislatures, and the equality of suffragein that branch; but it was said that this feature was only federal inappearance."

The Senate, the second house as it was called in the convention, was in partcreated, it is needless to say, to meet, or rather in obedience to, reasoninglike this. There was almost nobody who would have been willing to abandonthe state governments, as there was next to nobody who wanted a monarchy."We were eternally troubled," Martin said, "with arguments and precedentsfrom the British government." He could not get beyond the fixed notion thatthose whom he opposed were determined to establish "one generalgovernment over this extensive continent, of a monarchical nature." If he,



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and those who agreed with him, sincerely believed this to be true, it wasnatural enough that the frequent allusions to British precedents, as wise rulesfor American guidance in constructing a government, should be looked uponas an unmistakable hankering after lost flesh-pots. Should the stategovernments be swept away, it might be that, in time of danger from withoutor of peril from internal dissensions, the country, under "a government of amonarchical nature," might drift back to its old allegiance. If those whofeared, or said they feared, this were not quite sincere, the temptation wasalmost irresistible to use such arguments to arouse popular prejudice againstpolitical opponents. It is curious that Madison seemed quite unconscious ofhow much the frequent allusions in his articles in "The Federalist" to theBritish Constitution might strengthen these accusations of the opposition;while he half believed that the same thing in others showed in them a leaningtoward England, from which he knew that he himself was quite free.

The Luther Martin protestants were too radical to remain in the conventionto the end, when they saw that such a confederacy as they wanted wasimpossible. But there were not many who went the length they did inbelieving that a strong central government was necessarily the destruction ofthe state governments. Still fewer were those who would have brought thisabout if they could. That the rights of the States must be preserved was thegeneral opinion and determination, and it was not difficult to do this bylimiting the powers of the higher government, or federal as it soon came tobe called, and by the organization of the second house, the Senate, in whichall the States had an equal representation. The smaller States were satisfiedwith this concession, and the larger were willing to make it, not only for thesake of the Union, but because of the just estimate in which they held therights belonging to all the States alike. The real difficulty, as Madison saidin the debate on that question, and as he repeated again and again after thatquestion was settled, was not between the larger and smaller States, butbetween the North and the South; between those States that held slaves andthose that had none.

Slavery in the Constitution, which has given so much trouble to theAbolitionists of this century, and indeed to everybody else, gave quite asmuch in the last century to those who put it there. Many of the wisest andbest men of the time, Southerners as well as Northerners, and among themMadison, were opposed to slavery. They could see little good in it, hardlyeven any compensation for the existence of a system so full of evil. Therewas hardly a State in the Union at that time that had not its emancipationsociety; and there was hardly a man of any eminence in the country who wasnot an officer, or at least a member, of such a society. Everywhere north ofSouth Carolina, slavery was looked upon as a misfortune which it wasexceedingly desirable to be free from at the earliest possible moment;everywhere north of Mason and Dixon's line, measures had already beentaken, or were certain soon to be taken, to put an end to it; and by the



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ordinance for the government of all the territory north of the Ohio River itwas absolutely prohibited by Congress in the same year in which theConstitutional Congress met.

But it was, nevertheless, a thing to the continued existence of which the anti-slavery people of that time could consent without any violation ofconscience. Bad as it was, unwise, wasteful, cruel, a mockery of everypretense of respect for the rights of man, they did not believe it to beabsolutely wicked. If they had so believed, let us hope they would havewashed their hands of it. As it was, it was only a question of expediencywhether, for the sake of the Union, they should protect the system of slavery,and give to the slaveholders, as slaveholders, a certain degree of politicalpower. To refuse to admit a slaveholding State into the Union did not occur,probably, to the most earnest opponent of the system; for that would havebeen simply to say that there should be no Union. That was what Madisonmeant in saying so repeatedly that the real difficulty in the way was, not thedifference between the large and the small States, but the difference betweenthe slaveholding and the non-slaveholding States. If there could be noconciliation on that point there could be no Union.

Some hoped, perhaps, rather than believed, that slavery was likely todisappear ere long at the South as it was disappearing at the North. It is animpeachment of their intelligence, however, to suppose that they relied muchupon any such hope. The simple truth is that slavery was then, as it continuedto be for three quarters of a century longer, the paramount interest of theSouth. To withstand or disregard it was not merely difficult, but was to braveimmediate possible dangers and sufferings, which are never voluntarilyencountered except in obedience to the highest sense of duty; or to meet anecessity, from which there was no manly way of escape. The sense ofabsolute duty was wanting; the necessity, it was hoped, might be avoided byconcessions. It can only be said for those who made them that they did notsee what fruitful seeds of future trouble they were sowing in theConstitution.



The question with the North was, how far could it yield; with the South, howfar could it encroach. It turned mainly on representation,—on "theunimportant anomaly," as Mr. George Ticknor Curtis calls it in his "Historyof the Constitution," "of a representation of men without political rights orsocial privileges." However much they differed upon the subject in the




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convention, there was nobody then and there who regarded the question as"unimportant;" nor was there a political event to happen for the comingeighty years that it did not influence and generally govern. There were somewho maintained at first that the slave population should not be representedat all. Hamilton proposed in the first days of the convention "that the rightsof suffrage in the national legislature ought to be proportioned to the numberof free inhabitants." Madison was willing to concede this in one branch ofthe legislature, provided that in the representation in the other house theslaves were counted as free inhabitants. The constitution of the Senatesubsequently disposed of that proposition.

But why should slaves be represented at all? "They are not free agents," saidPatterson, a delegate to the convention from New Jersey; they "have nopersonal liberty, no faculty of acquiring property, but, on the contrary, arethemselves property, and, like other property, entirely at the will of themaster. Has a man in Virginia a number of votes in proportion to the numberof his slaves? And if negroes are not represented in the States to which theybelong, why should they be represented in the general government?... If ameeting of the people was actually to take place in a slave State, would theslaves vote? They would not. Why, then, should they be represented in afederal government?" There could be but one reply, but that was one which itwould not have been wise to make. It was slave property that was to berepresented, and this would not be submitted to among slaveholders asagainst each other, while yet they were a unit in insisting upon it in a unionwith those who were not slaveholders. Among themselves slavery needed noprotection; their safety was in equality. But to their great interest every non-slaveholder was, in the nature of things, an enemy; and prudence requiredthat the power either to vote him down or to buy him up should never bewanting. It was as much a matter of instinct as of deliberation, for love oflife is the first law. The truth was covered up in Madison's speciousassertion that "every peculiar interest, whether in any class of citizens or anydescription of States, ought to be secured as far as possible." The only"peculiar" interest, however, belonging either to citizens or States, that wasimbedded in the Constitution, was slavery.

So Wilson of Pennsylvania asked: "Are they [the slaves] admitted as citizens—then why are they not admitted on an equality with white citizens? Arethey admitted as property—then why is not other property admitted into thecomputation?" He was willing, however, to concede that it was a difficulty tobe "overcome by the necessity of compromise."

Never, probably, in the history of legislation, was there a more seriousquestion debated. Compromise is ordinarily understood to mean anadjustment by mutual concessions, where there are rights on both sides. Hereit meant whether the side which had no shadow of right whatever to thatwhich it demanded would consent to take a little less than the whole. It wasthe kind of compromise made between the bandit and his victim when the



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former decides that he will not put himself to the trouble of shooting theother, and will even leave him his shirt. It was not difficult to understandthat horses and cattle could be justly counted only where property was to bethe basis of representation. Yet the slaves, who were counted, were, in theeye of the law, either personal property or real estate, and were no morerepresented as citizens than if they also had gone upon all fours. Theirenumeration, nevertheless, was carried, and it so increased the representativepower of their masters that inequality of citizenship became the fundamentalprinciple of the government. This, of course, was to form an oligarchy, not ademocracy. Practically the government was put in the hands of a class, andthere it remained from the moment of the adoption of the Constitution to therebellion of 1860; while that class, including those of so little consequenceas to own only a slave or two, in its best estate, probably never exceeded tenper centum of the whole people.

There was, if one may venture to say so, a singular confusion in the minds ofthe venerable fathers of the republic on this subject. They could not quite getrid of the notion that the slaves, being human, ought to be included in theenumeration of population, notwithstanding that their enumeration as citizensmust necessarily disappear in their representation as chattels. Slaves, asslaves, were the wealth of the South, as ships, for example, were the wealthof the North; but, being human, the mind was not shocked at having theslaves reckoned as population in fixing the basis of representation, though inreality they only represented the masters' ownership. But nobody would havebeen at a loss to see the absurdity of counting three fifths of the Northernships as population. Even a Webster Whig of sixty-five years later could,perhaps, have understood that that was something more than an "unimportantanomaly." There was no clearer-headed man in the convention thanGouverneur Morris; yet he said that he was "compelled to declare himselfreduced to the dilemma of doing injustice to the Southern States or to humannature, and he must do it to the former." C. C. Pinckney of South Carolinadeclared that he was "alarmed" at such an avowal as that. Yet had thequestion been one of counting three fifths of the Northern ships in theenumeration of population, Morris would have discovered no "dilemma," andPinckney nothing to be "alarmed" at. So palpable an outrage on commonsense would have been merely laughed at by both.



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Charles Cotesworth Pinckney

In reply to Pinckney, however, Morris grew bolder. "It was high time," hesaid, "to speak out." He came there "to form a compact for the good ofAmerica. He hoped and believed that all would enter into such compact. Ifthey would not, he was ready to join with any States that would. But as thecompact was to be voluntary, it is in vain for the Eastern States to insist onwhat the Southern States will never agree to. It is equally vain for the latterto require what the other States can never admit, and he verily believed thepeople of Pennsylvania will never agree to a representation of negroes;" ofnegroes, he meant, counted as human beings, not for their ownrepresentation, but, as ships might be counted, for the increasedrepresentation of those who held them as property. The next day he "spokeout" still more plainly. "If negroes," he said, "were to be viewed asinhabitants, ... they ought to be added in their entire number, and not in theproportion of three fifths. If as property, the word 'wealth' was right,"—asthe basis, that is, of representation. The distinction that had been set up byMadison and others between the Northern and Southern States he considered


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as heretical and groundless. But it was persisted in, and "he saw that theSouthern gentlemen will not be satisfied unless they see the way open totheir gaining a majority in the public councils.... Either this distinction[between the North and the South] is fictitious or real; if fictitious, let it bedismissed, and let us proceed with due confidence. If it be real, instead ofattempting to blend incompatible things, let us at once take a friendly leaveof each other."

But could they take "a friendly leave of each other"? Should a union besecured on the terms the South offered? or should it be declined, as Morrisproposed, if it could not be a union of equality? The next day Madison againset forth the real issue, quietly but unmistakably. "It seemed now," he said,"to be pretty well understood that the real difference of interests lay, notbetween the large and small, but between the Northern and Southern States.The institution of slavery and its consequences formed the line ofdiscrimination." There is sometimes great power, as he well knew, in firmreiteration. So long as slavery lasted, the lesson he then inculcated was neverforgotten. Thenceforward, as then, "the line of discrimination," in Southernpolitics, lay with "slavery and its consequences." One side would abatenothing of its demands; there could be no "friendly leave" unless thedetermination, on the other side, to overcome the desire for union and takethe consequences was equally firm.

When the question again came up, however, Morris had not lost heart. Histalk was the talk of a modern abolitionist:—

"He never would concur in upholding domestic slavery. It was anefarious institution. It was the curse of Heaven on the Stateswhere it prevailed. Compare the free regions of the MiddleStates, where a rich and noble cultivation marks the prosperityand happiness of the people, with the misery and poverty whichoverspread the barren wastes of Virginia, Maryland, and theother States having slaves. Travel through the whole continent,and you behold the prospect continually varying with theappearance and disappearance of slavery.... Proceedsouthwardly, and every step you take through the great regions ofslavery presents a desert increasing with the increasingproportion of these wretched beings. Upon what principle is itthat the slaves shall be computed in the representation? Are theymen? Then make them citizens, and let them vote. Are theyproperty? Why then is no other property included? The houses inthis city [Philadelphia] are worth more than all the wretchedslaves who cover the rice swamps of South Carolina.... And whatis the proposed compensation to the Northern States for asacrifice of every principle of right, of every impulse ofhumanity? They are to bind themselves to march their militia forthe defense of the Southern States, for their defense against



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those very slaves of whom they complain. They must supplyvessels and seamen in case of foreign attack. The legislature willhave indefinite power to tax them by excises and duties onimports, both of which will fall heavier on them than on theSouthern inhabitants; for the Bohea tea used by a Northernfreeman will pay more tax than the whole consumption of themiserable slave, which consists of nothing more than his physicalsubsistence and the rags that cover his nakedness.... Let it not besaid that direct taxation is to be proportioned to representation.It is idle to suppose that the general government can stretch itshand directly into the pockets of the people scattered over sovast a country.... He would sooner submit himself to a tax forpaying for all the negroes in the United States than saddleposterity with such a Constitution."

So much of this as was not already fact was prophecy. Yet not many weekslater this impassioned orator put his name to the Constitution, though it hadgrown meanwhile into larger pro-slavery proportions. There was undoubtedlysome sympathy with him among a few of the members; but the generalfeeling was more truly expressed a few days later by Rutledge of SouthCarolina, in the debate on the continuance of the African slave trade."Religion and humanity," he said, "had nothing to do with this question.Interest alone is the governing principle with nations. The true question atpresent is, whether the Southern States shall or shall not be parties to theUnion. If the Northern States consult their interest, they will not oppose theincrease of slaves, which will increase the commodities of which they willbecome the carriers." The response came from Connecticut, OliverEllsworth saying: "Let every State import what it pleases. The morality orwisdom of slavery are considerations belonging to the States themselves.What enriches a part enriches the whole,"—especially Newport and itsadjacent coasts, he might have added, with its trade to the African coast.

But a Virginian, George Mason, had another tone. He called the traffic"infernal." "Slavery," he went on, "discourages arts and manufactures. Thepoor despise labor when performed by slaves. They prevent the emigrationof whites, who really enrich and strengthen a country. They produce the mostpernicious effect on manners. Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant.They bring the judgment of Heaven on a country. As nations cannot berewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this. By aninevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins bynational calamities."

These were warnings worth heeding. But Ellsworth retorted with a sneer:"As he had never owned a slave, he could not judge of the effect of slaveryon character." He said, however, that, "if it was to be considered in a morallight, we ought to go farther, and free those already in the country." But, sofar from that, he thought it would be "unjust toward South Carolina and



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Georgia," in whose "sickly rice swamps" negroes died so fast, should therebe any intermeddling to prevent the importation of fresh Africans to labor,and, of course, to perish there. Perhaps it was this shrewd argument of theConnecticut delegate that suggested, half a century afterward, to aMississippi agricultural society, the economical calculation that it wascheaper to use up a gang of negroes every few years, and supply its place bya fresh gang from Virginia, than rely upon the natural increase that wouldfollow their humane treatment as men and women. His colleague, RogerSherman, came to Ellsworth's aid. It would be, he thought, the duty of thegeneral government to prohibit the foreign trade in slaves, and, should thisbe left in its power, it would probably be done. But he would not, if theSouthern States made it the condition of consenting to the Constitution thatthe trade should be protected, leave it in the power of the generalgovernment to do that which he acknowledged that it should and probablywould do.

Delegates from Georgia and the Carolinas declared that to be the condition,—among them C. C. Pinckney of South Carolina. "He should consider," hesaid, "a rejection of the clause as an exclusion of South Carolina from theUnion." Nevertheless he said to the people at home, when they cametogether to consider the Constitution: "We are so weak that by ourselves wecould not form a union strong enough for the purpose of effectuallyprotecting each other. Without union with the other States, South Carolinamust soon fall." On the part of that State it had been a game of brag allalong. The first lesson in the South Carolinian policy was given in theConstitutional Convention. Of the result, this was Pinckney's summing up tohis constituents:—

"By this settlement we have secured an unlimited importation ofnegroes for twenty years; nor is it declared that the importationshall be then stopped; it may be continued. We have a securitythat the general government can never emancipate them, for nosuch authority is granted.... We have obtained a right to recoverour slaves, in whatever part of America they may take refuge,which is a right we had not before. In short, considering allcirc*mstances, we have made the best terms, for the security ofthis species of property, it was in our power to make. We wouldhave made better if we could, but on the whole I do not thinkthem bad."

A more moderate and a more significant statement could hardly have beenmade.

On the foreign slave trade Madison had little to say, but, like most of theSouthern delegates north of the Carolinas, he was opposed to it. "Twentyyears," he said, "will produce all the mischief that can be apprehended fromthe liberty to import slaves. So long a term will be more dishonorable to the


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American character than to say nothing about it in the Constitution." Thewords are a little ambiguous, though he is his own reporter. But what hemeant evidently was, that any protection of the trade would dishonor thenation; for at another point of the debate, on the same day, he said that "hethought it wrong to admit in the Constitution the idea that there could beproperty in men." Such property he was anxious to protect as the greatSouthern interest, so long as it lasted; but he was not willing to strengthen itby permitting the continuance of the African slave trade for twenty yearslonger under the sanction of the Constitution. But he held it to be, as hewrote in "The Federalist," "a great point gained in favor of humanity that aperiod of twenty years may terminate forever within these States a trafficwhich has so long and so loudly upbraided the barbarism of modern policy."He added, "The attempt that had been made to pervert this clause into anobjection against the Constitution, by representing it as a criminal tolerationof an illicit practice," was a misconstruction which he did not thinkdeserving of an answer.

It was, in fact, a bargain which he had not approved of, and did not nowprobably care to talk about. It was made at the suggestion of GouverneurMorris, who moved that the foreign slave trade, a navigation act, and a dutyon exports be referred for consideration to a committee. "These things," hesaid, "may form a bargain among the Northern and Southern States." Whenthe committee reported in favor of the slave trade, C. C. Pinckney proposedthat its limitation should be extended from 1800 to 1808. Gorham ofMassachusetts seconded the motion, and it was carried by the addition of thevotes of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut to those ofMaryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

The committee also reported the substitution of a majority vote for that oftwo thirds in legislation relating to commerce. The concession was madewithout much difficulty, a Georgia delegate and three of the four SouthCarolina delegates favoring it, two of the latter frankly saying they did so togratify New England. It was, C. C. Pinckney said, "the true interest of theSouthern States to have no regulation of commerce;" but he assented to thisproposition, and his constituents "would be reconciled to this liberality,"because, among other considerations, of "the liberal conduct [of the NewEngland States] towards the views of South Carolina." There was noquestion of the meaning of this sudden avowal of friendly feeling. Jeffersonrelates in his "Ana," on the authority of George Mason, a member of theconvention, that Georgia and South Carolina had "struck up a bargain withthe three New England States, that if they would admit slaves for twentyyears, the two southernmost States would join in changing the clause whichrequired two thirds of the legislature in any vote."

The settlement of these questions was an opportune moment for theintroduction of that relating to fugitive slaves. Butler of South Carolinaimmediately proposed a section which should secure their return to their




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masters, and it was passed without a word. As Pinckney said in the passagealready quoted, when he went back to report to his constituents, "it is a rightto recover our slaves, in whatever part of America they may take refuge,which is a right we had not before."

It is notable how complete and final a settlement of the slavery question"these compromises," as they were called, seemed to be to those who madethem. They were meant to be, as Mr. Madison called them, "adjustments ofthe different interests of different parts of the country," and being onceagreed upon they were considered as having the binding force and stabilityof a contract. The evils of slavery were set forth as an element in thenegotiation, but no question of essential morality was raised that brought thesystem within the category of forbidden wrong. Whatever results mightfollow would be limited, it was thought, by the terms of the contract;whereas, in fact, the actual results were not foreseen, and could not beguarded against, except by the refusal to enter into any contract whatever.

On all other questions involving political principles,—the just relations ofthe federal government and the governments of the States; the relationsbetween the larger and the smaller States; the regulation of the functions ofthe executive, the legislative, and the judicial departments of government,—on all these the framers of the Constitution brought to bear the profoundestwisdom. When one reflects upon the magnitude and character of the work,Madison's conclusion seems hardly extravagant, that "adding to theseconsiderations the natural diversity of human opinions on all new andcomplicated subjects, it is impossible to consider the degree of concordwhich ultimately prevailed as less than a miracle." There were, nevertheless,the gravest and most anxious doubts how far the Constitution would standthe test of time; yet as a system of government for a nation of freemen itremains to this day practically unchanged. But where its architects thoughtthemselves wisest they were weakest. That which they thought they hadsettled forever was the one thing which they did not settle. Of all the"adjustments" of the Constitution, slavery was precisely that one which wasnot adjusted.

Madison's responsibility for this result was that of every other delegate,—nomore and no less. Neither he nor they, whether more or less opposed toslavery, saw in it a system so subversive of the rights of man that no justgovernment should tolerate it. That was reserved for a later generation, andeven that was slow to learn. To the fathers it was, at worst, only anunfortunate and unhappy social condition, which it would be well to be rid ofif this could be done without too much sacrifice; but otherwise, to besubmitted to, like any other misfortune.

While it did exist, however, Madison believed it should be protected, thoughnot encouraged, as a Southern interest. The question resolved itself into oneof expediency,—of union or disunion. What disunion would be, he knew, or



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thought he knew. Perhaps he was mistaken. Disunion, had it come then, mighthave been the way to a true union. "We are so weak," said C. C. Pinckney,"that by ourselves we could not form a union strong enough for the purposeof effectually protecting each other. Without union with the other States,South Carolina must soon fall." But he was careful to say this at home, not inPhiladelphia. In the convention, Madison wrote a month after it adjourned,"South Carolina and Georgia were inflexible on the point of the slaves."What was to be the union which that inflexibility carried was not foreseen. Itwas the children's teeth that were to be set on edge.



Madison's labors for the Constitution did not cease when the conventionadjourned, although he was not at that moment in a hopeful frame of mind inregard to it. Within a week of the adjournment he wrote to Jefferson: "Ihazard an opinion that the plan, should it be adopted, will neither effectuallyanswer its national object, nor prevent the local mischiefs which excitedisgusts against the state governments."

But this feeling seems to have soon passed away. Perhaps, when he devotedhimself to a careful study of what had been done, he saw, in looking at it as awhole, how just and true it was in its fair proportions. He now diligentlysought to prove how certainly the Constitution would answer its purpose;how wisely all its parts were adjusted; how successfully the obstacles to aperfect union of the States had been, as he thought, overcome; how carefullythe rights of the separate States had been guarded, while the needed generalgovernment would be secured. Whether there should be an American nationor not depended, as he had believed for years, upon whether a nationalConstitution could be agreed upon. Now that it was framed he believed thatupon its adoption depended whether there should be, or should not be, anation. In September, as he wrote to Jefferson, he was in doubt; in Februaryhe wrote to Pendleton: "I have for some time been persuaded that thequestion on which the proposed Constitution must turn is the simple one,whether the Union shall or shall not be continued. There is, in my opinion,no middle ground to be taken."

Those who would have called a second convention to revise the labors of thefirst had no sympathy from him. He not only doubted if the work could bedone so well again; he doubted if it could be done at all. With him, it wasthis Constitution or none. "Every man," he said in "The Federalist," referringto a picture he had just drawn of the perils of disunion,—"every man who



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loves peace, every man who loves his country, every man who loves liberty,ought to have it ever before his eyes, that he may cherish in his heart a dueattachment to the Union of America, and be able to set a due value on themeans of preserving it." This "means" was the Constitution.

Of the eighty papers of "The Federalist" he wrote twenty-nine; Hamiltonwriting forty-six, and Jay only five. These famous essays, of wider reputethan any other American book, are yet more generally accepted upon faiththan upon knowledge. But at that time, when the new Constitution was in themind and on the tongue of every thoughtful man, they were eagerly read asthey followed each other rapidly in the columns of a New York newspaper.They were an armory, wherein all who entered into the controversy couldfind such weapons as they could best handle. What governments had been,what governments ought to be, and what the political union of theseAmerican States would be under their new Constitution, were questions onwhich the writers of these papers undertook to answer all reasonableinquiries, and to silence all cavils. Madison would undoubtedly have writtenmore than his two fifths of them, had he not been called upon early in Marchto return to Virginia; for the work was of the deepest interest to him, and thepopularity of the papers would have stimulated to exertion one as indolent ashe was industrious.

But the canvass for the election of delegates to the ConstitutionalConvention of Virginia called him home. He had been nominated as therepresentative of his county, and his friends had urged him to return beforethe election, for there was reason to fear that the majority was on the wrongside. Henry, Mason, Randolph, Lee, and others among the most influentialmen of Virginia, were opposed to the Constitution. There must be somebodyin the convention to meet strong men like these, and Madison was urged totake the stump and canvass for his own election. Even this he was willing todo at this crisis, if need be, though he said it would be at the sacrifice ofevery private inclination, and of the rule which hitherto from the beginningof his public career he had strictly adhered to,—never to ask, directly orindirectly, for votes for himself.

It is quite possible, even quite probable, that Mr. Madison had little of thatgift which has always passed for eloquence, and is, indeed, eloquence of acertain kind. If we may trust the reports of his contemporaries, though hewanted some of the graces of oratory, he was not wanting in the power ofwinning and convincing. His arguments were often, if not always, preparedwith care. If there was no play of fancy, there was no forgetfulness of facts.If there was lack of imagination, there was none of historical illustration,when the subject admitted it. If manner was forgotten, method was not. Hisaim was to prove and to hold fast; to make the wrong clear, and to put theright in its place; to appeal to reason, not to passion, nor to prejudice; to tryhis cause by the light of clear logic, hard facts, and sound learning; toconvince his hearers of the truth, as he believed in it, not to take their



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judgment captive by surprise with harmonious modulation and grace ofmovement. Not his neighbors only, but the most zealous of the Federalists ofthe State, sent him to the convention. It was there that such eloquence as hepossessed was peculiarly needed. The ground was to be fought over inch byinch, and with antagonists whom it would be difficult, if not impossible, tobeat. There was to be contest over every word of the Constitution from itsfirst to its last. "Give me leave," cried Patrick Henry in his opening speech,"to demand what right had they to say 'We the people' instead of 'We theStates'?" He began at the beginning. It was the gage of the coming battle; thedefenders were challenged to show that any better union than that already inexistence was needed, and that in this new Constitution a better union wasfurnished.

As month after month passed away while the Constitution was before thepeople for adoption, the anxiety of the Federalists grew, lest the requisitenine States should not give their assent. But when eight were secured therewas room to hope even for unanimity, if Virginia should come in as the ninth.Should she say Yes, the Union might be perfect; for the remaining Stateswould be almost sure to follow her lead. But should she say No, the finalresult would be doubtful, even if the requisite nine should be secured by theacquiescence of one of the smaller States. This answer could not, of course,depend altogether upon one man, but it did depend more upon Madison thanupon anybody else.

The convention was in session nearly a month. At the end of a fortnight hewas not hopeful. "The business," he wrote to Washington, "is in the mostticklish state that can be imagined. The majority will certainly be very small,on whatever side it may finally lie; and I dare not encourage muchexpectation that it will be on the favorable side." But his fears stimulatedrather than discouraged him. He was always on his feet; always ready tomeet argument with argument; always prompt to appeal from passion toreason; quick to brush aside mere declamation, and to bring the minds of hishearers back to a calm consideration of how much was at stake, and of theweight of the responsibility resting on that convention. Others were no lessearnest and diligent than he; but he was easily chief, and the burden and heatof the day fell mainly upon him. Probably when the convention assembledthe majority were opposed to the Constitution; but its adoption was carriedat last by a vote of eighty-nine to seventy-nine. Thenceforth opposition in theremaining States was hopeless.

New Hampshire—though the fact was not known in Virginia—preceded thatState by a few days in accepting the Constitution, so that the requisite ninewere secured before the convention at Richmond came to a decision. But itwas her decision, nevertheless, that really settled, so far as can be seen now,the question of a permanent Union. Had the vote of Virginia been the otherway it is not likely that Hamilton would have carried New York, or thatNorth Carolina and Rhode Island would have finally decided not to be left in



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solitude outside. What the history of the nine united States only, with fourdisunited States among them, might have been, it is impossible to know, andquite useless to conjecture. The conditions which some of the Statesattached to the act of adoption, the addition of a Bill of Rights, proposedamendments to the Constitution, and the suggestion of submitting it to asecond convention, were matters of comparatively little moment, when themajority of ten delegates was secured at Richmond. These were questionsthat could be postponed. "The delay of a few years," Madison wrote toJefferson, "will assuage the jealousies which have been artificially createdby designing men, and will at the same time point out the faults which callfor amendment."

Immediately after the adjournment of the Richmond Convention he returnedto New York, where the confederate Congress was still in session. That bodyhad little to do now but decide upon the time and place of the inauguration ofthe new government. Madison had entered upon his thirty-eighth year, andwe get an interesting glimpse of him as he appeared at this time of his life toan intelligent foreigner. "Mr. Warville Brissot has just arrived here," hewrote to Jefferson in August, 1788. This was Brissot de Warville, aFrenchman of the new philosophy,—whose head, nevertheless, hiscompatriots cut off a few years later,—then traveling in America to observethe condition and progress of the new republic. His tour extended to nearlyall the States; he met with most of the distinguished men of the country; andhe made a careful and intelligent use of his many opportunities forobservation. On his return to France he wrote an entertaining volume,—"NewTravels in the United States of America,"—still to be found in some oldlibraries. What he says of Madison is worth repeating, not only for theimpression he made upon an observant stranger, but as the evidence of thecontemporary estimate of his character and reputation, which De Warvillemust have gathered from others.

"The name of Madison," he writes, "celebrated in America, iswell known in Europe by the merited eulogium made of him byhis countryman and friend, Mr. Jefferson.

"Though still young, he has rendered the greatest services toVirginia, to the American Confederation, and to liberty andhumanity in general. He contributed much, with Mr. White, inreforming the civil and criminal codes of his country. Hedistinguished himself particularly in the convention for theacceptation of the new federal system. Virginia balanced a longtime in adhering to it. Mr. Madison determined to it the membersof the convention by his eloquence and logic. This republicanappears to be about thirty-eight years of age. He had, when I sawhim, an air of fatigue; perhaps it was the effect of the immenselabors to which he has devoted himself for some time past. Hislook announces a censor, his conversation discovers the man of



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learning, and his reserve was that of a man conscious of histalents and of his duties.

"During the dinner, to which he invited me, they spoke of therefusal of North Carolina to accede to the new Constitution. Themajority against it was one hundred. Mr. Madison believed thatthis refusal would have no weight on the minds of the Americans,and that it would not impede the operations of Congress. I toldhim that though this refusal might be regarded as a trifle inAmerica, it would have great weight in Europe; that they wouldnever inquire there into the motives which dictated it, norconsider the small consequence of this State in theconfederation; that it would be regarded as a germ of division,calculated to retard the operations of Congress; and thatcertainly this idea would prevent the resurrection of Americancredit.

"Mr. Madison attributed this refusal to the attachment of a greatpart of the inhabitants of that State to their paper money andtheir tender act. He was much inclined to believe that thisdisposition would not remain a long time."

In October the Virginia Assembly met. Two thirds of its members wereopposed to the new Constitution, and at their head was Patrick Henry, hiszeal against it not in the least abated because he had been defeated in thelate convention. The acceptance of the Constitution by that representativebody could not be recalled. But the Assembly could, at least, protest againstit, and was led by Henry to call upon Congress to convene a second nationalconvention to do over again the work of the first. The legislature was to electsenators for the first Senate under the new government; and it was also todivide the State into districts for its representation in the lower house ofCongress. In ordinary fairness, as the State had, in a popular convention, sorecently accepted the Constitution, the party then in the majority wasentitled to at least one of the representatives in the Senate. But Henrynominated both, and could command votes enough to elect them. In modernparty usage this would seem quite unobjectionable; indeed, a modernpolitician who should not use such an advantage for his party would beconsidered as unfit for practical politics. But a hundred years ago it wasthought sharp practice, and a fair proportion of Henry's partisans refused tobe bound by it. One of Henry's nominees was elected by a majority of twentyover Madison; but in the case of the other that majority was reduced morethan half, and a change of five more votes would have elected Madison.

He had, however, neither expected nor wished to be sent to the Senate, whilehe did hope to be elected to the House of Representatives. The Senate wasintended to be the more dignified body, requiring in its members a certainstyle of living for which wealth was indispensable. Madison had not the



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means to give that kind of social support to official position; but he couldafford to belong to that body where a member was not the less respectablebecause his whole domestic establishment might be a bachelor's room in aboarding-house.

Virginia was, as he wrote to Washington, "the only instance among theratifying States in which the politics of the legislature are at variance withthe sense of the people, expressed by their representatives in convention."This had enabled Henry and a majority of his friends to elect senators who,representing "the politics of the legislature," did not represent "the sense ofthe people" in regard to the national Constitution. But in the election ofmembers of the House of Representatives, the sense of the people was to beagain appealed to, and a new way must be devised for asserting thesupremacy of legislative power. The cleverness of Elbridge Gerry ofMassachusetts, many years later, under similar circ*mstances, introduced anew word into the language of the country, and, it was supposed at the time, anew device in American politics. But what has since been known as"Gerrymandering" was really the invention of Patrick Henry. This method ofarranging counties into congressional districts in accordance with theirpolitical affinities, without regard to their geographical lines, Henryattempted to do with Mr. Madison's own county. By joining it to distantcounties it was expected that an anti-Federal majority would be securedlarge enough to insure his defeat. The attempt to elect him to the Senate was,Madison wrote to Jefferson, "defeated by Mr. Henry, who is omnipotent inthe present legislature." He adds that Henry "has taken equal pains, informing the counties into districts for the election of representatives, toassociate with Orange such as are most devoted to his politics, and mostlikely to be swayed by the prejudices excited against me." The scheme,however, was unsuccessful, perhaps partly because of the indignation whichso dishonorable a measure to defeat a political opponent excited throughoutthe State. Madison entered upon an active canvass of his district againstJames Monroe, who had been nominated as a moderate anti-Federalist, anddefeated him. It was winter time, and in the exposure of some of his longrides his ears were frozen. In later life he sometimes laughingly pointed tothe scars of these wounds received, he said, in the service of his country.

Thus Henry's "Gerrymander," like many another useful and curious device,brought neither profit nor credit to the original inventor. Had Henry acted inthe broader spirit of the modern politician, who sees that he serves himselfbest who serves his party best, he would have disposed of every Federalcounty in the State as he disposed of Orange. As it was, he only aroused agood deal of indignation and defeated himself by openly aiming to gratify hispersonal resentments. Had he scattered his shot for the general good of theparty, he would, perhaps, have brought down his particular bird.



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The confederate Congress, at its final session in 1788, had fixed the time forthe election of President and Vice-President under the Constitution, and thetime and place for the meeting of the first Congress of the new government.The day appointed was the first Wednesday of the following March, and, asthat date fell on the fourth of the month, a precedent was established whichhas ever since been observed in the installation of a new President. Theplace was not so easily determined. The choice lay between New York andPhiladelphia, and the struggle was prolonged, not because the question of thetemporary seat of government was of much moment, but because of theinfluence the decision might have upon the future settlement of thepermanent place for the capital.

No quorum of the new Congress was present at New York on March 4, 1789,and neither house was organized until early in April. On the 23rd Washingtonarrived; and on the 30th he took the oath of office as first President of theUnited States, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall, at the corner of Walland Broad streets, a site now occupied by another building used as thesubtreasury. A week before, when the ceremonies proper for such anoccasion were a subject of discussion in Congress, the question of fittingtitles for the President and Vice-President came up for consideration. It wasdecided that when the President arrived the Vice-President should meet himat the door of the senate chamber, lead him to the chair, and then, in aformal address, inform him that the two houses were ready to witness theadministration of the oath of office. "Upon this," says John Adams in aletter written three years afterward, "I arose in my place and asked theadvice of the Senate, in what form I should address him, whether I shouldsay 'Mr. Washington,' 'Mr. President,' 'Sir,' 'May it please your Excellency,'or what else? I observed that it had been common while he commanded thearmy to call him 'His Excellency,' but I was free to own it would appear tome better to give him no title but 'Sir,' or 'Mr. President,' than to put him ona level with a governor of Bermuda, or one of his own ambassadors, or agovernor of any one of our States."

Thereupon the question went to a conference committee of both houses, whor*ported that no other title would be proper for either President or Vice-President, at any time, than those which were given by the Constitution. Tothis report the Senate disagreed and appointed a new committee. Thisproposed that the President should be called "His Highness the President ofthe United States and Protector of their Liberties." When wise men areabsurd they presume on their prerogative. The Senate accepted the report,but the House had the good sense to reject it, consenting, however, to leavethe question in abeyance. On these proceedings Mr. Madison thus




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commented in a letter to Jefferson:—

"My last inclosed copies of the President's inaugural speech, andthe answer of the House of Representatives. I now add theanswer of the Senate. It will not have escaped you that the formerwas addressed with a truly republican simplicity to GeorgeWashington, President of the United States. The latter followsthe example, with the omission of the personal name, but withoutany other than the constitutional title. The proceeding on thispoint was, in the House of Representatives, spontaneous. Theimitation by the Senate was extorted. The question became aserious one between the two houses. J. Adams espoused thecause of titles with great earnestness. His friend, R. H. Lee,although elected as a republican enemy to an aristocraticConstitution, was a most zealous second. The projected title was,His Highness the President of the United States and theProtector of their Liberties. Had the project succeeded, it wouldhave subjected the President to a severe dilemma, and given adeep wound to our infant government."

Washington has sometimes been accused of wishing for the title of "HisHighness," and of having suggested it. Had this been true, Madison wouldhave been certain to know it, and he was quite incapable of asserting in thatcase that such a title would have been to the President "a severe dilemma."About Mr. Adams he was perhaps mistaken, as he might easily have been,since he was not a member of the Senate, and probably heard only a confusedreport of how the question was brought before that body. As Mr. Adams'sletter, quoted just now, shows, he regarded the charge as a calumny andresented it. He gave them, according to his own statement, no other opinionthan that he preferred "Sir," or "Mr. President," as a more proper addressthan "Excellency," a title then, as now, pertaining to governors of States. Heprobably took no further part in the debate, but it is not impossible that hemay in private have avowed a preference for some other and higher title thaneither "Mr. President" or "Your Excellency." "For," he said in theexplanatory letter to his friend, "I freely own that I think decent andmoderate titles, as distinctions of offices, are not only harmless, but usefulin society; and that in this country, where I know them to be prized by thepeople as well as their magistrates as highly as by any people or anymagistrates in the world, I should think some distinction between themagistrates of the national government and those of the state governmentsproper." A distinction might be proper enough if there were to be any titleswhatever; but certainly they were the wiser who preferred good homespun tothreadbare old clothes. Had rags of that sort been made a legal uniform, it isalmost appalling to reflect upon the absurdities to which the nationalfondness for titles would have carried us.

From March 4 to April 1, though the House of Representatives met daily,



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there were not members enough present to make a quorum. The first realbusiness brought before the House, except that relating to its organization,was introduced by Madison, two days after the inauguration. It was aproposition to raise a revenue by duties on imports, and by a tonnage duty onall vessels, American and foreign, bringing goods, wares, or merchandiseinto the United States. The essential weakness of the late Confederacy was,first of all, to be remedied by uniform rules for the regulation of trade.Revenue must be provided for the support of government, and that in a waywhich should not be oppressive to the people. Commerce, Mr. Madison said,"ought to be as free as the policy of nations will admit," but governmentmust be supported, and taxes the least burdensome and most easily collectedare those derived from duties on imports. He agreed, however, as he said onthe second day of the debate, with those who would so adjust the duties onforeign goods as to protect the "infant manufactories" of the country. Withlittle interruption this subject was debated for the first six weeks of theopening session of the First Congress. No other could have been hit upon totest so thoroughly the strength of the new bond of union. It was to brushaside all those trade regulations in the several States which each hadhitherto thought essential to its prosperity. Every interest in the country wasto be considered, and their different, sometimes opposing, claims to bereconciled.

New England was sure that, should the tax on molasses be too high, thedistilleries would be shut up, and a great New England industry destroyed.Nor would the injury stop there. The fisheries, as well as the distilleries,would be ruined. For three fifths of the fish put up for the West Indies couldfind no market anywhere else; and a market existed there only becausemolasses was taken in exchange. A prohibitory duty on that article, or a dutythat should seriously interfere with its importation, would wellnigh destroythe fisheries. What then would become of the nursery of American seamen?With no seamen there would be no shipbuilding. What sadder picture thanthis of a New England without rum, without codfish, without seamen, andwithout ships! One can easily conceive that even in that restrained anddignified First Congress there was no want of serious and alarmedexpostulation, and even some threatening talk from such men as the tranquilGoodhue, the thoughtful and scholarly Ames, and the impulsive Gerry.

Then the South, for her part, was alarmed lest, among other things, too higha tonnage duty should leave her tobacco, her rice and indigo, rotting in thefields and warehouses for want of ships to take them to market. She had noships of her own and could have none, and she invited the ships of the rest ofthe world to come for her products and bring in return all she needed for herown consumption. The picture of the possible ruin of New England was asnothing to that of the Southern planter scanning the horizon with weary eyesin vain for the sight of a sail, while behind him was a dangerous crowd ofhungry blacks with nothing to do. That desolation seemed complete to the



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southernmost States when it was also proposed to levy a tax of ten dollarsupon every slave imported. In short, the whole subject bristled withdifficulties. The problem was nothing more nor less than how to taxeverything, and at the same time convince everybody that the scheme was forthe general good, while nobody's special interests were sacrificed. The"infant industries," to which Mr. Madison alluded, really received no specialconsideration in the final adjustment, and they were too feeble then even tocry for nursing. They have grown stronger since, though they are "infants"still; and they should never cease to be grateful to him who, howeverunwittingly, gave them a name to live by for a hundred years.

But the most remarkable part of the debate was that upon the proposition ofMr. Parker of Virginia to impose a duty upon the importation of slaves.Could the progress of events have been foreseen, that proposal might havebeen regarded as meant to protect an "infant industry" of the northernmostslave States. But the wildest imagination then could not conceive of thedomestic slave trade of a few years later, when a chief source of theprosperity of Virginia would be her perennial crop of young men and womento be shipped for New Orleans and a market. But Mr. Parker had no ulteriormotive when he avowed his regret that the Constitution had failed toprohibit the importation of slaves from Africa, and hoped that the duty heproposed would prevent, in some degree, a traffic which he pronounced"irrational and inhuman." It would have been difficult to have found aVirginian of that day who would not have taken down his shotgun on hearingthat there were miscreants prowling about his kitchen doors in the hope ofbuying up the strongest young people of his household for export to theSouthwest.

Judging from the imperfect report of the debate upon the subject, it wouldseem that the bargain relative to the slave trade, made in the ConstitutionalConvention of two years before between New England and the twosouthernmost States, might still hold good. Or there may have been a newbargain; or, perhaps, both sides trusted to a tacit recognition of the eternalfitness of things, and made common cause where legislation threatened at thesame time the distillery and the slave-ship.[11] At any rate, the extremeSoutherners expressed surprise at the audacity which would disturb acompromise of the Constitution; the extreme Northerners deprecated it asquite uncalled for in any consideration of the subject of revenue. Theprinciple of Mr. Parker's motion, Mr. Sherman of Connecticut thought, wasto correct a moral evil; the principle of the bill before the House was toraise a revenue. At some other time he would be willing to consider thequestion of taxing the importation of negroes on the ground of humanity andpolicy; but it was a sufficient reason with him for not admitting it as anobject of revenue that the burden would fall upon two States only. FisherAmes of Massachusetts could only take counsel of his conscience. From hissoul, he said, he detested slavery; and—forgetting, apparently, that this tax




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was provided for by the Constitution—he doubted whether imposing it"would not have the appearance of authorizing the practice" of trading inslaves. This was his reason for wishing to postpone the subject. But Mr.Livermore of New Hampshire was more ingenious still. If the importednegroes were goods, wares, or merchandise, they would come within the titleof the bill, and be taxed under the general rule of five per centum, whichwould be about the same rate as ten dollars a head; but if they were notgoods, wares, or merchandise, then such importation could not properly beincluded in the consideration of the question of a revenue from duties onsuch articles of trade.

Mr. Madison came to the help of his colleague, and brushed aside thesophistries of the New England allies of the slave traders. If there wereanything wanting in the title of the bill to cover this particular duty, it waseasy to add it. If the question was not one of taxation because it was one ofhumanity, it would be quite as difficult to deal with it under any other billfor levying a duty as under this. If the tax seemed unjust because it boreheavily upon a single class, that would be a good reason for remitting manytaxes which there was no hesitation in imposing. If ten dollars seemed aheavy duty, a little calculation would show that it was only about theproposed ad valorem duty of five per centum on most other importations. "Itis to be hoped," he added, "that by expressing a national disapprobation ofthis trade we may destroy it, and save ourselves from reproaches, and ourposterity the imbecility ever attendant on a country filled with slaves." "Ifthere is any one point," he continued, "in which it is clearly the policy ofthis nation, so far as we constitutionally can, to vary the practice obtainingunder some of the state governments, it is this.... It is as much the interest ofGeorgia and South Carolina as of any in the Union. Every addition theyreceive to their number of slaves tends to weaken and render them lesscapable of self-defense.... It is a necessary duty of the general government toprotect every part of the empire against danger, as well internal as external.Everything, therefore, which tends to increase this danger, though it may bea local affair, yet, if it involves national expense or safety, becomes ofconcern to every part of the Union, and is a proper subject for theconsideration of those charged with the general administration of thegovernment." No Northern man, except Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts,supported this measure; and none from the Southern States, except three ofthe Virginia members, with Madison leading. As the foreign slave trade wasprotected in the Constitution for twenty years by a bargain between the twosouthernmost States and New England, so now the same influence staved offthe imposition of the tax which was a part of the consideration to be givenfor that constitutional protection of the trade. It is not a creditable fact; butit is, nevertheless, a fact and a representative one in the history of the UnitedStates. And it is to Madison's great honor that he had neither part nor lot init.



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After six weeks of earnest debate, an amicable and satisfactory agreementwas made to impose a moderate duty upon pretty much everything imported,except slaves from Africa. It was literally a tariff for revenue; but it was asettlement that settled nothing definitely, except that the provision of theConstitution for a tax of ten dollars on imported slaves should be a deadletter. Thenceforth the policy of free trade was established, so far asAfrican slaves were concerned, till the traffic was supposed to cease byconstitutional limitation and Act of Congress in 1808.[12]

The determination to protect the commercial interests of the country, beyondthe point of mere revenue, was more manifest in fixing the rate of duty upontonnage than in duties upon importations. It was generally agreed, after muchdebate, that American commerce had better be in American hands, and adifference of twenty cents a ton was made between the tax upon domesticand that upon foreign ships, as a measure of protection to Americanshipping. Mr. Madison proposed to make it still larger, but the House wouldonly agree to increase it to forty cents on ships belonging to powers withwhich the United States had no treaties. The Senate, however, refused toadmit this distinction, and insisted that all foreign ships should be subject tothe same tonnage duty without regard to existing treaties. The Houseassented, lest the bill should be lost altogether. This proposed differentialduty on foreign vessels was as clearly aimed at Great Britain as if that powerhad been named in the bill. Nor, indeed, was there any attempt atconcealment; for it was openly avowed that America had no formidable rivalexcept the English, who already largely controlled the commerce of theUnited States. In the debates and in the final decision of the question isshown clearly enough the difference of opinion and of feeling, which soonmade the dividing line between the two great parties of the first quarter of acentury under the Constitution. Nobody then foresaw how bitter thatdifference of party was to be, nor what disastrous consequences wouldfollow it.

Mr. Madison was among the most zealous of those who insisted upon adiscrimination against Great Britain. He thought it should be made for thedignity no less than for the interest of the United States. He had no fear, hesaid, "of entering into a commercial warfare with that nation." England, hebelieved, could do this country no harm by any peaceful reprisals she coulddevise. She supplied the United States with no article either of necessity orof luxury that the people of the United States could not manufacture forthemselves. He called those "Anglicists" who did not agree with him, andwho believed that it was in the power of Great Britain to hinder or to helpimmensely the prosperity of the United States. It was not of so much momentwhat America bought of England as it was that England should consent tofree trade with her colonies; and on every account it was wiser to conciliatethan to defy Great Britain; wiser to induce her to enter into a friendlycommercial alliance than to provoke her to retaliate upon the feeble



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commerce of this country, upon which she had so strong a grip. Madison hadshown himself, before this time, half credulous of the charges of a leaningtoward England, and toward monarchy, made by those who wanted a congressof petty states against those who wanted a strong national government. If,however, there were Anglicism on one side, so there was quite as muchGallicism, if not a good deal more, on the other. In writing to Jefferson ofthe probability that the Senate would make no discrimination in the tonnageduties, he said that in that case "Great Britain will be quieted in theenjoyment of our trade as she may please to regulate it, and Francediscouraged from her efforts at a competition which it is not less our interestthan hers to promote." Whatever may be thought of this first concession ofthe new government to England, it is quite as much the coming party leaderas the statesman who speaks here. It may not be doubted that he sincerelythought it to be, as he said, "impolitic, in every view that can be taken of thesubject, to put Great Britain at once on the footing of the most favorednation." But the relation of American interests to English interests wasevidently already associated in his mind with the relations of France andEngland, so soon to be the absorbing question in American politics.

The impost act was followed by others hardly less important in putting thenew Constitution into operation under its first Congress. The direction ofbusiness seems, by common consent, to have been intrusted to Mr. Madisonamong the many able men of that body; doubtless because of his thoroughfamiliarity with the Constitution, and of his methodical ways. He was sure tobring things forward in their due order, to provide judiciously for the moreimmediate needs. The impost bill secured the means to work with; the nextnecessity was to organize the machinery to do the work. Resolutions tocreate the executive departments of Foreign Affairs, of the Treasury, and ofWar were offered by Mr. Madison. These were required in general terms bythe Constitution, with a single officer at the head of each, to be appointed bythe President "by and with the advice and consent of the Senate." Themanner of the appointment of subordinate officers was provided for by theConstitution, but the manner of their removal from office was not. Was thetenure of office to be good behavior? Were the incumbents removable, withor without cause? If the power of removal existed, did it vest in the powerthat appointed, that is, in the President and Senate conjointly, or in thePresident alone?

As the Constitution was silent, the question had to be settled on its ownmerits. With all the arguments that could be urged, either on one side or theother, we are familiar enough in our time, coming up as the question so oftendoes in changes in state constitutions and municipal charters, and in thediscussion of the necessity for civil service reform. There is this essentialdifference, however, between now and then: we know the mischiefs thatcome from the power of official removal, which were then only dimlyapprehended. The power of removal from office belonged, Mr. Madison




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believed, rightfully to the chief magistrate, and, if by some unhappy chancethe wrong man should find his way to that position and abuse the powerintrusted to him, "the wanton removal of meritorious officers would," hesaid, "subject the President to impeachment and removal from his own hightrust."

Lofty political principles like these may still be found in the platforms ofmodern political parties,—

"The souls of them fumed-forth, the hearts of them torn-out."

But Mr. Madison believed, at least, that he believed in them. There is inpolitics as in religion an accepted doctrine of justification by faith; and this,perhaps, sustained him when, twelve years later, as Jefferson's secretary ofstate, he learned from his chief that, as "Federalists seldom died and neverresigned," party necessities must find a way of supplementing the law ofnature. Jefferson was a little timid in applying the remedy, but Madison livedlong enough to see Jackson boldly remove, in the course of hisadministration, about two thousand office-holders, whose places he wantedas rewards for his own political followers. From that time to this, there hasnot been a President who might not, if Madison's doctrine was sound, havebeen impeached for a "wanton" abuse of power.

Though the Constitution had been adopted by the States, it was not withoutobjections by some of them. To meet these objections Mr. Madisonproposed twelve amendments declaratory of certain fundamental popularrights, which, it was thought by many persons, were not sufficiently guardedby the original articles. This, also, was left to him to do, no doubt because ofhis thorough knowledge of the Constitution and of the points wherein it wasstill imperfect, as well as those wherein it had better not be meddled with.The amendments, as finally agreed to after long debate, were essentiallythose which he proposed, and in due time ten of them were ratified by theStates. The two that were not accepted referred only to the number ofrepresentatives in the House, and to the pay of members of Congress.

It was hoped that the selection of a place for the permanent seat ofgovernment would be made by this Congress. There was much talk of thecentres of wealth, of territory, and of population then, and of where suchcentres might be in the future. But the question was really a sectional one.The Northern members were accused of having made a bargain out of doorswith the members of the Middle States. The bargain, however, was only this:that, inasmuch as it was hopeless that the actual centre should be chosen asthe site for a capital city, a place as near as possible to it should be insistedupon. The South, on the other hand, determined that the seat of governmentshould be within the boundaries of the Southern States. That was a foregoneconclusion with them, that needed no bargain. The nearest navigable river tothe centre of population was the Delaware; but the jealousy of New York



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stood in the way of any selection that favored Philadelphia. TheSusquehanna was proposed. It empties into Chesapeake Bay. North of it was,as Mr. Sherman showed, a population of 1,400,000; and south of it,1,200,000. The South wanted the capital on the Potomac, not because it wasthe centre of population then, but because it might be at some future time,from the growth of the West. On the other hand, it was insisted that thepopulation south of the Potomac was then only 960,000, while north of itthere were 1,680,000 people, and that it was no more accessible from theWest than the Susquehanna was. To many members, moreover, this talk ofthe great future of the West seemed hardly worthy of consideration. It was"an unmeasurable wilderness," and "when it would be settled was pastcalculation," Fisher Ames said. "It was," he added, "perfectly romantic tomake this decision depend upon that circ*mstance. Probably it will be near acentury before these people will be considerable." He was nearer right whenhe said in the same speech "that trade and manufactures will accumulatepeople in the Eastern States in proportion of five to three, compared withthe Southern. The disproportion will, doubtless, continue to be much greaterthan I have calculated. It is actually greater at present, for the climate andnegro slavery are acknowledged to be unfavorable to population, so thathusbandry as well as commerce and manufactures will give more people inthe Eastern than in the Southern States." It was, however, finally resolved bythe House "that the permanent seat of the government of the United Statesought to be at some convenient place on the banks of the river Susquehannain the State of Pennsylvania;" and a bill accordingly was sent to the Senate.

Had the Senate agreed to this bill, there are some luminous pages ofAmerican history that would never have been written; for the progress ofevents would have taken quite another direction had the influencessurrounding the national capital for the first half of this century beenNorthern instead of Southern. But the Senate did not agree. For "theconvenient place on the banks of the Susquehanna" it substituted ten milessquare on the river Delaware, beginning one mile from Philadelphia andincluding the village of Germantown. To this amendment the House agreed,and there, but for Madison, the matter would have ended. He had laboredearnestly for the site on the Potomac; but failing in that, he hoped topostpone the question till the next session of Congress, when therepresentatives from North Carolina would be present. He moved a provisothat the laws of Pennsylvania should remain in force within the districtceded by the State till Congress should otherwise provide by law. It seems tohave been accepted without consideration, a single member only saying thathe saw no necessity for it. At any rate, whether that was Mr. Madison'smotive or not, time was gained, for it compelled the return of the bill to theSenate. This was on September 28, and the next day the session was closedby adjournment till the following January.

When in that next session the bill came back from the Senate to the House, a



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member from South Carolina said, in the course of debate, that "a QuakerState was a bad neighborhood for the South Carolinians." The Senate hadalso come to that conclusion, for the bill now proposed that the capitalshould be at Philadelphia for ten years only, and should then be removed tothe banks of the Potomac. It was done, Madison wrote to Monroe, by a singlevote, for two Southern senators voted against it. But the two senators fromNorth Carolina were now present, and the majority of one was made sure ofsomehow.

So much was gained by gaining time, and Madison thought the passage of thebill through the House was possible, "but attended with great difficulties."Did he know how these difficulties were to be overcome? "If the Potomacsucceeds," he adds, "it will have resulted from a fortuitous coincidence ofcirc*mstances which might never happen again." What the "fortuitouscoincidence" was he does not explain; but the term was a felicitouseuphuism to cover up what in the blunter political language of our time iscalled "log-rolling."

The reader of this series of biographies is already familiar with Hamilton'sskillful barter of votes for the Potomac site of the capital in exchange forvotes in favor of his scheme for the assumption of the state debts. Madisonseems not to have been ignorant of the progress of that bargain, with whichJefferson was afterward so anxious to prove that he had nothing to do.Madison earnestly opposed the assumption of the state debts from first tolast; but, when he saw that the measure was sure to pass the House, he wroteto Monroe: "I cannot deny that the crisis demands a spirit of accommodationto a certain extent. If the measure should be adopted, I shall wish it to beconsidered as an unavoidable evil, and possibly not the worst side of thedilemma." In other words, he was willing to assent silently to what hebelieved to be a great injustice to several of the States, provided that thebargain should be a gain to his own State. If Hamilton and Jefferson weresinners in this business, Madison will hardly pass for a saint.



Hamilton's famous report to the First Congress, as secretary of the treasury,was made at the second session in January, 1790. Near the close of theprevious session a petition asking for some settlement of the public debt wasreceived and referred to a committee of which Madison was chairman. Thecommittee reported in favor of the petition, and the House accordinglycalled upon the secretary to prepare a plan "for the support of the public



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So far as Hamilton's funding scheme provided for that portion of the debtdue to foreigners, it was accepted without demur. There could be no doubtthat there the ostensible creditor was the real creditor, who should be paidin full. The report assumed that this was equally true of the domestic debt. Acitizen holding a certificate of the indebtedness of the government, no matterhow he came by it, nor at what price, was entitled to payment at its facevalue. But here the question was raised, Was this ostensible creditor the solecreditor? Was he, whose necessities had compelled him to part with thegovernment's note of hand at a large discount when full payment wasimpossible, to receive nothing now when at last government was able to payin full? Was it equity to let all the loss fall upon the original creditor, and allthe gain go to him who had lost nothing originally, and had only assumed atsmall cost the risk of a profitable speculation? Moreover it was charged, andnot denied, that in some of these speculations there had been no riskwhatever; and that, so soon as the tenor of the report was known, fast-sailingvessels were dispatched from New York to the Carolinas and Georgia to buyup public securities held by persons ignorant of their recent rapid rise invalue. As hitherto they had been worth only about fifteen cents on the dollar;as upon the publication of the secretary's report they had risen to fifty centson the dollar; and as, if the secretary's advice should be taken, they wouldrise to a hundred cents on the dollar,—it would be securing what in the slangof the modern stock exchange is called "a good thing" to send agents into therural districts in advance of the news to buy up government paper. "My soulrises indignant," exclaimed a member, "at the avaricious and moral turpitudewhich so vile a conduct displays." Nor on that point did anybody venturethen to disagree with him openly.

But, besides the question as to who were in reality the public creditors, adoubt was also raised whether the debt ought to be paid in full to anybody.Every dollar of the foreign debt was for an actual dollar borrowed. But thedomestic debt was not incurred to any large amount for money borrowed, butin payment for services, or for provisions and goods purchased, for whichdouble, or more than double, prices had been exacted by those whoexchanged them for government paper. If the exigencies of war hadcompelled the government to promise to pay for fifty bushels of wheat theprice of a hundred bushels, the creditor, now that the government was in acondition to redeem its promise, was not entitled in equity to receive morethan the actual value of the fifty bushels at the time of the purchase.Moreover, it was contended, there was no injustice in such a settlement ofthe debt, for the war had been carried on and brought to a successful end, forthe benefit of the creditor as well as of everybody else. The argument wasanalogous in a measure to that used by a certain class of politicians in ourtime, who maintained that the bonds of the United States, bought at adiscount for "greenbacks" during the late rebellion, should not be redeemed



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in gold when the war was over.

The answer to all this was obvious. The nation must first be just by paying itsdebts to those who could present the evidence that they were its creditors. If,when that was done, it could afford to be generous, it might, if so disposed,reimburse those who had lost by parting with the certificates of debt at adiscount. The government could not in honor go behind its own contracts.The Constitution provided that "all debts and engagements, entered intobefore the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the UnitedStates under this Constitution as under the Confederation." Here was a debtwhich the Confederation had contracted, and the federal government had nomore right "to impair the obligation of contracts" for its own benefit thanthe separate States had; and that they were expressly forbidden by theConstitution to do.

Madison listened quietly day after day to the long and earnest debates uponthe subject, and then advanced an entirely new proposition. He agreed withone party in maintaining the inviolability of contracts. The Confederacy hadincurred a debt to its own citizens which the new government had agreed toassume. But he also agreed with the other party that there was a question asto whom that debt was due. Were those who now held the certificatesentitled to the payment of their face value, dollar for dollar, although thecost to them was only somewhere from fifteen to fifty cents on the dollar? Itwas true that the original contract was transferable, and these presentcreditors held the evidence of the transfer. But did that transfer entitle theholder to the full value without regard to the price paid for it? Was there notin equity a reserved right in the original holder, who, having given a fullequivalent for the debt, had only parted with the evidence of it, under thecompulsion of his own poverty, and the inability of the government at thattime to meet its obligations? Was not this specially true in the case of thesoldiers of the late war, to whose devotion and sacrifices the nation owed itsexistence?

Mr. Madison thought that an affirmative reply to the last two queries wouldpresent the true view of the case, and he proposed, therefore, to pay bothclasses of creditors,—those who now held the evidence of indebtedness,acquired by purchase at no matter what price; and those who had parted withthat evidence without receiving the amount which the government hadpromised to pay for services rendered. It was not, however, to be expectedthat the entire debt should be paid in full to both classes. That was beyondthe ability of the government. But it would be an equitable settlement, hecontended, to pay the present holders the highest price the certificates hadever reached, and to award the remainder to those who were the originalcreditors.

This proposition received only thirteen votes out of forty-nine. Many ofthose opposed to it were quite ready to grant that it was hard upon the



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veterans of the war that they, who had received so little and who had borneso much, should not now be recognized as creditors when at last thegovernment was able to pay its debts. But the House could not indulge insentimental legislation. That would be to launch the ship of state uponanother sea of bankruptcy. There were in the hands of the people tens ofmillions of paper money not worth at the current rate a cent on the dollar. Ifeverybody who had lost was to be paid, the point would soon be reachedwhere nobody would be paid at all. A limit must be fixed somewhere; let itbe at these certificates of debt which were the evidence of a contract madebetween the government and its creditors. These could be paid, and theyshould be paid, to those who were in lawful possession of them. The law, ifnot the equity, of the case was clearly against Madison. That the governmentshould be absolutely just to everybody who had ever trusted to it, and lost byit, was impossible. It was a bankrupt compelled to name its preferredcreditors, and it named those whom it was in honor and law bound to takecare of, and over whose claims there was, on the whole, the least shadow ofdoubt. That the loss should remain chiefly with the soldiers of theRevolution, and the gain fall chiefly to those who were shrewd enough, orhad the means to speculate in the public funds, was a lamentable fact; but todiscriminate between them was not within the right of the government. Thathe would have had it discriminate was creditable to Madison's heart; it wasrather less creditable to his head.

Of course, underneath all this debate there lay other considerations thanthose merely of debtor and creditor, of moral and legal obligation, of pityfor the soldiers, and of strict regard for the letter of a contract. Mr.Hamilton and his friends, it was said, were anxious to establish the publiccredit, not so much because they wished to keep faith with creditors asbecause they wished to strengthen the government and build up their ownparty. The reply to these accusations was, that the other side, under pretenseof consideration for the soldiers and others on whom the burden of the warhad borne most heavily, concealed hostility to the Constitution and aconsolidated government. These were not reflections to be spoken of indebate, but they were not the less cherished, and gave to it piquancy andspirit. There was truth on both sides without doubt.

Though defeated in this measure, Madison was not less determined in hisopposition to the assumption of the debts of the States. Of these debts someStates had discharged more than others; and he complained, not withoutreason, of the injustice of compelling those which had borne their ownburdens unaided to share in the obligations which others had neglected. Hewas unfortunate, however, in assuming a superiority for Virginia over someof the Eastern States, and especially over Massachusetts, in servicesrendered in the struggle for independence. The comparison provoked a callfor official inquiry; and that proved that Massachusetts alone had sent moremen into the field during the war than all the Southern States together. It was



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not much to be wondered at, when this fact was considered, that the debt ofMassachusetts should be larger than that of Virginia by $800,000. Thedifference between Virginia and South Carolina was the same, the truthbeing that the war had cost Massachusetts more money to pay her soldiersfor the general service, and South Carolina more to repel the enemy upon herown soil, than it had cost Virginia for either purpose. Massachusetts andSouth Carolina were again found acting together, simply because each ofthem had a debt—$4,000,000—larger than that of any other State. The totaldebt of all the States was about $21,000,000; and as that of North Carolina,Pennsylvania, or Connecticut, when added to the $8,000,000 ofMassachusetts and South Carolina, amounted to half, or more, of the wholesum, there was no difficulty in forming a strong combination in favor ofassumption. No combination, however, was strong enough to carry themeasure on its own merits, notwithstanding its advocates attempted to defeatthe funding of the domestic debt of the Federal Union unless the debts of theseveral States were assumed at the same time.

The domestic debt, however, was at length provided for, and the assumptionof the debts of the States was rejected till that bargain, referred to in thepreceding chapter, which gave to the Southern States the permanent seat ofgovernment, was concluded. It would not have been difficult, probably, todefeat that piece of political jobbery by a public exposure of its terms. WhyMadison did not resort to it, if, as seems certain, he knew that such a bargainhad been privately made, can only be conjectured. Perhaps he saw thatHamilton, who was applauded by his friends and denounced by his enemiesfor his clever management, had, after all, only made a temporary gain; andthat Jefferson, whose defense was that Hamilton had taken advantage of hisignorance and innocence, would not, had he not been short-sighted, havemade any defense at all. For the assumption of the state debts by the generalgovernment was only a distribution of a single local burden; and this was asmall price for Virginia and the other Southern States to pay for thepermanent possession of the federal capital.

While these questions were pending, another was thrown into the Housewhich was not disposed of for nearly two months. The debates upon it,Madison said in one of his letters, "were shamefully indecent," though hethought the introduction of the subject into Congress injudicious. The YearlyMeeting of Friends in New York and in Pennsylvania sent a memorial againstthe continued toleration of the slave trade; and this was followed the nextday by a petition from the Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of theAbolition of Slavery, signed by Benjamin Franklin as president, asking for amore radical measure.

"They earnestly entreat," they said, "your serious attention to thesubject of slavery; that you will be pleased to countenance therestoration of liberty to these unhappy men, who alone in thisland of freedom are degraded into perpetual bondage, and who,



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amidst the general joy of surrounding freemen, are groaning inservile subjection; that you will devise means for removing thisinconsistency from the character of the American people; thatyou will promote mercy and justice towards this distressed race;and that you will step to the very verge of the power vested inyou for discouraging every species of traffic in the persons of ourfellow-men."

The words were probably Franklin's own, and, as he died a few weeks afterthey were written, they may be considered as his dying words to hiscountrymen,—counsel wise and merciful as his always was.

A memorable debate followed the presentation of these memorials. Even inthe imperfect report of it that has come down to us, the "shamefulindecency" of which Madison speaks is visible enough. Franklin, venerablein years, exalted in character, and eminent above almost all the men of thetime for services to his country, was sneered at for senility and denounced asdisregarding the obligations of the Constitution. But the wrath of the pro-slavery extremists was specially aroused against the Society of Friends, andwas unrestrained by any considerations of either decency or truth. In thisrespect the debate was the precursor of every contest in Congress upon thesubject that was to follow for the coming seventy years. The Quakers werethe representative abolitionists of that day, and the measure of bitter andangry denunciation that was meted out to them was the same measure which,heaped up and overflowing, was poured out upon those who, in later times,took upon themselves the burden of the cause of the slave. The line ofargument, the appeals to prejudice, the disregard of facts and the falseconclusions, the misrepresentation of past history and the misapprehensionof the future, the contempt of reason, of common sense, and commonhumanity, then laboriously and unscrupulously arrayed in defense of slavery,left nothing for the exercise of the ingenuity of modern orators. A singledifference only between the earlier and the later time is conspicuous; the"plantation manners," as they were called five and twenty years ago, whichthe Wises, the Brookses, the Barksdales, and the Priors of the modern Southrelied upon as potent weapons of defense and assault, were unknown in theearlier Congresses.

Mr. Madison and some other members from the South, particularly thosefrom Virginia, opposed the majority of their colleagues, who were unwillingthat these memorials should be referred to a committee. "The true policy ofthe Southern members," Madison wrote to a friend, "was to have let theaffair proceed with as little noise as possible, and to have made use of theoccasion to obtain, along with an assertion of the powers of Congress, arecognition of the restraints imposed by the Constitution." This in effect wasdone in the end, but not till near two months had passed, within which timethe more violent of the Southern members had ample opportunity to freetheir minds and exhaust the subject. The more these people talked the worse




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it was, of course, for their cause. Had Madison's moderate advice beenaccepted then, and had that example been followed for the next sixty orseventy years, it is quite likely that the colored race would still be inbondage in at least one half of the States. But there was never a more notableexample of manifest destiny than the gradual but certain progress of theopposition to slavery; for there never was a system, any attempt to defendwhich showed how utterly indefensible such a system must needs be. Everyargument advanced in its favor was so manifestly absurd, or so shocking tothe ordinary sense of mankind, that the more it was discussed the morewidespread and earnest became the opposition. Had the slaveholders beenwise, they would never have opened their mouths upon the subject. But, likethe man possessed of the devil, they never ceased to cry, "Let me alone!"And the more they cried, the more there were who understood where that crycame from.

In one respect Mr. Madison declared that the memorial of the Friendsdemanded attention. If the American flag was used to protect foreigners incarrying on the slave trade in other countries, that was a proper subject forthe consideration of Congress. "If this is the case," he said, "is there anyperson of humanity that would not wish to prevent them?"[13] But herecognized the limitations of the Constitution in relation to the importationof slaves into the United States, and the want of any authority in the letter ofthe Constitution, or of any wish on the part of Congress, to interfere withslavery in the States. On these points he would have a decisive declaration,without agitation, and with as little discussion as possible, and there wouldhave dropped the subject. It only needed, he evidently thought, thateverybody, North and South, should understand the Constitution to be amutual agreement to let slavery altogether alone, when the bargain would beon both sides faithfully adhered to.

This was all very well with the numerous persons who were quite indifferentto the subject, or who thought it very unreasonable in the blacks not to bequite willing to remain slaves a few hundred years longer. But there were twoother classes to reckon with, and Mr. Madison was not much inclined to bepatient with either of them. To let the subject alone was precisely what thehot-headed members from the South were incapable of doing then, as theyproved to be incapable of doing for the next seventy years. On the otherhand, all the petitioners could really hope for was that there should bediscussion. The galleries were crowded at those earliest debates, as theycontinued to be crowded on all such occasions in subsequent years. Manywent to learn what could be said on behalf of slavery, who came awayconvinced that the least said the better. Agitation might disturb the harmonyof the Union, which was Madison's dread; it might lead to the death of anabolitionist, as it sometimes did in later times; but it was sure in the end tobe the death of slavery, though its short-sighted defenders could neverunderstand why. They could never be made to see that its most dangerous



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foes were the friends of its own household, who could not hold theirtongues; that for their case all wisdom was epitomized in the vulgar caution"to lie low and keep dark;" that the exposure of the true character of slaverymust needs be its destruction, and that nothing so exposed it as any attemptto defend it. Slavery was quite safe under the Constitution, as Mr. Madisonintimated, if its friends would only leave it there and claim no otherprotection.

Advocates are never wanting in any court who believe that the most effectiveline of defense is to abuse the plaintiff. The Quakers, it was said,"notwithstanding their outward pretenses," had no "more virtue or religionthan other people, nor perhaps so much." They had not made theConstitution, nor risked their lives and fortunes by fighting for their country.Why should they "set themselves up in such a particular manner againstslavery"? Did they not know that the Bible not only allowed but commendedit, "from Genesis to Revelation"? That the Saviour had permitted it? Thatthe Apostles, in spreading Christianity, had never preached against it? Thatit had been—the illustration was not altogether a happy one—"no noveldoctrine since the days of Cain"? The condition of these American slaveswas said to be one of great happiness and comfort; yet almost in the samebreath it was asserted that to excite in their minds any hope of change wouldlead to the most disastrous consequences, and possibly to massacre. Thememorialists were bidden to remember that, even if slavery "were an evil, itwas one for which there was no remedy;" for that reason the North hadacquiesced in it; "a compromise was made on both sides,—we took eachother, with our mutual bad habits and respective evils, for better, for worse;the Northern States adopted us with our slaves, and we adopted them withtheir Quakers." Without such a compromise there could have been no Union,and any interference now with slavery by the government would end in a civilwar. These people were meddling with what was none of their business, andexciting the slaves to insurrection. Yet how forbearing were the people ofthe Southern States who, notwithstanding all this, "had not required theassistance of Congress to exterminate the Quakers!"

This was not conciliatory. Those who had been disposed at the beginning tomeet the petitions with a quiet reply that the subject was out of thejurisdiction of Congress were now provoked to give them a much warmerreception. They could not listen patiently to the abuse of the Quakers, and,though they might acquiesce in the toleration of slavery, they were notinclined to have it crammed down their throats as a wise, beneficent, andconsistent condition of society under a republican government. EvenMadison, who at first was most anxious that nothing should be said or doneto arouse agitation, while acknowledging that all citizens might rightfullyappeal to Congress for a redress of what they considered grievances, wasmoved at last to say that the memorial of the Friends was "well worthy ofconsideration." While admitting that under the Constitution the slave trade



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could not be prohibited for twenty years, "yet," he declared, "there are avariety of ways by which it [Congress] could countenance the abolition, andregulations might be made in relation to the introduction of [slavery] into thenew States to be formed out of the western territory."

Gerry was still more emphatic in the assertion of the right of interference.He boldly asserted that "flagrant acts of cruelty" were committed in carryingon the African slave trade; and, while nobody proposed to violate theConstitution, "that we have a right to regulate this business is as clear as thatwe have any right whatever; nor has the contrary been shown by anybodywho has spoken on the occasion." Nor did he stop there. He told theslaveholders that the value of their slaves in money was only about tenmillion dollars, and that Congress had the right to propose "to purchase thewhole of them; and their resources in the western territory might furnishthem with the means." The Southern members would, perhaps, have beenstartled by such a proposition as this, had he not immediately added that "hedid not intend to suggest a measure of this kind; he only instanced theseparticulars to show that Congress certainly had a right to intermeddle in thebusiness." It is quite likely, had he pushed such a measure with his well-known zeal and determination, that it would have been at least received witha good deal of favor; and, as the admirers of Jefferson are tenacious of hisfame as the author of the original Northwest Ordinance, so Gerry, had heseriously and earnestly urged the policy of using the proceeds of the sales ofterritorial lands to remunerate the owners of slaves for their liberation,would have left behind him a more fragrant memory than that which clings tohim as a minister to France, and as the "Gerrymandering" governor ofMassachusetts. The debate, however, came to an end at last with no otherresult than that which would have been reached at the beginning withoutdebate, except, perhaps, that the vote in favor of the reports upon thememorials was smaller than it might have been had there been no discussion.

Within less than two years, however, Warner Mifflin of Delaware, aneminent member of the Society of Friends, who was one of the first, if notthe first, of that society to manumit his own slaves, petitioned Congress totake some measure for general emancipation. The petition was entered uponthe journal; but on a subsequent day a North Carolina member, Mr. Steele,said that, "after what had passed at New York on this subject, he had hopedthe House would have heard no more of it;" and he moved that the petitionbe returned to Mifflin and be expunged from the journal. Fisher Amesexplained in a rather apologetic tone that he had presented the petition atMr. Mifflin's request, because the member from Delaware was absent, andbecause he believed in the right of petition, though "he considered it astotally inexpedient to interfere with the subject." The House agreed that thepetition should be returned, and Steele then withdrew the motion to expungeit from the journal.

In the next Congress, eighteen months afterward, the House took up the



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subject of the slave trade, apparently of its own motion, and a bill waspassed prohibiting the carrying on of that traffic from the ports of theUnited States in foreign vessels. The question was as inexorable as death,and the difference in regard to it then was precisely what it was in the finaldiscussion of the next century which settled it forever. One set of men wasgiven over to perdition if they dared so much as talk; the other set talked allthe more, and went to the very verge of the Constitution in act all the more,because they were bidden neither to speak nor to move. Courage was not oneof Madison's marked characteristics, but he never showed more of it than inhis hostility to slavery.

Fisher Ames

At the third session of the First Congress, which had adjourned from NewYork to Philadelphia, where it met in December, 1790, Madison led hisparty in opposition to the establishment of a national bank, which Hamiltonhad recommended; and again, as in the adjustment of the domestic debt, heand his party were defeated. He compared the advantages and the


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disadvantages of banks, and possibly he did not satisfy himself, as hecertainly did not the other side, that the weight of the argument was againsttheir utility. At any rate, he fell back upon the Constitution as his strongestposition. To incorporate a bank was not, he maintained, among the powersconferred upon Congress. The Federalists, who were beginning to recognizehim as the leader of the opposition, were quite ready to accept thatchallenge. "Little doubt remains," said Fisher Ames in rising to reply, "withrespect to the utility of banks." Assuming that to be settled,—whether hemeant, or not, that such was the conclusion to be drawn from Madison'sargument on that point,—he addressed himself to the constitutional question.If the incorporation of a bank was forbidden by the Constitution, there wasan end of the matter. If it was not forbidden, but if Congress may exercisepowers not expressly bestowed upon it, and if by a bank some of the thingswhich the federal government had to do could be best done, it would be notonly right but wise to establish such an agency. This was the burden of theargument of the Federalists, and Madison and his friends had no sufficientanswer. The bill was at length passed by a vote of thirty-nine to twenty.

But it had still to pass the ordeal of the cabinet. The President was notdisposed to rely upon his own judgment either one way or the other. Heasked, therefore, for the written opinions of the secretaries of the treasuryand of state, Hamilton and Jefferson, and the attorney-general, Randolph.The same request was made to Madison, probably more because Washingtonheld his ability and knowledge of constitutional law in high esteem thanbecause of the prominent part he had taken in the debate. Hamilton'sargument in favor of the bill was an answer to the papers of the three othergentlemen, and was accepted as conclusive by the President.



Madison was a Federalist until, unfortunately, he drifted into the opposition.He was swept away partly, perhaps, by the influence of personal friends,particularly of Jefferson, and partly by the influence of locality,—that "go-with-the-State" doctrine, which is a harmless kind of patriotism when keptwithin proper limits, but dangerous in a mixed government like ours whenunrestrained. Had he been born in a free State it seems more than probablethat he would never have been President; but it is quite possible that hisplace in the history of his country would have been higher. The better part ofhis life was before he became a party leader. As his career is followed thepresence of the statesman grows gradually dimmer in the shadow of thesuccessful politician.



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In the course of the three sessions of the First Congress the line wasdistinctly drawn between the Federal and Republican (or Democratic)parties. The Federalists, it was evident, had succeeded in firmly unitingthirteen separate States into one great nation, or into what, in due time, wassure to become a great nation. It was no longer a loose assemblage ofthirteen independent bodies, revolving, indeed, around a central power, butwith a centrifugal motion that might at any time send them flying off intospace, or destroy them by collisions at various tangents. Those who opposedthe Federalists, however, had no fear of a tendency to tangents; the dangerwas, as they believed, of too much centripetal forces and that the circlingplanets might fall into the central sun and disappear altogether. Even if therewere no flying off into space, and no falling into the sun, they had no faith inthis sort of political astronomy. They were unwilling to float in fixed orbitsobedient to a supreme law other than their own.

There is no need to doubt the honesty of either party then, whatever came topass in later years. Nor, however, is there any more doubt now which was thewiser. Before the end of the century the administration of government waswrested from the hands of those who had created the Union; and withinfifteen years more the Federal party, under that name, had disappeared. Itwould not be quite just to say that they were opposed for no better reasonthan because they were in power. But it is quite true that the principles andthe policy of the Federalists survived the party organization; and they notonly survived, but, so far as the opposite party was ever of service to thecountry, it was when that party adopted the federal measures. It was inaccordance with the early principles of Federalism that the republic wasdefended and saved in the war of 1860-65; as it was the principles of theDemocratic state-rights party, administered by a slaveholding oligarchy, thatmade that war inevitable.

Hamilton said, in the well-known Carrington letter in the spring of 1792, thathe was thoroughly convinced by Madison's course in the late Congress thathe, "coöperating with Mr. Jefferson, is at the head of a faction decidedlyhostile to me and my administration, and actuated by views, in my judgment,subversive of the principles of good government, and dangerous to the union,peace, and happiness of the country." At first he was disposed to believe,because of his "previous impressions of the fairness of Mr. Madison'scharacter," that there was nothing personal or factious in this hostility. Buthe soon changed his mind. Up to the time of the meeting of the FirstCongress there had always been perfect accord between them, and Hamiltonaccepted his seat in the cabinet "under the full persuasion," he said, "thatfrom similarity of thinking, conspiring with personal good-will, I should havethe firm support of Mr. Madison in the general course of my administration."But when he found in Madison his most determined opponent, either open orcovert, in the most important measures he urged upon Congress,—thesettlement of the domestic debt, the assumption of the debts of the States,



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and the establishment of a national bank,—he was compelled to seek forother than public motives for this opposition. "It had been," he declared,"more uniform and persevering than I have been able to resolve into a sinceredifference of opinion. I cannot persuade myself that Mr. Madison and I,whose politics had formerly so much the same point of departure, shouldnow diverge so widely in our opinions of the measures which are proper tobe pursued."

In the letter from which these extracts are made Jefferson and Madison arepainted as almost equally black, though the color was laid the thicker onJefferson, if there was any difference. Hamilton seemed to think that, ifJefferson was the more malicious, Madison was the more artful. He isaccused of an attempt to get the better of the secretary of the treasury by atrick which was dishonorable in itself, and at the same time an abuse of theconfidence reposed in him by Washington. Before sending in his message atthe opening of the Second Congress the President submitted it to Madison,who, Hamilton declares, so altered it, by transposing a passage and by theaddition of a few words, that the President was made to seem, unconsciouslyto himself, to approve of Jefferson's proposal to establish the same unit forcoins as for weights. This would have been to disapprove of the proposal ofthe secretary of the treasury that the dollar should remain the unit ofcoinage. The statement rests on Hamilton's assertion; and as he had forgottenthe words which made the change he complained of, and as the message wasrestored to its original form by the President when its possible interpretationwas pointed out to him, it is impossible now to judge whether Madison maynot have been quite innocent of the intention imputed to him. It is plainenough, however, that Hamilton was sore and disappointed at Madison'sconduct, and that he was quick to seize upon any incident that justified himin saying, "The opinion I once entertained of the candor and simplicity andfairness of Mr. Madison's character has, I acknowledge, given way to adecided opinion that it is one of a peculiarly artificial and complicatedkind." To justify this opinion, and as an evidence of how bitter Madison'spolitical and personal enmity toward him had become, he refers in the sameletter to Madison's relation to Freneau and his paper, "The NationalGazette." "As the coadjutor of Jefferson," he wrote, "in the establishment ofthis paper, I include Mr. Madison in the consequences imputable to it."

The story of Freneau need not be repeated here at length, having beenalready told in another volume of this series of biographies. If there wereanything in that affair, however, for which Jefferson could be fairly called toaccount, Madison may be held as not less responsible. When the charge wasmade that he had a sinister motive in procuring for Freneau a clerkship in theState Department, and in aiding him to establish a newspaper, Madisonfrankly related the facts in a letter to Edmund Randolph. He had nothing todeny except to repel with some indignation the charge that he had helped toestablish the journal in order that it might "sap the Constitution," or that




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there was the slightest expectation or intention on his part of any relationbetween the State Department and the newspaper. Freneau was one of hiscollege friends, a deserving man, to whom he was attached, and whom he wasglad to help. There was nothing improper in commending one well qualifiedto discharge its duties for the post of translator in a government office; andas those duties, for which the yearly salary was only two hundred and fiftydollars, were light, there was no good reason why the clerk should not findother employment for leisure hours.

If Mr. Madison, having said this, had stopped there, his critics would havebeen silenced. But when he added that he advised his friend with anothermotive besides that of helping him to start a newspaper, then, as theexpressive modern phrase is, he "gave himself away." There is a feeling,common even in those early and innocent days when such things were rare,that the editor, whose daily bread, whether it be cake or crust, comes fromthe bounty of the man in office or other place of power,—that an editor sofed, and perhaps fattened, is only a servant bought at a price. Madison saidthat to help a needy man whom he held in high esteem was his "primary andgoverning motive." But he adds: "That, as a consequential one, I entertainedhopes that a free paper ... would be an antidote to the doctrines anddiscourses circulated in favor of monarchy and aristocracy; would be anacceptable vehicle of public information in many places not sufficientlysupplied with it,—this also is a certain truth." What was this but anacknowledgment of the essential truth of the charge brought againstJefferson and himself? Not that he might not devoutly hope for an antidoteto the poisonous doctrines of monarchy and aristocracy, though in very truththe existence of any such poison was only one of the maggots which, bred inthe muck of party strife, had found a lodgment in his brain; not that it wasnot a commendable public spirit to wish for a good newspaper to circulatewhere it was most needed; not that it was not a most excellent thing in him tohold out a helping hand to the friend who had been less fortunate thanhimself,—but that, in helping his friend to a clerkship in a department of thegovernment, his motive was in part that the possession of a public officewould enable the man to establish a party organ. That was precisely the pointof the charge which he seems to have failed to apprehend,—that publicpatronage was used at his suggestion to further party ends.

Freneau had intended to start a newspaper somewhere in New Jersey.Whether or not that known intention suggested that the project could bebetter carried out in Philadelphia, and a clerkship in the State Departmentwould be an aid to it, the change of plan was adopted and the clerkshipbestowed upon him. The paper—the first number of which appeared fivedays after his appointment—was, as it was known that it would be, an earnestdefender of Jefferson and his friends, and a formidable opponent ofHamilton and his party. The logical conclusion was that the man, being put inplace for a purpose, was diligent in using the opportunities the place



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afforded him to fulfill the hopes of those to whom he was indebted. Madisonand Jefferson both denied, with much heat and indignation, that they hadanything to do with the editorial conduct of the paper. No doubt they spokethe truth. They had to draw the line somewhere; they drew it there; and anexceedingly sharp and fine line it was. For it is plain that Freneau knew verywell what he was about and what was expected of him, and his powerfulfriends knew very well that he knew it. They could feel in him the mostimplicit confidence as an untamed and untamable democrat, and one,perhaps, whose gratitude would be kept alive by the remembrance of povertyand the hope of future favors. There was clearly no need of a board ofdirectors for the editorial supervision of "The National Gazette," and it wasquite safe to deny that any existed. The fact, nevertheless, remained that aseat had been given the editor at Mr. Jefferson's elbow.

Three months before Madison heard that his relation to Freneau wasbringing him under public censure, he showed an evident interest in the"Gazette" hardly consistent with his subsequent avowal of having nothing todo with its management. In a letter to Jefferson he refers to the postage onnewspapers established by the bill for the regulation of post-offices, andfears that it will prove a grievance in the loss of subscribers. He suggeststhat a notice be given that the papers "will not be put into the mail, but sentas heretofore," meaning by that, probably, that they would be sent under thefranks of members of Congress, or by any other chance that might offer."Will you," he adds, "hint this to Freneau? His subscribers in this quarterseem pretty well satisfied with the degree of regularity and safety withwhich they get the papers, and highly pleased with the paper itself." Thiswas careful dry-nursing for the bantling which had been provided with socomfortable a cradle in the State Department.

The political casuist of our time may wonder at the importance whichattached to this Freneau affair. We are taught that "there were giants inthose days," but we may also remember that in the modern science of"practical politics" they were as babes and sucklings. Madison was makinggood his place as a leader of the opposition hardly second to Jeffersonhimself. As with Hamilton, so with the Federalists generally, he fell moreeven than Jefferson fell in their esteem. He fell more, because he had fartherto fall. No man had been more earnest than he for a consolidatedgovernment; no one had shown more activity to bring about a convention toframe a federal Constitution; and when at last that work was done, no one,not even Hamilton himself, was more zealous to convince his countrymenthat national salvation depended upon union, and that union was hopelessunless the Constitution should be adopted. The disappointment and the shockwere all the greater when he gradually drew off from those who had hithertocounted him as on their side. They could not understand how he could find somuch to oppose in the legitimate administration—as they believed it to be—of a Constitution he had done so much to create, and the beneficent results



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of which he had foreseen and foretold. Or, if they understood him, it was onthe supposition that he had thrown his convictions and his principles to thewinds, abandoned his old friends and attached himself to new ones, frommotives of personal ambition. This, of course, may not have been absolutelyjust. It is quite possible that he did not deliberately surrender his principles,but persuaded himself that he was as true as ever to the Constitution. It is,nevertheless, certainly true that the men with whom he was now acting werethe men who, having failed to prevent the adoption of the Constitution, nowaimed, by zealous endeavors for an assumed strict construction, to defeat thepurpose for which it was framed.[14]

Naturally his motives were suspected, and his conduct narrowly watched.Jefferson's influence over him was known to be great, and Jefferson had hadnothing to do with the framing of the Constitution, had been doubtful at firstof its wisdom, and gave his assent to it at last with many doubts. The Anti-Federal party was growing gradually stronger in Virginia as in all theSouthern States; most of Madison's warmest personal friends, as well asJefferson, were of that party. What chance would he have in the publiccareer he had marked out for himself if his path and theirs led in oppositedirections? How much he was influenced by these considerations it isimpossible to tell; perhaps he himself could not have told. Perhaps theywere not even considerations, but only unconscious influences, which hewould have thrown behind him had he recognized them as possible motives.To others, however, whether justly or not, they were quite sufficient toexplain his course, and, once accepted, no other explanation was sought for.The appointment of Freneau to office at Madison's request, followed by thealmost immediate appearance of a violent party organ, edited by this clerk inMr. Jefferson's department, was quite enough to raise an outcry among theFederalists; and Madison's explanation, when it came to be known, of hisshare in that business, did not add to his reputation either for frankness orpolitical rectitude. Perhaps it was at first more the seeming want offrankness that disgusted his old friends. They could have more readilyforgiven him had he openly declared that he had gone over to the enemy,instead of professing to find in the Constitution sufficient ground forhostility to their measures. These constitutional scruples they sometimesthought so thin a disguise of other motives as to be better deserving ofridicule than of argument.

All he said and did was watched with suspicion. In the interval between theFirst and Second Congresses, he and Jefferson made a tour through some ofthe Eastern States, as they said, for relaxation and pleasure. But it waslooked upon as a strategic movement. Interviews between them andLivingston and Burr in New York were reported to Hamilton as "a passionatecourtship." They visited Albany, it was said, "under the pretext of abotanical excursion," but in reality to meet with Clinton. Botany naturallysuggests agriculture, and as they continued on their journey into New England



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they were accused of "sowing tares" as they traveled. Such treachery wouldhave been considered as aggravated by hypocrisy had it been known then thaton his return Mr. Madison wrote to his father from New York: "The tour Ilately made with Mr. Jefferson, of which I have given the outlines to mybrother, was a very agreeable one, and carried us through interesting country,new to us both." This was cool, if the journey really was a politicalreconnoissance.

Though Mr. Madison may have been for a time a special target for this kindof partisan rancor, it was by no means confined to him. Jefferson had a verypretty talent for exasperating his enemies, and nobody could long divide withhim the distinction of being the best hated man in the country. A curiousinstance of it was given when the question was discussed, both in the Firstand Second Congresses, as to the successor to the presidency in case theoffice should become vacant by the deaths of both President and Vice-President. A bill was sent down from the Senate to the House providing, incase such a thing should ever happen, that the president pro tempore of theSenate, or, should the Senate have no temporary president, the speaker of theHouse of Representatives, should succeed to the vacant office. The Housesent back the bill with an amendment substituting the secretary of state forthe succession in the possible vacancy instead of the presiding officers ofthe two houses of Congress. Madison was very earnest for this amendment,but the Senate rejected it, and the House finally assented to the original bill.It was shown in the course of the debate that according to the doctrine ofchances the office of president would not devolve, through the accident ofdeath, upon a third person oftener than once in about eight hundred and fortyyears. The rejection of the amendment naming the secretary of state as theproper person to succeed to the presidency, in the improbable eventsupposed, was nevertheless resented by the Republicans as a directreflection upon Mr. Jefferson. Nor did the Federalists deny it. With grimhumor they seized upon the opportunity, apparently, to announce that notwith their consent should he ever be president, even by accident, though heshould wait literally eight hundred and forty years. It was a long-range shot,but there could not have been one better aimed.

If before there had been some room for hope, Madison's course in theSecond Congress left no doubt as to which party he had cast his lot with. Hishostility to the establishment of a bank was, he thought, justified by what hesaw at the opening of the subscription books in New York. The anxiety to getpossession of the stock was not to him an evidence of public confidence, andan argument, therefore, in favor of such an institution, but "a mere scramblefor so much public plunder." He could only see that "stock-jobbing drownsevery other subject. The coffee-house is in an eternal buzz with thegamblers." "It pretty clearly appears also," he said, "in what proportions thepublic debt lies in the country, what sort of hands holding it, and by whomthe people of the United States are to be governed." Here, perhaps, was one




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cause of his hostility to Hamilton's financial policy. Its immediate benefitwas for that class whose pecuniary stake in the stability of the governmentwas the largest. This class was chiefly in the Northern States, where capitalwas in money and was always on the lookout for safe and profitableinvestment. At the South, capital was in slaves and land, and could not beeasily changed. If the Bank and the bondholders were to exercise—as hefeared they would, and as he believed that the Federalists meant they should—a controlling influence over the government, it was certainly prettyapparent "by whom the people of the United States were to be governed." Itwould be the North, not the South; and he was a Virginian before he was aUnionist.

Perhaps he was influenced by this consideration when he proposed that thepayment of the domestic debt should be divided between those who hadoriginally held, and those who had acquired by purchase, the certificates ofindebtedness. The public creditors would in that case have been more widelydistributed in different sections of the country and among different classes.The thought, at any rate, does not seem to have been a new one when he sawand reported the eagerness with which the bank stock was sought for,denounced it as stock-jobbing and gambling, and indignantly reflected that inthese men he saw the future governors of the country, and particularly of hisown people. No doubt there was a good deal of speculation; and, as at allsuch times, there were a few who made fortunes, while many, who had atfirst much money and no stock, next much stock and no money, had at lastneither stock nor money. But Mr. Madison's indignation was quite wasted,and his fears quite unfounded. Neither the stock-jobbers, the Bank, nor thebondholders ever usurped the government, whatever may have beenHamilton's hopes or schemes, if he had any other than to serve his country.The money-power of the North built cities and ships, factories and towns,and stretched out its hands to the great lakes and over the broad prairies, toadd to its dominion, to extend its civilization, and to give to labor andindustry their due reward. It was the South that devoted itself to the businessof politics, and, united by stronger bonds than can ever be forged of goldalone, soon entered into possession of the government, which it retained andused for its own interests, without regard to the interests or the rights of theNorth, for nearly three quarters of a century. Mr. Madison had no prescienceof any such future in the history of the country, nor, indeed, then hadanybody else. He may have really believed that the holders of a large publicdebt and the owners of a great national bank, through which the monetaryaffairs of the country could be controlled, were aiming to lay hold of thegovernment. If all this were true, imminent peril was impending overrepublican institutions. The inconsistency of which Hamilton accusedMadison was therefore not necessarily a crime. It might even be a virtue, andMadison be applauded for his courage in avowing a change of opinion, if hesaw in the practical application of Hamilton's principles dangers that had notoccurred to him when looking at them only as abstract theories. But the



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Federalists believed that Madison, governed by these purely selfish motives,sacrificed his convictions of what was best for the country that he mightsecure for himself a position on what he foresaw was the winning side. It isquite likely that the more pronounced enmity he showed towards Hamiltonduring the second session of Congress was due in some measure to hisknowledge of this feeling towards himself among Federalists. He seemed, atany rate, to be animated by something more than the proverbial zeal of thenew convert. If it was not always shown in debate, it lurked in his letters.Anything that came from the secretary, or anything that favored thesecretary's measures, was sure to be opposed by him. He was not, of course,always in the wrong, and sometimes he was very right. There was a manifestdisposition on the part of the Federalists in the House to defer to thesecretary in a way to provoke opposition from those who did not share intheir estimate of his great ability. There was some resentment, for example,when it was proposed that Congress should submit to the secretary thequestion of ways and means to carry on the Indian war at the West, after St.Clair's disastrous defeat, and when, a few days later, it was suggested that heshould be called upon to report a plan for the reduction of the public debt.Members, chief among them Madison, thought that they were quite capableof discharging the duties belonging to their branch of the government withoutinstructions from a head of department whom many of them looked upon asonly an official subordinate of Congress. For the same reason they refusedwith prompt decision to permit the secretary to appear upon the floor of theHouse to explain some proposed measure. In the Carrington letter Hamiltonsaid that he had "openly declared" a "determination to treat him [Madison]as a political enemy." He probably took care that Madison should hear of it,for he was not a man who made idle threats. He was sometimes arrogant andoverbearing in manner, was always ready for a fight, which he ratherpreferred to quietude, and had little disposition to spare an enemy. Thesewere not conciliating qualities likely to temper the asperities of politicalwarfare, and they may have provoked even Madison, mild-mannered andalmost timid as he was, to unusual heat.

All this, of course, is aside from the question whether the party, to whichMr. Madison had given his allegiance, was right or wrong. On that pointthere may be an honest difference of opinion. It is apart also from thequestion whether a man may not honestly change sides in politics,notwithstanding the suspicion that always follows him who runs from oneside to the other, when in neither has there been any change in principles ormeasures. It is quite possible that he may be governed by the most sincereconvictions; and if he obeys them and abandons old friends for new ones, orconsents to be friendless, it is the strongest proof the statesman or politiciancan give of a moral courage which ought to gain for him all the more respect.But whether that respect must be denied to Mr. Madison, because he wasgoverned by other and lower motives, is the question. There had been nochange of political principles either in the party he had left or the party he



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had joined; but each was striving with all its might to adapt the old doctrinesto the altered condition of affairs under the new Union. The change waswholly in Mr. Madison. That which had been white to him was now black;that which had been black was now as the driven snow. Why was this? Hadhe come to see that in all those years he had been wrong? Or had hesuddenly learned, not that he was wrong, but that he had mistaken a straightand narrow path for the broad road which would lead to the goal he wasseeking? These are not pleasant questions. He had served his country well;one does not like to doubt whether it was with a selfish rather than a noblepurpose. But of any public man who changed front as he changed, thequestion always will be, What moved him? Not to ask it in regard toMadison is to drop out of sight the turning-point of his career; not toconsider it is to leave unheeded essential light upon one side of hischaracter. For his own fortunes the choice he made was judicious, if to "gainthe whole world" is always the wisest and best thing to do. He gained hisworld, and was wise and virtuous in his generation according to the vote of alarge majority. Whether that decision still holds good it is not so easy tosay; probably it does, however; for the popular estimate of men oftenremains unchanged long after the judgment upon the events which gave themcelebrity is completely reversed. But history, in the long run, weighs witheven scales; and the verdict on Madison's character usually comes with thatpitiful recommendation to mercy from a jury loath to condemn. Admirationfor his great services in the Constitutional Convention and after it, when itswork was presented to the people for their approval, has never beenwithheld; upon his official integrity and his high sense of honor in all hispersonal relations, except when obligation to party may have overshadowedit, there rests no cloud; and his intellectual power is never questioned. Onehaving these recognized qualities, and who for five and twenty years wasgenerally high in office, must needs be held in high estimation, especially ina new country where fame, like everything else, is cheap. Nevertheless,impartial historians, who venture to believe that nature admits ofimperfections in a native of Virginia, declare their conviction that Mr.Madison either wanted the strength and courage to resist the influence ofthose about him, or that the ambition of the politician was strong enough toovercome any consideration of principles that might stand in his way.



If any proof were wanting of how completely Madison had gone over to theopposition, he gave it in the memorable attack upon the secretary of the




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treasury in the spring of 1793, within four days of the close of the secondsession of the Second Congress. It was hoped by that proceeding tooverwhelm Hamilton with disgrace, and that the President would feelhimself obliged to expel him from the cabinet. When the resolutions withthis aim were offered, a member said that delicacy, decency, and every ruleof justice had been violated; "a more unhandsome proceeding he had neverseen in Congress;" he might have remained a member to this day, and, savefor the attempts in our time to expel John Quincy Adams and Joshua R.Giddings, not have changed his opinion.

In the course of the preceding year Hamilton, under various signatures, hadmet his opponents in the newspapers. But it was a veil, not a visor, behindwhich he fought; for everybody knew from whom came the vigorous blowsthat he dealt about him right and left. It was a boast always of Jefferson thathe never condescended to newspaper controversy; but it was pretty wellunderstood that he himself did not enter upon that rather unsatisfactorymode of warfare because he preferred the safer method of fighting by proxy.Hamilton never was in doubt as to who was his real antagonist, and he aimedhis blows over the heads of his petty assailants to where he knew they wouldhit home. They left bad bruises upon his colleague in the cabinet. Amongother papers of the time, though not a newspaper article, was an officialletter to the President, in which Hamilton defended his principles and hismeasures. Early in 1792 the President, longing to escape the toils of publiclife and to spend the rest of his days in tranquillity, had consulted Madisonand his two secretaries, Jefferson and Hamilton, upon the propriety of hisdeclining a reëlection. He soon changed his mind, influenced, perhaps, asmuch by the dissensions, so evident in the expostulations of his friends, asby the expostulations themselves. He deprecated this open feud between hissecretaries as a public misfortune, and sought, if he could not reconcilethem, to silence it. That the Federalists were monarchists, as Jefferson andMadison never ceased asserting, he knew was not true, without the emphaticand indignant declarations of Hamilton, Adams, and other leading men ofthat party, when they condescended to notice a charge which they deemed soabsurd that it was difficult to believe that anybody could make it in earnest.But, while he knew there was no real danger from that quarter, he could notfail to see that the reverence and love in which he was held constituted abond of unity, so long as he remained chief magistrate; and he may have feltthat, should he retire, there was no other common tie strong enough at thatmoment to hold together a Union, the possible dissolution of which was,both at the North and at the South, considered with calmness, sometimeswith complacency, and, when party passion was at a red heat, even as a thingto be prayed for. At any rate, the President consented to take the advice ofthe counselors whom he had consulted; but in asking that advice heunwittingly aggravated the quarrel among them which caused him so muchuneasiness.



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Jefferson, in the arguments he set forth both in conversation and by letter toinfluence Washington's decision, dwelt upon the unhappy condition of publicaffairs. It was a storm which he himself meant to get out of by retiring toMonticello, though he thought it was Washington's duty to remain at thehelm and keep an eye to windward. This unhappy condition of affairs, hesaid, had all come from the course pursued by the secretary of the treasury,and was the natural consequence of the acts of Congress in relation to thepublic debt, the Bank, excise, currency, and other important measures passedin accordance with the secretary's policy. Whether this policy was meant todestroy the Union, subvert the republic, and establish a monarchy upon itsruins, at any rate such must be the inevitable result of those mischievousmeasures. He urged this view of the subject with such pertinacity thatWashington, either because he was impressed by so much earnestness, orbecause he was curious to know how the assertions could best be answered,sent them to Hamilton, with other objections of a similar character fromother persons, and asked for a reply. No names were given, but it is not likelythat Hamilton was at any loss in guessing where such strictures upon hisadministration of affairs came from. "I have not fortitude enough," he said inhis answer, "always to hear with calmness calumnies which necessarilyinclude me as a principal object in the measures censured, of the falsehoodof which I have the most unqualified consciousness.... I acknowledge that Icannot be entirely patient under charges which impeach the integrity of mypublic motives or conduct. I feel that I merit them in no degree, andexpressions of indignation sometimes escape me in spite of every effort tosuppress them." There were only two men in the country whom he could havehad in mind when he wrote such words as these. In all Washington's careerthere is nowhere a stronger proof of his strong will, self-reliance, andpassionless impartiality than that he could stand between two such furnacesas Hamilton on one side and Jefferson and Madison on the other, bothglowing at the intensest white heat, while he remained usually as calm and asunmoved as if breathing the softest, balmiest, and gentlest airs of a day inJune. But all this personal controversy in the public prints, and in the officialintercourse of the cabinet, left on both sides an intense exasperation, whichcould not fail to have a controlling influence in the conduct of politicalparties. Whether Jefferson was conscious or not—and whatever his feelingwas, Madison shared it with him—that in this paper warfare he was signallydefeated, the attempt to ruin Hamilton by an attack upon him in Congressfollowed, if it was not the consequence of, the mortification of defeat.

In February, 1793, Mr. Giles, a representative from Virginia, offered a seriesof resolutions calling upon the President for certain information relating tothe finances. They were a bold attack upon the secretary of the treasury, and,should it prove that they could not be satisfactorily answered, would convicthim of mismanagement of the financial affairs of the government, of adisregard of law, of usurpation of power, and even of embezzlement of thepublic funds. Any reasonable ground for believing such charges to be well-



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founded would be quite sufficient to bring the secretary to trial byimpeachment. There was probably little doubt at the moment as to whencethis blow came; for though the hand might seem the hand of Esau, the voicewas the voice of Jacob. Behind Giles was Madison; and behind Madison, ofcourse, was Jefferson. Mr. John C. Hamilton, in his "History of theRepublic," asserts that the resolutions were still—when he wrote, twenty-five years ago—in the archives of the State Department at Washington, inMadison's handwriting; and he further declares that Giles assured RufusKing that Madison was their author.

Hamilton's reply, so far as any intentional wrong-doing was imputed to him,was conclusive. There had been technical violations of acts of Congress inone instance, but it was only to carry out the acts themselves. Congress had,three years before, passed two acts authorizing the negotiation of two loans,one for twelve million dollars for the discharge of the foreign debt, andanother for two million dollars to be used at home. It had been convenient,and had conduced to the success of the negotiation, to offer in Holland tocontract a loan for fourteen million dollars, without the unnecessary, and toforeigners probably the confusing, statement that the authority for borrowingthat amount was derived from two separate acts of Congress. It was only inthis borrowing of the money that there was any seeming disregard of theletter of the law. The loans and their purposes were kept entirely distinct inthe accounts of the department. Other questions touching the management ofthese loans were so clearly and frankly explained that nothing but thecaptiousness of party could refuse to be satisfied. On one point—the chargeof an alleged deficit—the opposition was absolutely silenced. The secretaryindignantly explained that the sum—as anybody could have known for theasking from any officer in the Treasury Department—which was made toappear as missing was in credits for customs bonds not yet due, and bills ofexchange on Europe sold but not yet paid for.

Though there was enough of decency, or of prudence which took the place ofdecency, to drop the insinuation that the secretary had stolen what had neverbeen in his possession, it was not so with the rest of the accusations. Onlyfour days before Congress was to adjourn, Giles offered another set ofresolutions. These assumed that the defiance of law and unwarrantedassumption of power, which, at first, were only suggested by the inquiries,were now proved to be true by the explanations that had been given. Theindictment, therefore, was made to include the verdict and the sentence; thecriminal was accused, was to be found guilty, and condemned to capitalpunishment in one proceeding, without the privilege of trial, or a recognitionof the right to be heard. The argument of the resolutions was, that certainacts were a violation of law; that the secretary had committed all those acts;and therefore it was the will of the House that the facts be reported to thePresident. The presumption obviously was, that the President wouldimmediately dismiss from office a disgraced and faithless public servant.



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But the prosecution was an utter failure. The largest vote received for any ofthe resolutions was only fifteen; that on the others was from seven to twelve,in a quorum of from fifty to sixty members. In the course of the debate Mr.Madison had said that "his colleague [Giles] had rendered a service highlyvaluable to the legislature, and no less important and acceptable to thepublic." The House showed by its votes how very far it was from agreeingwith him. But Fisher Ames wrote about that time: "Madison is become adesperate party leader, and I am not sure of his stopping at any ordinarypoint of extremity." If it be really true that he instigated this attack uponHamilton, and was the author of the resolutions, using Giles as his tool to getthem before the House, Ames's reflection was not uncharitable.

It would not be just, however, to leave the impression that the hostilityshown in this affair was purely personal. Both Jefferson and Madison had ahearty hatred for Hamilton which would have been greatly gratified couldthey have made it the plain duty of the President to put him out of theTreasury Department a dishonored and ruined man. But this particularoutbreak of their enmity was intensified by their sincere and earnestenthusiasm for France. They were quite willing to bring Hamilton to grief atany time because he was Hamilton; they were more than ordinarilyexasperated against him just now because in recent newspaper and othercontroversies he had altogether got the better of them; but in this particularinstance they wanted to punish him because of delay of payments indischarge of the indebtedness of the United States to France. This was theessential delinquency at which the Giles resolutions were pointed. Thedifficulty was, not that the secretary of the treasury was not careful enoughof the public money, but that he was too careful. He insisted upon beingquite certain, when paying off a public debt, that he was paying it to the rightpersons, and that no risk should be incurred of its being demanded a secondtime. He felt there was no such certainty about payments to France. The kingwas dethroned; but it was not wise, the secretary thought, to be hasty inrecognizing revolutionary governments. It was a republic to-day; it might be aregency to-morrow; a monarchy again the third day. It was more prudent toawait a reasonable period for the evidence of permanency on one side or theother. Those old enough to remember the late war of the rebellion know howimportant the maintenance of this doctrine was in regard to the recognitionof the rebel confederacy by England and France.

But to all this Jefferson did not in the least agree; neither did Madison. Theywere in full, even passionate, sympathy with the men who brought Louis XVI.to the guillotine. Money, they knew, was needed, and it was a crime againstliberty to delay payment when payment was due to the French government.With Hamilton the question was, not whether the revolutionists ought to be,but whether they were, France. With Jefferson and Madison they wereFrance, because they ought to be. Hesitation to acknowledge that theRevolution was the nation, they thought, could only come from an "Anglican




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party," the "enemies of France and of Liberty," who would lead theAmerican people "into the arms and ultimately into the government of GreatBritain,"—to use the terms in which Madison spoke, a little later, of theFederalists. Which of these men, in this regard at least, were the thoughtfuland prudent statesmen, and which were doctrinaires, nobody now, probably,questions. The larger proportion of the people, however, were then carriedaway by the enthusiasm for the French revolutionists. It was so, no doubt, atfirst without much distinction of party; but it was inevitable, when thegovernment should be called upon to take some decisive stand in relation toEuropean politics, that the country should divide into two hostile camps; or,rather, that the two camps already existing should become more hostile toeach other than ever. It is not necessary to assume that the mass of thepeople gave themselves up to any very hard thinking about the matter. Forthe most part they followed, as the way is with parties, the political leadersto whom they were already accustomed, never doubting that not to do sowould be treacherous to the gratitude America owed to France, and to thecause of liberty and democracy, which, in the hands of the Frenchmen, washurling monarchs from their thrones—at least one monarch from his, andmore, it was hoped, would follow. But when the revolution ran into theterrible excesses of a later stage, if any Federalists had wavered in theirallegiance to their chiefs they soon returned, persuaded that the wild andbloody anarchy of Paris was not the road that led to the establishment of awise and safe popular government.

There was no need now of pretexts for quarreling; real causes came fastenough. France declared war against England, and the United States had itspart to play in this strife of giants. Its real interest was to keep out oftrouble; and, if all were agreed on that point, it does not seem that thereshould have been much difficulty in saying so. "It behooves the governmentof this country," wrote Washington to Hamilton, "to use every means in itspower to prevent the citizens thereof from embroiling us with either of thosepowers, by endeavoring to maintain a strict neutrality." It is difficult toconceive of a man being sincerely desirous of helping neither one side northe other; of injuring neither one side nor the other; of maintaining, so far ashelp or harm could go, an attitude of absolute impartiality towards both,—itis difficult to conceive of such a man quarreling with the word "neutrality"as applied to his position. But Jefferson, nevertheless, quarreled with it; notfrankly and directly as a thing he did not want, but captiously andhypercritically objecting to the word to cover his dislike to the thing itself."A declaration of neutrality," he said, "was a declaration that there shouldbe no war, to which the Executive was not competent."

It was true that the Executive was not competent to declare that there shouldbe no war; it was not true that the use of the word "neutrality" could haveany such application to the future as to prevent Congress, when it shouldassemble, from declaring war should it see fit to do so. But meanwhile,



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Congress not being in session, and no exigency having arisen that made itdesirable in the President's judgment to call an extra session, he, with theassent of the cabinet,—for Jefferson did not venture upon direct opposition,—issued a proclamation "to exhort and warn the citizens of the UnitedStates carefully to avoid all acts and proceedings whatsoever" that mightinterfere with "the duty and interest of the United States" to "adopt andpursue a conduct friendly and impartial towards the belligerent powers." Theobjectionable word was left out in deference to Mr. Jefferson, who, reallypreferring that there should be no proclamation at all, hoped to take the stingout of it by the omission of a phrase. It was the thing said, not the way ofsaying it, that the President insisted upon, as it was his duty to preserve thepeace till the legislature should declare for war, and his inclination topreserve it altogether.

It can hardly be doubted that Jefferson and his friends saw as plainly as theother party saw how perilous to the interests of the United States a foreignwar would probably be. But, while professing a desire to avoid it, they werefar more anxious, apparently, to give aid, moral as well as material, toFrance, with whose revolutionary struggles they sympathized so deeply, thanthey were to avoid offense to England, whom they hated and would gladlysee crippled. Not to be an enemy of England they held was to be an enemy ofFrance; and not of France merely, but of the "rights of man." They could notor would not comprehend any wisdom in moderation, any prudence in delay.It is curious to see how party animosity blinded even the best of them. Theobjection to the word "neutrality" was a mere quibble; for the proclamationcalled upon all good citizens to maintain at their peril that state which, in alldictionaries, neutrality is defined to be. Mr. Jefferson, in instructing assecretary of state the American ministers abroad as to the attitude assumedby the government, could find no better term than "a fair neutrality." Thefact was, the Republican leaders wished to avoid taking any positive stand,partly because delay might be a help to France, and partly in obedience tothe law of party politics, in opposition to the other side. They were not atfirst quite sure of their ground, and wanted to gain time. Mr. Madison seemsto have waited about six weeks before he could venture upon a positiveopinion as to the proclamation. The newspapers helped him to a knowledgeof party opinion, and party opinion helped him to make up his own. "Every'Gazette' I see,"—he wrote in June, about eight weeks after the proclamationwas published,—"every 'Gazette' I see (except that of the United States[Federalist]) exhibits a spirit of criticism on the Anglified complexioncharged on the Executive politics.... The proclamation was, in truth, a mostunfortunate error." A week before, he had been seemingly cautious even inwriting to Jefferson. Then he had observed that newspaper criticismsaroused attention, and he had heard expressions of surprise "that thePresident should have declared the United States to be neutral in theunqualified terms used, when we were so notoriously and unequivocallyunder eventual engagements to defend the American possessions of France. I



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have heard it remarked, also, that the impartiality enjoined on the peoplewas as little reconcilable with their moral obligations as the unconditionalneutrality proclaimed by the government is with the express articles of thetreaty." He adds: "I have been mortified that on these points I could offer nobona fide explanations that might be satisfactory." He was not in doubt long,however. Mr. Jefferson sent him within two or three weeks a series of papersby Hamilton, under the signature of "Pacificus," in defense of theproclamation, and urged him to reply. This Madison undertook to do at once,and in five papers, under the signature of "Helvidius," he took up all thepoints in dispute.

The question relating to treaty obligations was the more serious. By thetreaty of 1778 the United States had guaranteed "to his Most ChristianMajesty the present possessions of the Crown of France in America." Anattempt on the part of Great Britain to take any of the French West IndiaIslands would involve the United States in the war. How, then, Mr.Madison's friends might well ask, as in the letter just quoted he said theydid, could "the President declare the United States to be neutral in theunqualified terms used, when we were so notoriously and unequivocallyunder eventual engagements to defend the American possessions of France"?Hamilton's ground was that the treaty, by its terms, was "a defensivealliance," and therefore not binding in this case, inasmuch as the present waragainst England was offensive; and that, besides, the treaty was insuspension, as France herself was, in a sense, in suspension, having only aprovisional government, the permanent and legitimate successor to whichwas uncertain. But an important point was gained, it was thought, in thedecision to receive Genet as the French minister. Hamilton, still acting inaccordance with that cautious policy which he thought to be, in such a crisis,the most judicious, questioned whether a minister from the provisionalgovernment in Paris should be recognized without reservations. Such anambassador might be followed presently by another accredited by a newpower in the revolutionary progress. This would, at the least, be an awkwarddilemma not to be recovered from without the loss of some dignity by thegovernment of the United States. But this point also was yielded in deferenceto Jefferson, and much to his mortification the concession turned out to bebefore he was many weeks older.

"I anxiously wish," Madison wrote to Jefferson, "that the reception of Genetmay testify what I believe to be the real affections of the people." He wasamply gratified. From Charleston, where he landed, to Philadelphia, Genetwas received with the warmest enthusiasm by all who sympathized withFrance, and by that larger number among Americans who are always ready tohurrah for anything or anybody that has caught the popular fancy. Madisonwatched his progress with great interest, and apparently with somemisgivings. Writing again a few days later to Jefferson, he says that "thefiscal party in Alexandria was an overmatch for those who wished to testify



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the American sentiment." Indeed, he thinks it certain, he says in the sameletter, "that Genet will be misled if he takes either the fashionable cant ofthe cities or the cold caution of the government for the sense of thepublic,"—falling himself, before he reaches the end of the sentence, into thecant of assuming neutrality in the government to be only a "mask" behindwhich to hide its "secret Anglomany." But he was quite mistaken insupposing that Genet was likely to be misled, or led at all, by anybody. Hewas almost capable, as General Knox said, of declaring the United States adepartment of France, and of levying troops here to reduce the Americans toobedience. The man's conduct, if it had not been so outrageous, would havebeen ludicrous in its assumption of power, its disregard of the laws of thecountry, and its defiance of the government. Within three months of hisarrival Jefferson himself was constrained to acknowledge that he haddeveloped "a character and conduct so unexpected and so extraordinary as toplace us in the most distressing dilemma, between our regard for his nation,which is constant and sincere, and a regard for our laws, the authority ofwhich must be maintained; for the peace of our country, which the executivemagistrate is charged to preserve; for its honor, offended in the person ofthat magistrate; and for its character, grossly traduced in the conversationsand letters of this gentleman." Though this was in an official letter, it gave,no doubt, Jefferson's real opinion; for no man had more reason than he forresenting the conduct of the irrepressible Frenchman. Jefferson has beenaccused of too much familiarity with the French minister in private, and oftardiness in the discharge of his own duty as secretary where it was likely toclash with the other's schemes. Genet himself complained that he wasthrown over by Jefferson after receiving from him every encouragement. Thisis, of course, true, but not in the least discreditable to Jefferson. When Genetarrived in Philadelphia, he was, although he had already committed someillegal acts in Charleston, profuse in his promises of good behavior. Thesecretary of state had welcomed him as the representative of France and theRevolution, and naturally he meant to make the most he could out of him, forthe sake of the Republican party, as well as for the sake of the sacred causeof "liberty, equality, and fraternity." But he soon saw that he was dealingwith one who was a cross between a mountebank and a madman, as we learnfrom a letter of Madison to Jefferson, written within two months ofJefferson's first interview with Genet. "Your account of Genet," says theletter, "is dreadful. He must be brought right if possible. His folly willotherwise do mischief which no wisdom can repair."

The mischief dreaded was that the administration party would takeadvantage of the insolent and outrageous conduct of the French minister toshow the folly of precipitancy, and to gain popularity and strength for itself.Madison soon writes to Jefferson to acquaint him with the reaction takingplace in Virginia, "in the surprise and disgust of those who are attached tothe French cause, and who viewed this minister as the instrument forcementing, instead of alienating, the two republics." He asserts that "the



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Anglican party is busy, as you may suppose, in making the worst ofeverything, and in turning the public feelings against France and thence infavor of England." In a sense this must have been true. The "fiscals," the"Anglomanys," the "Anglican party," the "monarchists,"—which were Mr.Madison's pet names for his old friends,—were good enough politicians totake great satisfaction in keeping well stirred and in lively use the muddywaters into which their opponents had floundered. They were not, probably,careful always to remember that France was neither the better nor worse,neither the wiser nor the less wise, because one of the mad fanatics, bred ofthe Revolution, had found his way, unfortunately, to the United States as aminister plenipotentiary. But, on the other hand, it was not true that therewas any "Anglican party," in the sense in which Madison used the term,—aparty led by men who were "the enemies of France and of liberty, at work tolead the well-meaning from their honorable connection with those [theFrench people] into the arms and ultimately into the government of GreatBritain." Washington said that he did not believe there were ten men in theUnited States, whose opinions deserved any respect, who would change theform of government to a monarchy. But if there were only ten men in thecountry whose opinions, in the estimate of Jefferson and Madison, were notworth much, Washington was among them. The affection and reverence, withwhich he was regarded by the people, they would have been glad to appeal toon behalf of their own party; but it is easy to read between the lines inJefferson's "Ana," and in his and Madison's correspondence, that theylooked upon the President as the dupe of his secretary of the treasury. Notthat they were ever wanting in terms of respect and even of veneration for thePresident, but the tone was often one of pitiful regret almost akin tocontempt.

"I am extremely afraid," Madison wrote to Jefferson, "that the Presidentmay not be sufficiently aware of the snares that may be laid for his goodintentions by men whose politics at bottom are very different from his own."Again he says, a few days later: "I regret extremely the position into whichthe President has been thrown. The unpopular cause of Anglomany is openlylaying claim to him. His enemies, masking themselves under the popularcause of France, are playing off the most tremendous batteries on him.... It ismortifying to the real friends of the President that his fame and his influenceshould have anything to apprehend from the success of liberty in anothercountry, since he owes his preëminence to the success of it in his own. IfFrance triumphs, the ill-fated proclamation will be a millstone, which wouldsink any other character and will force a struggle even on his." Yet it iscertain that Washington was not in the least doubt as to his own politicalprinciples; that he was never in danger of being inveigled into the betrayal ofthose principles, whatever they might be; and that he was quite capable ofdue care for his own reputation.

If Madison did not know that these tears over Washington, if sincere, were




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quite uncalled for, Jefferson was not in the least deceived. He records in his"Ana" that the President, referring to certain articles that had recentlyappeared in Freneau's "Gazette," said that "he considered those papers asattacking him [Washington] directly; for he must be a fool indeed to swallowthe little sugar-plums here and there thrown out to him; that in condemningthe administration of the government they condemned him, for if theythought there were measures pursued contrary to his sentiments, they mustconceive him too careless to attend to them, or too stupid to understandthem." Again, some months later, the President, alluding to another article inFreneau's paper,—that "rascal Freneau," as he called him,—said "that hedespised all their attacks on him personally, but there never had been an actof the government—not meaning in the executive line only, but in any line—which that paper had not abused. He was evidently sore and warm,"continues the candid secretary, "and I took his intention to be, that I shouldinterpose in some way with Freneau, perhaps withdraw his appointment oftranslating clerk in my office. But I will not do it."

These frank and indignant avowals of feeling and opinion were not, if we maybelieve Jefferson, unusual with Washington, even in cabinet meetings; and itseems hardly likely that Madison, who was on the most friendly and intimateterms with the President, could have been so ignorant of how he felt andthought as to suppose him the mere dupe of designing men. The truth is,probably, that Madison did not, any more than Jefferson, believe this. It wasonly a bit of party tactics to assume, lest the President should have too muchinfluence over the minds of the people, that, in the hands of the wicked"Anglicists," he was as clay in the hands of the potter. The two friends,whether in writing or by speech they lamented and excused the unhappyposition, as they were pleased to call it, of the President, must haveappeared to each other like the Roman augurs in Gérôme's picture.



Genet was at last got rid of, but the evil that he did lived after him. Hispresence had provoked an outbreak, to some degree, of the phenomena of theFrench Revolution, which, however significant they might be in the upheavalof an old monarchical despotism, were an unwholesome growth among asimple people, where one man was as good as another before the law; where,from the first settlement of the country, all had largely possessed theadvantages of a popular government; and where any other than a republicangovernment for the future was wellnigh impossible. For men to address eachother as "citizen," as if the word had the new significance in America that it



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had just gained in France; to swear eternal fidelity to liberty, equality, andfraternity, as if these were lately discovered rights which had been deniedthe common people for centuries by kings and nobles, who had always livedin the next street in inconceivable luxury wrung from the blood and sweat ofthe poor; to form Jacobin clubs pledged to the suppression of the tyranny ofaristocrats in a country where, as Samuel Dexter said of New England, therewas hardly a man rich enough to own a carriage, and few so poor as not toown a horse; for men thus to ape those revolutionary ways, which meant somuch in Paris, may have seemed at the moment, to sober-minded people,more fantastic than harmful. It was harmful, however, insomuch as itsubstituted sentiment for common sense, and made enthusiasm, not reason,the guide of conduct. A character was given to political conflict whichobtained for years to come. There was, it is true, a certain manliness about itin remarkable contrast with that maudlin sentimentality of our time which israther inclined to ask pardon of the rebels of the late civil war for having putthem to the trouble of getting up a rebellion. It was a conflict, nevertheless,more of party passion than of principle, wherein it is impossible to see thateither party was absolutely right, or either absolutely wrong. TheFrancomania phase of it disappeared for a time in John Adams'sadministration; but it revived again, and gave intensity and virulence to thepolitical struggles, in the first decade of this century. Then it was that menwent about their daily affairs with co*ckades on their hats as distinctive partybadges. In their social as well as in their business relations they weregoverned by party affinities. Neighbors differing in politics would hardlyspeak to each other, and each was always ready to accept the other'spolitical crookedness as the measure of his possible depravity in everythingelse. They would hardly walk on the same side of the street; or sail in thesame packet; or ride in the same stage-coach; or buy their groceries at thesame shop; or listen to the preaching of the gospel from the same pulpit;indeed, if the preacher was known to have pronounced political opinions, hewas held, by those who did not agree with him, as one from whose shouldersthe clerical gown should be torn.

Gratitude to France had not yet even become traditional, and it wasintensified by the deepest sympathy for a people struggling for what, by theiraid, Americans had so recently gained. Added to this was the old hatred toEngland, which England as carefully nursed as if it were her settled policy,by exciting Indian hostilities on the borders, by outrages on the high seas,and by an interference with American commerce, exercised with as littleconsideration of the rights of an independent nation as if the States were stillcolonies in revolt. Never did a party find, ready made and close at hand, somany elements of popularity; and these being appealed to as Genet appealedto them, it was easy to set the country in a blaze. When the administrationwas determined that he should be recalled, and the Republican leaders wereanxious to get rid of him, as they could not restrain him, Jefferson opposed,in a meeting of the cabinet, the proposition to ask for his recall, lest such



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popular indignation should be aroused as would enable the French ministerto defy the government itself. The seed sowed by such a man, on such a soil,bore fruit a thousand fold for almost a generation. It is not to be wondered atthat the Federalists could not long hold their own against a party that did notask the people to think, but bade them only to remember—much, indeed, thatought to be remembered—and to feel. That is always so much easier to dothan the other, and it is always so much easier to appeal effectually tosentiment than to reflection, that the wonder rather is that the Federalistscould hold their own so long as they did. All things were against them butone. Washington, though altogether above any partisan bias, as he believedto be the imperative duty of the chief magistrate of the nation, conducted hisadministration by the principles which distinguished the Federalists. He wasneither, as he intimated to Jefferson, so careless as not to know what wasdone, nor such a fool as not to understand why it was done; and so greatlywas he revered for his exalted character, so universal was the confidence inhis integrity, sagacity, and sound judgment, that, so long as he remainedPresident, the party that surrounded him was immovable as a mountain. Hispolicy was to stave off a rupture with England, and, if possible, to bring thatpower into pacific and rational relations with the United States. Thegovernment aimed to keep itself clear of entanglement with all foreignpolitics; to maintain that perfect neutrality which should violate no treaties,offend no national friendships, provoke no jealousies, and leave England andFrance to fight their own battles, content that the United States should be animpartial spectator. Thirty years afterward, when the Federal party hadceased to exist under that title, this was announced as the true Americanpolicy, and was thenceforth known as "The Monroe Doctrine," though themerit, even of re-discovery, did not belong to President Monroe.

In nine cases out of ten, perhaps in ninety-nine out of a hundred, the wiseststatesmanship is the knowledge when and how to compromise. Certainly thatwas all John Jay, whom the President sent to England to make a treaty, coulddo. The treaty was a bad one; that is, it was not such an one as any Presidentand Senate would have dared to consent to for the last sixty years; it was notso good an one as that which Monroe and Pinkney negotiated ten years later,and which President Jefferson, lest it should help England and hurt France,then quietly locked up in his desk without permitting the Senate even to knowof its existence; nor was it so bad as the treaty of peace made with Englandin 1814. But it was undoubtedly the best that could be done at the time. Thequestion was between it and nothing; and the best its warmest defenderscould say was that it was better than nothing. No treaty meant war; and warat that moment with England meant ruin. At least so the Federalists thought,and, so far as human foresight could go, they were probably right.

But never was a treaty more unpopular than this, when its provisions came tobe understood. The government, in delaying to make it public, seemed to fearfor its reception, and by that hesitation helped to raise the very doubts it was




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afraid of. But when it was published the whole South was aroused as oneman on finding that the payment for fugitive slaves, who during the war ofthe Revolution had sought refuge with the British army, was not providedfor. Other concessions made to England were, in other parts of the country,deemed not less humiliating and injurious to the national honor than thisrefusal to pay for runaway negroes. Also, there was a one-sided stipulationrelating to commerce in the West Indies, so injurious to American intereststhat the President and Senate, rather than ratify it, determined to reject thewhole treaty and take the consequences. There was hardly a town of any notethat did not hold its indignation meeting. Jay was burned in effigy, or theattempt was made so to express the public disapprobation, in more than oneof the larger towns. Hamilton, when at a public meeting in New York he triedto explain and defend the treaty, was stoned and compelled to retire. If themore violent opponents of the administration were to be believed, itsmembers, from the President down, and all the leading men of the partysupporting it, were bought by "British gold," or were ready without beingbought, but from pure original depravity, to betray their own country andhelp to destroy France. The name of the ingenious inventor of the argumentof "British gold," then used for the first time, has unfortunately been lost;but it has stood the test of a hundred years' usage, and is as startling andconclusive to-day as it was a century ago.

There soon came, however, the sober second thought which took intoconsideration the circ*mstances under which the treaty was made, thepossible and even probable consequences of its rejection, as well as theobjections to the treaty itself. After the first excitement had passed away,many thought it worth while to read for themselves what hitherto they hadonly reviled at the suggestion of others, or from sympathy with the popularclamor. The commercial community, the New York Chamber of Commerceleading the way, came to the conclusion that their rights and interests werereasonably protected; that to be recognized as a neutral between two suchbelligerent powers as England and France was a great point gained; thatpartial indemnity was better than total loss; and that the chance of a fairlyprofitable trade in the future was preferable to the ruin of all foreigncommerce. It was universally agreed that peace was better than war; butthere was this difference between the two parties: while one maintained thatwar was not a necessary consequence of the rejection of the treaty, the otherdeclared it must be inevitable, where there were so many points of collisionwhich could only be escaped by mutual agreement. This was especially trueon the frontier, where Indian hostilities were sure to follow, and lead togeneral war, if the military posts, which should have been given up at theclose of the Revolution, should remain longer in the hands of the English.

But, after all, the real question with the Republicans was the influence whicha treaty with England might have upon the relations of France and the UnitedStates. They detested England for her own sake; they detested her still more



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for the sake of France. If there had been no question of France in the waythey would, perhaps, have been willing, like the Federalists, to consider therelations of England and the United States on their merits,—to rememberthat the commerce between them was greater than that which the UnitedStates had with any other country, the loss of which might be a disastrouscheck to her prosperity; that the peoples of the two countries were, after all,of one blood, and that theirs was a common heritage in the institutions, laws,language, and character that distinguished the race; that the quarrel betweenthem was—though it might be the more bitter on that account—a familyquarrel, and ought for that reason to be the more speedily settled. But, ifEngland would not remember these things,—as she never has to this day,—if, on the contrary, she chose to be overbearing, contemptuous, insolent,quite regardless of American rights,—as she always has been when shecould be so safely,—then it behooved the United States, inasmuch as shewas a young and as yet a feeble nation, to conciliate this powerful enemywhenever she could do so consistently with her self-respect, to avoid givingunnecessary offense or provoking fresh injuries, and, in the mean while, tonurture and husband her strength, to keep an accurate account of all thewrongs that in her weakness she should be compelled to submit to, and tobide her time. These were the principles of the Federalists. Their aim was,not the good of England, but the good of the United States. They were anAmerican party; to them foreign relations were of importance mainly for theinfluence these might have upon the prosperity, happiness, and power oftheir own country. They did not forget the gratitude due to France for the aidshe had given to the struggling colonies, though that aid was given not somuch for love of America as for hatred of England. The pacific and friendlyrelations already established with France they held in due estimation; andtheir sympathies went out to her people in full measure in their struggle for apopular government, so long as that struggle was kept within the bounds ofreason and humanity. But sympathy with and gratitude to France did notblind them to the wisdom and expediency of pacific and friendly relationswith England, provided such could be established without the sacrifice oftheir own prosperity, independence, and national pride. It was only to add tothat prosperity, to gain new security for that independence, and to build up anation of which they and their children, to the latest generation, might wellbe proud, that they ought to be on good terms with that powerful state withwhom they were co-heirs in all the ideas and institutions constituting thecivilization that made her great. They hoped to build up, west of the AtlanticOcean, "an Inglishe Nation" in its broadest sense, of which Walter Raleighhad hoped that he might live to see the beginning, and which the latesthistorical writers in England are just now recognizing as the most importantpart of the modern empire of the English race.

The House of Representatives was not in session when the Jay treaty wasratified by the President and Senate, but Mr. Madison's letters show that hecould see in it nothing but evil. In February, 1796, the ratification by both



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governments was announced to both houses of Congress, and measures wereat once taken by the Republicans in the lower house to render the treaty, ifpossible, null and void. A resolution, warmly supported by Mr. Madison, wasoffered, calling upon the President for copies of the instructions under whichMr. Jay acted, with the correspondence and any other papers, proper to bemade public, relating to the negotiation. The resolution was subjected to adebate of three weeks, but was finally passed. The request was refused bythe President, on the ground that the treaty-making power was, by theConstitution, confided to the President and Senate. It was on this pointmainly that the debate had turned; and the President, in support of hisopinion as well as that of the Federalists generally, referred to hisrecollection of the plain intention of the Constitutional Convention, and tothe fact that a proposition, "that no treaty should be binding on the UnitedStates which was not ratified by law," was "explicitly rejected." Mr.Madison said a day or two after, that, while he did not doubt "the case to beas stated, he had no recollection of it." Of the message itself, he said that itwas "as unexpected as its tone and tenor are improper and indelicate." ButHamilton, he thought, wrote it, and the President was, as usual, lamentedover for having been taken in. A resolution, however, was finally passed infavor of the treaty, though by a majority of three only. The debate upon itwas earnest and long, Mr. Madison leading the opposition. Hisdisappointment was bitter. "The progress of this business throughout," hewrote to Jefferson, "has been to me the most worrying and vexatious that Iever encountered; and the more so, as the causes lay in the unsteadiness, thefollies, the perverseness, and the defections among our friends, more than inthe strength, or dexterity, or malice of our opponents."

Though the Jay treaty was not—as was said on a previous page—such an oneas the United States would have acceded to in latter times, the result provedit to be a wise and timely measure. Notwithstanding the disturbed conditionof affairs in Europe, its influence upon the United States, and the increasingviolence of faction here, the increase for the next ten or twelve years of thecommerce, and the consequent growth and prosperity, of the country weregreater than the most sanguine supporters of the treaty had dared to hopefor. Their immediate expectations that it might be possible to establishbetter relations with England, without disturbing essentially those existingwith France, were, however, signally disappointed. Their opponents werewiser; for they not only measured accurately the indignation of the French bytheir own, but they took good care that it should not languish for want ofencouragement. The French Directory might have been reconciled to thesituation had it been plain to them that there was neither an "Anglicized"party nor a French party in the United States, but that the people were unitedin the determination to maintain, for their own protection, whatever theirpersonal sympathies might be, an absolute neutrality between the belligerentpowers. But as they were assured that their friends in America meant also tobe their effectual allies, so they believed that those who professed neutrality



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used it only as a mask for friendship to England.

James Monroe had been received in Paris as American minister, literally aswell as morally, with open arms, in that memorable scene when, in thepresence and amid the cheers of the National Convention, the president,Merlin de Douai, imprinted upon his cheeks, in the name of France, the kissof fraternity. Till he was recalled in the latter days of Washington'sadministration, Monroe was the representative not so much of thegovernment to which he owed allegiance as of the faction to which hebelonged at home. He was not, it is true, unmindful of the hundreds ofoutrages perpetrated by French naval vessels and privateers upon Americanmerchantmen; that their crews were thrown into French prisons, and that thedetention of their cargoes had brought ruin upon many American citizens; nordid he neglect to demand redress. But he seemed absolutely incapable ofunderstanding that if there were anything to choose between the insults andwrongs which America was compelled to submit to from England and France,it was only in the greater ability of England to inflict them. English shipsswept the ocean, and pretexts were never wanting for overhauling Americanvessels, stripping them of some of their men, or confiscating both ships andcargoes. France had as many pretexts, and quite as good a will to enforcethem; but she had fewer ships, and for that reason, and that only, did ratherless damage.

But however earnest Monroe was in insisting upon the rights of neutrals, inurging upon the French ministry the strict observance of treaty obligations,and in complaining of the constant injuries done in their despite, there wasanother thing about which he was far more earnest. He was as anxious to aidthe French to baffle, if possible, Jay's negotiations in London as if he wereuncovering a plot against his own government. When the ratification of thetreaty was made known in Paris, the indignation of the Directory was hardlykept within bounds. The minister of foreign affairs notified Monroe that theDirectory considered the stipulations of the treaty of 1778 as altered andsuspended in their most essential parts by this treaty with England. Underany circ*mstances the French would, no doubt, have resented theestablishment of friendly relations between the United States and the oldenemy of France, with whom she at that moment was engaged in a wararousing more than the bitter inherited enmity of the two peoples. But thecourse Monroe had seen fit to pursue had done much to assure the Frenchthat the strong party in the United States, which he represented, would neverpermit the virgin republic to be delivered, as it was assumed the treaty diddeliver her, bound and gagged, into the hands of the power which Jeffersonloved to call "the harlot England." The first enthusiasm of the Revolutionwas fast growing into cant in both countries, and the language of devotion toliberty, equality, and fraternity was beginning to lose all meaning. But it waseasy to be deceived by the assurances, more significant in actions than inwords, of an official representative, that the American people, save an




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Anglicized and decreasing minority, were the friends, and meant to be theallies, of France. Of course the French were all the more exasperatedbecause they had permitted themselves to be deluded. Monroe was firstrebuked by his own government for neglecting to do all that might have beendone to reconcile the Directory to a treaty between the United States andGreat Britain; and soon after, his conduct continuing unsatisfactory, he wasrecalled.

It is, of course, possible that the French Directory were not misled; thatnothing would have reconciled them to the British treaty; and that theirsubsequent course would have been the same had they believed the Americanpeople were desirous to be on good terms with England solely for their owntranquillity and interest, and not at all because any large portion of themwere at enmity with France. This, however, would not be a valid excuse forMonroe's course as a representative of his government. The only defense forhim is, that he was deceived by his friends at home; they must share,therefore, the responsibility for his conduct, inasmuch as they encouraged aman not over strong in mind or character, and more likely to be governed byimpulse than by good judgment, to abuse the confidence placed in him by theadministration.

From any share in this responsibility, however, Madison must be relieved.He was in very constant correspondence with Monroe, and kept him carefullyadvised as to the progress of the treaty. No man desired its defeat moreearnestly than he, and he believed that a majority of the people wereopposed to it. But he evidently doubted its rejection from the first, and hisdiscussion of possibilities in his letters to Monroe was always frank anddiscriminating. In the end he accounted for the vote in its favor in the Houseof Representatives by the activity and influence of its friends, which itsopponents wanted the ability or the time to overcome. It is probable that hiscolleagues of his own party in the House did not agree with him that publicopinion was against the treaty, as it was by votes from their side that itsacceptance was carried.


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D P Madison

With the ensuing session of Congress, at the close of Washington'sadministration, Madison's congressional service ended. The leadership ofthe opposition, whatever may be thought of its influence upon the welfare ofthe country, or of the personal motives by which he may have been governed,had devolved upon him, almost from the beginning, by natural selection ofthe fittest for that position. It was not an easy place to take, either by one'sown choice or by the suffrages of others; for at the head of theadministration to be opposed stood the man most revered by a gratefulcountry, surrounded by men among those, at least, who were best known fortheir past services and most esteemed for their ability and character. It wasthe more difficult for one whose personal relation to the President was thatof the warmest friendship; to whom the President was accustomed to turn forcounsel and even for guidance; and who, being among those eminent men towhom the people owed their new Constitution, was counted upon tostrengthen the union of the States and build up a strong and stablegovernment. He played his difficult part, nevertheless, with dignity; if notbrilliant, he was always ready with the best reasons that could be given forthe measures he supported; and his zeal was invariably tempered with a wise


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moderation and a courtesy toward opponents which made him alwaysrespected, and sometimes feared for reserved force, in debate.

Somewhat more than a year before his retirement from Congress Mr.Madison had married, and it is quite possible that this may in part havemoved him to seek rest in the tranquillity of a country life. Tradition saysthat Mrs. Madison was a beautiful woman. She has in our time been amarked figure in the society of Washington, and many remember her for herfine presence, her powers of conversation, and that beauty which sometimesbelongs to the aged, though it may not have been preceded by youthfulcomeliness. Her maiden name was Dolly Payne, and her parents weremembers of the Society of Friends. When Madison married her she was Mrs.Todd, the widow of John Todd, a lawyer of Philadelphia. Her age at thistime was twenty-six years, Mr. Madison being forty-three, and she survivedhim thirteen years, dying in 1849. On her tombstone she is called "Dolley;"but Mr. Rives, in his life of her husband, ever mindful of the proprieties,calls her "Dorothea," or rather, Mrs. Dorothea Payne Madison; for, like theVicar of Wakefield, he loved to give the whole name.



Mr. Madison, in retiring for a time from public office, did not lose hisinterest in public affairs. Of few Americans can it be said with more truththat he had a genius for politics, and the subject, wherever he might be, wasnever out of his mind. There is not much else in the volumes of his publishedletters, while there is just enough else to show that in these he said all hehad to say about anything. His more ambitious writings, the papers in "TheFederalist," the essay on The British Doctrine of Neutral Trade, hiscontroversial articles in the newspapers under various pseudonyms, are allpolitical, all able, and all of great value as a part of the history of the times.Those which are controversial, however, must be taken, like his letters, asaids to knowledge rather than as definite conclusions to be accepted withoutquestion. It does not detract from the value of these letters, however, thatthey are written from the point of view of a party leader. Affairs of onlytemporary importance sometimes loom up before him merely because oftheir influence upon some immediate party movement; and others, of far-reaching consequences, which have no such bearing, escape his noticealtogether; but the reader soon learns that he may, at any rate, confide in thesincerity of the writer, and accept as freely the reasons given for his courseas they are frankly stated.




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Of the literary value of his writings, aside from their historical interest,there is not much to be said, though Mr. Madison always wrote, even in hisletters, as if writing for posterity. He was not felicitous in the use oflanguage; the style is turgid, heavy with resounding words of many syllables,unillumined by any ray of imagination, any flash of wit or of humor; and thesentences are often involved and badly put together. But there is agenuineness, an evident sincerity of purpose, in all he wrote, andoccasionally an expression of deep feeling, which are always impressive. Wesearch for glimpses of his private life and character in such letters, for theyare not easily apparent. In one sense he had no private life, or, at least, nonethat was not so subordinate to his public career that there was little in iteither significant or attractive. There is, in this respect, a marked contrastbetween his correspondence and that of Jefferson. There was, possibly, alittle affectation in Jefferson's frequent assertions of his intense desire forthe quiet of the country and the tranquillity of home, and of his distaste forthe turmoils and anxieties of public office. But he was certainly fond ofcountry life, with the leisure to potter about among his sheep and his trees;to watch the growth of his wheat and his clover; to contrive new coulters forhis plows; to talk of philosophy, of the Social Contract, of mechanics, andof natural history: if he was averse to public life, it was not because politicalpower and distinction were a burden to him, except as they brought withthem strife and unpopularity, which truly his soul loathed for himself, thoughhe rather liked to set other people by the ears. His private life wasunquestionably as full of interest to himself as it is entertaining to look uponin the unconscious revelation of his own letters.

But with Madison it was apparently quite otherwise. He unbent withdifficulty. Always solemn and dignified, it was rather painful than pleasantto him to stoop to the petty matters of every-day existence. He had no smallaffectations, and was not forever asserting that he was without ambition; asif that, without which nobody is of much use in the world either to himself orto others, were a weakness akin to depravity. With brief intervals, coveringonly a few months altogether, he was where he best liked to be, from hisentrance upon public life in 1775 till he stepped down in 1817 from thatpolitical elevation beyond which there are no ascending steps. During theseforty-two years he found a certain enjoyment in a country home for a littlewhile at a time, but it was chiefly the enjoyment of needed rest from officiallabor. The price of tobacco and the promise of the wheat crop interested himthen, but only as they interested him always as a source of his own income,and as the index to the general prosperity. At the end of a letter uponpolitical matters, he announces with satisfaction that his merino ewe hasdropped a lamb, and both mother and offspring are as well as could beexpected; but it was probably Mr. Jefferson's gratification rather than hisown that he had in mind, for it was Mr. Jefferson who had imported thesheep. Again, in a similar letter, he takes a little remaining space to expressa hope that Mr. Jefferson may permit the use of the rams of that flock to



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improve the breed of the native stock; not, apparently, that he cared so muchabout wool as that he wished to show a courteous and friendly interest in oneof Mr. Jefferson's many projects for the improvement of things generally.

It was probably during the year of comparative leisure after he left Congressthat Mr. Madison built his house at Montpellier, though some question hasbeen raised on this point. He certainly was building a house at that time, andit is not likely that he ever employed himself in that way more than once.Scattered among discussions of Alien and Sedition Laws, the war in Europe,free goods in neutral ships, and other public topics, are brief allusions tolathing nails which he depended upon Mr. Jefferson to supply; thatgentleman having recently set up a machine for their manufacture, which,however, like a good many other of his contrivances, seems to have had ahitch in it. So also he asks the Vice-President to see to it that, when thewindow-glass and the pulleys are forwarded, the "chord" for the latter shallnot be forgotten; and orders for other articles, only to be found inPhiladelphia, are sent to his obliging friend. Mr. Jefferson, it is easy tobelieve, found them rather the most interesting part of the political letters towhich they were appended; and he was quite willing, no doubt, to relieve thetedium of presiding over the Senate by searching through the Market Streetshops for the latest improvements in builders' hardware. To Mr. Monroe,Madison wrote that, as he is sending off a wagon to fetch nails for hiscarpenters, "it will receive the few articles which you have been so good asto offer from the superfluities of your stock, and which circ*mstances willpermit me now to lay in." Evidently he was getting ready to go tohousekeeping with his young wife. Monroe's stock of household goods hadbeen replenished, perhaps by importations from France on his recent return,and he was disposing of his old supplies, by gift or sale, among hisneighbors. Madison, at any rate, sends this modest list of what he would liketo have: "To wit, two table-cloths for a dining-room of about eighteen feet;two, three, or four, as may be convenient, for a more limited scale; fourdozen napkins, which will not in the least be objectionable for having beenused; and two mattresses." It was not an extravagant outfit, even though ithad not been meant for one of those lordly Virginia homes of which somemodern historians give us such charming pictures. "We are so littleacquainted,"—Mr. Madison continues in that stately way which nothing eversurprised him into forgetting,—"we are so little acquainted with the culinaryutensils in detail that it is difficult to refer to such by name or description aswould be within our wants."

But pots and kettles,—though that may not be the name they were known byin Virginia,—table-cloths and mattresses, however moderate in number, aresure indications that the house, which was to be his residence when heshould be content to retire from public service, was finished early in 1798.He had rested long enough, and was busy that year in attendance upon thestate Assembly at Richmond, to which he consented the next year to be



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returned as a member. Perhaps it was because he could not keep longer outof the fray. Perhaps he felt called to a special duty. Affairs, foreign anddomestic, were in a critical condition. France, in her resentment at the Jaytreaty, had committed so many fresh outrages upon American commerce; hadso exasperated the American people by these outrages; and, by refusing toreceive the ministers from the United States, had so insulted them and thegovernment they represented in the proposed arrangements,—disclosed inthe X. Y. Z. correspondence,—that all friendly relations between the twocountries had ceased, and it had seemed impossible that war could beavoided.

For a while the popular sympathy was entirely with Mr. Adams'sadministration, and the promise could hardly be fairer that the Federalists, ifthey managed wisely, might remain in power and be sustained by the wholecountry. But in some respects they were as unwise as in others they wereunfortunate. President Adams, though possessing many great qualities, wasof too irascible and jealous a temper to be a successful leader or a goodruler. But there were other men of distinction among the Federalists whowere hardly less fond of having their own way than the President was ofhaving his. The incompatibility of temper was not altogether on one side inthat family quarrel. But all were equally responsible for such a blunder asthe enactment of the Alien and Sedition Laws. The provocation, it is true,was unquestionably great. Refugees from abroad had crowded to the UnitedStates, many of whom were professional agitators, and some were very sorryvagabonds. Whatever reason they might have had for fomenting discontentwith government in England or in France, there was nothing to justify anysuch violent measures in this country. But from their conduct as politicalpartisans, particularly as newspaper editors, they soon came to be lookedupon by the Federalists—for they all joined the other party—as a dangerousclass. There grew up a feeling that it would be wiser for civil affairs toremain, in city, state, and nation, in the hands of those who were born andeducated under republican institutions, and not to fall altogether undercontrol of those who were alien in blood and religion, and who were inclinedto look upon politics, not in the light of the citizen's duty to the commonweal, but as an easy and profitable calling where the least scrupulousscoundrel could gather the largest share of spoils. It may be that the authorsof those laws were so determined to forestall the apprehended evils of sucha dispensation because use had not accustomed them, as it has latergenerations of American citizens, to live under it in humility if not content.Or, perhaps, they wanted that profound faith of our time that the longer thissubversion of government is submitted to, the easier it will be to get back tothe rule of the honest and wise.

But, at any rate, whatever their reasons, they meant by these laws relating toaliens to put the acquirement of citizenship under more stringent regulations,and to check the growth and promulgation of seditious doctrines. If it be



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true, as is sometimes maintained with some plausibility, that citizens, to beintrusted with self-government, should be endowed with a certain degree ofintelligence and virtue, then the aim of the framers of the laws, in the firstcase, was a good one; and, in the second case, the country has had someexperience in later times which tends to show that they were not altogetherwrong in believing that doctrines and practices which may lead toinsurrection and civil war might best be met, so far as is possible, at theoutset. Nevertheless, the laws, under the circ*mstances of the time, were ill-considered and injudicious. For one reason, they put an efficient weapon intothe hands of the opposition at a moment when it was at a loss where to turnfor one. "Anglicism" and "British gold" were blunderbusses which, in thepresent popular irritation against France, had for a time lost their usefulness,and were apt to miss fire. But an appeal to a generous and impulsive peopleon behalf of the unfortunate refugees, who had fled from the tyranny of theOld World to find liberty and a home in the New, was sure to be listened to.A good many, besides those who assumed that republicanism and the rightsof man were in their special keeping, believed that an unfortunate class hadbeen dealt with hastily, and even cruelly. The clamor, once begun, toldheavily against the Federalists. They could be denounced now, not only asthe enemies of liberty in France, but as refusing it to men of any nation orany race who should seek it in the United States,—it being, of course,understood that races of black or yellow complexion need not apply. It was,indeed, advanced as an argument against one of the acts,—which gave thePresident power to order out of the country all aliens whose presence hethought dangerous,—that it might be used to prevent the importation ofpersons from Africa. On this point Mr. Gallatin, a native of Switzerland, wasexceedingly anxious lest there be a violation of the Constitution. But theoutrage upon the rights of man here apprehended was the right of white mento make black men slaves.

Against the enactment of these laws Mr. Jefferson did nothing as Vice-President. But whatever was his motive for official inaction, it was notbecause he approved them. He wrote the Kentucky "resolutions of '98,"—thestrongest protest that could be made against them, and to be thenceforth heldby nullifiers and secessionists as their covenant of faith. But he actedsecretly, taking counsel only with George Nicholas of Kentucky and WilliamC. Nicholas of Virginia (brothers), and, Hildreth says, "probably withMadison." The resolutions were to be offered in the Kentucky legislature byGeorge Nicholas, and, with some modifications, were passed by that body inNovember. A year afterward other resolutions were passed to reassert theopinions of the previous session, and to record against the laws the "solemnprotest" of the legislature; and further declaring "that a nullification bythose sovereignties [the States] of all unauthorized acts done under color ofthat instrument [the Constitution] is the rightful remedy." In the resolutionswhich Mr. Jefferson had prepared for Nicholas the year before, thisessential doctrine is found in that portion which Nicholas had omitted, in



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these words,—"where powers are assumed which have not been delegated, anullification of the act is the rightful remedy." As originally prepared, theresolutions were found in Jefferson's handwriting after his death. Hildreth'sconjecture that Madison, as well as the brothers Nicholas, was consulted inthe preparation of these resolutions, rests only on circ*mstantial evidence.The Kentucky resolutions were passed in November; those of Virginia inDecember; the former were written by Jefferson, the latter by Madison; andthe doctrines in each are essentially the same. It would have been a perfectlynatural thing for the two friends to consult together upon a measure of somuch importance; there is no reason why they should not have done so; andthese coincidences suggest that they probably did. Jefferson clearly shirkedthe responsibility of an act which he knew would endanger the Union; butMadison made no secret, so far as can be seen now, of his going toRichmond, though not a member of the Assembly, apparently for the expresspurpose of writing these resolutions and urging their adoption. But Jeffersonwas not a man of courage even in doing that which he believed to be wise. InMadison it was only the conscience that was timid; and having onceconvinced himself that the thing he proposed to do was right, he was alwaysready to face the consequences. It may be that neither of them foresaw thatthe real importance of this particular act was rather prospective thanimmediate; and if so, their conduct is to be measured by its instant purpose.If Jefferson meant then and there to dissolve the Union, or even to weakenthe constitutional bond that held it together, he was not overcautious inkeeping out of sight. But if Madison's intention was to strengthen the Unionby withstanding what he believed to be a perilous violation of theConstitution, then his courage, though it is to be commended, is not to bewondered at. That, he said, was his motive, and to defend the resolutions andhis own part in regard to them was the chief interest and serious labor of thelatter years of his life. He was elected a member of the Assembly for thesession of 1799-1800, probably because he and his friends thought hisofficial presence desirable when the subject should again come up forconsideration at the reading of the replies from other States, to all which theresolutions had been sent. The report on those replies was also written byhim, and the position taken the year before was therein reaffirmed,explained, and elaborated at length.

In 1827-28 the doctrines of nullification and of secession were assumed tobe the legitimate corollary of the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1798and 1799. Jefferson was dead; but Madison felt called upon to deny, in hisown defense and the defense of the memory of his friend, that there was anysimilarity between them. From 1830 to 1836 his mind seems to have beenchiefly occupied with this subject, upon which he wrote many letters, and apaper of thirty pages, entitled "On Nullification," which bears the date of1835-36, the latter year being the last of his life. He resents the charge ofany political inconsistency in the course of his long career, and most of allsuch an inconsistency as would impugn his attachment to the Constitution




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and the Union. The resolutions of 1798, he maintains, do not and were notmeant to assert a right in any one State to arrest or annul an act of thegeneral government, as that is a right that can only belong to themcollectively. Nullification and Secession he denounces as "twin heresies,"that "ought to be buried in the same grave." "A political system," hedeclares, "which does not contain an effective provision for a peaceabledecision of all controversies arising within itself would be a government inname only." He asserts that "the essential difference between a freegovernment and governments not free is that the former is founded incompact, the parties to which are mutually and equally bound by it. Neitherof them, therefore, can have a greater right to break off from the bargainthan the other or others have to hold them to it.... It is high time that theclaim to secede at will should be put down by the public opinion." What,—he writes to another friend,—"what can be more preposterous than to saythat the States, as united, are in no respect or degree a nation, which impliessovereignty, ... and on the other hand, and at the same time, to say that theStates separately are completely nations and sovereigns?... The words of theConstitution are explicit, that the Constitution and laws of the United Statesshall be supreme over the Constitution and laws of the several States;supreme in their exposition and execution, as well as in their authority.Without a supremacy in these respects, it would be like a scabbard, in thehand of a soldier, without a sword in it." Abraham Lincoln might have saidthis twenty-eight years later when he determined that his first duty asPresident was to suppress insurrection.

Such is the drift of the many pages Mr. Madison wrote upon the subjectduring the last five or six years of his life. He looked then, whatever he mayhave thought in the closing years of the preceding century, upon the UnitedStates as a nation, and not as a confederacy having its parts held togetheronly by "a treaty or league" called a constitution. But his object is to showthat there is nothing inconsistent in the resolutions of 1798 with theseopinions upon the sovereignty of the United States; that he held them just asstrongly then as he held them now; and that they, and he as their author,looked to the States as a whole, not to a single State, to find and apply aremedy, in a constitutional way, for an unconstitutional measure of which anadministration of the government might be guilty. His position is maintainedwith all the acuteness, ingenuity, and logical skill which mark his earlierwritings. There is no sign of failure of mental power, of which those accusedhim who could not answer him. Such an imputation he resented with as muchindignation as he did a charge of inconsistency, which here could only meanfalsehood. There is no possibility, then, of misunderstanding his opinionsduring the last six years of his life; and the world has no right to doubt hisrepeated and earnest assurances that these were his opinions when he wrotethe resolutions of 1798. It can only be said that the construction he gavethem thirty years afterward is opposed to the universal understanding ofthem at the time they were written.



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But if his defense of himself be considered complete, it is not even speciouswhen presented on behalf of Jefferson. Mr. Madison wrote in 1830: "Thatthe term 'nullification' in the Kentucky resolutions belongs to those of 1799,with which Mr. Jefferson had nothing to do.... The resolutions of 1798,drawn by him, contain neither that nor any equivalent term." It was not thengenerally known, whether Mr. Madison knew it or not, that one of theresolutions and part of another which Jefferson wrote to be offered in theKentucky legislature in 1798 were omitted by Mr. Nicholas, and that thereinwas the assertion already quoted,—"where powers are assumed which havenot been delegated, a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy." Thenext year, when additional resolutions were offered by Mr. Breckenridge,this idea, in similar though not in precisely the same language, was presentedin the words, "that a nullification by those sovereignties [the States] of allunauthorized acts, done under color of that instrument, is the rightfulremedy." In 1832, this fact, on the authority of Jefferson's grandson andexecutor, was made public; and, further, that another declaration of Mr.Jefferson's in the resolution not used was an exhortation to the co-States"that each will take measures of its own for providing that neither these actsnor any others of the general government, not plainly and intentionallyauthorized by the Constitution, shall be exercised within their respectiveterritories." All this must have been known to Mr. Madison then, if notbefore. Yet, three years later, in that paper "On Nullification" which hasbeen mentioned, he wrote: "The amount of this modified right ofnullification is, that a single State may arrest the operation of a law of theUnited States.... And this newfangled theory is attempted to be fathered onMr. Jefferson, the apostle of republicanism." It would be charitable here tobelieve that there was some lapse of memory in these latter days, and that hehad forgotten that Jefferson was, above all things, his own words beingwitness, the apostle of nullification.

The Alien and Sedition Laws—of which the more obnoxious of the formerwas never enforced, and the latter expired by limitation in two years—hadtheir influence in the presidential election of 1800. But it was due more todifferences between the President and some of the leaders of the Federalparty that that party lost its hold upon power, never to be regained. With theelection of Jefferson, Madison entered upon another sphere of duty, whichwas politically a promotion, but where his influence, if it was so large, wasnot so evident as when an active leader of his party. It was at Mr. Jefferson's"pressing desire," Mr. Madison himself says, in a letter written many yearsafterward, that he took the office of secretary of state. In the same letter heexplains that he had declined an executive appointment under Washington,because, in taking a seat in the House of Representatives, he would be lessexposed to the imputation of selfish views in the part he had taken in "theorigin and adoption of the Constitution;" because there, if anywhere, hecould be of service in sustaining it against its adversaries, especially as itwas, "in its progress, encountering trials of a new sort in the formation of



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new parties attaching adverse constructions to it." The latter reason seems tobe one of those happy after-thoughts which public men not unfrequentlyflatter themselves will anticipate a question they would prefer should not beasked. Mr. Madison was a member of the First Congress from the first day itmet, before the new Constitution had encountered new trials from newparties by any constructions either one way or the other.



On the morning of March 4, 1801, Mr. Jefferson tied his horse to the fenceand walked alone into the Capitol to take the oath of office as President. Mr.Madison was not present at that perfunctory ceremony, the death of his agedfather detaining him at home. He soon after, however, assumed the duties ofthe station to which Mr. Jefferson had called him, and there he remained tillhe took the presidential office, in his turn, eight years afterward.

The new dynasty entered upon its course under happy circ*mstances. Therewas, of course, much to fear from the condition of affairs in Europe; for theUnited States must needs be in a perilous position so long as the struggle forsupremacy continued between France and England, and that would be whileNapoleon could command an army. But the danger of war with France was nolonger imminent, since Mr. Adams had wisely reëstablished friendlyrelations, though many of the leading Federalists believed it was at the costof ruin to his own party. English aggressions upon American commerce hadfor the moment ceased, as fourteen years afterward they ceased altogether,when the provocation disappeared with the permanent establishment ofpeace in Europe. In the temporary lull of the tempest the sun shone out of aserene sky, and the land was blessed with quiet and prosperity. "Peace,commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances withnone," the President said in his inaugural address, were among "the essentialprinciples of our government, and consequently those which ought to shapeits administration." The condition of the country was in accord with thethought and may even have suggested it. "We are all Republicans; we are allFederalists," said Jefferson in his inaugural: it was meant, however, as anavowal of a tolerant belief in the patriotism of both parties, rather than, ashas sometimes been supposed, an assertion that party lines, so clearly drawnin the election, were at length obliterated. But hardly a year had passedbefore this seemed to be almost literally true. One after another, Statesh*therto Federal, both at the North and at the South, went over in their stateelections to the Republican or Democratic party; till, with the exception ofDelaware, there was not a single Federal State outside of New England; and



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even in that stronghold one State, Rhode Island, had marched off with themajority. "Everywhere," wrote Madison in October, "the progress of thepublic sentiment mocks the cavils and clamors of the malignant adversariesof the administration."

If it may not be asserted that this overthrow of the Federal rule was fortunateat that juncture,—as nothing is more idle in history than speculation uponwhat might have been,—it may at least be said that Jefferson'sadministration for his first four years was a happy one for his country andacceptable to his countrymen. None since Washington's has ever been sopopular; and no other, except Lincoln's, has ever been so successful. Nor canit be said of it that it was a happy period because it is without a history; forit included acts of moment, accepted then with an approbation andenthusiasm which time has justified. Not less shallow is that view of hischaracter and of those years of his administration, taken by many of hiscontemporaries, who neither loved nor respected him, and who attributed hissuccess and his popularity to his good fortune. This was a favorite and easyway, among his political opponents, of explaining a disagreeable fact. Partonnotes in his Life that C. C. Pinckney could only understand Jefferson's holdupon public confidence as "the infatuation of the people." John QuincyAdams said: "Fortune has taken a pleasure in making Jefferson's greatestweaknesses and follies issue more successfully than if he had been inspiredwith the profoundest wisdom." "When the people," said Gouverneur Morris,"have been long enough drunk, they will get sober; but while the frolic lasts,to reason with them is useless." There has been more than one occasion oflate years, and in more than one place, where this may be truly said ofpopular political enthusiasm; but it was not true of that which prevailed forthe first four years of this century; and Mr. Adams's sarcasm can hardly failto recall the fact that when Mr. Jefferson, in his second term, was reallyguilty of a great folly in adhering to a prolonged embargo, it was Mr. Adamswho committed one of the few follies of his own life in abandoning his partyto give his support to the President's blunder.

Though there were many changes in Mr. Jefferson's cabinet in the course ofeight years, they were not the result of dissensions. Yet he was, perhaps,more an absolute President than any other man who has ever held thatposition. He sought and listened to counsel, no doubt; but taking it wasanother matter. He certainly did not take it if it did not suit him; and if it wasnot likely to suit him, he was in no hurry to ask for it. It was in his ownfertile brain, not in the suggestions of others, that important measures hadtheir birth. That trait in his character which phrenologists have namedsecretiveness largely governed his actions. It was natural for him to bringthings about quietly and skillfully by setting others to do what he wanteddone, without himself being seen, though sometimes there was no othermotive than the mere gratification of secretiveness. He preferred often tosuggest measures quietly to congressmen rather than to Congress, though the




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result in either case might be the same. At other times, where the end to beattained was of great importance and he was absolutely sure only of himself,he boldly took the responsibility, as he did in the purchase of Louisiana, andin the suppression of the Monroe-Pinckney treaty with England in his secondterm. It is not surprising, therefore, that Madison's part, during the eightyears of Jefferson's presidency, is found to be more a secondary one than isusual with a secretary of state, or than was usual with him. He was in perfectaccord with his chief, who held always in the highest esteem his knowledgeand judgment, and sought, no doubt, his sound and moderate advice when hethought he needed advice from anybody. But Madison's influence is lessvisible in Jefferson's administration than in Washington's, when he was in theopposition. Washington, where he doubted his own ability to decide aquestion and felt the need of enlightenment, was accustomed to call inMadison, though he did not always accept his friend's conclusions. It wasrarely that Jefferson was troubled with any doubt of his own judgment in thediscussion or decision of any question that might come before him.

The most important measure of his administration was peculiarly his own,and when once determined upon it was pushed to a conclusion with vigor andcourage. Nobody doubts now, or has doubted since the abolition of slavery,that the purchase of Louisiana was an act of sound statesmanship. Jeffersondid not foresee that the acquisition of that fertile territory would stimulate adomestic trade in slaves, as profitable to the slave-breeding as to the slave-consuming States; or that, as slavery increased and brought prosperity andpower to a class, there would grow up an oligarchy, resting on ownership innegroes, which, within sixty years, would have to be uprooted at an enormouscost. But his aim was to secure the peaceful possession of the Mississippiterritory on both its banks, as a permanent settlement of a question which, solong as it remained open, was a perpetual menace of war with one or anotherEuropean power. That danger would always involve the possibility of theAppalachian range becoming the western boundary of the United States; inwhich case the valley of the Mississippi, and the vast region west of it,would fall into the power of an alien people. So far was plain to Mr.Jefferson; but the result of the rebellion of 1861 proves that he was wiserthan he knew when he acquired the territory stretching to the Sabine and thefoot of the Rocky Mountains for the occupation of a free people.

It is not necessary to repeat here the story of the purchase. The news of itreached Washington in July and was received with enthusiasm. That therewas no warrant in the Constitution for an acquisition of territory by purchasewas manifest; and Mr. Jefferson's opponents were not in the least backwardin heaping reproaches and ridicule upon the great champion of strictconstruction, who had no hesitation in violating the Constitution when itseemed to him wise to do so. Both the President and his secretary franklymet the accusation by acknowledging its entire justice; but at the same timethey put in, as a sufficient defense, the plea of the general welfare. This did



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not abate the ridicule, though the argument was a hard one for theFederalists to withstand; for it could not be forgotten that it was on thisground that Hamilton, as secretary of the treasury, had justified theimposition of certain taxes, and the Republicans had maintained that theplain limitations of the Constitution could not be overstepped on such a plea,even for the general good. Jefferson was so sensitive to this constitutionalobjection that he proposed to meet it by an amendment to the Constitution;but it was soon evident that the unwritten law of manifest destiny did notneed the appeal to the ballot-box. "The grumblers," Jefferson wrote to afriend soon after the news of the treaty was received, "gave all the credit ofthe acquisition to the accident of war." "They would see," he added, inrecords on file, "that though we could not say when war would arise, yet wesaid with energy what would take place when it should arise." He only meantby this, probably, that from the beginning of his administration he had beenprepared to take advantage of circ*mstances when war should break outagain between England and France, as it was evident enough to the wholeworld that it must break out sooner or later. That the particular conjunctionof circ*mstances, however, would occur that did occur, could not have beenforeseen. Jefferson could have had no prescience that Spain would reconveyLouisiana to France; that Napoleon would enter at once upon extensivepreparations for colonization on the banks of the Mississippi; and that hewould be willing to relinquish this important step in his great scheme of auniversal Latin Empire, that he might devote himself to the necessarypreliminary work of subduing his most formidable enemy of the rival race.But it is Jefferson's best title to fame that he was ready to take advantage ofthis conjunction of incidents at exactly the right moment. Doubtless theprogress of civilization would have been essentially the same had he neverbeen born. But having been born it fell to him to contribute largely to theevents that have distributed the race speaking the English tongue the mostwidely over the globe, and to exercise a powerful influence upon the age. Itdoes not detract from the merit of his act, however, that he by no means sawall its importance, nor even dreamed of its consequences. The region beyondthe Mississippi, he thought, might be made useful as a refuge for Indiantribes of the East; but he neither saw nor could see then that the purchase ofLouisiana was the essential though only the preliminary step toward theoccupation of the continent to the Pacific by the English race. Theexpedition of Lewis and Clarke, which he sent out the next year, was in theinterest of science, and especially of geography, rather than of any possiblesettlement of that distant region. Indeed, he said that if the new acquisitionof territory were wisely managed, so as to induce the eastern Indians to crossthe great river, the result would be the "condensing, instead of scattering, ourpopulation." But "man proposes and God disposes."

The immediate consequences, however, of the acquisition of Louisiana wereenough to bring almost universal popularity to the President, especially atthe South and West, without any revelation of the future. Nor was the act the



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less popular because it was an immediate stimulus to the foreign slave trade,partly because at the North that excited but little interest, and partly becauseat the South it excited a great deal. The abolition societies, it is true, askedthat the importation of slaves from Africa into the annexed territory shouldbe forbidden; and an act was passed prohibiting their introduction, except bythose persons from other parts of the United States who intended to beactual settlers, and were, therefore, permitted to bring slaves importedprevious to 1798. But the law might properly have been entitled An Act forthe Encouragement of the Trade in Negroes; and so it seems to have beenregarded by the older slave States. South Carolina reopened the trade toAfrica, and, as Congress failed to levy the constitutional tax of ten dollars ahead, the raw material, so to speak, came in free. The rest could be safelyleft to the law of supply and demand. Neither South Carolina nor any otherState had imported slaves since 1798. The whole slave population,therefore, could be legally taken into Louisiana by actual settlers, and itsplace supplied in the old States by new importations. The demand regulatedthe supply, and the supply came from Africa as truly as if the importationhad been direct to New Orleans. This was the legal course of trade till 1808;thenceforward it flourished, without the protection of law but in spite of it,so long as it was profitable,—so long, that is, as the natural increase of theeastern negro was insufficient to answer the demand of the south-westernmarket.

But, besides the peaceful extension of the national domain, there was muchelse in the first four or five years of Jefferson's administration to commend itto his countrymen. His party had nothing to complain of, despite that genialand generous assurance of the inaugural which could not be forgotten,—"weare all Republicans; we are all Federalists;" and the other party had reasonto be thankful that, considering, as he said, "a Federalist seldom died, andnever resigned," the number was not large who were reminded, by theirremoval from office, of their unreasonable delay in doing either the onething or the other. It was only the politicians, however, a class much smallerthen than it is now, who were concerned in such matters; the people at largewere influenced by other considerations. Credit was given to the Presidentfor things that he did not do, as well as for things that he did. It was due tohim that the administration was an economical one, but it was through Mr.Gallatin's skillful management of the finances that the old public debt was inprocess of speedy extinction. Occasional impeachments enlivened theproceedings of Congress, which otherwise were as harmless as they weredull. Jefferson was never so much out of his proper element as in war, yet asuccessful one was carried on, during his first term, with the Barbary Stateswhich put an end for many years to the exactions and outrages which hadlong been needlessly submitted to. It was a war, however, of only a few navalvessels in the hands of such energetic and brave men, destined to becomefamous in later years, as Bainbridge, Decatur, Preble, and Barron; and tosend off the expedition was about all the government had to do with it. It was



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easy to keep clear of "entangling alliances," or entanglements of any sortwith European powers, so long as they left the commerce of the UnitedStates to pursue its peaceful and profitable course without molestation. Thisboth England and France did for several years, and there fell, inconsequence, an immense carrying trade into the hands of Americanmerchants, which brought prosperity to the whole country such as was neverknown before, and was not known again, after it was lost, for near a quarterof a century. All these things made Mr. Jefferson acceptable to the people asalmost a heaven-appointed President. If, as John Quincy Adams thought,Fortune delighted to beam upon him with her sunniest smiles, he knew, atleast, how best to take advantage of them. While they lasted, his secretary ofstate sat in their light and warmth, quietly and contentedly busy and in thediligent and faithful discharge of official duty, which could not in thoseyears of prosperous tranquillity be over-burdensome.



Almost at the beginning of his second term, Jefferson found himself introubled waters, as the United States was drawn slowly but surely into thevortex of European war. The carrying trade at home and abroad had fallenvery much into the hands of Americans, and this became the root ofbitterness. The tonnage of their vessels employed in foreign trade andentered at the custom-houses of the United States was equal to nearly fourfifths of the tonnage of British vessels engaged in the same traffic andentered at home. But there was this difference: the foreign commerce ofGreat Britain was almost all carried on from her own ports, and the returns,therefore, showed its full volume. On the other hand, the American shipswere largely the carriers between the ports of the belligerents and of otherpowers in Europe, and there were no entries at the American custom-housesof their employment, or that they were employed at all. As early as 1804-5,the aggregate value of this foreign trade in the hands of Americans wasprobably much larger than that controlled by English merchants; and theformer increased to the time of the promulgation of the Berlin decree of1806, and the British orders in council of the next year. Nor was it only thatwealth flowed into the country as the immediate return from this tradeabroad. It stimulated enterprise and industry at home by the increase ofcapital; and there was not only more money to work with, but more to spend.Consequently the increase in exports and in imports grew steadily. In 1805,1806, and 1807, about one half the average total exports, something over thevalue of twenty million dollars, went to Great Britain alone; and the value of




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the imports from that country for the same period was about sixty milliondollars a year. Nor did this disproportion, though increasing with thegrowing prosperity, represent a general balance of trade against the UnitedStates, as one school of political economists would insist it must have done.For the imports were small from other European countries in exchange forAmerican products; and the difference, together with the profits of thecarrying trade abroad, was remitted in English manufactures. In other words,the imports from England represented the returns for all exports to Europe,and the returns also—available in the first instance through bills ofexchange—of the trade which had been gained by Americans, and lost bythose nations whose ships the war had driven from the ocean.

The British manufacturer had no reason for discontent with this state ofthings. The best market for his goods was constantly improving, and he didnot much care who took them to America. But the English government, andthe English merchants who owned ships, looked on with neither pleasure norpatience. It was impossible not to see that the United States was fastbecoming a great commercial rival. This in itself was bad enough; but it wasthe harder to bear when it was remembered—and it could not be forgotten—that the rivalry came from States so lately in revolt against England, and thattheir President at that moment was one of the most obnoxious of the rebels.Then what did it avail that England was mistress of the seas, if herformidable enemy could laugh at any effort of hers to destroy the commerceof France, so long as that commerce could be carried on in safety under aneutral flag? If that flag must be respected, English naval vessels andprivateers would cruise in vain for prizes, for the merchant ships of anybelligerent, not strong enough to protect them, stayed in port. It had not yetcome to be the acknowledged law of nations that free ships make free goods.But nearly the same purpose was answered if the property of belligerentscould be safely carried in neutral ships under the pretense of being owned byneutrals. The products of the French colonies, for example, could be loadedon board of American vessels, taken to the United States and reshipped therefor France as American property. England looked upon this as an evasion ofthe recognized public law that property of belligerents was good prize.Accordingly, when she saw that French commerce was thus put out of herreach, and that the rival she most dreaded was growing rich and powerful inthe possession of it, she sought a remedy and was not long in finding one.

It was denied that neutrals could take advantage of a state of war to enterupon a trade which had not existed in time of peace; and American shipswere seized on the high seas, taken into port, and condemned in the admiraltycourts for carrying enemy's goods in such a trade. The exercise of that right,if it were one by the recognized law of nations, would be of great injury toAmerican commerce, unless it could be successfully resisted. To show that itwas not good law, Mr. Madison wrote his "Examination of the BritishDoctrine which Subjects to Capture a Neutral Trade not Open in the Time of



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Peace." The essay was a careful and thorough discussion of the wholequestion, and showed by citations from the most eminent writers oninternational law, by the terms of treaties, and by the conduct of nations inthe past, that the British doctrine was erroneous and would lead to otherinfringements of the rights of neutrals. But argument, however unanswerable,has never yet brought the British government to reason, unless there wassomething behind it not so easy to disregard. The appropriation for Mr.Jefferson's gunboats could not get that naval arm ready for effective servicemuch before the year 1815, even if it could then be of use; and there was,moreover, this further difficulty in the way of its efficiency at the time,—that, as it could not go to the enemy, it must wait for the enemy to come to it;the conflagration would have to be brought to the fire-engines. A war withEngland must be a naval war; and the United States not only had no navy ofany consequence, but it was a part of Mr. Jefferson's policy, in contrast withthe policy of the preceding administrations, that there should be none,except these gunboats kept on wheels and under cover in readiness to repelan invasion. But there was no fear of invasion, for by that England could gainnothing. "She is renewing," Madison wrote in the autumn of 1805, "herdepredations on our commerce in the most ruinous shapes, and has kindled amore general indignation among our merchants than was ever beforeexpressed."

These depredations were not confined to the seizing and confiscatingAmerican ships under the pretense that their cargoes were contraband.Seamen were taken out of them on the charge of being British subjects anddeserters, not only on the high seas in larger numbers than ever before, butwithin the waters of the United States. No doubt these seamen were oftenBritish subjects and their seizure was justifiable, provided England couldrightfully extend to all parts of the globe and to the ships of all nations themerciless system of impressment to which her own people were compelled tosubmit at home. Monroe, in a note to Madison, said that the British ministerhad informed him that "great abuses were committed in granting protections"in America, and acknowledged that "he gave me some examples which weremost shameful." But even if it could be granted that English naval officersmight seize such men without recourse to law, wherever they should be foundand without respect for the flag of another nation, it was a national insult andoutrage, calling for resentment and resistance, to impress American citizensunder the pretense that they were British subjects. But what was the remedy?As a last resort in such cases, nations have but one. Diplomacy andlegislation may be first tried, but, if these fail, war must be the final ordeal.For this the administration made no preparation, and the more evident theunreadiness the less was the chance of redress in any other way. Immediatewar would, of course, have been unwise; for what could a nation almostwithout a ship hope from a contest with a power having the largest and mostefficient navy in the world? If this, however, was true from 1805 to 1807, itwas not less true in 1812. But it need not have been true when war was



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actually resorted to, had the intervening years been years of preparation. Thefact was, however, that the party which supported the administration was nomore in favor of war at the earlier period than the administration itself was;and meanwhile, till a war party had come into existence and gained theascendency, the country had been growing every year less and less in acondition to appeal to war.

The first measure adopted to meet the aggressions of the English was an actprohibiting the importation of certain British products. This had always beena favorite policy with Madison. He had advanced and upheld it in formeryears, when a member of Congress, and when Great Britain had first violatedthe rights and dignity of the United States by interference with her foreigntrade and by impressing her citizens. Non-intercourse had been an effectivemeasure thirty years before, and had a kind of prestige as an Americanpolicy. It was not seen, perhaps could not be seen without experience, that ameasure suited to the colonial condition was not sufficient for anindependent nation. But the President and secretary were in perfect accord;for Jefferson preferred anything to war, and Madison was persuaded thatEngland would be brought to terms by the loss of the best market for hermanufactures. Others, and notably John Randolph, saw in the measure onlythe first step which, if persisted in, must lead to war; while, in the meantime, to interfere with importations would be quite as great an injury to theUnited States as to Great Britain. Randolph was apt to blurt out a good dealof truth when it happened to suit him. Impressment, he said, was an oldgrievance which had been thought a sufficient provocation for war when thenation was not prepared; and it was no more ready to resort to that desperateremedy now than it had been in the past. Without a navy it would beimpossible to prevent the blockading of all the principal American ports byEnglish squadrons. The United States would need an ally, and he was notwilling she should throw herself into the arms of that power which wasseeking universal conquest. France, he said, would be the tyrant of the oceanif the British navy should be driven from it. The commerce, moreover, whichit was proposed to protect, was not the "honest trade of America," but "amushroom, a fungus of war,—a trade which, so soon as the nations of Europeare at peace, will no longer exist." It was only "a carrying trade which coversenemy's property;" and he did not believe in plunging a great agriculturalcountry into war for the benefit of the shipping merchants of a few seaports.There were many who agreed with him; for it was one of the cardinalprinciples of the Jeffersonian school of politics that between commerce andagriculture there was a natural antagonism.

But the administration did not rely upon legislation alone in this emergency.The President followed up the act prohibiting the introduction of Britishgoods by sending William Pinkney to England in the spring of 1806 to joinMonroe, the resident minister, in an attempt at negotiation. Thesecommissioners soon wrote that there was good reason for hoping that a




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treaty would be concluded, and thereupon the non-importation act was for atime suspended. In December came the news that a treaty was agreed upon,and soon after it was received by the President. The most serious difficultyin the way of negotiation had been the question of impressment. The Britishgovernment claimed the right to arrest deserters from its service anywhereoutside the jurisdiction of other nations, and that jurisdiction, it wasmaintained, could not extend beyond the coast limit over the open sea, thehighway of all nations. There was an evident disposition, however, to cometo some compromise. The English commissioners proposed that theirgovernment should prohibit, under penalty, the seizure of American citizensanywhere, and that the United States should forbid, on her part, the grantingof certificates of citizenship to British subjects, of which deserters tookadvantage. But as this would be an acknowledgment virtually of the right ofsearch on board American ships, and the denial of citizenship in the UnitedStates to foreigners, the American commissioners could not entertain thatproposition. They were willing, however, if the assumed right to boardAmerican ships were given up, to agree, on behalf of their government, to aidin the arrest and return of British deserters when seeking a refuge in theUnited States. But to this the British commissioners would not accede.

Monroe and Pinkney were enjoined, in the instructions written by thesecretary of state, to make the abandonment of impressment the firstcondition of a treaty. A treaty, nevertheless, was agreed upon, without thisprovision. But when it was sent to the President, the ministers explained:—

"That, although this government [the British] did not feel atliberty to relinquish, formally, by treaty, its claim to search ourmerchant vessels for British seamen, its practice wouldnevertheless be essentially, if not completely, abandoned. Thatopinion has since been confirmed by frequent conferences on thesubject with the British commissioners, who have repeatedlyassured us that, in their judgment, we were made as sure againstthe exercise of their pretension by the policy which theirgovernment had adopted in regard to that very delicate andimportant question, as we could have been made by treaty."

These assurances did not satisfy the President. Without consulting theSenate, though Congress was in session when the treaty was received, andalthough the Senate had been previously informed that one had been agreedupon, the President rejected it. On several other points it was not acceptable;but, as Mr. Madison wrote to a friend, "the case of impressmentsparticularly having been brought to a formal issue, and having been theprimary object of an extraordinary mission, a treaty could not be closedwhich was silent on that subject." The commissioners, therefore, wereordered to renew negotiations. This they faithfully tried to do for a year, butwere finally told by the British minister that a treaty once concluded andsigned, but afterward rejected in part by one of the contracting powers, could


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not again be taken up for consideration. The opponents of the administrationmade the most of this action of Mr. Jefferson. The country was not permittedto forget, even were forgetfulness possible, that thousands of seamen hadbeen taken from American vessels, and that the larger proportion of thesewere native-born citizens of the United States. Not that these opponentswanted war; that, they believed, would be ruinous without a navy, andtherefore some reasonable compromise was all that could be hoped for. Butwhat was to be thought of an administration that would not go to war becauseit was not prepared; would not prepare in the hope that some futureconjunction of circ*mstances would stave off that last resort; and,meanwhile, would accept no terms which might at least mitigate the injuriesvisited upon the sea-faring people of the United States, and possibly relievethe nation from an insolent exercise of power which it was not strong enoughto resent?

As England's need of seamen increased, the captains of her cruisers,encouraged by the failure of negotiation, grew bolder in overhaulingAmerican ships and taking out as many men as they believed, or pretended tobelieve, were deserters. In the summer of 1807 an outrage was perpetrated onthe frigate Chesapeake, as if to emphasize the contempt with which a nationmust be looked upon which only screamed like a woman at wrongs which itwanted the courage and strength to resent, or the wisdom to compound for.The Chesapeake was followed out of the harbor of Norfolk by the Britishman-of-war Leopard, and when a few miles at sea, the Chesapeake beingbrought to under the pretense that the English captain wished to put somedispatches on board for Europe, a demand was made for certain deserterssupposed to be on the American frigate. Commodore Barron replied that heknew of no deserters on his ship, and that he could permit no search to bemade, even if there were. After some further altercation the Englishmanfired a broadside, killing and wounding a number of the Chesapeake's crew.Commodore Barron could do nothing else but surrender, for he had only asingle gun in readiness for use, and that was fired only once and then with acoal from the cook's galley. The ship was then boarded, the crew mustered,and four men arrested as deserters. Three of them were negroes,—twonatives of the United States, the other of South America. The fourth man,probably, was an Englishman. They were all deserters from English men-of-war lying off Norfolk; but the three negroes declared that they had beenkidnaped, and their right to escape could not be justly questioned; indeed,the English afterward took this view of it apparently, for the men werereleased on the arrival of the Leopard at Halifax. But the fourth man washanged.

For this direct national insult, explanation, apology, and reparation weredemanded, and at the same time the President put forth a proclamationforbidding all British ships of war to remain in American waters. Of howmuch use the latter was we learn from a letter of Madison to Monroe: "They




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continue to defy it," he wrote, "not only by remaining within our waters, butby chasing merchant vessels arriving and departing." Some preparation wasmade for war, but it was only to call upon the militia to be in readiness, andto order Mr. Jefferson's gunboats to the most exposed ports. Great Britainwas not alarmed. The captain of the Leopard, indeed, was removed from hiscommand, as having exceeded his duty; but a proclamation on that side wasalso issued, requiring all ships of war to seize British seamen on boardforeign merchantmen, to demand them from foreign ships of war, and if thedemand was refused to report the fact to the admiral of the fleet. It was nottill after four years of irritating controversy that any settlement was reachedin regard to the affair of the Chesapeake.

New perils all the while were besetting American commerce. In November,1806, Napoleon's Berlin decree was promulgated, forbidding theintroduction into France of the products of Great Britain and her colonies,whether in her own ships or those of other nations. This was in violation ofthe convention between France and the United States, if it was meant thatAmerican vessels should come under the prohibition; but for a time therewas some hope that they might be excepted. In the course of the year,however, it was officially declared in Paris that the treaty would not beallowed to weaken the force of a war measure aimed at Great Britain. Underthis decision, cargoes already seized were confiscated and the trade of theUnited States faced a new calamity. The decree, it was declared, was arightful retaliation of a British order in council of six months before, whichhad established a partial blockade of a portion of the French coast. In thekidnaping business, France could not, of course, compete with England; forthere were few of her citizens to be found on board of American vessels, andto seize a Yankee sailor, under the pretense that he was a Frenchman, was anabsurdity never thought of. But hundreds of Americans, the crews of shipsseized for violation of the terms of the Berlin decree, were thrown intoFrench prisons. So far, therefore, as the United States had good ground ofcomplaint on any score against either power, there was little to choosebetween them. Mr. Jefferson's repugnance to war was sufficient to hold himback from one with England, though he might have had France for an ally;still more unwilling was he, by a war with France, to make a friend ofEngland, whom he still looked upon as the natural enemy of the UnitedStates; for, notwithstanding all that had come and gone, he still regardedFrance with something of the old affection. In the autumn of 1807 he called aspecial session of Congress in consideration of the increasing aggressions ofGreat Britain, especially in the attack upon the Chesapeake, and the injurydone by the interdiction of neutral trade with any country with which thatpower was at war. But he had no recommendations to offer of resistance noreven of defense, except that some additions be made to the gunboats, andthat sailors on shore be enrolled as a sort of gunboat militia. The probablereal purpose of calling the extra session, however, appeared in about twoweeks, when he sent a special message to the Senate recommending an



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An act was almost immediately passed which, if anything more was neededto complete the ruin of American commerce, supplied that deficiency. Amonth before this time the English ministry had issued a new order incouncil—the news of which reached Jefferson as he was about to send in hismessage—proclaiming a blockade of pretty much all Europe, and forbiddingany trade in neutral vessels unless they had first gone into some British portand paid duties on their cargoes; and within twenty-four hours of thePresident's message recommending the embargo, Napoleon proclaimed a newdecree from Milan, by which it was declared that any ship was lawful prizethat had anything whatever to do with Great Britain,—that should pay ittribute, that should carry its merchandise, that should be bound either to orfrom any of its ports. All that these powers could do to shut every tradingvessel out of all European ports was now done; and at this opportune momentMr. Jefferson came to their aid by compelling all American vessels to stay athome. It is not easy in our time to conceive of a President proposing, or of aparty accepting, or of the people submitting to, such a measure as this. ButMr. Jefferson's followers were very obedient, and there was, undoubtedly, avery general belief that trade with the United States was so important to thenations at war that for the sake of its renewal the obnoxious decrees andorders in council would soon be repealed. But, except upon certainmanufacturers in England, little influence was visible. General Armstrong,the American minister in France, wrote: "Here it is not felt; and in England,amid the more recent and interesting events of the day, it is forgotten."When, however, the effect was evident at home of a law forbidding anyAmerican vessels from going to sea, even to catch fish, and prohibiting theexport of any of the products of the United States, either in their own shipsor those of any other country, then there arose a popular clamor for theabandonment of a policy so ruinous. Within four months of its enactment,Josiah Quincy of Massachusetts declared, in a debate in Congress, that "anexperiment such as is now making was never before—I will not say tried—itnever before entered into the human imagination. There is nothing like it inthe narrations of history or in the tales of fiction. All the habits of a mightynation are at once counteracted. All their property depreciated. All theirexternal connections violated. Five millions of people are engaged. Theycannot go beyond the limits of that once free country; now they are not evenpermitted to thrust their own property through the grates." While Americanships at home were kept there, those which had remained abroad to escapethe embargo were met by a new peril. Some of them were in French portsawaiting a turn in affairs; others ventured to load with English goods inEnglish ports, to be landed in France under the pretense, supported byfraudulent papers, that they were direct from the United States or otherneutral country. The fraud was too transparent to escape detection long, andNapoleon thereupon issued, in the spring of 1808, the Bayonne decreeauthorizing the seizure and confiscation of all American vessels. They were



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either English or American, he said; if the former, they were enemy's shipsand liable to capture; but if the latter, they should be at home, and he wasonly enforcing the embargo law of the United States, which she ought tothank him for.

The prosperity and tranquillity which marked the earlier years of Jefferson'sadministration disappeared in its last year. Congress, both in its spring andwinter sessions, could talk of little else but the disastrous embargo;proposing, on the one hand, to make it the more stringent by an enforcementact, and, on the other, to substitute for it non-intercourse with England andFrance, restoring trade with the rest of the world, and leaving the question ofdecrees and orders in council open for future consideration. The President nolonger held his party under perfect control. The mischievous results of theembargo policy were evident enough to a sufficient number of Republicans tosecure in February, 1809, the repeal of that measure, to take effect the nextmonth as to all countries except England and France, and, with regard tothem, at the adjournment of the next Congress. But the prohibition ofimportation from both these latter countries was continued till the obnoxiousorders in council and the decrees should be repealed.



Mr. Jefferson named his own successor. Of the three Democratic candidates,Madison, Monroe, and George Clinton, he preferred Madison now, andurged Monroe to wait patiently as next in succession. Beyond two lives hedid not, perhaps, think proper to dictate; and, besides, Clinton was not aVirginian. What little opposition there was to Madison in his own partycame from those who feared that he was too thoroughly identified withJefferson's policy to untie the knot in which the foreign relations of thecountry had become entangled. Of the 175 electoral votes, however, hereceived 122; but that was fewer by 39 than had been cast for Jefferson fouryears before. Of the New England States, Vermont alone gave him its votes,changing places with Rhode Island, which had wheeled into line again withthe Federalists.

During the winter of 1808-9, after Madison's election but before hisinauguration, he had quietly conferred with Erskine, the British minister atWashington, upon the condition of affairs. Much was hoped from theseconferences; but the end which they helped to bring about was the reverse ofwhat was hoped for. Could Madison have had his way, he would probablyhave preferred that Congress should have left untouched at that session the




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questions of embargo and non-intercourse; for the tone of the debates andthe tendency of legislation naturally led the English ministry to doubt theassurances which Erskine gave that these proceedings did not truly representthe friendly disposition of the incoming President. In answer to thoserepresentations, however, there came in April from Canning, the foreignsecretary, certain propositions which were so presented by Erskine, and soreceived by the administration, as to promise a settlement of all differencesbetween the two governments. Erskine was a young man, anxious very likelyfor distinction; but a laudable ambition to be of service in a good cause madehim over-zealous. He exceeded the letter of his instructions, while keeping,as he thought, to their spirit. Probably he mistook their spirit in assumingthat his government cared more to secure a settlement of existing difficultiesthan for the precise terms and minor details by which it should be reached.At any rate, he agreed that Great Britain would withdraw her orders incouncil provided the United States would maintain the non-intercourse actsagainst France so long as the Berlin and Milan decrees remained in force.This being secured, he did not insist upon two other conditions—partlybecause it was represented to him that they would need some action byCongress, and partly because he believed that the essential point was gainedby an agreement on the part of the United States to enforce non-intercourseagainst France while her decrees were unrepealed. These other conditionswere, first, that the United States should cease to insist upon the right tocarry on in time of war the colonial trade of a belligerent which had not beenopen in time of peace to neutrals; and, second, the acknowledgment thatBritish men-of-war might rightfully seize American merchant vessels whentransgressing the non-intercourse laws against France. He also proposed asettlement of the Chesapeake question, but omitted to say, as Canning hadinstructed him to say, that some provision would be made, as an act ofgenerosity and not of right, for the wives and children of the men who werekilled on board that ship. But when that settlement was accepted by theadministration, he failed to resent some reflections from Robert Smith, thesecretary of state, on the conduct of Great Britain in that affair, whichCanning, when he heard of them, thought should have been resented and theirrecall demanded, or the negotiation stopped.

On the terms, however, as Erskine chose to present them, an agreement wasreached, and the President issued a proclamation repealing the acts ofembargo and non-intercourse as against Great Britain and her colonies afterJune 10. On that day more than a thousand ships, loaded and riding at anchorin all the principal ports in anxious readiness for the signal for flight, spreadtheir wings, like a flock of long-imprisoned birds, and flew out to sea. Therewas an almost universal shout of gratitude to the new President, who, in thefirst three months of his administration, had banished the fear of warabroad, and at home was sweeping away involuntary idleness, want, andominous discontent. Madison had known something of popularity during hislong career; but never before had he felt the exultation of riding upon the



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very crest of a mighty wave of popular applause. But it was one of thosewaves that collapse suddenly into a surprising flatness. Canning repudiatedall that Erskine had done and immediately recalled him. The ships that hadgone to sea, under the sanction of the President's proclamation, werepermitted by an order in council to complete their voyages unmolested; butotherwise all commerce was once more brought to a standstill. It would havebeen easier to bear some fresh misfortune than to be compelled to struggleagain with calamities so well understood and which it was hoped had beenleft behind forever. Gallatin had been retained in the Treasury Departmentand was the President's chief adviser, and the two were now accused ofhaving been either imbecile or treacherous. It was openly said that they hadled the young minister to agree to an arrangement which they knew hisgovernment would not sanction. But they could hardly have been so foolishas to make a bargain with the certainty that it would stand only so long as aship could go and come across the Atlantic. Nobody understood better thanMadison how grateful a reconciliation with England would be to a largeproportion of the people, and nobody was more disappointed that thenegotiations came to worse than nothing, inasmuch as their failure led to newembarrassments.

He said with some bitterness, in a letter to Jefferson, early in August: "Youwill see by the instructions to Erskine, as published by Canning, that thelatter was as much determined that there should be no adjustment as theformer was that there should be one." He was unjust to Canning; the realfault was with Erskine, and with him only because his zeal outran hisjudgment. In another letter to Jefferson, the President says: "Erskine is in aticklish situation with his government. I suspect he will not be able to defendhimself against the charges of exceeding his instructions, notwithstandingthe appeal he makes to sundry others not published. But he will make out astrong case against Canning, and be able to avail himself much of theabsurdity and evident inadmissibility of the articles disregarded by him."Possibly Mr. Erskine considered that his government would approve of hisnot urging these points too earnestly, inasmuch as the other side refrainedfrom insisting upon the abandonment of impressment of seamen on boardAmerican ships. But Mr. Madison's indignation must have covered up a gooddeal of mortification. He could hardly have been without the sensation ofone hoisted by his own petard. It was only two years since Mr. Jefferson,with his approval, had rejected the Monroe-Pinkney treaty becauseinstructions had not been literally complied with. Mr. Canning, in followingthat example, could have pleaded, had he chosen, much the strongerjustification, under the circ*mstances of the two cases; and Mr. Madisoncould not fail to remember, without being reminded of it, when thisagreement was thrown back in his face, that he had been willing to accept itwithout any protection of the rights of American seamen, the want of whichwas the ostensible reason for rejecting the Monroe-Pinkney treaty.



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However, the administration was now compelled to meet anew the olddifficulties which the Erskine agreement had failed to dispose of. ThePresident's first duty was to issue a second proclamation, recalling theprevious one which had sent to sea every American ship in port. They couldall come back, if they would, to be made fast again at their wharves, till therecurrent tides at last should ripple in and out of their open seams, and theiryards and masts drop piecemeal upon the rotting decks. But many never cameback, preferring rather the risk of being sunk or burned at sea, whichhappened to not a few, or of capture and confiscation by the belligerentswhose laws they defied. Erskine was followed by a new ambassador fromEngland, Mr. Jackson. His mission, however, had no other result than towiden the breach between the two nations. A controversy almost immediatelyarose between the minister and Mr. Smith, the secretary of state,—or ratherMr. Madison himself, who, as he complained at a later period, did most ofSmith's work as well as his own,—touching the arrangement with Erskine.Jackson intimated, or was understood as intimating, that the administrationmust have known the precise terms on which Erskine was empowered to treatwith the government of the United States; and when a denial was made with agood deal of emphasis on the part of the administration, the insinuation wasrepeated almost as a direct charge. Of course there could be but oneconclusion to correspondence of this sort; further communication withJackson was declined and his recall asked for.

It was plain enough in the latter months of Jefferson's administration, tohimself as well as to everybody else, that the embargo had not only failed tobring the belligerents to terms abroad, but that it had added greatly to thedistress at home. That the measure was a failure, Madison himselfacknowledged in one of his retrospective letters written in the retirement ofMontpellier, sixteen years afterward. It was meant, he said in that letter, asan experimental measure, preferable to naked submission or to war at a timewhen war was inexpedient. It failed, he added, "because the government didnot sufficiently distrust those in a certain quarter whose successful violationof the law led to the general discontent, which called for its repeal." That isto say, the government relied too confidently upon the submission of NewEngland; was too ready to believe that her merchants would not let theirships slip quietly out to sea whenever they could evade the officers of thecustoms, nor slip in to land a cargo at some unfrequented place where therewas no custom-house. "The patriotic fishermen of Marblehead," he says, "atone time offered their services;" and he regrets they were not sent out asprivateers to seize these contraband ships as prizes, and to "carry them intoports where the tribunals would enforce the law." Apparently there was not areasonable doubt in his mind whether such tribunals could be found in anyport along the coast of New England. It is also rather more than doubtful—even assuming that there was much of the kind of patriotism which he saysexisted in Marblehead—how long, had the government offered commissionsto private citizens to prey upon their neighbors, the embargo would have



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been respected at all east of Long Island Sound. But this was theafterthought of 1826. Madison's policy in 1809-10 was rather to conciliatethan provoke "those in a certain quarter." He could not command entireunanimity even in his own party. Congress passed the winter in vain efforts tofind some common ground, not merely for Democrats and Federalists, but forthe Democrats alone. Various measures were proposed to meet the criticalcondition of the country. Some were too radical; some not radical enough;and none were so acceptable that it was not easy to form combinations fortheir defeat. All were agreed that the non-importation act must be got rid of;but the difficulty was to find a way to be rid of it so that the nation should atonce maintain its dignity, assert its rights, and escape a war. The Presidentwould have preferred that all British and French ships be excluded fromAmerican ports, and that importations from both countries should beprohibited except in American vessels; and a bill to this effect was one ofseveral that was defeated in the course of the session. But at last, in May(1810), an act was passed excluding only the men-of-war of both nations, butsuspending the non-importation act for three months after the adjournment ofCongress. The President was then authorized, when the three months werepassed, to declare the act again in force against either Great Britain orFrance, should the commercial orders or decrees of either nation becontinued in force while those of the other were repealed.

If the aim of the dominant party had been to devise a scheme sure to lead tofresh complications more difficult to manage than any that had gone before,it could not have hit upon a better one than this. Hitherto, in all theperplexities and anxieties of the situation, the government had, at least, keptit* relations to other powers in its own hands, to conduct them, whetherwisely or unwisely, in its own way. It could resent or submit toencroachments upon the commerce of the country, as seemed most prudent; itcould close or open the ports, as seemed most judicious; or it could joinforces with that one of its two enemies whose alliance promised to securerespect on the one hand, and compel it on the other. But now it had tieditself up in a knot of provisos. It would do something if England would dosomething else, or if France would do something else. If the proposition wasaccepted by England and was not accepted by France, then the United Stateswould remain in friendly relations with England, and assume by comparisonan unfriendly attitude toward France; and if France accepted the conditionand England declined it, then the situation would be reversed. Nothing wouldbe gained in either case that might not have been gained by directnegotiation, and, no doubt, on better terms. But if the proposition nowoffered should be disregarded by both powers, the situation would be worsethan before. This evidently was Madison's view of the question. He wrote toPinkney, the minister at the Court of St. James, a month after the act waspassed: "At the next meeting of Congress, it will be found, according topresent appearances, that instead of an adjustment with either of thebelligerents, there is an increasing obstinacy in both; and that the



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inconveniences of embargo and non-intercourse have been exchanged for thegreater sacrifices, as well as disgrace, resulting from a submission to thepredatory system in force." Not that he wanted war; his faith in passiveresistance was still unshaken; embargo and non-intercourse he was stillconfident would, if persisted in long enough, surely bring the belligerents toterms. But as to this act, he weighs the chances as in a balance. In Englandsome impression may be made by the prices of cotton and tobacco,—"cottondown at ten or eleven cents in Georgia; and the great mass of tobacco in thesame situation." He has, however, no "very favorable expectations." But asto France, he evidently is not without hope that she will be wise enough tosee that "she ought at once to embrace the arrangement held out byCongress, the renewal of a non-intercourse with Great Britain being the veryspecies of resistance most analogous to her professed views." But he wasclearly not sanguine.

If that was his wish, however, it was gratified. Napoleon did take advantageof the act, but in such a way as to reverse the relative positions of the twonations by seizing for France and taking from the United States the power orthe will to dictate terms. The French minister, Champagny, announced in aletter merely, in August, the revocation of the Berlin and Milan decrees fromthe 1st of the following November; and, a day or two after, such newrestrictions were imposed upon American trade, by prohibitory duties and anavigation act, as pretty much to ruin what little there was left of it. Therevocation of the edicts, moreover, was coupled with the conditions thatGreat Britain should not only recall her order in council, but renounce her"new principles of blockade," or that the United States should "cause theirrights to be respected by the English." Napoleon had in this three ends togain, and he gained them all: First, to secure France against a renewal of thenon-importation act of the United States, if the President should accept thisconditional recall of the decrees as satisfactory; second, to leave thosedecrees virtually unrepealed, by making their recall depend upon the actionof England, who, he well knew, would not listen to the proposed conditions;and, third, to involve the United States and England in new disputes, whichmight lead to war. Everything turned out as the emperor wished. ThePresident accepted the conditional withdrawal of the French decrees, as inaccordance with the act of Congress; England refused to recognize acontingent withdrawal as a withdrawal at all; and the result at length was warbetween England and the United States.

The acquiescence of the President in the decision of Napoleon was the moresignificant inasmuch as Mr. Smith, the secretary of state, had assured theFrench government, when a copy of the act of May was sent to it, that therecould be no negotiation under the act until another matter was disposed of. Adecree, issued at Rambouillet in March, 1810, and enforced in May, orderedthe confiscation of all American ships then detained in the ports of France,and in Spanish, Dutch, and Neapolitan ports under the control of France. The




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loss to American merchants, including ships and cargoes, was estimated tobe about forty million dollars. This decree was ostensibly in retaliation ofthat act of non-intercourse passed by Congress more than a year before, andwas, therefore, a retrospective law. The non-intercourse act, moreover, hadexpired by its own limitation months before many of these ships were seized;but all, nevertheless, were confiscated, though some of them had entered theports merely for shelter. By order of the President, Smith wrote toArmstrong, the American minister at Paris, that "a satisfactory provision forrestoring the property lately surprised and seized, by the order or at theinstance of the French government, must be combined with a repeal of theFrench edicts, with a view to a non-intercourse with Great Britain; such aprovision being an indispensable evidence of the just purpose of Francetoward the United States." The injunction was repeated a few weeks later;but when the emperor's decision upon the decrees was announced, in August,the "indispensable" was dispensed with, and a few months later an absoluterefusal of any compensation for the spoliation under the Rambouillet decreewas quietly submitted to.

But meanwhile the President, in November, issued a proclamationannouncing that France had complied with the act of the previous May andrevoked the decrees, while the English orders in council remainedunrepealed. But England still had three months, according to the act, inwhich to make her choice between a recall of her orders in council or thealternative of seeing the American non-intercourse act revived against her.But, it is to be observed, the French minister's announcement of theacceptance of the act of May was not made till August, and then therevocation of the decrees was not to take effect till November. Novembercame bringing with it the President's proclamation, when it soon appearedthat there was still to be "tarrying in the eating of the cake." The decreeswere to remain in force at least three months longer, till it should be knownwhether Great Britain would comply with those terms which France—not theUnited States—made the condition of revoking the orders in council; and ifGreat Britain did not comply, then the French decrees were not revoked. Thelegality of the President's proclamation, of course, was questioned. Therewas, as Josiah Quincy said in debate in the House, the following February(1811), "a continued seizure of all the vessels which came within the graspof the French custom-house, from the 1st of November down to the date ofour last accounts." Other members, not more earnest, were less temperate inthe expression of their indignation at what, one of them said, would becalled swindling in the conduct of private affairs; while another declaredthat the President was throwing the people "into the embrace of that monsterat whose perfidy Lucifer blushed and hell stands astonished." France knewall this while what England's decision would be. She was ready to rescindthe orders in council when the French edicts were revoked, but she did notrecognize a mere letter from the French minister, Champagny, to theAmerican ambassador as such revocation. The second French condition, that



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England should abandon her "new principles of blockade" and accept in theirplace a new French principle, was peremptorily rejected by the Englishministry. That proposition opened a question not properly belonging to anagreement touching the decrees and orders,—a question of what was ablockade, and what could properly be subject to it. Napoleon's doctrine was,not only that a paper blockade was not permissible by the law of nations, butthat there could be no right of blockade "to ports not fortified, to harborsand mouths of rivers, which, according to reason and the usage of civilizednations, is applicable only to strong or fortified places." Mr. Emott, amember of the House from New York, said in debate that the United Statesmight well be grateful to both England and France, if they would agree uponthis doctrine as good international law; since in that case, as there were nofortified places in the United States, she would never be in peril of ablockade. But it was precisely what England would not admit nor evendiscuss as relevant to an agreement to revoke the orders and decrees.

To "this curious gallamatry," as Quincy called it, "of time present and timefuture, of doing and refraining to do, of declaration and understanding ofEnglish duties and American duties," was added another ingredient ofMadison's own devising. The American ministers in England and France wereinstructed that Great Britain would be expected to include in the revocationof her orders in council the blockade of a portion of the coast of France,declared in May, 1806; and the President offered, unasked, a pledge to theFrench emperor, that this should be insisted upon. Whether he meant tomake it easier for Napoleon and harder for Great Britain to respond to theact of May is a question impossible to answer; but the opponents of thepolicy he was pursuing were careful to point out that the act of May saidnothing whatever, either of this or any other blockade; that when, the yearbefore, the agreement was made with Erskine, the President did not pretendthat the orders in council included blockades; and that it was remarkable thathe should forget his own declaration regarding the monstrous spoliation of afew months before by the French, under the Rambouillet decree, and yetremember this British order of blockade of four years before, whicheverybody else had forgotten. Indeed, so completely had it passed out ofmind, that the American minister in London, Mr. Pinkney, was obliged to askthe British foreign secretary whether that order had been revoked or wasstill considered as in force. It had never been formally withdrawn, was theanswer, though it had been comprehended in the subsequent order in councilof January, 1807. England refused, however, to recall specifically thisblockade of 1806, for that would have been construed as a recognition ofNapoleon's right to demand an abandonment of her "new principles ofblockade;" but in fact—as the British minister in Washington afterwardacknowledged—the recall of the order in council of 1807 would haveannulled the order of blockade of 1806, which it had absorbed.

The truth is, the whole negotiation was a trial of skill at diplomatic fence, in



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which England would not yield an inch to the United States or to France.Madison and his party were more than willing to aid Napoleon; andNapoleon hoped to defeat both his antagonists by turning their swordsagainst each other. A quite different result would have followed had Francebeen as willing as England apparently was that the commercial edicts shouldbe considered without regard to other questions; or if the AmericanExecutive had insisted that it would accept their unconditional revocation,pure and simple and not otherwise, from either power, as was contemplatedin the act of May, 1810. But instead, when Congress rose in March, 1811, itleft behind it an act renewing non-intercourse with England, in accordancewith Napoleon's demand that the United States should "cause their rights tobe respected by the English." This meant war.



In May, 1811, there occurred one of those accidents which happen onpurpose, and often serve as a relief when the public temper is in anexasperated and almost dangerous condition. This was the fight between theAmerican frigate President, of forty-four guns, and the English sloop-of-warLittle Belt, of eighteen guns. This vessel belonged to the British squadronwhich was ordered to the American coast to break up the trade from theUnited States to France; and the President was one of the few ships thegovernment had for the protection of its commerce. The ships met a fewmiles south of Sandy Hook, chased each other in turn, then fired into eachother without any reasonable pretext for the first shot, which each accusedthe other of having fired. The loss on board the English ship, in an encounterwhich lasted only a few minutes, was over thirty in killed and wounded,while only a single man was slightly wounded on board the President. It was,as Mr. Madison said, an "occurrence not unlikely to bring on repetitions,"and that these would "probably end in an open rupture or a betterunderstanding, as the calculations of the British government may prompt ordissuade from war." This certainly was obvious enough; though it would be agreat deal easier for England to bring on a war than to avert it, in the angrymood in which the majority of the Democratic party then was. But Mr.Madison preserved his equanimity. Considering his old proclivity forFrance, and his old dislike of England, his impartiality between them israther remarkable. But his aim was still to keep the peace while he abatednothing of the well-founded complaints he had against both powers. When anew Congress assembled in the autumn he was careful to point out in hismessage the delinquencies of France as well as the offenses of England. He




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insisted that while England should have acknowledged the Berlin and Milandecrees to be revoked and have acted accordingly, France showed nodisposition to repair the many wrongs she had inflicted upon Americanmerchants, and had lately imposed such "rigorous and unexpectedrestrictions" upon commerce that it would be necessary, unless they werespeedily discontinued, to meet them by "corresponding restrictions onimportations from France."

This tone is even more pronounced in his letters for some following months.If anything, it is France rather than England that seems to be looked upon asthe chief offender, with whom there was the greater danger of armedcollision. A fortnight after Congress had assembled he wrote to Barlow, thenew minister to France, that though justified in assuming the French decreesto be so far withdrawn that a withdrawal of the British orders might belooked for, "yet the manner in which the French government has managed therepeal of the decrees, and evaded a correction of other outrages, has mingledwith the conciliatory tendency of the repeal as much of irritation and disgustas possible." "In fact," he adds, "without a systematic change from anappearance of crafty contrivance and insatiate cupidity, for an open, manly,and upright dealing with a nation whose example demands it, it is impossiblethat good-will can exist; and that the ill-will which her policy aims atdirecting against her enemy should not, by her folly and iniquity, be drawnoff against herself." French depredations upon American commerce in theBaltic were "kindling a fresh flame here," and, if they were not stopped,"hostile collisions will as readily take place with one nation as the other;"nor would there be any hesitation in sending American frigates to that sea,"with orders to suppress by force the French and Danish depredations," wereit not for the "danger of rencounters with British ships of superior force inthat quarter."

By this time, however, Congress, under the lead of younger, vigorous men—chief among them Clay and Calhoun—panting for leadership and distinction,was beginning its clamor for war with England. How much respect hadMadison for this movement, and how much faith in it? A letter to Jeffersonof February 7 answers both questions. Were he not evidently amused, hewould seem to be contemptuous. "To enable the Executive to step at onceinto Canada," he says, "they have provided, after two months' delay, for aregular force requiring twelve to raise it, and after three months for avolunteer force, on terms not likely to raise it at all for that object. Themixture of good and bad, avowed and disguised motives, accounting for thesethings, is curious enough, but not to be explained in the compass of a letter."This is not the tone of either hope or fear. If war was in his mind at thattime, it was not war with England. Three weeks later he writes to Barlow atParis. On various points of negotiation between that minister and the Frenchgovernment, he observes much that "suggests distrust rather thanexpectation." He complains of delay, of vagueness, of neglect, of



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discourtesy, of a disregard of past obligations as to the liberation of shipsand cargoes seized, and of late condemnations of ships captured in theBaltic; and concerning all these and other grievances he says: "We find solittle of explicit dealing or substantial redress mingled with the complimentsand encouragements, which cost nothing because they mean nothing, thatsuspicions are unavoidable; and if they be erroneous, the fault does not liewith those who entertain them." He believed that France, in asking for a newtreaty, which he thinks unnecessary, is only seeking to gain time in order totake advantage of future events. The commercial relations between the twocountries are so intolerable that trade "will be prohibited if no essentialchange take place." Unless there be indemnity for the great wrongscommitted under the Rambouillet decree, and for other spoliations, hedeclares that "there can be neither cordiality nor confidence here; nor anyrestraint from self-redress in any justifiable mode of effecting it." The letterconcludes with the emphatic assertion that, if dispatches soon looked for"do not exhibit the French government in better colors than it has yetassumed, there will be but one sentiment in this country; and I need not saywhat that will be."

Congress all this while was lashing itself into fury against England. Theambitious young leaders of the Democratic party in the House were, so tospeak, "spoiling for a fight," and they chose to have it out with Englandrather than with France. Not that there was not quite as much reason forresentment against France as against England. Some, indeed, of the more hot-headed were anxious for war with both; but these were of the more impulsivekind, like Henry Clay, who laughed in scorn at the doubt that he could not ata blow subdue the Canadas with a few regiments of Kentucky militia. Butwar with England was determined upon, partly because the old enmity towardher made that intolerable which to the old affection for France was a burdenlightly borne; and partly because the instinctive jealousy of the commercialinterest, on the part of the planter-interest, preferred that policy whichwould do the most harm to the North. On April 1, 1812, just five weeks afterthe writing of this letter to Barlow, Mr. Madison sent to Congress a messageof five lines recommending the immediate passage of an act to impose "ageneral embargo on all vessels now in port or hereafter arriving for theperiod of sixty days." It was meant to be a secret measure; but the intentionleaked out in two or three places, and the news was hurried North by severalof the Federalist members in time to enable some of their constituents tosend their ships to sea before the act was passed. Nor, probably, was it asurprise to anybody; for war with England had been the topic of debate inone aspect or another all winter, and the purpose of the party in power wasplain to everybody. That the embargo was intended as a preparation for warwas frankly acknowledged. An act was speedily passed, though the periodwas extended from sixty to ninety days. Within less than sixty days,however, another message from the President recommended a declaration ofwar. On June 3 the Committee on Foreign Relations, of which Calhoun was



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chairman, reported in favor of "an immediate appeal to arms," and the nextday a declaratory act was passed. Of the seventy-nine affirmative votes inthe House, forty-eight were from the South and West, and of the other thirty-one votes from the Northern States, fourteen were from Pennsylvania alone.Of the forty-nine votes against it, thirty-four were from the Northern States,including two from Pennsylvania. On the 17th, a fortnight later, the bill wasgot through the Senate by a majority of six.

Mr. Madison for years had opposed a war with England as unwise anduseless,—unwise, because the United States was not in a condition to go towar with the greatest naval power in the world; and useless, because the endto be reached by war could be gained more certainly, and at infinitely lesscost, by peaceful measures. The situation had not changed. Indeed, up towithin a month of the message recommending an embargo as a precursor ofwar, his letters show that, if he thought war was inevitable, it must be withFrance, not England. But the faction determined upon war must have at theircommand an administration to carry out that policy. Their choice was notlimited to Madison for an available candidate. Whoever was nominated bythe Democrats was sure to be chosen, and Madison had two formidablerivals in James Monroe, secretary of state, and De Witt Clinton, mayor ofNew York, both eager for war. The choice depended on that question andbetween the embargo message of April 1 and the war message of June 1, thenomination was given to Madison by the congressional caucus. It wasunderstood, and openly asserted at the time by the opponents of theadministration, that the nomination was the price of a change of policy. Atthe next session of Congress, before a year had passed away, Mr. Quincysaid in the House: "The great mistake of all those who reasoned concerningthe war and the invasion of Canada, and concluded that it was impossiblethat either should be seriously intended, resulted from this, that they nevertook into consideration the connection of both those events with the greatelection for the chief magistracy which was then pending. It was neversufficiently considered by them that plunging into a war with Great Britainwas among the conditions on which the support for the presidency was madedependent." The assertion, so plainly aimed at Madison, passedunchallenged, though the charge of any distinct bargain was vehementlydenied.

If Mr. Madison's conscience was not always vigorous enough to enable himto resist temptation, it was so sensitive as to prompt him to look for excusesfor yielding. In a sense this was to his credit as one of the better sort ofpoliticians, without assuming it to be akin to that hypocrisy which is thehomage vice pays to virtue. Perhaps it was this sentiment which led him toaccept so readily the pretended disclosures of John Henry, and to make theuse of them he did. These were contained in twenty-four letters, for whichthe President, apparently without hesitation, paid fifty thousand dollars. OnMarch 9 he sent them to Congress with a message, and on the same day, in a




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letter to Jefferson, alludes to them as "this discovery, or rather formal proofof the coöperation between the Eastern Junto and the British cabinet." In themessage he intimates that this secret agent was sent directly by the Britishgovernment to Massachusetts to foment disaffection, to intrigue "with thedisaffected for the purpose of bringing about resistance to the laws, andeventually, in concert with a British force, of destroying the Union" andreannexing the Eastern States to England. In the war message of June 1 thesecharges are repeated as among the reasons for an appeal to arms. Mr.Calhoun's committee followed this lead and improved upon it in the reportrecommending an immediate declaration of war. The Henry affair wasdeclared an "act of still greater malignity" than any of the other outragesagainst the United States of which Great Britain had been guilty, and thatwhich "excited the greatest horror." The incident was seized upon,apparently, to answer a temporary purpose, and then, so far as Mr. Madisonwas concerned, was permitted to sink into oblivion. In the hundreds of pagesof his published letters, written in later life, in which he reviews andexplains so many of the events of his public career, there is no allusionwhatever to the Henry disclosures, which in 1812 were held, with the ruin ofAmerican commerce and the impressment of thousands of American citizens,as an equally just cause for war. In truth there was nothing whatever in thesedisclosures, for which was paid an amount equal to the salary of half apresidential term, to warrant the assumptions of either Mr. Madison'smessages or Mr. Calhoun's report. The man had been sent, at his ownsuggestion, early in 1809, by the governor of Canada to Massachusetts tolearn the state of affairs there and observe the drift of public opinion. Hisnational proclivity—he was an Irishman—to conspiracy and revolution hadled him to see in the dissatisfaction with the embargo a determination in theNew England people to destroy the Union, reannex themselves to England,and return to the flesh-pots of the colonial period. To learn how far gonethey were in these designs, to put himself in intimate relations with theleading conspirators and to bring them into communication with Sir JamesCraig, the governor-general of Canada, that sufficient aid should comethrough him at the proper moment from the British government, was Henry'smission. Of this truly Irish plot Henry was the villain and Craig the fool; butit is hardly possible that three years afterward Madison and his friends, withall the letters spread before them, could really have been the dupes.

Henry went to Boston and remained there about three months, living at atavern. He found out nothing because there was nothing to be found out. Heknew nobody, and nobody of any note knew him, and all the information hesent to Craig might have been, and doubtless was, picked up in the ordinarypolitical gossip of the tavern barroom, or culled from the columns of thenewspapers of both parties. He compromised nobody, for—as Mr. Monroe,as secretary of state, testified in a report to the Senate—he named no personor persons in the United States who had, "in any way or manner whatever,entered into or countenanced the project or views" of himself and Craig; and



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all he had to say was pointless and unimportant, except so far as his opinionsmight have some interest as those of a shrewd observer of public events.Indeed, his own conclusion was that there was no conspiracy in the EasternStates; that the Federal party was strong enough to keep the peace withEngland; and that there was no talk of disunion, nor any likelihood of itunless it should be brought about by war. The correspondence itself showed,in a letter from Robert Peel, then secretary to Lord Liverpool, that theletters of Henry were found, as a matter of course, among Canadian officialpapers, as they related to public affairs; but they had either never attractedany attention or had been entirely forgotten, and Lord Liverpool was quiteignorant of any "arrangement or agreement" that had been made between thegovernor of Canada and his emissary to New England. It was only because ofhis failure to get any reward from the British government or from Craig'ssuccessor in Canada, for what he was pleased to call his services, that theadventurer came to Washington in search of a market for himself and hispapers. He came at an opportune moment. Notwithstanding the secretary ofstate frankly declared, that neither by writing nor by word of mouth did theman implicate by name anybody in the United States; notwithstanding one ofthe letters was evidence, the more conclusive because incidental, that theBritish secretary of state had known nothing of this mission contrivedbetween Henry and Craig,—yet Mr. Madison pronounced the letters to bethe "formal proof of the coöperation between the Eastern Junto and theBritish cabinet." The charge was monstrous, for this pretended proof had noexistence. If the President, however, could persuade himself that the storywas true, it would help him to justify himself to himself for a change ofpolicy, the result of which would be the coveted renomination for thepresidency.

Not that there had never been talk of disunion in New England. There hadbeen in years past, as there was to be in years to come. But talk of that kinddid not belong exclusively to that particular period, nor was it confined tothat particular region of country. Ever since the adoption of the Constitutionthe one thing that orators, North and South, inside the halls of Congress andoutside them, were agreed upon was, that in all debate there was oneargument, equally good on both sides, to which there could be no reply; thatin all legislation there was one possible supreme move that would bring allthe wheels of government to a dead stop. The solemn warning or the angrythreat was always in readiness for instant use, that the bonds of the Union, inone or another contingency, were to be rent asunder. But so frequent hadbeen these warning cries of the coming wolf that they were listened to withindifference, except when some positive act indicated real danger, as in theJefferson-Madison "resolutions of '98." It was easy, therefore, to alarm thepublic with confessions of a secret emissary, as he pretended, who hadturned traitor to the government which had employed him and to theconspirators to whom he had been sent; and the more reprehensible was it,therefore, in a President of the United States, to make the use that was made



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of this story, which an impartial examination would have shown wasessentially absurd and infamously false. Mr. Madison's intelligence is not tobe impugned. He was too sagacious, as well as too unimpassioned a man, tobe taken in by the ingenious tale of such an adventurer as Henry. In a letter toColonel David Humphreys, written the next spring, in defense of the policyof commercial restrictions, he says: "I have never allowed myself to believethat the Union was in danger, or that a dissolution of it could be desired,unless by a few individuals, if such there be, in desperate situations or ofunbridled passions." New England, he continues, "would be the greatestloser by such an event, and not likely therefore deliberately to rush into it.""On what basis," he asks, "could New England and Old England formcommercial stipulations?" Their commercial jealousy, he contends, forbadean alliance between them, for that was "the real source of our Revolution."He closes with the significant assertion that, "if there be links of commoninterest between the two countries, they would connect the Southern and notthe Northern States with that part of Europe." How, then, could he seriouslyaccept Henry's pretended disclosures as "formal proof," as he wrote toJefferson at that time, "of the coöperation between the Eastern Junto and theBritish cabinet"? By the Eastern Junto is meant the Federal party, or at leastthe influential and able leaders of that party; and he could not consider, norwould he have spoken of them as "a few individuals, if such there be, indesperate situations or of unbridled passions." He accepted, then, the Henrystory in spite of his deliberate opinions, as a help to involve the country in aparty war.

Even at the risk of some prolixity it is needful to follow the course of eventsthat led to this war a little farther; for here was the culmination of Mr.Madison's career, and from his course in shaping and directing these eventswe best learn what manner of man he was, and where his true place is amongthe public men of our earlier history. For a year and a half the United Stateshad acted on the assumption that France had recalled her decrees, and thatEngland had not revoked her orders. The extracts from Mr. Madison'sletters, given on previous pages, show his conviction that the revocation ofeither decrees or orders was practically no more true of one power than itwas of the other. The government of the United States, nevertheless,submitted to the one, and against the other it first reënacted the non-intercourse act, then proclaimed an embargo preparatory to war, and finallydeclared war. Yet the whole world knew, and nobody so surely as theemperor of France, that the Berlin and Milan decrees had never beenformally repealed at all; meanwhile French outrages upon Americancommerce had continued, and all redress so persistently refused that, so lateas the last week in February, 1812, the President intimated that war—warwith France, not England—might prove the only remedy. But he suddenlyyielded to the clamors of the war party at home, whatever may have been hismotive. Then, and not till then, were the decrees actually revoked byNapoleon. In May, 1812, more than a month after the President had



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recommended an embargo, the hostile purport of which was so wellunderstood, a decree was proclaimed by the emperor which for the first timereally revoked those of Berlin and Milan. True, it was dated—"purported tobe dated," it was said in an official English document—April, 1811. But thatwas of no moment; the essential point was, that it had never seen the light;that any hint of its existence had never been given to the Americangovernment, or its representatives abroad, till the United States had takenmeasures to "cause their rights to be respected by the English," which wasthe original condition of a revocation of the decrees. Its ostensible date waswhen the news reached France that non-intercourse had been again enforcedagainst England in March, 1811; but its promulgation was to all intents andpurposes the real date, when news reached France, in April or May, 1812,that war against England was finally determined upon.

The Duke of Bassano, the French minister, had not, moreover, brought outthis year-old decree without pressure from the American minister, Barlow.The President had written Barlow, in that February letter already quoted,that if his expected dispatches did not "exhibit the conduct of the Frenchgovernment in better colors than it has yet assumed, there will be but onesentiment in this country, and I need not say what that will be." When thedispatches came, Mr. Madison received no assurances of redress for pastwrongs and no promises for the future; but he learned, on the contrary, thatBassano, in a recent report to the emperor, had referred to the decrees ofBerlin and Milan as still in force against all neutral nations which submittedto the seizure of their ships by the British when containing contraband goodsor enemy's property. Naturally the British ministry was not slow inpresenting this precious acknowledgment to the United States as a proof thatshe had all along been in the wrong, and that in common justice to Englandthe non-importation act should now be repealed. The assurance was at thesame time repeated, possibly in a tone of considerable satisfaction, thatwhen Napoleon really should revoke his decrees Great Britain was ready, asshe always had been, to follow his example with her orders. It was anawkward dilemma for the President and his minister to France. But by thistime, the Presidential nomination impending, Mr. Madison had made up hismind what to do. He was not exactly a wolf; neither was Great Britain alamb; but the argument he used was the argument of the fable. Instead ofadvising—Bassano having declared the decrees still in force—a repeal ofthe non-importation act, as Great Britain claimed was in justice and comityher due, he recommended a war measure. But Barlow evidently felt himselfto be under some decent restraint of logic and consistency. He urged uponthe French minister the necessity now of a positive and imperial declarationthat the decrees, so far as regarded the United States, were absolutelyrevoked; for this recent assertion of Bassano, that they were still in force,put the United States in an attitude both towards France and England utterlyand absurdly in the wrong. Barlow represented that, should the revocation beextended only to the United States, Great Britain would not for that alone



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repeal her orders. In that case France would lose nothing of the advantage ofher present position, while everything would be lost should the United Statesbe compelled to repeal her non-importation laws against England. Bassanowas quick to see the necessity of jumping into the bramble-bush andscratching his eyes in again, and he then produced his year-old edict. Being ayear old, it of course covered all questions. But was it a year old? Whoknew? It had never been published? No, the duke said; but it had been shownto Mr. Jonathan Russell, who at that time was chargé d'affaires at Paris. Mr.Russell denied it, though a denial was hardly needed. He would not haveventured to withhold information so important from his government; and itwas evident, from the tone of his dispatches of a subsequent date, that hehad no suspicion of its existence. For he had maintained it, as a point of"national honor," that the revocation of the French decrees must havepreceded the President's proclamation of November 1, 1810; and this hewould not have dared to do had he known that the actual revocation by theFrench minister was not made till six months after the date of the President'sproclamation, and was then made secretly.

However, as if to defeat all these machinations of France and the UnitedStates, Great Britain immediately recalled her orders in council, when, inMay, 1812, the Duke of Bassano announced the edict of April, 1811,revoking the Berlin and Milan decrees, though so far only as they concernedAmerican vessels. The declaration of war of June 18 had not reachedEngland, and there was still a chance for peace. Foster, the late Englishminister to the United States, learned at Halifax—where he had stopped onhis way home—that the orders in council were repealed, and he tookimmediate steps to bring about an armistice between the naval commanderson the coast of Nova Scotia, and between the governor of Canada and theAmerican general, Dearborn, in command of the frontier. The government atWashington, however, refused to ratify any suspension of hostilities. Somenegotiations followed, but, decrees and orders being out of the way, therewas nothing left to negotiate about except the question of impressment. Uponthat question the two governments were as wide apart as ever, and not in theleast likely to come together. Mr. Madison determined that on that groundalone the war should go on. It had been as good and sufficient ground forsuch a war any time for the past dozen years; but whether it could be settledby an appeal to arms was a question of possibilities and probabilities bywhich both Jefferson and Madison had hitherto been ruled. Was that still theessential question? With the result came the answer. Two years later theadministration was glad to accept a treaty of peace in which impressmentwas not even alluded to. Great Britain did not relinquish by a syllable herassumed right to board American ships in search of British seamen; and theadministration instructed its peace commissioners not even to ask that sheshould.



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Early in the war Mr. Madison said to a friend, in a letter "altogether privateand written in confidence," that the way to make the conflict both "short andsuccessful would be to convince the enemy that he was to contend with thewhole and not part of the nation." That it was a war of a party, and not of thepeople, was a discouragement to himself, however the enemy may haveregarded it, which he could never see any way of overcoming. He could notlisten to an opponent nor learn anything from disaster. "If the war mustcontinue," said Webster within a year of its end, "go to the ocean. Let it nolonger be said that not one ship of force, built by your hands since the war,yet floats. If you are seriously contending for maritime rights, go to thetheatre where those rights can be defended.... There the united wishes andexertions of the nation will go with you. Even our party divisions,acrimonious as they are, cease at the water's edge.... In protecting navalinterests by naval means, you will arm yourself with the whole power ofnational sentiment, and may command the whole abundance of nationalforces." Taking now in one view the events of those years, it is easy to see inour generation how mad were Madison and his party to turn deaf ears to suchconsiderations as these. Their force and wisdom had already been proved byeighteen months of disaster on land, which had made the war daily more andmore unpopular; and by brilliant success for a time at sea, when each freshvictory was hailed with universal enthusiasm. "Our little naval triumphs,"was the President's way of speaking of the latter; and the only importance heseems to have seen in them was, that they excited some "rage and jealousy"in England and moved her to increase her naval force. How could Mr.Madison expect that the whole and not a part only of the nation could upholdan administration which, after eighteen months of fighting, could bereproached on the floor of Congress with not having launched a ship sincethe war was begun? Or did he only choose to remember that the navy, whichalone so far had brought either success or honor to the national arms, wasthe creation of the Federalists in spite of the Jeffersonian policy? It surelywould have been wiser to try to propitiate New England, with which he wasin perpetual worry and conflict, by enlisting it in a naval war in which it hadsome faith. A large proportion of her people would have been glad to escapeidleness and poverty at home for service at sea, though they were reluctant toaid in a vain attempt to conquer Canada.



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Battle of Lake Erie

Even to that purpose, however, Massachusetts contributed, in the secondcampaign of 1814, more recruits than any other single State; and NewEngland more than all the Southern States together. New England could havegiven no stronger proof of her loyalty, if only Mr. Madison had known howto turn it to advantage. He was absolutely deaf and blind to it; but his earswere quick to hear and his eyes to see, when he learned presently that theNew Englanders were seriously calculating the value of the Union under suchrule as they had had of late. It was not often that he relieved himself byintemperate language, but he could not help saying now, in writing toGovernor Nicholas of Virginia, that "the greater part of the people in thatquarter have been brought by their leaders, aided by their priests, under adelusion scarcely exceeded by that recorded in the period of witchcraft; andthe leaders themselves are becoming daily more desperate in the use theymake of it." The "delusion" was taking a practical direction. Mr. Madisonhad learned before the letter was written that a convention was about to meetat Hartford, the object of which was to weigh in a balance, upon the oneside, the continuation of such government as that of the last two or threeyears, and, upon the other side, the value of the Union. He ardently hopedthat the commissioners, then assembled at Ghent, would agree upon a treaty;and there seemed to be no good reason why there should not be peace whennothing was to be said of the cause of the war, no apology demanded for thepast, and no stipulation for the future. But if by any chance thecommissioners should fail, Mr. Madison saw in the Hartford Convention thehuge shadow of a coming conflict more difficult to deal with than a foreignwar. It was the first step in dead earnest for the formation of a NorthernConfederacy, and it is quite possible he may have felt that he was not theman for such a crisis. Every line of the letter pulsates with anxiety. The onlyconsoling thought in it is that without "foreign coöperation revolt andseparation will hardly be risked," and to such coöperation he hoped amajority of the New England people would not consent. A treaty of peace,



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however, came to save him and the Union. Within a few weeks theadministration papers were laughing at Harrison Gray Otis of Boston, whohad started for Washington as the representative of the Hartford Convention,but turned back at the news of peace; and were advertising him as missingunder the name of Titus Oates. It was, however, the hysterical laugh ofrecovery from a terrible fright.

If ambition to be a second time President led Mr. Madison to consent againsthis own better judgment to a war with England, he paid a heavy penalty. Itwas the act of a party politician and not of a statesman; for the country wasno more prepared for a war in 1812, when as a politician he assented to it,than it had been for the previous half dozen years when as a statesman hehad opposed it. He gave the influence of the United States in support of adespotism that aimed at the subjugation of all Europe; he threw a freshobstacle in the way of that power to which Europe could chiefly look toresist a common enemy; and he did both under the pretense that the justcomplaints of the United States were greater against one of these powersthan against the other. He declared war mainly to redress a wrong whichceased to exist before a blow was struck; he then rejected an offer of peacebecause another wrong was still persisted in; but finally, of his own motion,he accepted a treaty in which the assumed cause of war was not even alludedto.

That Mr. Madison was not a good war President, either by training or bytemperament, was, if it may be said of any man, his misfortune rather thanhis fault. But it was his fault rather than his misfortune that he permittedhimself to be dragged in a day into a line of conduct which the soberjudgment of years had disapproved. He is usually and most justly regarded asa man of great amiability of character; of unquestionable integrity in all thepurely personal relations of life; of more than ordinary intellectual ability ofa solid, though not brilliant, quality; and a diligent student of the science ofgovernment, the practice of which he made a profession. But he was betterfitted by nature for a legislator than for executive office, and his fame wouldhave been more spotless, though his position would have been less exalted,had his life been exclusively devoted to that branch of government for whichhe was best fitted. It was not merely that for the sake of the Presidency heplunged the country into an unnecessary war; but when it was on his hands heneither knew what to do with it himself nor how to choose the right men whodid know.

It is our amiable weakness—if one may venture to say so of the Americanpeople—that all our geese are swans, or rather eagles; that we are apt tomistake notoriety for reputation; that it is the popular belief of the largernumber that he who, no matter how, has reached a distinguished position, isby virtue of that fact a great and good man. This is not less true, in ameasure, of Mr. Madison than of some other men who have been Presidents,and of still more who have thought that they deserved to be. But, if that false



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estimate surrounds his name, there is a strong undercurrent of opinion,common among those whose business or whose pleasure it is to look beneaththe surface of things historical, that he was wanting in strength of characterand in courage. He did not lack discernment as to what was wisest and best;but he was too easily influenced by others, or led by the hope of gainingsome glittering prize which ambition coveted, to turn his back upon his ownconvictions. It was this weakness which swept him beyond his depth intotroubled waters where his struggles were hopeless. Had he refused to assumethe responsibility of a war which his judgment condemned, and which heshould have known that he wanted the peculiar ability to bring to asuccessful and honorable conclusion, he might never have been President,but his fame would have been of a higher order. History might haveoverlooked the act of political fickleness in his earlier career, which was sowarmly resented by many of his contemporaries. Abandonment of party istoo common and often too justifiable to be accounted as necessarily a crime;and it can rarely be said with positiveness, whatever the probabilities, that apolitical deserter is certainly moved by base motives. It is rather from expost facto than from immediate evidence, as in Madison's case, that a justverdict is likely to be reached. But there can be neither doubt nor mistake asto the President's management of foreign affairs during the two yearspreceding the declaration of war against England; nor of the remarkableincompetence which he showed in rallying the moral and material forces ofthe nation to meet an emergency of his own creation.

Opposition to war generally and therefore opposition to an army and navywere sound cardinal principles in the Jeffersonian school of politics. Mr.Madison was curiously blind to the logical consequences of this doctrine; hecould not see, or he would not consider, that, when war seemed advisable toan administration, the result must depend mainly upon the success of theappeal to the people for their countenance and help. But he unwisely soughtto raise and employ an army for the invasion and conquest of the territory ofthe enemy in spite of the opposition of a large proportion of the wealthiestand most intelligent people in the country; while at the same time he refusedto see any promise or any presage in a naval warfare which had opened withunexpected brilliancy, and would, had it been followed up, have been sure ofpopular support. His title to fame rests, with the multitude, upon the fact thathe was one of the earlier Presidents of the republic. But it is that period ofhis career which least entitles him to be remembered with gratitude andrespect by his countrymen.

Its crowning humiliation came with the capture of Washington in August,1814, when the British admiral, co*ckburn, entered the Hall ofRepresentatives, at the head of a band of followers, and springing into thespeaker's chair shouted: "Shall this harbor of Yankee Democracy be burned?All for it will say, Aye!" Early in the war Madison had written to Jefferson,"We do not apprehend invasion by land,"—the one thing, it would seem, that



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a commander-in-chief should have apprehended, whose single aim was theinvasion and conquest of the enemy's territory. His devotion to this onepurpose, to the exclusion of any other idea of either offense or defense, andin spite of continued failure, was almost an infatuation. Within a year of thatexpression of confidence to Mr. Jefferson the whole coast was blockadedfrom the eastern end of Long Island Sound to the mouth of the Mississippi.For a year before Washington was taken, the shores of Chesapeake Bay wereharassed and raided and devastated by a blockading force, till the peoplewere reduced almost to the condition of a conquered country. Two monthsbefore the British commanders, Ross and co*ckburn, went up the Potomac,Mr. Gallatin, who was then in London, had informed the President that thefleet was to be reinforced for that very purpose; but neither he nor Congresstook any effective measures to meet a danger so imminent. Their eyes werefixed with a far-off gaze across the Northern border, while only five hundredregular troops, a body of untrained militia who had never heard the whistleof a bullet, and a few gunboats on the Potomac, guarded the national capitalagainst a British fleet, a thousand marines, and thirty-five hundred men fromWellington's best regiments. The President fleeing in one direction with thesecretary of war, the secretary of state, and the general in command; Mrs.Madison fleeing in another, with her reticule filled with silver spoonssnatched up in haste as she left the White House;[15] behind them all as theyfled, the horizon red with the blaze of the largest navy yard in the countryand of all the public buildings, but one, of the capital,—these incidents arean amazing commentary on the early assertion that invasion was not to beapprehended.

The end of this wretched war, which has been foolishly called the secondwar of independence, came four months afterward. Never was a peace sowelcome as this was on all sides. England was exhausted with the longcontest with Napoleon; and now, that being over, as there was no practicalquestion to differ about with the United States, the ministry were notunwilling to listen to the demands of the commercial and manufacturingclasses. In America so great was the universal joy that the Federalists andthe Democrats forgot their differences and their hates, and wept and laughedby turns in each other's arms and kissed each other like women. One partywas delivered from calamities for which, if continued much longer, thereseemed only one desperate and dreaded remedy; the other was overjoyed toback out of a blunder which was the straight and broad road to national ruin.Of all men, Mr. Madison had the most reason to be glad for a safedeliverance from the consequences of his own want of foresight and want offirmness. Less than two years remained to him of his public career. In thatbrief period much was forgotten and more forgiven—as our national way is—in the promise of a great prosperity to be speedily achieved in thereleased energies of a vigorous and industrious people. He had not again tochoose between differing factions of his own party, nor to carry out a policyagainst the will of a formidable opposition. To the Federalists hardly a name




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was left in the progress of events at home and abroad; while all immediatevital questions of difference vanished, the party in power remained in almostundisputed ascendency. The most important Democratic measures it theninsisted upon were a national bank and a protective tariff. To theestablishment of a bank Mr. Madison assented against his own convictionthat any provision could be found for it in the Constitution; and a tariff, bothfor revenue and for the protection and encouragement of American industry,he agreed with his party was the true policy.

For nearly twenty years after his retirement to Montpellier—a name which,with rare exceptions, he always spelled correctly, and not in the Americanway—it was his privilege to live a watchful observer of the prosperity of hiscountry. If it ever occurred to him in his secret soul that at the period of hispreëminence he had done anything to arrest that prosperity, he gave no sign.He loved rather to remember and sometimes to recall to others the part hehad taken in the nurture of the young republic in the feeble days of itsinfancy. Of his own administration and the events of that time he had muchless to say than of the true interpretation of the Constitution, of the intent ofits framers, and the circ*mstances that influenced their deliberations. Hisvoluminous correspondence shows the bent of his mind as a legislator and astudent of fundamental law; and on that, rather than on his ability andsuccess as the chief magistrate of the nation, rests his true fame.

These twenty years, though passed in retirement, were not years of leisure. "Ihave rarely," he wrote in 1827, "during the period of my public life, foundmy time less at my disposal than since I took my leave of it; nor have I theconsolation of finding, that as my powers of application necessarily decline,the demands on them proportionally decrease." Much as he wrote uponquestions of an earlier period, there were no topics of the current time thatdid not arouse his interest. Upon the subject of slavery he thought much andwrote much and always earnestly and humanely. How to get rid of it was aproblem which he never solved to his own satisfaction. Though it was one healways longed to see through, it never occurred to him that the way toabolish slavery was—to abolish it. How kind he was as a master, PaulJennings bears witness. "I never," he says, "saw him in a passion, and neverknew him to strike a slave, though he had over a hundred; neither would heallow an overseer to do it." He rebuked those who were in fault; but, addsJennings, he would "never mortify them by doing it before others." It will beremembered that on the first occasion of his being a candidate for publicoffice he refused to follow the universal Virginian habit of "treating" theelectors. To the principle which governed him then he adhered through life,and his letters show the warm interest he always took in every phase of thetemperance movement. "I don't think he drank a quart of brandy in his wholelife," says Jennings. A single glass of wine was all he ever took at dinner, andthis he diluted with water, when, says the same witness, "he had harddrinkers at his table who had put away his choice madeira pretty freely."



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This will go for something, considering the times, with even the most zealousof the modern supporters of that cause; but they must be quite satisfied toknow that "for the last fifteen years of his life he drank no wine at all."Consideration for his own health, always feeble, may have led him to thisabstinence; but it is rather remarkable that a man of his position should haveheld, fifty years ago, the advanced notions which he certainly did upon thisquestion, and that the doubt only of the possibility of enforcing laws forprohibiting the manufacture and sale of spirits seems to have withheld himfrom proposing them.

Social as well as moral questions he discussed with evident interest andwithout passion or prejudice. Aside from the party meaning of the term, hebelonged to that school of democracy, now extinct, which believed that thehighest object of human exertion is to improve man's condition, and tosecure to each the rights which belong to all. He did not agree with RobertOwen as to methods; but neither did he reject his schemes as inevitablyabsurd because they were new and untried. One would not gather from hiscorrespondence with Frances Wright that this was the notorious FannyWright whom the world chose to consider, as its way is, a disreputable andprobably wicked woman, inasmuch as she proposed some radical changes inits social relations which she thought would be a gain. He gave muchattention to popular education, and all the influence he could command wasdevoted, through all the later years of his life, to the establishment and well-being of the University of Virginia. Education, he maintained, was the truefoundation of civil liberty, and on it, therefore, rested the welfare andstability of the republic. It is probable that he would have drawn a line atdifference of color then, simply because of the difference of conditionimplied by color. But he made no such distinction in sex. Sixty-three yearsago he saw his way quite clearly on a question which is a sore trial now tomany timid souls. The capacity of "the female mind" for the highesteducation cannot, he said, "be doubted, having been sufficiently illustratedby its works of genius, of erudition, and of science." The capacity, heassumed, carried with it the right. In short, he was ready always to considerfairly questions relating to the well-being of society which since his timehave deeply agitated the country; and he approached them all much in thespirit of the reformer who hopes to leave the world a little better andhappier because he has lived in it.

"Mr. Madison, I think," says Paul Jennings, "was one of the best men thatever lived." This is the testimony of an intelligent man whose opportunitiesof knowing the personal qualities of him of whom he was speaking weremore intimate than those of any other person could be except Mrs. Madison."He was guilty," says Hildreth, "of the greatest political wrong and crimewhich it is possible for the head of a nation to commit." One saw the privategentleman, always conscientious and considerate in his personal relations toother men; the other judged the public man, moved by ambition, entangled in



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party ties and supposed party obligations, his moral sense blinded by thenecessities of political compromises to reach party ends. It is not impossibleto strike a just balance between these opposing estimates, though one is thatof a servant, the other that of a learned and judicious historian.

Mr. Madison left a legacy of "Advice to My Country," to be read after hisdeath and to "be considered as issuing from the tomb, where truth alone canbe respected, and the happiness of man alone consulted." It is the lesson ofhis life, as he wished his countrymen to understand it. "The advice," he said,"nearest to my heart and deepest in my convictions is, that the Union of theStates be cherished and perpetuated. Let the open enemy to it be regarded asa Pandora with her box opened, and the disguised one as the serpentcreeping with his deadly wiles into Paradise." The thoughtful reader, as heturns to the first page of this volume to recall the date of Mr. Madison'sdeath, will hardly fail to note how few the years were before these open anddisguised enemies, against whom he warned his countrymen, were found onlyin that party which he had done so much, from the time of the adoption ofthe Constitution, to keep in power.


Dr. Draper has kindly put into our hands the correspondencebetween himself and Mr. Madison, and we copy these genealogicalnotes in full, with the letter in which they were sent, as all that theex-President had to say about his ancestry:—

MONTPELLIER, February 1, 1834.

DEAR SIR,—I have received your letter of December 31st, andinclose a sketch on the subject of it, made out by a member of thefamily.

With friendly respects,


"James Madison was the son of James Madison and Nelly Conway.He was born on the 5th of March, 1751 (O. S.), at Port Conway,on the Rappahannock River, where she was at the time on a visit toher mother residing there.

"His father was the son of Ambrose Madison and Frances Taylor.His mother was the daughter of Francis Conway and RebeccaCatlett.

"His paternal grandfather was the son of John Madison and IsabellaMinor Todd. His paternal grandmother, the daughter of JamesTaylor and Martha Thompson.

"His maternal grandfather was the son of Edwin Conway and



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Elizabeth Thornton. His maternal grandmother, the daughter ofJohn Catlett and ---- Gaines.

"His father was a planter, and dwelt on the estate now calledMontpellier, where he died February 27, 1801, in the 78th year ofhis age. His mother died at the same place in 1829, February 11th,in the 98th year of her age.

"His grandfathers were also planters. It appears that his ancestors,on both sides, were not among the most wealthy of the country, butin independent and comfortable circ*mstances."

Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1574-1660, Preserved inthe State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office,edited by W. Noel Sainsbury, Esq., etc. London, 1860.

The letters to a friend, from which we have quoted, were written toWilliam Bradford, Jr., of Philadelphia, afterward attorney-general inWashington's administration. They are given in full in The Writingsof James Madison, vol. i.

The members of Congress were paid, at that time, by the Statesthey represented. Virginia allowed her delegates their familyexpenses, including three servants and four horses, house rent andfuel, two dollars a mile for travel, and twenty dollars a day when inattendance on Congress. The members were required to render anaccount quarterly of their household expenses, and the State paidthem when she had any money.

In some of the States slaves were reckoned as "chattels personal;"in others as "real estate."

J. C. Hamilton says, in his History of the Republic, that "the motionprevailed by a vote of all the States excepting Massachusetts andRhode Island." But his understanding of the question is in otherrespects incorrect,—misunderstood, one may hope, rather thanmisstated lest he should give credit, for what he considered ameritorious action, to Madison.

For the details, so far as they can now be recalled, of this singleromantic incident in Mr. Madison's life, I am indebted to NicollFloyd, Esq., of Moriches, Long Island, a great-grandson of GeneralWilliam Floyd.

With how much interest Jefferson watched the progress of thiscontroversy he showed in his letters from Paris. In February, 1786,he wrote to Madison: "I thank you for the communication of theremonstrance against the assessment. Mazzei, who is now inHolland, promised me to have it published in the Leyden Gazette. Itwill do us great honor. I wish it may be as much approved by ourAssembly as by the wisest part of Europe." Again, in December ofthe same year, he says: "The Virginia Act for religious freedom hasbeen received with infinite approbation in Europe, and propagated








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with enthusiasm. I do not mean by the governments, but by theindividuals who compose them. It has been translated into Frenchand Italian, has been sent to most of the courts of Europe, and hasbeen the best evidence of the falsehood of those reports whichstated us to be in anarchy. It is inserted in the Encyclopédie, and isappearing in most of the publications respecting America. In fact, itis comfortable to see the standard of reason at length erected, afterso many ages, during which the human mind had been held invassalage by kings, priests, and nobles; and it is honorable for us tohave produced the first legislature who had the courage to declarethat the reason of man may be trusted with the formation of hisown opinions!" This latter passage is characteristic, and many whodo not like Jefferson will read between the lines the exultation of aman who was not always careful to draw the line between religiousliberty and irreligious license.

A History of the People of the United States. Vol. i. By John BachMcMaster.

Those who were zealous for state rights, and opposed to a centralgovernment, called the system they wished to reëstablish a FederalSystem,—a confederacy of States. It was too convenient andprobably too popular a term to be lost, and the other party adoptedit when the new Constitution was formed. The Federalist was thename chosen for the volume in which were collected the papers,written first under the signature of "A Citizen of New York," butafterward changed to "Publius," in support of the new Constitution,by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay. In one of the earlier papers Mr.Hamilton refers to the Articles of Confederation, which were to besuperseded, as the Federal Constitution; but in the later papersMadison is careful to refer to the proposed form of government asthe Federal Constitution, and Federal soon came to be thedistinguishing name of the party which first came into power underthe new Constitution. Whatever may be said of Madison's othertitle, his right to that of father of the Federal party can hardly bedisputed.

Eleven years afterward, when the question of prohibiting thecarrying on the slave trade from American ports came up, one JohnBrown of Rhode Island said in Congress, "Our distilleries andmanufactories were all lying idle for want of an extendedcommerce. He had been well informed that on those coasts[African] New England rum was much preferred to the bestJamaica spirits, and would fetch a better price. Why should it notbe sent there, and a profitable return be made? Why should a heavyfine and imprisonment [of slave traders] be made the penalty forcarrying on a trade so advantageous?" Sixty years later still, therewas another Brown in Providence, Rhode Island, who was amember of the Committee of the Kansas Aid Society of NewEngland. He was about to withdraw from it for want of time toattend to its duties,—had, indeed, actually sent in his resignation,—




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when news came of the doings of another John Brown at Harper'sFerry. The resignation was instantly recalled, with the remark that itwas not a time for Browns to seem to be backward on the questionof slavery. Such is the irony of coincidence in names.

The subsequent legislation on this subject is a curiousexemplification of the ingenuity with which any law obnoxious tothe owners of slaves was got rid of, when it was clear that it couldnot be defeated by force of numbers. In 1806 a final attempt wasmade to impose the duty of ten dollars upon slaves imported, and aresolution passed in favor of it. This was referred to a committee,with instructions to bring in a bill. A bill was reported and pushed sofar as a third reading, when it was recommitted, which put it off fora year. When it next appeared it was a bill for the prohibition of theimportation of slaves, in accordance with the constitutionalprovision that the traffic should cease in 1808. The new question,after some debate, in which there was no allusion to the tax, waspostponed for further consideration. But it never again came beforethe House. A month later, February 13, 1807, a bill from theSenate, providing that the foreign slave trade should cease on thefirst day of the following January, was received and immediatelyconcurred in, and that seems to have been silently accepted asdisposing of the whole subject. No tax was ever paid; but theimportation of slaves, notwithstanding the law to put an end toimportation in 1808, continued at the rate, it was estimated, ofabout fifteen thousand a year. Probably it never ceased altogethertill the beginning of the rebellion of 1860.

The most serious difficulty in the way of the final suppression ofthe African slave trade in the present century was, that it could becarried on without molestation in American bottoms, under theAmerican flag. The ruling power in the United States, from 1787 to1860, was never willing that their own cruisers should meddle withthe slavers, and resented as an insult to the flag the search, by thecruisers of other powers, of any vessel under the American flag,though it might be absolutely certain that she had come straightfrom the coast of Africa, and that her "between-decks" wascrowded full of negroes to be sold as slaves in Cuba.

"I reverence the Constitution," said Fisher Ames in debate, "and Ireadily admit that the frequent appeal to that as a standard proceedsfrom a respectful attachment to it. So far it is a source of agreeablereflection. But I feel very different emotions when I find it almostdaily resorted to in questions of little importance. When by strainedand fanciful constructions it is made an instrument of casuistry, it isto be feared it may lose something in our minds in point ofcertainty, and more in point of dignity."

Paul Jennings, who was a slave and the body servant of Mr.Madison, says in his Reminiscences: "It has often been stated inprint, that when Mrs. Madison escaped from the White House, shecut out from the frame the large portrait of Washington (now in





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one of the parlors there) and carried it off. This is totally false. Shehad no time for doing it. It would have required a ladder to get itdown. All she carried off was the silver in her reticule, as the Britishwere thought to be but a few squares off, and were expected everymoment. John Suse (a Frenchman, then doorkeeper, and still[1865] living), and Magraw, the President's gardener, took it downand sent it off on a wagon, with some large silver urns and suchother valuables as could hastily be got hold of. When the British didarrive, they ate up the very dinner, and drank the wines, etc., that Ihad prepared for the President's party." On a previous page he hadrelated that: "Mrs. Madison ordered dinner to be ready at three asusual; I set the table myself, and brought up the ale, cider, andwine, and placed them in the coolers, as all the cabinet and severalmilitary gentlemen and strangers were expected."



Abolition Societies, petition for prohibition of African slave trade toLouisiana, 250.

Adams, John, refers question of Presidential titles to Congress, 123;his position in the matter, 123, 124, 125;has popular sympathy in X Y Z affair, 231;not a leader of a party, 231;his quarrel with party leaders, 240;effects of his foreign policy, 242.

Adams, John Quincy, erroneous statement regarding date of Madison'sdeath, 1-3;

attempt to expel from Congress, 185;on good luck of Jefferson, 244, 253;supports Jefferson's embargo policy, 245.

Alien and Sedition Acts, passed in 1798, 231;their justification, 231, 232;influence election of 1800, 240.

Ames, Fisher, opposes impost on molasses, 127;




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on proposal to tax imported slaves, 130;his doubts of any future development of West, 140;on banks, 162;on over-devotion to Constitution, 173 n.;on Madison's partisanship, 192.

Annapolis Convention, events leading up to, 52-59;proposed by Maryland, 55, 59;meets with delegates from five States, 59;calls a convention of all the States to revise Constitution, 59, 60;its meeting due to Madison, 61.

Armstrong, John, on impotence of embargo, 269;instructed to demand compensation for French spoliation, 284.

Bainbridge, Captain William, in war with Tripoli, 252.

Bank, United States, debated in Congress, 162;arguments for and against, 162, 163;favored by House, 163;discussion concerning, in cabinet, 163;bill creating, signed by Washington, 163;Madison's hostility to, 177, 178;act creating, signed by Madison as President, 319.

Barbary States, war with, during Jefferson's administration, 252.

Barlow, Joel, letters of Madison to, as minister to France, 292, 293, 294;instructed by Madison to insist on explanations, 305;urges Bassano for a definite statement as to decrees, 306.

Barron, Commodore Samuel, in war with Tripoli, 252;in the Chesapeake-Leopard affair, 265.

Bassano, Duke de, shows ante-dated revocation of Berlin and Milandecrees to Barlow, 305-307;

his reasons, 307.

Bayonne decree, 270.

Berlin decree, issued, 266;negotiations concerning, 266-307.See France.

Bonaparte, Napoleon, effect of his career on United States, 242;

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sells Louisiana to United States, 249;promulgates Berlin decree, 266;the Milan decree, 268;the Bayonne decree, 270;causes conditional revocation of decrees, 282;his policy and its success, 283;issues Rambouillet decree, 284;refuses compensation, 284;his doctrine of blockade, 286, 288;willingness of Madison to help, 288;succeeds in forcing United States to declare war on England, 288, 289;revokes decrees, 304.

Bradford, William, Jr., letter of Madison to, 11, 13, 26.

Breckenridge, John, offers Kentucky Resolutions of 1799, 239.

Brown, John, on advantages of slave trade for North, 130 n.

Burr, Aaron, interview of Jefferson and Madison with, 175.

Butler, Pierce, moves fugitive slave clause in Constitutional Convention,107.

Calhoun, John C., leads war party in Congress, 292;reports from Committee on Foreign Relations in favor of war, 295;denounces Henry affair, 298.

Canada, its conquest looked forward to by war party, 293, 294, 310;reluctance of New England to invade, 310.

Canning, George, sends instructions to Erskine, 273;his directions not obeyed, 274;repudiates Erskine's acts and recalls him, 275;bitter comments of Madison upon, 276;not really responsible for failure of negotiations, 276, 277.

Capital, discussion of its site, 139-143;settlement of question concerning, by Jefferson's and Hamilton's

bargain, 143, 151, 152.

Carrying trade acquired by United States during Napoleonic wars, 254-256.

Champagny, announces conditional revocation of Berlin and Milan


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decrees, 282.

Chesapeake and Leopard affair, 264-266, 274.

Clay, Henry, leads war party in Congress, 292, 294;expects easy conquest of Canada, 294.

Clinton, De Witt, interview of Jefferson and Madison with, 175;desires presidential nomination as candidate of war party, 296.

Clinton, George, candidate for presidential nomination, 272.

co*ckburn, Admiral George, burns capital at Washington, 316, 317.

Confederation, Articles of, their uselessness according to Hamilton, 36;require taxation in proportion to land, 37;proposal to amend by substituting population, 38;unable to create commercial union, 51, 52;military inefficiency of, shown by Shays's rebellion, 73;proposal of Jay to disregard, in making Spanish treaty, 79, 80;desire of one party in Constitutional Convention to retain, 85, 86.

Congress, Continental, impotence of, in 1780, 20;financial powerlessness of, 21, 22, 29;draws bills on France without waiting for its reply to demand for loan,

28;in danger from army, 29;membership of, 30;instructs Jay to insist on Mississippi navigation, 31;reverses instructions, 32;again changes to original position, 33;proposes impost scheme to States, 33;proposes five per cent. scheme, 33;appoints committee to conciliate Rhode Island, 34;proposes amendment to Articles of Confederation, 37;adopts compromise concerning rate of taxing slaves, 41;alarmed at Shays's rebellion, 73;raises troops against, under pretext of attacking Indians, 73;discusses proposal to abandon Mississippi navigation in return for

commercial treaty with Spain, 78;authorizes Jay to make treaty, 79;later retracts consent to abandon navigation, 80;prohibits slavery in Northwest Ordinance, 91, 92;provides for inauguration of government under federal Constitution,

116, 122.

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Congress of the United States, its slowness to assemble, 122, 123;debates question of presidential titles, 123-126;disagreement in, between Senate and House, 124;debates impost and tonnage duties, 126-136;debate in, over proposal to tax imported slaves, 128-133;arguments in, against the tax, 130, 131;regrets proposal, 132;imposes moderate duties, 133;adopts policy of free trade in slaves, 133 and n.;lays differential tonnage duties, 134-136;leadership of Madison in, 136, 137;passing bills organizing government, 137;debates question of removals from office, 137, 138;proposes amendments to Constitution, 139;debates location of capital, 139-142;position of parties in, 140;votes for Pennsylvania, 141;its action reversed by Madison, 141, 142;finally decides on Potomac as site, 142, 143;asks Hamilton to report on public credit, 144;votes to pay foreign debt, 144;debate in, as to payment of domestic debt, 144-150;arguments in, against and for payment of domestic creditors, 145-147;rejects compromise proposed by Madison, 148;rejects proposal to assume state debt, 150, 151;later led by Hamilton's and Jefferson's bargain to consent, 151, 152;petitioned by Quakers to oppose slavery, 152, 153;debate in, over its powers and on slavery, 153-161;ends debate without action, 161;later debate in, on similar petition, 161;its power over slavery defined by Madison and Gerry, 159, 160;prohibits slave trade in foreign vessels, 161;debates proposed National Bank, 162;votes in its favor, 163;establishes newspaper postage, 172;arranges presidential succession in emergency, 176, 177;aims to exclude Jefferson, 177;proposal in to refer various matters to Hamilton, 180, 181;refuses to let Hamilton appear before it, 181;passes resolutions of inquiry concerning Hamilton's conduct, 189;rejects resolutions of censure, 191;attempts to block Jay treaty, 216, 217;review of Madison's leadership of, 222, 223;adopts Alien and Sedition Acts, 231;prohibits introduction of slaves into Louisiana except by actual

settlers, 250;


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called by Jefferson to consider British aggressions, 267;adopts embargo, 268;repeals it, 271;unable to adopt a policy, 280;suspends non-importation act with threat to renew unless England and

France revoke decrees, 280;renews non-intercourse with England, 288;determines on war with England, 293, 294;passes embargo, 295;declares war, 295, 296;denounces John Henry letters as cause for war, 298;adopts bank and tariff for protection, 319.

Connecticut, fails to appoint delegates to Annapolis Convention, 59;its Revolutionary debt, 151.

Constitution of the United States, part of Madison in framing, 84, 85;condemned by state-rights men as monarchical, 88, 89;the slavery compromises in, 91-109;strong and weak points in, 108, 109;dissatisfaction of Madison with, 110;his later efforts to secure adoption of, 110-112;advocated by "The Federalist," 111, 112;struggle in Virginia over its ratification, 112-116;silent on removals from office, 137;thought by Madison to justify impeachment for wanton removals, 138;amendments to, proposed by Congress, 139;said to be disregarded by petitioners against slavery, 153;its relation to abolition defined by Madison, 156, 159;and by Gerry, 159, 160;Madison's strict construction of, surprises Federalists, 173, 174, 175;held by Jefferson to prohibit Washington's neutrality proclamation,

196;question of treaty power under, 216, 217;the doctrine of nullification discussed, 234-240;violated by Louisiana purchase, 247, 248.

Constitutional Convention, called by Annapolis Convention, 60;difficulties in gaining attendance of States, 79;its success endangered by feeling in South over proposed abandonment

of Mississippi navigation, 81-83;part played by Madison in, the "Virginia" plan, 84;division of parties in, 85;attitude of States'-rights party, 86-88;their secession from, 90;difficulties in, between large and small States, 90;

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divisions in, between free and slave States, 91;question of representation in, 94;argument of Northern men against counting slaves in representation,

95, 96;character of the compromise demanded in, 96, 97;position of Southern delegates in, 101, 103;debate in, over slave trade, 101-105;adopts compromise permitting slave trade and granting Congress

power over commerce, 106;adopts fugitive slave clause, 107;estimate of results of its labors, 107, 108.

Convention of Virginia. See Legislature.

Convention of Virginia for ratifying United States Constitution, campaignin elections for, 112;

part played by Madison in, 113-115;votes to ratify Constitution, 115;adjourns, 116.

Conway, Nelly, mother of Madison, 3;statement of Rives as to her name, 3;statements of Madison concerning, 3, 4.

Craddock, Lieutenant, 7.

Craig, Sir James, governor of Canada, sends Henry to investigate NewEngland Federalists, 299, 300.

Curtis, George Ticknor, calls slavery compromise on representation an"unimportant anomaly," 94.

Dearborn, Henry, attempt of Foster to arrange armistice with, 308.

Debt, public, debate over it in Continental Congress, 28;in first Congress, 144-152;policy of Hamilton concerning, 149, 150.

Decatur, Stephen, in war with Tripoli, 252.

Delaware, connection with Potomac navigation, 55;sends delegates to Annapolis Convention, 59;only Federalist State outside New England, 243.

Democratic party, formed in first Congress, 165;


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its career, 165, 166;opinion of Hamilton on its organization by Jefferson and Madison,

166-168;reasons of Madison for joining, 178-184;plans to ruin Hamilton, 189;its attack defeated in Congress, 189-191;attitude toward France, 193, 194;criticises the neutrality proclamation, 198;welcomes Genet, 200;suffers from his extravagance, 202;imitates French manners, 207;causes for its success, 210;its reasons for disliking England, 214;attacks Alien and Sedition Laws, 233;carries election of 1800, 241;does not demand removal of Federalists from offices, 251;attempts of Federalists to discredit its foreign policy, 263, 264;elects Madison president, 272;determines on war with England, 291, 292, 293;renominates Madison, 296;its policy during war, 310-318;rejoices at peace, 318;supports national bank and protective tariff, 319.

Dexter, Samuel, on social equality in New England, 207, 208.

Diplomatic history, neutrality debated between Hamilton and Jefferson,195;

neutrality proclamation issued, 196;question as to validity of treaty engagements of 1778, 199, 200;mission of Genet to United States, 199-202;summary of Washington's foreign policy, 210, 211;Jay treaty, 211;its merits, defects, and reasons for acceptance, 211-218;mission of Monroe to France, 218-220;foreign relations under Jefferson's administration, 242, 243;controversy over neutral commerce and impressments, 256-259;Monroe-Pinkney treaty with England, 261-263;Erskine's attempt to reconcile England and America, 272-277;mission of Jackson to Washington, 278;the offer of Congress to France and England, 281;Napoleon's conditional revocation, 282-284;England's refusal, 286;further demands of Madison upon England, 287;threatening language of Madison to France, 291-294;circ*mstances preceding war with England, 304-308;

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treaty of Ghent, 318.

Directory. See France.

Disunion, expected in 1783, if five per cent. scheme fails, 35, 36;danger of, on account of slave taxation question, 39;feared by Madison in 1787, 74, 75;would probably have been preferred by South to abandonment of

Mississippi navigation, 81;threatened by South in slavery debates in Constitutional Convention,

99, 100, 102, 103, 109;freely threatened during Washington's administration, 187;denounced by Madison late in life, 237;threatened by New England, 301, 302;Madison's last words a warning against, 324.

Douai, Merlin de, President of French National Convention, receivesMonroe, 218.

Draper, Lyman C., letters of Madison to, on his ancestry, 3, 4 n., 6.

Ellsworth, Oliver, in Continental Congress, 30;his education, 31;disclaims interest of North for or against slave trade, 102;makes cynical reply to Mason's condemnation of slavery, 102, 103.

Emancipation, movement for, in Northern States, 91;petition of Benjamin Franklin in favor of, 152, 153;of Warner Mifflin for, 161.

Embargo, recommended by Jefferson, passed by Congress, 268;fails to affect England or France, 269;its results in United States, 269;leads to Bayonne decree, 270;repealed, 271;its failure explained by Madison, 278, 279;renewed on eve of war with England, 295.

Emott, James, on doctrine of blockade, 286.

England, commercial retaliation against, proposed under theconfederation, 47;

Virginian trade with, 47, 48;rejoices at prospect of trouble over Mississippi navigation, 78;its constitution imitated in Federal Convention, 89, 90;


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discriminated against in tonnage duties of first Congress, 134, 135;prejudice of Madison against, 135;war with France, 197;Federalists declared by opposition to be partisans of, 194, 197, 198,

200, 203-205;its policy encourages dislike in America, 209;makes Jay treaty, 211;necessity of avoiding war with, 211, 214;causes for Democratic dislike of, 214;its overbearing attitude, 214, 215;real attitude of Federalists toward, 215;temporary stoppage of friction with, 242, 243;loses carrying trade to America, 254, 255;obliged to adopt measures against neutrals in order to defeat France,

256, 257;inability of America to resist its depredations, 257, 258, 259;impresses seamen from American vessels, 258;non-importation measures adopted against, 260;refuses to abandon impressment, 262;makes treaty with Monroe, 262;refuses to reopen negotiations, 263;its part in Chesapeake controversy, 266;issues order in council, 268;not affected by embargo, 269;attempted reconciliation with, made through Erskine, 272-275;attempt of Congress to induce her to revoke orders, 280, 281;view of Madison as to her policy, 282;refuses to recognize France's alleged revocation of decrees, 286;refuses to abandon blockade, 286;growth of party desirous of war with, 292, 294;war declared with, 295, 296;position of Madison concerning war with, 296-303;said to have plotted with New England, 298, 301;points out to United States that France has not revoked decrees, 305;promises to repeal order in council as soon as France revokes, 306;does so, 307;fails to prevent war on impressment issue, 308;its successes in war, 316, 317;makes peace of Ghent, 318.

Erskine, David M., confers with Madison before his inauguration, 272;exceeds his instructions and promises a withdrawal of orders in

council, 273;does not insist on other concessions, 274;proposes settlement of Chesapeake matter, 274;fails to resent remarks of Smith, 274;

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his arrangement repudiated and himself recalled, 275;comments of Madison on his behavior, 276;replaced by Jackson, 277.

Essex Junto, said by Madison to have been proved through Henry lettersto plan secession, 298, 301.

"Federalist," Madison's share in, 111, 112.

Federalist party, Madison at first a member of, 164;its career, 165;survival of its principles, 166;secession of Madison from, 172, 173;views Madison with suspicion, 174-176;in Congress, arranges presidential succession in emergency so as to

exclude Jefferson, 176, 177;accuses Madison of changing opinions in hopes of place, 180, 181;its deference to Hamilton, 180;accused of desiring monarchy by Jefferson and Madison, 186;and of favoring England, 194, 197, 198, 200, 203-205;profits by reaction against Genet, 202, 203;accused of deluding Washington, 204, 206;the only impartial American party, 215;commits blunders after X Y Z affair, 231;passes Alien and Sedition Acts, 231;its attitude toward foreign immigrants, 231, 232;loses popularity, 233;quarrels in, 240;defeated in election of 1800, 240, 241;loses ground everywhere, 243;rejoices at peace of Ghent, 318;disappears from politics, 319.

Ferrar, Will, 7.

Finances of the Revolution, their breakdown in 1780 described byMadison, 20;

reforms suggested by Madison of state paper money, 21;proposal to collect supplies and pay in certificates, 22;drawing of bills on France without waiting for acceptance of loan, 28;public debt in 1783, 28;deficit in revenue, 29;the impost scheme defeated by Rhode Island, 33;the five per cent. scheme proposed, 33;debate concerning, 34-37;


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fails, 38;paper-money craze in States, 67.

Floyd, Catherine, engaged to Madison, 42;breaks the engagement, 43, 44.

Floyd, General William, wishes his daughter to marry Madison, 42.

Foster, Augustus J., British minister, tries to prevent outbreak ofhostilities on learning of revocation of orders in council, 307, 308.

France, trade with, preferred by Madison to English trade, 136;enthusiasm of Jefferson and Madison for, 192;cautious attitude of Hamilton in payments to, angers Democrats, 193,

194;declares war against England, 195;desire of Democrats to help, 197;relations with, according to treaty of 1778, discussed, 199;defended by Democrats in Genet case, 203;gratitude to, traditional, 209;mission of Monroe to, 218-220;commits outrages on American merchant vessels, 219;indignant at Jay treaty, 220;takes Democratic view of American administration, 220;relations with, during Adams's administration, 230;X Y Z affair, 230;improved relations of Jefferson's administration with, 242;enforces Berlin decree against American vessels, 266, 267;these aggressions not resented by Jefferson, 267;attempt of Congress to induce it to revoke decrees, 280, 281;expectations of Madison as to its policy, 282;makes a conditional reply to the conditional offer of Congress, 282-

284;insists that England also withdraw, or that United States "cause rights

to be respected," 283;refuses compensation for Rambouillet decree, 284;succeeds in inducing Madison to accept revocation, 285;continues to seize American ships, 285, 286;partiality of Madison's policy toward, 287, 288;success of French policy, 288, 289;vigorous language of Madison toward, 291, 292, 293;war with, threatened, 294;does not really revoke decrees until war is about to break out between

United States and England, 304-305;displays ante-dated revocation, 307.

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Franklin, Benjamin, signs memorial for abolition of slavery, 152;denounced by Southerners in Congress, 153.

French Revolution, applauded by Democrats, 193;desires of Democrats to assist, 194;attitude of Federalists toward, 193, 195;its phraseology and mannerisms imitated in America, 207.

Freneau, Philip, Madison's responsibility for his establishment in StateDepartment, 168;

Madison's purposes in recommending him to Jefferson, 169, 170;his paper and its character, 170, 171;his relations to Jefferson and Madison, 171;care of Madison for, 172.

Gallatin, Albert, opposes Alien and Sedition Acts, 233;career as secretary of treasury, 252;condemned by opposition for failure of Erskine's negotiations, 275;warns Madison of invasion of Chesapeake, 317.

Genet, Edmond Charles, his recognition opposed by Hamilton, 199;upheld successfully by Jefferson, 200;anxiety of Madison as to his reception, 200;alienates Jefferson by his excesses, 201;accuses Jefferson of duplicity, 201, 202;at first promises good behavior, 202;his recall, 207, 209;effect of his presence on parties in United States, 207;fears of Jefferson that his recall may cause an insurrection, 209.

Georgia, willing for sake of alliance with Spain to abandon Mississippinavigation, 32;

fails to appoint delegates to Annapolis convention, 52;attitude toward slavery in Constitutional Convention, 109.

Gerry, Elbridge, anticipated by Henry in device of gerrymandering, 120;in first Congress opposes taxation of molasses, 127;favors tax on imported slaves, 132;asserts power of Congress to interfere with slavery and slave trade,

159, 160.

Gerrymandering, used by Henry in Virginia to defeat Madison's electionto Congress, 120, 121.

Giddings, Joshua R., attempt to expel from Congress, 185.


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Giles, W. B., offers resolutions demanding investigation of Hamilton'sconduct, 189;

offers resolutions of censure, 191.

Goodhue, Benjamin, opposes impost on molasses, 127.

Gorham, Nathaniel, seconds Pinckney's motion for extension of period ofslave trade, 106.

Guardoqui, ——, negotiates with Jay about Mississippi navigation, 79.

Hamilton, Alexander, in Continental Congress, 30;equal to Madison in political information, 31;opposes limitation of five per cent. scheme to twenty-five years, 34,

35;does not wish to postpone crisis of confederation, 36;supports Madison's slavery compromise concerning taxation, 41;writes address of Annapolis Convention, 59;on name "Federalist," 86;in Constitutional Convention proposes representation according to free

population, 94;his share in "The Federalist," 111;carries New York for Constitution, 115;his bargain concerning location of capital, 143, 151;his report on public credit, 145;suspected of purpose to throw government of country into hands of

wealthy, 149;recommends a bank, 162;his argument persuades Washington, 163;becomes convinced of Madison's opposition, 166;still believes him honest, 166;begins to suspect sincerity of his motives, 166, 167;accuses him of tampering with President's message, 167;and of aiding Freneau, 168;avows intention to treat Madison as an enemy, 181;begins newspaper controversy, 185;attacks Jefferson bitterly, 186;consulted by Washington as to declining a second term, 186;denies accusation of being a monarchist, 186;violently attacked by Jefferson to Washington, 187;his reply, 188;his conduct attacked in Congress by Giles and Madison, 189, 190;replies successfully, 190;failure of resolution of censure against, 191;

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personal hatred of Madison and Jefferson for, 192;condemned also because of his attitude toward France, 193;slow to pay French debt, 193;defends neutrality in "Pacificus" papers, 198;argues against alliance with France, 199;and against receiving a minister from French Republic, 199;stoned for defending Jay treaty, 212.

Hamilton, John C., asserts Madison's authorship of Giles's resolutions,189, 190.

Hartford Convention, its purpose, 311;alarm felt toward, 312;brought to nothing by peace of Ghent, 311.

Henry, John, his revelations bought by Madison, 297;said to prove a plot for reannexing New England to Great Britain, 298;said to be a just cause for war, 298;his career as emissary of governor of Canada in Massachusetts, 299;compromises nobody, 300, 301.

Henry, Patrick, opposes ratification of Constitution, 112;considers state sovereignty attacked by Constitution, 114;continues to oppose Constitution in Virginia Assembly, 118;leads Assembly to call for a new convention, 118;nominates and elects two anti-federalist senators, 119;gerrymanders Madison's congressional district, 120;fails to prevent his election, 120, 121.

Hildreth, Richard, on Madison's acquaintance with KentuckyResolutions, 234, 235;

on Madison's career, 323.

Humphreys, Colonel David, letter of Madison to, on secession of NewEngland, 302.

Impressment, its exercise by England, 258, 259;discussion over, in Monroe treaty, 262;abandoned in treaty, 262;used as pretext for war of 1812, 308;yet not mentioned in treaty of peace, 308.

Independence of colonies, urged by Virginia, 15, 16.


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Jackson, Francis J., replaces Erskine as British minister to United States,278;

accuses Madison of bad faith, 278;his recall demanded, 278.

Jay, John, instructed as minister to Spain, regarding Mississippinavigation, 31-33;

tries to induce Congress to abandon Mississippi navigation in order tomake treaty with Spain, 79;

wishes to evade Articles of Confederation, 80;his project opposed by Madison, 81, 82;his share in "The Federalist," 87, 111;his treaty with England, 211;its character and justification, 211;condemned in cities, 212;his negotiations opposed by Monroe, 220.

Jay treaty, 211-218.See Diplomatic History.

Jefferson, Thomas, letter of Madison to, on condition of country, 19, 20;consoles Madison on his disappointment in love, 44;at Madison's suggestion, confers with Maryland delegates on Potomac

navigation, 53;his act for establishing religious freedom passed by legislature, 65;comments on its passage, 65 n.;wishes Madison to join him in Europe, 68;corresponds with Madison on steamboats, 69, 70;informed by Madison of prehistoric relics, 71;on Shays's rebellion, 75;on bargain in Constitutional Convention between New England and

slave States, 106;letters of Madison to, on Constitution, 110, 116;and on Virginia politics, 119, 120;letter of Madison to, on debate over President's title, 124;letter of Madison to, on foreign commerce, 136;his views on removals from office, 138;relation to bargain for location of capital, 143, 152;opposes a national bank, 163;influences Madison to abandon Federalist party, 164, 174;his character and motives as viewed by Hamilton, 166, 167, 168;connection with Freneau, 168-171, 175;suggestion of Madison to, with regard to circulating Freneau's paper,

172;his tour in Eastern States misrepresented by Federalists, 175;hatred of Federalists for, 176;

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action of Federalists in Congress to prevent his accession as presidentpro tempore, 176, 177;

attacked by Hamilton in press, 186;condemns Hamilton in letter to Washington, 187, 188;his personal hatred of Hamilton, 192;dislikes him for attitude toward French Revolution, 193;sympathizes with Jacobins, 193, 194;objects to declaration of neutrality, 195, 196;secures modification of proclamation, 196;wishes to aid France as far as possible, 197;urges Madison to reply to Hamilton, 198;secures recognition of Genet, 200;letters of Madison to, on Genet's reception, 200;condemns Genet's excesses, 201, 202;fears reaction in favor of administration, 202, 203;letters of Madison to, on Washington, 204;describes Washington's anger at Freneau, 205;not sincere in considering him a dupe, 206;fears recall of Genet may cause revolution, 209;letter of Madison to, on Jay treaty in House of Representatives, 217;his honest love for farming, 226, 227;correspondence of Madison with, concerning farming, 228;requested by Madison to furnish material for house, 228, 229;writes Kentucky Resolutions, 234;author of nullification, 234;avoids public responsibility for resolutions, 235;his probable reasons for writing them, 235, 236;denied on erroneous grounds by Madison to have used term

"nullification," 239, 240;offers Madison secretaryship of state, 241;his inauguration, 242;in his inaugural speech urges harmony, 243;success of his first term, 244;popular support of, called infatuation by Federalists, 244;his absolute control as a leader, 245;his secretive methods, 245;boldness in assuming responsibility for Louisiana purchase and other

matters, 246;overshadows and directs Madison, 246;does not foresee consequences of Louisiana annexation in stimulating

slavery, 246, 247;his purposes to insure peace, 247, 249;abused by opponents, 247;admits unconstitutionality of Louisiana treaty, 248;comments on criticisms of Federalists, 248;his fortune in seizing opportunity, 249;


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sends expedition of Lewis and Clarke, 249;gains credit for Gallatin's financial policy, 252;other successes of his first term, 252;becomes involved in foreign controversy, 254;his naval policy, 257, 258;supported by Madison in policy of commercial pressure, 260;sends Pinkney to make a treaty with England, 261;instructs to insist on abandonment of impressment, 262;dissatisfied with treaty, 263;after Leopard affair, orders British ships of war out of American

waters, 265;reluctant to go to war with France, 267;calls special session of Congress to consider England's aggressions,

267;recommends an embargo, 268;receives news of order in council and Milan decree, 268;loses control of party with failure of embargo, 270, 271;dictates choice of successor, 272;letter of Madison to, on Erskine affair, 276;on preparations for war, 293.

Jennings, Paul, describes Madison's flight from British, 317 n.;describes Madison's kindness to slaves, 321;and his temperance, 321;his estimate of Madison's character, 323.

Jones, Joseph, desires to be appointed delegate to Congress, 22.

Jordan, Cicely, suit of Pooley against, 7.

Kentucky Resolutions, their preparation by Jefferson, 234, 235.

King, Rufus, remark of Giles to, on Madison's authorship of resolutionsagainst Hamilton, 190.

Knox, General Henry, on Genet's course, 201.

Lee, Richard Henry, opposes Constitution, 112;favors a high-sounding presidential title, 124.

Legislature, of Virginia, instructs delegates to Congress to urgeindependence of colonies, 15, 16;

debates Bill of Rights, 16;adopts religious liberty, 17, 18; [336]

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elects Madison member of Council, 19;and delegate to Continental Congress, 19;neglects to pay his salary, 23-25;its vacillating course regarding Mississippi navigation, 31-33;revokes assent to impost law, 34;but assents to five per cent. scheme, 34;its power to make or mar central government, 46;agrees to proposed amendment to Articles of Confederation, 46;promises to pay requisitions and old debts, 46, 47;agrees to temporary control by Congress of trade, 47;led by Madison to establish ports of entry to regulate foreign trade,

49, 50;later modifies the law, 51;appoints commissioners to discuss Potomac question with Maryland,

54;considers petitions to improve trade, 55;defeats attempt of Madison to instruct delegates to give Congress

power over financial and commercial questions, 56;induced by influence of Maryland to appoint commissioners to

Annapolis Convention, 57, 58;elects delegates to Federal Convention, 60;disregards treaty provisions with England, 61, 62;passes act to incorporate Episcopal Church, 63;debates question of compulsory support of religion, 63, 64;passes act for establishing religious freedom, 65;resists paper-money craze, 67;instructs delegates to oppose abandonment of Mississippi navigation,

83;led by Henry to call for a second Constitutional Convention, 118;elects two anti-Federalist senators, 119;gerrymanders Madison's congressional district, 120, 121;Madison's visit to, in 1798, 230, 235;adopts resolutions against Alien and Sedition Laws, 235;part played by Madison in, 1799, 236.

Leopard and Chesapeake affair, 264-266, 274.

Lewis and Clarke, their expedition sent by Jefferson, 249, 250.

Library of Congress, proposed by Madison, 31.

Lincoln, Benjamin, captured at Charleston, 19;defeats Shays's Rebellion, 73.

Little Belt affair, 290.

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Livermore, Samuel, his ingenious argument as to taxing importation ofslaves, 131.

Liverpool, Lord, connection with John Henry letters, 300.

Livingston, Robert R., interview of Jefferson and Madison with, 175.

Louisiana, purchase of, essentially Jefferson's policy, 246;unwarranted by Constitution, 247, 248;justified by general welfare, 248;a result of fortunate circ*mstances, 248, 249;its consequences not foreseen by Jefferson, 249, 250;encourages slave trade, 250, 251.

Madison, Mary, wife of Captain Isaac Madison, 7, 8.

Madison ancestry, statement of Madison concerning, 4 n.

Madison, Captain Isaac, supposed by Rives to be ancestor of JamesMadison, 7;

his career in Virginia, 7, 8;proof that he was not James's ancestor, 8, 9;dies leaving a wife and daughter, 8, 9.

Madison, James, father of President Madison, 3, 4;his estates and wealth, 5;educates his children, 10;his death, 242.

Madison, James, dates of birth and death, 1;said by J. Q. Adams to have died on anniversary of ratification of

Constitution by Virginia, 1-2;error in the coincidence, 2, 3;his mother's family and name, 3, 4;his ancestry, 4-9;his own statements concerning family, 4 n., 5, 6, 9;sent to school, 10;gratitude toward schoolmaster, 10;prepares for and enters Princeton, 10;conflicting statements concerning his studies, 11;depressed by ill-health, 11;takes deep interest in theology, 11, 12;becomes opponent of religious intolerance, 12, 13;speaks disparagingly of politics, 13, 14.

Revolutionary Leader.Erroneously said to have joined a militia company, 15; [337]

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member of county committee of safety, 15;delegate to Virginia Convention, 15;on committee to frame Constitution, 16;advocates recognition of right to religious freedom instead of

toleration, 16, 17;elected to Assembly, 17;refuses to solicit or buy votes and loses reëlection, 18;chosen member of governor's council, 19.

In Continental Congress.Elected delegate to Congress, 19;describes to Jefferson the desperate situation in 1780, 20;considers lack of revenue the true cause, 20;proposes fruitlessly that Congress request States to cease issuing

paper money, 21;proposes enforced collection of supplies, 22;his industry, 23;appeals to Virginia for pecuniary aid, 23, 24;helped by Solomon, a broker, 24;eventually paid, 24, 25;takes slight interest in military affairs, 25;his lack of enthusiasm, 26, 27;on finance committee, 28;disgusted at method of drawing foreign bills, 28;his share in proposing remedies, 30;his knowledge of constitutional law, 30;urges formation of a Library of Congress, 31;instructs Jay to insist upon Mississippi navigation, 31;opposes rescinding these instructions, 32;condemns rejection by Rhode Island of impost scheme, 33, 34;refuses to change his position to accommodate Virginia, 34;his reasons for favoring scheme, 35;less impatient than Hamilton, 35, 36;writes address urging acceptance of five per cent. scheme, 36;proposes a compromise on basis of taxation as concerns slaves, 41;love affair with Miss Floyd, 42;jilted by her, 43;consoled by Jefferson, 44.

Member of Virginia Legislature.Chosen to Virginia Assembly, 45;hopes to strengthen Union, 46;supports measures to give Congress greater power, 47;introduces a bill to establish ports of entry in Virginia, 49;wishes to regulate commerce, 50;his purpose defeated, 50, 51;his purpose to stimulate Virginian trade, 52;his views on navigation of Potomac, 52;

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suggests to Jefferson a conference with Maryland, 53, 54;secures appointment of commissioners by Virginia, 54;advocates, vainly, granting Congress power to regulate trade, 56;prepares resolution to appoint commissioners to meet

representatives of other States, 57;fails to carry measure, 57;after report of Maryland's proposal, secures passage of resolution,

58;chosen to Federal Convention, 60;chairman of committee to codify Virginia statutes, 61;tries, vainly, to secure payment of British debts, 62;votes for incorporation of Episcopal Church, 63;opposes bill to tax for support of church, 64;circulates a "Memorial and Remonstrance," 64;his arguments, 65, 66;praised by Jefferson, 65 n.;leads opposition to issue of paper money, 67;assents to bill authorizing use of tobacco certificates, 67;continues to study politics and science, 68, 69;on Rumsey's steamship, 69, 70;on discoveries of fossils and human relics, 70-72.

In Congress.Describes collapse of Confederacy in 1787, 74;suspects plans for a monarchy, 74;discouraged at outlook for Constitutional Convention, 76;opposes Jay's plan to abandon Mississippi navigation, 81;fears it will ruin Constitutional Convention, 82, 83;said to have "bargained" on this point with Kentucky delegates in

Virginia legislature, 82;fears Mississippi question will prevent Virginia from appointing

delegates to convention, 82.Member of Federal Convention.

"The Father of the Constitution," 84;his report of proceedings of convention, 84;his relation to formation of Constitution, 84, 85;on use of term "Federal," 86 n.;unconscious of his own use of British precedents, 90;views on slavery, 91;recognizes difficulties in convention to lie between North and

South, 92, 99;wishes slaves to count in basis of representation, 94, 95;opposed to foreign slave trade, 104;disapproves its permission in Constitution, 105;on finality of slavery compromises, 107;his view of their necessity to preserve Union, 108, 109.

Advocate of Constitution in Virginia.


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Doubtful as to success of plan, 110;later determines to urge it, 110, 111;disapproves proposal for a second convention, 111;his share in "The Federalist," 111-112;returns to Virginia as candidate for convention, 112;not an orator, 113;his reasoning ability, 113;doubtful of success, 114;bears chief burden of debate, 115;after ratification returns to Congress, 116;described by Brissot de Warville, 117-118;defeated for senator in Virginia Assembly through Henry's

influence, 119;wishes election to House of Representatives, 119;his election in spite of "gerrymander" arranged by Henry, 120, 121.

In Congress.Describes controversy over title of President, 124;introduces revenue plan in Congress, 126;willing to admit incidental protection, 126;advocates taxation on imported slaves, 131, 132;proposes discriminating tonnage duties, 134;especially against Great Britain, 135;calls advocates of English trade "Anglicists," 135, 136;acts as leader of House in organizing government, 136, 137;on power of President to remove from office, 138;considers wanton removal sufficient cause for impeachment, 138;proposes twelve declaratory amendments to Constitution, 139;labors to prevent establishment of national capital in Pennsylvania,

141, 142;opposes assumption of state debts, 143;considers the Southern location of capital a compensation, 143;reports in favor of petition to settle public debt, 144;proposes discrimination in favor of original holders of domestic

debt, 147, 148;his proposal impracticable, 149;unjustly assumes superiority for Virginia over Massachusetts during

Revolution, 150;his views on Hamilton's and Jefferson's bargain, 152;stigmatizes debates on Franklin's anti-slavery petitions as

"indecent," 152;advises moderation on part of slaveholders, 154;suggests investigation of American participation in slave trade to

foreign countries, 155, 156;wishes a decisive declaration as to limits of Congressional power,

156;dreads effect of agitation, 157;

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finally resents extravagance of pro-slavery advocates, 159;courage of his position, 162;opposes Hamilton's plan of a bank as unconstitutional, 162;at Washington's request, writes out his objections, 163;his change from Federalist to Democrat, 164;influenced by Jefferson, 164;comments of Hamilton on his attitude, 166;accused of low motives for his opposition, 166, 167;and of tampering with Washington's address to Congress, 167, 168;accused by Hamilton of complicity with Freneau, 168;defends his patronage of Freneau to Randolph, 169;admits his approval of Freneau's paper, 169, 170;hopes it will act as an antidote to monarchical schemes, 170;denies any connection with its contents, 171;advises Freneau not to send his paper by mail, 172;his "apostasy" as viewed by Federalists, 172-175;his Northern tour with Jefferson regarded by Federalists with

suspicion, 175, 176;advocates succession of secretary of state in case of death of

President and Vice-President, 176;condemns stock-jobbing in connection with bank, 177;dreads its influence over country, 178, 179;accused by Federalists of joining the winning side, 180;seems to be governed by animosity toward Hamilton, 180, 181;bitterness of Hamilton toward, 181;discussion of causes for Madison's changed position, 181-183;verdict of history adverse, 183, 184;consulted by Washington on propriety of declining a reëlection,

186;asserted to be author of Giles's resolutions of censure on Hamilton,

189, 190;supports them in debate, 192;comments of Ames upon, 192;sympathizes with French Revolution, 193;condemns Hamilton's slowness in paying French debt, 193;slow in committing himself with regard to neutrality, 198;takes his cue from party denunciation of Washington, 198;urged by Jefferson to reply to Hamilton's "Pacificus" papers, 198;writes a series under name "Helvidius," 198, 199;hopes Genet will be warmly welcomed, 200;condemns Genet's folly, 202;reports to Jefferson increased strength of "Anglican party" in

Virginia, 202, 203;regrets Washington's position, 204;hardly sincere in considering him a dupe of Hamilton, 206;deplores Jay treaty, 216;


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introduces resolution calling for Jay's instructions and other papers,216;

condemns Washington's refusal, 217;bitterly disappointed at support of treaty in the House, 217;his correspondence with Monroe relative to the treaty, 221, 222;review of his part in Congress, 222, 223;marries Mrs. Dolly Payne Todd, 223.

In Retirement.His continued interest in politics, 225;historical value of his writings, 225, 226;their stiff literary style, 226;his mild interest in farming compared with Jefferson's, 226-228;builds house at Montpellier, 228-230;his care in furnishing it, 229, 230.

In Virginia Assembly, the Virginia Resolutions.Elected to legislature, 230-236;possibly connected with Jefferson's Kentucky Resolutions, 234,

235;determines to induce Virginia legislature to protest against Alien

and Sedition Acts, 235;later, in 1830-1836, explains his conduct, 236-238;denies any connection between the Virginia Resolutions and later

doctrine of nullification, 237;denounces secession, 237, 238;tries to exculpate Jefferson, 239, 240.

Secretary of State.His reasons for accepting Jefferson's offer of Department of State,

241;detained from attendance at inauguration by death of father, 242;rejoices in decline of Federalist party, 243;overshadowed in his office by Jefferson, 246;writes paper on British treatment of neutral trade, 257;indignant at English depredations, 258;favors non-importation, 260;condemns Monroe's treaty of 1806, 263;complains of British indifference to proclamation ordering them out

of American waters, 266.President.

Named for succession by Jefferson, 272;received a diminished electoral vote, 272;confers with Erskine, 272, 273;on his assurances issues proclamation repealing non-intercourse,

274;his sudden popularity, 275;forced by Canning's action to resume embargo, 275;bitterly condemned by mercantile classes, 275, 276;

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comments on situation, 276;his mortification, 277;issues proclamation recalling vessels, 277;acts as his own foreign secretary, 278;insulted by Jackson, demands his recall, 278;later admits failure of embargo, 278;unable to command harmony in his party, 279;wishes non-intercourse with both England and France, 280;authorized to enforce it against either country, 280;his dismay at prospect, 282;expects little result from non-intercourse, 282;accepts statement of Napoleon as to revocation of Milan and Berlin

decrees, 283;orders Armstrong to insist on compensation for Rambouillet decree,

284;submits to refusal of Napoleon, 284;issues proclamation revoking non-intercourse with France, 285;bitterly attacked by Federalists, 285, 286;instructs ministers to insist on England's revocation of blockade of a

portion of French coast, 287;willing to help Napoleon, 288;comments on Little Belt affair, 290;still wishes to keep peace, 291;repeats to Congress his complaints against Napoleon as well as

England, 291;protests to France against its trickery, 292;despises Clay and the war party, 293;continues to threaten France, 293, 294;recommends a sixty-day embargo, 295;follows it by recommending a declaration of war, 295;his reasons for opposing war, 296;his rivals for presidential nomination, 296;asserted to have bought renomination by yielding to war party, 297;buys letters of John Henry, 297;submits them to Congress as a cause for war, 298;later never refers to them, 298;his probable motives in then believing them, 301;does not really expect secession of New England, 302, 303;uses the Henry letters in order to hurry on war, 303;this act the test of his character and career, 303, 304;placed in a dilemma by Napoleon's duplicity with regard to Berlin

and Milan decrees, 305;and still more so by action of France in revoking decrees in 1812,

305-307;and by English revocation of Orders in Council, 307, 308;determines to continue war on impressment issue alone, 308;


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yet does not insist on even that in peace negotiations, 308;hopes the war will be popular, 309;despises naval success, 310;his error in neglecting navy and failing to involve New England in

war, 310, 311;bitterness toward New England's opposition to war, 311;alarmed at Hartford Convention, 311, 312;discussion of his error in consenting to war, 312, 313;his qualities not suited for executive office, 313, 314;in spite of popular reputation shows weakness, 314;shows incompetency in conduct of war, 315, 316;devoted to idea of conquering Canada, 316;expelled from Washington by British, 317;rejoices at peace of Ghent, 319;undisturbed during remainder of term, 319;assents to a national bank, 319;and to a tariff, 319.

In Retirement.Continues interested in politics and history of country, 319, 320;writes much upon slavery, 320, 321;his kindness as a master, 321;temperate habits, 321, 322;one of the democratic school, 322;relations with Robert Owen, 322;with Fanny Wright, 322;interest in education, 322;in education of women, 323;contradictory estimates of, 323;his "Advice to My Country," 324.

Characteristics.General estimate, 313-316, 323-324;unfriendly views, 166-168, 323;executive ability, lack of, 313, 314;farming, interest in, 227, 228;imagination, lack of, 226;independence, 175, 184, 246;kindliness, 321, 323;liberality, 322;literary ability, 226;mildness, 13, 14;military weakness, 25, 309, 310, 313;modesty, 5;natural science, interest in, 68-72;oratory, 113;personal appearance, 117;political ability, 61, 222, 225;

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reasoning power, 113, 115, 117, 238;religious views, 11, 12;self-seeking, 182-184, 297, 312, 314;sincerity, 169, 172, 313;seriousness, 11, 18, 26, 27, 43, 226, 227;studiousness, 11, 23, 30, 45, 67, 68;subjection to Jefferson, 104, 193 ff., 246;temperance, 321, 322;women, attitude toward, 322, 323.

Political Opinions.Annapolis Convention, 57, 58;assumption of state debt, 150, 151;bank, 162, 163, 177, 319;bill of rights, 139;compromises in the Constitution, 107-109, 156;Constitution, 84, 110-112, 139, 173, 237-239, 320;domestic debt, payment of, 147;embargo, 278;England, 134, 135, 197, 276, 287, 295, 296, 308;Federalists, 170, 178, 186, 193, 200, 243;finances of Confederation, 21, 22;financial methods of Hamilton, 189;five per cent. scheme, 33-37;foreign policy, 196, 204, 274-275, 280, 281;France, "Continental" system of, 283-285, 287, 288, 291-294, 304;French Revolution, 193, 200, 203;Hartford Convention, 312;impressment, 308;instruction, doctrine of, 32-34;Jay treaty, 216;John Henry letters, 298, 301, 303;Mississippi navigation, 31-33, 80-83;navy, 310;neutrality proclamation, 198;New England, 302, 311;non-importation, 260;nullification, 236-238, 239, 240;paper money, 67, 118;petition, right of, 154;Potomac navigation, 52-54;protection, 126, 134, 319;removals from office, 138;religious freedom, 12, 13, 16, 17, 62-66;secession, 237, 324;site of capital, 141-143;slave trade, 132, 155, 159;


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slavery, 108, 109, 320;slave ratio in representation, 94, 99, 104, 105;slave ratio in taxation, 41;slavery, power of Congress over, 156, 159;state sovereignty, 237;taxation, 126, 131;titles, presidential, 124;trade in Virginia, 49-51;treaty power, 217;union, necessity of, 46, 48, 62, 74, 81-83;Virginia Resolutions, 235 ff.;war of 1812, 312, 313, 314, 316.

Madison, John, patentee in 1635, supposed ancestor of James Madison,6.

Magraw, ——, saves portrait of Washington from British, 318.

Maryland, navigates Potomac concurrently with Virginia, 52, 53;appoints commissioners to discuss Potomac matter with Virginia, 54;suggests inviting all the States to send delegates, 55;fails to send delegates to Annapolis Convention, 59.

Martin, Luther, opposes any centralization as monarchical, 75;condemns action of Federal Convention as beyond its authorization,

88, 89;on nature of Constitution, 89;dreads too great influence of English precedents, 89.

Martin, Rev. Thomas, prepares Madison for college, 10.

Mason, George, denounces slavery in Constitutional Convention, 102;describes bargain between New England and slave States, 106;opposes ratification of Constitution, 112.

Massachusetts, appoints delegates to Annapolis Convention who do notattend, 59;

behind Virginia in establishing complete religious freedom, 66;suppresses Shays's Rebellion, 73;its sacrifices in Revolution greater than those of Southern States, 150,

151;contributes more recruits in 1814 than any other State, 311.

Mifflin, Warner, manumits slaves, 161;petitions Congress for general emancipation, 161;motion to expunge his petition from journal, 161.

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Milan decree, 268.

Mississippi navigation, desire of Congress for, 31;negotiations of Jay with Spain concerning, 32, 33;temporary willingness of Southern States to abandon, 32;renewed demand for, 33;attitude of Southern States toward, 76, 77;willingness of Northern States to relinquish, 77;its abandonment for twenty-five years proposed by Jay, 78, 79, 80;rejected by Congress, 80;possible consequences of its abandonment to South, 81;agitation of question prejudices chances of Federal Convention, 82.

Monroe, James, defeated for Congress by Madison, 121;letter of Madison to, on location of capital, 142;his reception as American minister by French National Convention,

218;protests against French aggressions on American commerce, 219;does not consider France as hostile as England, 219;wishes to baffle Jay's negotiations, 220;encourages France to threaten United States, 220;rebuked and recalled, 221;his only excuse that he was deceived by friends in America, 221;correspondence of Madison with, 221;sells Madison furniture, 229;his treaty suppressed by Jefferson, 246;on British complaints of American commercial trickery, 259;instructed to insist on abandonment of impressment in proposed

British treaty, 262;disobeys instructions, 262;his reasons, 263;makes subsequent vain attempts to reopen negotiations, 263;letter of Madison to, on British outrages, 266;urged by Jefferson not to antagonize Madison for presidency, 272;desires presidential nomination as war candidate, 296;testifies that Henry compromises nobody, 300.

Morris, Gouverneur, condemns unreasonableness of Southern demand forslave representation, 98, 99;

makes a sharp attack on slavery in general, 100;moves reference of slave trade and trade regulation to a committee,

105;on popular support of Jefferson, 244.


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"National Gazette," story of its establishment by Freneau, 168, 172.

New England, opposition in, to molasses tax, 127;tour of Madison and Jefferson in, 175;stronghold of Federalism, 243;opposes embargo, 279;opposes war with England, 296;mission of John Henry to, 298-301;suspected by Henry of plan to secede, 299;reluctant to attack Canada, 310;yet contributes majority of soldiers, 311;hatred of Madison for, 311;calls Hartford Convention, 311;does not really desire alliance with England, 300;talks disunion, 301;insincerity of Madison in accusing it of plan to secede, 302, 303;folly of Madison in not involving it, by naval activity, in war, 310.

New Hampshire, appoints delegates to Annapolis Convention, who donot attend, 59;

precedes Virginia in ratifying Federal Constitution, 115.

New Jersey, sends delegates to Annapolis Convention, 59;its instructions to delegates, 50, 60.

New York, refuses consent, in spite of Hamilton's efforts, to five percent. scheme, 36, 37;

sends delegates to Annapolis Convention, 59;influenced by Virginia's ratification of Constitution, 115;tour of Madison and Jefferson in, 175, 176.

New York Chamber of Commerce, on Jay treaty, 213.

Nicholas, George, offers Jefferson's resolutions in Kentucky legislature,234, 235, 239.

Nicholas, William C., consults with Jefferson concerning KentuckyResolutions, 234, 235;

letter of Madison to, on New England, 311.

Non-importation Act adopted against England, 260;arguments of Jefferson and Madison in behalf of, 260, 261;suspended during Monroe's negotiations, 261;substituted for embargo, 271;repealed against England, 274;renewed, 277.

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North Carolina, appoints delegates to Annapolis Convention who do notattend, 59;

influenced by Virginia's ratification of Federal Constitution, 115;comments of Madison and de Warville on its refusal to ratify

Constitution, 117, 118;its representatives prevent choice of a Northern site for capital, 141,

142;its debt after Revolution, 151.

Nuce, Captain, 7.

Nullification, term used in Kentucky Resolutions, 234;denied in 1830 by Madison, 236;his views on, 236-239;responsibility of Jefferson for, 239, 240.

Orders in Council, issued, 267, 268;negotiations concerning, 268-308.See England.

Otis, Harrison Gray, his journey to Washington as representative ofHartford Convention, 312;

ridiculed, after treaty of peace, by Democrats, 312.

Owen, Robert, Madison's opinion of his schemes, 322.

Paper-money, its ruinous effects during Revolution, 20;proposals of Madison to restrict its issue, 21, 22;craze for, in States, 67.

Parker, Jonathan, proposes a tax on importation of slaves, 128, 129;his opinion of slave trade, 129.

Party feeling, its bitterness in John Adams's, Jefferson's, and Madison'sadministrations, 208, 209;

decays during Jefferson's first term, 251.

Patterson, William, argues in Federal Convention against slaverepresentation, 95.

Peel, Robert, connection with John Henry affair, 300.

Pendleton, Edmund, letter of Madison to, on Yorktown, 25;


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letter of Madison to, on necessity of ratifying Constitution, 111.

Pennsylvania, refuses consent to five per cent. scheme, 37;its connection with Potomac Company, 55;sends delegates to Annapolis Convention, 59;proposal to have national capital in, 141, 142;its debt after the war, 151.

Pinckney, Charles C., alarmed at Morris's intention to oppose slaverepresentation in Constitution, 98;

satisfied with results of compromises, 103, 104;moves extension of time for slave trade, 106;on its adoption, ceases to oppose granting Congress power to regulate

trade, 106;on fugitive slave clause, 107;on inability of South Carolina to remain outside Union, 109;on popular support of Jefferson, 144.

Pinkney, William, sent by Jefferson to negotiate a treaty with England,261;

his instructions, 262;explains why he ignored them, 263;subsequent action, 263;letter of Madison to, on situation in 1810, 281;asks in regard to British order in council concerning blockades, 288.

Pooley, Greville, suit against Cicely Jordan, 7, 8.

Potomac Company, its purposes and influences, 54, 55.

Potomac, navigation of, 52-58.

Powell, Captain, 7.

Preble, Commodore Edward, in war with Barbary pirates, 252.

Prehistoric remains, opinions of Madison concerning, 70-72.

Princeton College, studies of Madison in, 10-12.

Prohibition, Madison's views upon, 321, 322.

Protection, advocated by Madison in first Congress, 126, 134, 135;by Democratic party in 1816, 319.

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Quakers, petition Congress against slave trade, 152;and against slavery, 152, 153, 161;bitterly condemned by slaveholders, 153, 154, 157, 158.

Quincy, Josiah, describes effects of embargo, 269, 270;points out falsity of alleged revocation of Milan and Berlin decrees,

285, 287;asserts that Madison favored war to obtain presidential nomination,


Rambouillet decree, 283, 284.

Randolph, Edmund, letters of Madison to, complaining of lack of pay, asdelegate to Congress, 23, 24;

and on collapse of confederacy, 74;opposes Constitution, 112;opposes a national bank, 163.

Randolph, John, condemns non-intercourse policy, 260.

Religious freedom, opinion of Madison concerning, 12-14;debate on, in Virginia Convention, 16, 17;affirmed in Virginia Bill of Rights, 18;Madison's share in securing, 18;further struggle for, in legislature, 62-66;incorporation of Episcopal Church, 63;question of compulsory support of religion, 63-66;advanced position of Virginia regarding, 66;remarks of Jefferson upon, 65 n.

Rhode Island, refuses assent to impost scheme, 33;comments of Madison upon, 34;appoints delegates to Annapolis Convention, who do not attend, 59;influenced by Virginia's ratification of Constitution, 115;attitude toward slave trade, 130 n.;carried by Democrats, 243.

Rives, William C., on Madison's mother's name, 3;on Madison's father, 5, 10;on his descent from Isaac Madison, 6-9;other quotations from his "Life of Madison," 10, 11, 12, 18, 44, 48;on Mrs. Madison's name, 224.

Robertson, Donald, teacher of Madison, 10;his son applies to Madison for office, 10.


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Ross, General Robert, invades Chesapeake, 317.

Rumsey, James, with Washington's aid secures monopoly for hissteamboat, 69, 70;

opinions of Jefferson upon, 70.

Russell, Jonathan, denies having seen ante-dated revocation of Milan andBerlin decrees, 307.

Rutledge, John, on necessity of slave trade for the South, 101.

Shays's rebellion, 73;relation of Congress to, 73.

Sherman, Roger, willing to permit slave trade for sake of union, inConstitutional Convention, 103;

criticises proposal to tax imported slaves, 130;on location of capital, 140.

Slavery, possible consequences upon, if Southern States had remainedoutside Union, 39-41;

economic effect of, upon Virginia, 48, 49, 51;attitude of public opinion toward, in 1787, 91;absence of extreme views against, 92, 108;in 1787, the paramount interest of South, 92, 93;attacked bitterly in Constitutional Convention, 98, 100, 101, 102;cynical attitude of Northern men toward, 102;debate concerning, in first Congress, 152-161;foolish policy of slaveholders in defending, 155, 157, 158;the argument in favor of, 157, 158.

Slaves, question as to their status in computing taxes underConfederation, 38, 39;

positions of North and South, 38;necessity of compromise concerning, 39;compromise adopted, 41;debate as to their status in Constitutional Convention, 94-101;confusion as to their position, 97, 98;trade in, debated, 101-105;proposal in first Congress to tax their importation, 128, 129;debate upon, 130-133;policy of Congress concerning trade in, 133 and note;Madison's treatment of, 321.

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Slave trade. See Slaves.

Smith, John, refers to Isaac Madison, in his "General History," 8.

Smith, Robert, his remarks on England's policy in Chesapeake affaircause difficulty, 274;

his relation to Madison, 278;insists on compensation for Rambouillet decree, 283, 284.

Solomon, Hayne, his generous conduct toward Madison, 23, 24.

South Carolina, fails to appoint delegates to Annapolis Convention, 59;its attitude toward slavery, 91, 103, 104;unable to refuse Constitution in spite of threats, 104, 109;its sacrifices in war of Rebellion greater than Virginia's, 151;reopens slave trade, 250.

Southern States, attitude of, toward slavery, 92, 93-109;oppose a tonnage tax, 127, 128;demand seat of government on Potomac, 140-142;gain by Hamilton's and Jefferson's deal, 152.

Spain, negotiations of Jay with, respecting Mississippi navigation, 31-33;

offers commercial treaty in return for abandonment of Mississippinavigation, 78-80.

St. Clair, Arthur, his defeat by Indians, 180.

States' rights, theory of, in Federal Convention, 86-88.

Steam navigation, invention of Rumsey, 69;opinions of Washington, Madison, and Jefferson concerning, 70.

Steele, John, moves to expunge anti-slavery petition from journal ofCongress, 161.

Suse, John, at British capture of Washington, 318 n.

Titles, presidential, debated in first Congress, 123-126;views of Adams concerning, 123-125;of Madison, Washington, and Lee, 124, 125.

Todd, Dolly Payne, marries Madison, her appearance and character, 223;her name, 224;


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saves silver from British at capture of Washington, 317 and note.

Tyler, John, introduces Madison's resolutions leading to AnnapolisConvention into Virginia Assembly, 57, 58.

University of Virginia, Madison's connection with, 322.

Virginia, society in, 5, 48;religious persecution in, 13;elections in, 18;sentiment in favor of Mississippi navigation, 32;temporarily abandons it under fear of English, 32, 33;economic conditions in, and trade, 47-49;attempts to improve its trade by establishing ports of entry, 49-51;opposition in, to Madison's ports of entry, 51, 55;boundary question with Maryland over Potomac, 52, 53;question of British debts in, 62;religious freedom in, secured, 63-66;paper-money craze in, 67;tobacco certificates in, 67;sentiment in, concerning Mississippi navigation, 82;struggle over ratification of Constitution in, 112-116;opponents of Constitution in, 112;attitude toward domestic slave trade, 129;its services in war of independence compared unfavorably with those

of Massachusetts, 150, 151;and with South Carolina, 151;growth of Democratic party in, 174;Federalist reaction in, against Genet, 202, 203.

War of 1812, events leading up to, 280-308;hopes of Madison, concerning, 309;naval activity urged by Webster, 309;attitude of administration toward navy, 310;opposition of New England to, 311, 312;unwise policy of Madison in, 315, 316;capture of Washington by co*ckburn, 316, 317;peace of Ghent, 318.

Warville, Brissot de, makes a tour in United States, 116;describes Madison, 117, 118.

Washington, George, president of Potomac Company, 54;

James Madison - [PDF Document] (193)

elected delegate to Constitutional Convention, 60;letter of Madison to, on paper-money craze in Virginia, 67;certifies trustworthiness of Rumsey's steamboat, 70;letters of Madison to, on proposal to abandon Mississippi navigation,

83;letter of Madison to, on chances of ratification of Constitution, 114;takes oath of office as President, 122;question of his title, 123, 124;said to have favored a pretentious one, 124;asks opinion of Madison and of cabinet on the bank, 163;his message to Congress said to have been tampered with by Madison,

167;consults secretaries as to his refusing a second term, 186;his reasons for accepting, 187;his impartiality in cabinet quarrel, 188;on neutrality between England and France, 195;issues proclamation, modified to suit Jefferson, 196;criticised by Democrats, 198;attacked by Genet, 201;denies existence of a monarchical party, 203;opinion of Madison and Jefferson concerning, 204;considered a dupe, 204, 206;his anger at Freneau's attacks described by Jefferson, 205;his influence on Federalist party and national policy, 210;sends Jay on mission to England, 211;rejects "provision clause," 212;said by Democrats to be bought by "British gold," 212;called upon by House of Representatives for papers in connection with

Jay treaty, 217;refuses request, 216, 217;his message condemned by Madison, said to be written by Hamilton,

216, 217;difficulty of Madison's relations with, as leader of opposition, 222,

223;his habit of asking Madison's advice, 223, 246.

Webster, Daniel, urges naval preparations for war of 1812, 309.

West, its development dreaded by Eastern States, 77;or considered impossible, 140;power of Congress to regulate slavery in, stated by Madison, 159;its expansion desired by Jefferson, 246, 247.

Wilson, James, in Continental Congress, 30;on necessity of compromise over slavery in Constitutional Convention,



James Madison - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is a famous quote from James Madison? ›

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.

How many pages of notes did James Madison write? ›

Those notes—more than 600 pages in Madison's tiny, neat handwriting—are in the James Madison Papers in the Manuscript Division at the Library of Congress. The Library has long made them available to scholars and the public, first on microfilm, and then online.

Was James Madison a federalist or anti-federalist? ›

The Federalists, primarily led by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, believed that establishing a large national government was not only possible, but necessary to “create a more perfect union” by improving the relationship among the states.

What are the notes of James Madison? ›

James Madison's "Notes" or "Journal" made during the debates about the adoption of the Federal Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787 are an important source of information about the diversity of opinion on matters concerning the proposed constitution which were held in the colonies at this time.

What did Thomas Jefferson say to James Madison? ›

The question whether one generation of men has a right to bind another, seems never to have been started either on this or our side of the water. Yet it is a question of such consequences as not only to merit decision, but place also, among the fundamental principles of every government.

What is James Madison's motto? ›

Here is James Madison;s personal motto on his signet ring: VERITAS NON VERBA MAGISTRI, Freely translated: THINK FOR YOURSELF! "Think for yourself" is not a free translation it is a liberal translation. The correct translation is "Truth not the word of teachers".

Was James Madison ever on a dollar bill? ›

President James Madison's face appears on the $5,000 bill, and always has since the denomination was first printed in 1918. The Fed and Treasury discontinued the $5,000 bill in 1969. It was last printed in 1945, but the Treasury says Americans continue to hold the notes.

Who did Madison expect to read his notes? ›

Indeed, she reports that Madison undertook the note-taking first for himself, “but also with the belief that the Notes would be read by Thomas Jefferson,” who, contrary to modern popular perception, was not among the drafters of the Constitution but was posted in Paris as the representative of the government under the ...

How many essays did James Madison right? ›

How many Federalist Papers did each person write? Alexander Hamilton wrote the most, totaling at 51 of the 85 essays. James Madison wrote 29 and John Jay wrote 5.

Was James Madison a good president? ›

He did not free any slaves in his will. Among historians, Madison is considered one of the most important Founding Fathers of the United States. Leading historians have generally ranked him as an above-average president, although they are critical of his endorsem*nt of slavery and his leadership during the War of 1812.

Why is Madison sick in Hamilton? ›

This is a reference to the real life Madison's delicate health and many illnesses. Madison suffered from a number of seizures that were categorized as being epilepsy, although have since been re-diagnosed as epileptoid hysteria At this time, he also had depression and hypochondria.

What was James Madison's first job? ›

Back at Montpelier in 1772, Madison studied law at home but had no passion for it. In 1774, he took a seat on the local Committee of Safety, a patriot prorevolution group that oversaw the local militia. This was the first step in a life of public service that his family's wealth allowed him to pursue.

How many U.S. founding fathers are there? ›

Fact #1: These seven men are the principle Founding Fathers: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. While there were many others who contributed to the founding of the United States, these seven are considered by most as the Founding Fathers.

How many Bill of Rights did James Madison have? ›

Some of Madison's opening list of amendments didn't make the final cut in September. The House agreed on a version of the Bill of Rights that had 17 amendments, and later, the Senate consolidated the list to 12 amendments. In the end, the states approved 10 of the 12 amendments in December 1791.

Who did James Madison run against? ›

The Democratic-Republican candidate James Madison defeated Federalist candidate Charles Cotesworth Pinckney decisively.

What is the main of the Madison quote? ›

What is the main idea of the Madison quote? Madison is saying that government powers must be split among the three branches and that no powers should be shared by more than one branch. The Legislative Branch (House of Representatives & Senate) has the power to MAKE laws.

What is James Madison's most famous nickname? ›

James Madison, America's fourth President (1809-1817), made a major contribution to the ratification of the Constitution by writing The Federalist Papers, along with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. In later years, he was referred to as the “Father of the Constitution.”

What did James Madison say in the Bill of Rights? ›

Madison's fifth resolution, which he thought was the most important amendment of all, would have provided that “No state shall violate the equal rights of conscience, or the freedom of the press, or the trial by jury in criminal cases.” The Bill of Rights as ultimately ratified restricted only the federal government.

What did James Madison say in his speech? ›

I should be unwilling to see a door opened for a re-consideration of the whole structure of the government, for a re-consideration of the principles and the substance of the powers given; because I doubt, if such a door was opened, if we should be very likely to stop at that point which would be safe to the government ...

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